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Photo Assignment #221 - Show Me You Are Motorcyclist without... (ENTRY) Due 3-10-2024


May 20, 2004
Reaction score
Austin, TX
First Name
Last Name
lease place your ENTRY in this thread for Show me

Closing Date: 3/10/24 Midnight

Please do not comment in this thread until a winner has been selected, and post only your picture and one picture only.

You can edit/replace that image until the closing date/time.

Lobbying for one's image in not necessary.

Comments will be deleted without warning until a winner has been selected.
Thank you everybody for your entries. I forgot I needed to judge this and Scott reminded me this morning. I need to get back to a keyboard where I can type instead of voice dictate. But I'll get the results up this evening.
leeroy - If that's were I think it is, then definitely a rider would know. Or a fugitive. Or was that filmed at a different dam.

TGTUMBLEWEED - the telltale mark only a rider would have or know.

Pipewizard - Yikes, definitely could happen on a bike, but other things as well. Bet that's fun at the airport

AllByteNoBark - Gear. Definite sign of a rider, or even two.

TGTUMBLEWEED, congratulations. Nice and subtle, but hits what I was looking for.
I thought about the left boot photo, but most of my bikes have heel toe shifters!! The X-ray is from Harley VS Honda (Accord)