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SAN ANTONIO: Medina Lake dry lake bed tomorrow afternoon (maybe)


Sep 7, 2015
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If I'm not too sore after today's chores (I'm 47, not 27), I hope to go play after lunch. Likely ~1:00. I have 2 access points to basically open playgrounds. Very light trails to rocks, a sandy spot, and rock outcrops. I'll be on a CRF250L and riding at a medium pace. Contact me if interested. I'll check this early-ish in the morning.
Makes me feel old. In '87 I used to go there and use boats the Air Force offered us for leisure. First time water-skiing.
You are telling me the lake is gone ?
Makes me feel old. In '87 I used to go there and use boats the Air Force offered us for leisure. First time water-skiing.
You are telling me the lake is gone ?
I think I did too. Air Force friends. All white fiberglass ‘deck’ boats.
I was told the lake is at about 20% of full pool volume.
Makes me feel old. In '87 I used to go there and use boats the Air Force offered us for leisure. First time water-skiing.
You are telling me the lake is gone ?
It’s an irrigation lake, and is often low. 😊. I grew up waterskiing and kneeboarding and fishing that lake.
Wow! That's bizarre. I basically grew up on that lake. Your pics show a big abrupt hill coming up from the lake on the west side. That's called Turk's Head and it's on the main part of the lake...or what was the lake. Like Gravel Guy mentioned this is an irrigation reservoir so it's level is always changing but I've never seen anything like this. Thanks for posting.
Wow! That's bizarre. I basically grew up on that lake. Your pics show a big abrupt hill coming up from the lake on the west side. That's called Turk's Head and it's on the main part of the lake...or what was the lake. Like Gravel Guy mentioned this is an irrigation reservoir so it's level is always changing but I've never seen anything like this. Thanks for posting.
I learned how to fish plastic worms Texas style at Turks head…beautiful lake when it’s full..
Wow! That's bizarre. I basically grew up on that lake. Your pics show a big abrupt hill coming up from the lake on the west side. That's called Turk's Head and it's on the main part of the lake...or what was the lake. Like Gravel Guy mentioned this is an irrigation reservoir so it's level is always changing but I've never seen anything like this. Thanks for posting.
RG, some of my fondest memories are in May 1985, Dad would pick us up on the schoolhouse steps and all my buddies would just be drooling. A CJ7 with a 17’ Boston whaler in tow and we’d go through LaCoste, Castroville, Rio Medina and launch at Reds I believe. We’d ski and kneeboard until sunset and I’ll never forget those perfect days…….
jsb, did y’all ride? 😊
I rode alone. There will be several other times unless lots of rain comes.
I've lived in the area almost my whole life. Many lake memories and full/not cycles. It's a really beautiful lake when full.