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How do you find the courthouse's


Nov 1, 2010
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Village Mills, TX
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I have about 130 now, and I find that when you come to a small town with a court house, I look for antenna's, the sheriffs office is usually close to the court house. In large city's, get near downtown, and find someone pushing a shopping cart along the street, and they will know where the courthouse is.:-P
In most smaller towns, it seems that something called Main Street, First Street, or name-of-town Street will often take you past the courthouse. Also, if you have a GPS in map view, look for streets moving around a big square or circle, and it's a good bet there's a courthouse in the middle of it.

Or, what the heck, ask Siri. She knows everything else; she certainly knows where the nearest courthouse is. ;-)
I'm not 100 % on this but usually if you GPS the city name I think it centers on the GEO center of town which is usually their courthouse. I know back in the day when the highway signs showed X miles to whatever city it was to the town square, but no telling now days.