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Assignment #174 - Flying Machines [Entry]


Nov 11, 2004
Reaction score
Boonsville, Tx
Submit your ENTRY here to be considered for Assignment #174 - Flying Machines

Please do not comment in this thread until a winner has been selected. Comments may be deleted without warning.

Specifics for this assignment:
1) Camera phone, point & shoot, DSLR, iPad, or even film; all shooters are welcome and encouraged to participate!
2) Post processing is allowed for this assignment.
3 All forum posting rules apply regarding suitability of an image to post.
4) Your photograph for the entry has to have been taken between now and midnight/2400, August 15th 2016.
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Okay guys I warned in the other thread that this weeks judge was not well versed in the finer points of the photographic arts, so if you aren't the winner ... blame the judge!:lol2: A bunch of good shots in the assignment thread as well which tells me I'm not the only one around here who looks up whenever he hears an airplane:sun:

Andy you picked one of my favorite airplanes for your entry. I love watching the Air Tractor at work and trying to capture them with the camera. Belly shots always disappoint me when I take them. I really liked the first pic you posted in the assignment thread better especially if you could of got that branch in the foreground out of the shot.

Xdriver How did you know big round engines are one of my favorite things? The use of B&W really adds to the tug on my heartstrings.

Scott Amazing shot as usual. So amazingly sharp and probably the best drone shot I've seen and over the last year I've seen so many!

Jar675 Great shot of another flying favorite of mine. Just too many things going on all around the focal point. I don't know how you could have done it any different but just too many distractions in there.

My nod goes to Xdriver. Well done sir:clap::clap:
Thanks everyone for the participation this time around! :clap:

See you on the next one. :photo:
Nice try Sean :doh: but I don't think motorcycle ownership is required for forum participation.:trust: If he hasn't already M38A1 will be along with a tutorial PM to help you get it started. Judging wasn't as painful as I feared and no one has made any disparaging remarks ... Yet:lol2:
Glad you enjoyed my photo. I'm currently without bike, do I still get to pick a topic?

Without hesitation - YES!

Can't wait to see what you come up with. Stand by for an incoming PM with the details.
Jar675 Great shot of another flying favorite of mine. Just too many things going on all around the focal point. I don't know how you could have done it any different but just too many distractions in there.

It was hard to get a picture in there with just one plane. The amount of aviation in the building was amazing. Here's a couple more.

I thought about using this one.


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