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Texas Photo Festival - Oct 14th, 2017/Smithville


Nov 28, 2006
Reaction score
North of Weird
First Name
Hey all you pixel-pirates.....

The annual Texas Photo Festival is again going to be held this Saturday October 14th in downtown Smithville from 9am to 3pm. In a nutshell, they close off several historic downtown streets and the shop owners open up their businesses and models freely park in there or roam shop to shop for you to photograph them. There will be a lot of models just floating around in various parts of downtown, I'll be there with my Korean era jeep and in 'drag' as we call it (period correct uniform). Gunfighters, the old trains and models just everywhere. (got the point???)

This event grows every year and if you've ever wanted to shoot models, this is a stress free environment to do so. You just find one and get to shooting how you want. Sure it's $15 to shoot, but this is the best $15 you can spend to learn.

I've shot this once and been a model three years now.

Details are here:

Here's their FB page:

Some little points.
1. If you're going to shoot a model alone, it's always nice to introduce yourself by name, shake their hand and get their name up front.
2. Don't be a jerk and ask them to do stupid stuff.
3. Call them by name, give them reinforcing comments along the way.
4. Don't be afraid to ask them to do something you want (#2 above) like 'tilt your head to the left', 'can you raise your elbow a bit', 'can you give me a big old smile' and such
5. When you're done, thank them and get their name or give them a card with your contact info and have them contact you. When you use their image, give them photo credit. Every time.
6. If there's a group of people shooting the model (it happens a lot) be aware of walking in front of others. Also, don't be 'that guy' and monopolize the shoot. Let others direct, but don't be afraid to say "can I get you to look here?" and hold up a finger or something and be ready to shoot. They may or may not do it, but most will. (they'll hold a pose for a period of time then probably change their look/focus and hold that. rinse and repeat)

It's a lot of fun and zero pressure. You'll come away with some good stuff, learn how others do it, learn how to interact with models/other shooters and best of all, build your portfolio a bit.

Now, let's just pray for great weather on Saturday!

Last year Axel Torres Photography created this one of me...

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Supposed to be a wonderful day tomorrow.... if you're in the Smithville area, swing on by and say hi. I convinced a couple friends to bring vehicles to include a '55 Dodge PowerWagon M37, and a mid-80s M998 Hummer with M101 trailer.

I'm about loaded out.....
Wow Scott, that Axel Torres photo of you looks like its straight out of Kelly's Heroes movie. Well done. Have fun tomorrow.
Well that was fun! This boys plum worn out though. This was hard work.
Do you have any images to share with the class?
I only snapped a few iPhone shots as I was just plain old busy all event long. Images others captured of me are filtering down though.
Sounds like a good time and opportunity.