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Strom a Thon 2015 in the book

Mar 5, 2008
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Where the road leads ya.... Or Waco
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The only pic I took with my phone..... instant posting

A shady spot on Zener-Ahrens out west of Fburg
Re: Strom-A-Thon and Others 2015 May 1-2-3

Enjoyed seeing and talking to folks tonight at Badu House.

Scott and I drove out to the park to drop off the huge honking top case for Vlust and planned on hanging out some more with folks, but i just plumb ran out of gas. To bed with me shortly.

But it sure was great seeing lots of folks tonight.

We are planning an appearance at Stonewalls tomorrow, i figure most strommers will be roving the countryside but maybe we will see a few of you there.

Re: Strom-A-Thon and Others 2015 May 1-2-3

Saturday's group ride, Timbercat leading us - @ Hill Top Cafe

Re: Strom-A-Thon and Others 2015 May 1-2-3

One of the dirt rides coming through Click.



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Re: Strom-A-Thon and Others 2015 May 1-2-3

Vinny and I decided to ride through lake Buchanon on the way home. The lake is low enough that people have made trails around it. Sandy....


Difficult to really count but about 60 riders participated in this amassing 3 day event riding from Llano Texas in all directions.

Wild flower and weather could not have been better,

I'll add more once I get back home but wanted to get this started for any early postings.

" I never worry about getting lost.
I just change where I plan on going."
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What a great turnout! Sorry I had to cancel at the last minute. Looking forward to next year.
Had a great time, as expected. Thanks so much everyone that was involved in planning this event. I am allready looking forward to strom-a-thon 2016. Sorry I missed you this morning rod but I will catch you on the next ride.
Thanks again Timbercat for another wonderful motorcycle gathering. Got there late Saturday with very little energy but set up and watched a sidecar movie at Bobs. Retired early but started out early Sunday to Marble Falls to pick up some bike goodies. Got back in time for the Llano M@G and then off to the country side with The Ride Guru and Lee. Pictures to follow.

Badu Saturday dinner rides.



Llano city park camp pics. Strom-A-Thon 2015



Waiting around for pictures Sunday morning.



Was your bike there? Well it should have been.


Re: Strom-A-Thon and Others 2015 May 1-2-3

What a perfect weekend, great weather great riding and great people.

Big thanks to those who put this together :clap:

Here's a couple pics my better half took...


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Some pics from our (self, KamleeR, Zyphyr and Hunter the wonder dog) Saturday






James River. Looked much deeper than it actually was


Near the crossing we stopped to contemplate the prospect of fording this river, KamleeR came under attack from a very pissed chickadee.




Seems that Carolyn was just inches away from her nest and she ready to tear into Carolyn. Robert and I had to extract her out before things got bloody

Initially we had chickened out but then another Ural and a few GSA's went through and showed us it was not that deep. One of the GSA's went down a few times but was finally able to make it. So, with outriggers and training wheel attached, off I go.



Zypher then pilots my Ural across and back with KamleeR as monkey


(I'll try to post vid of the crossing later)

Hunter cools off in a muddy hole

Some more random pictures and low water crossings









Overall, a great day and a great ride


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Back home about 8:15 tonite... after a quik burger in Gatesville.... I hav some good pics from the weekend & will postem tomorro.... rite now... Im chillin.... tired but happy.
Already some great pics being posted from other folks
Hey Everyone

It was great seeing you again. I didn't get a chance to catch up with a few of you, but there's always next year, or that trip to New Mexico!

Once again, it was definitely worth the commute. What pretty country y'all have there. Huge thanks to Richard (Rod, please let him know) and Lee for leading two great rides.

I went the southern route home, thinking I'd stop for the night in Pecos or thereabouts. I was in good shape when I got there, and I figured it was only another 6 or 7 hours home so I got to sleep in my own bed, getting home about 1:30.

Whoever was watching me "knock on wood" when I said I'd never been pulled over, I wish you had mentioned that picnic table was concrete, not wood. I got pulled over literally 5 minutes from home. After a conversation of "you rode from where?" "aren't you cold" (it was mid-40's by that time), "who rides a bike in the middle of the night?" etc. he sent me on my way without a fast driving award for the 22 over he'd caught me at.

Anyway, thanks again for a great rally, great company, great riding, great food.

Now that the NM Butler map finally came out, I could make good on my threat for putting together a little Ruidoso weekend if anyone is interested?
Really Bob? A Chickadee? It was a huge, ferocious Killdee!
What fabulous riding! Thanks for leading our dirt route through miles upon miles of sand, granite, and gravel roads. Numerous low water crossings , abundant wildflowers, and just spectacular scenic views made for the perfect day!
Thanks Rod for the wonderful wondering!!! Amazing roads and just a picture perfect weekend!
Camping in the park was unbelievable nice weather for tents the first of May.
Food was awesome at the Badu house. Along with good friends, it couldn't have been any nicer of a weekend!
Icing on the cake was having Gina there both Saturday night and the Sunday meet and greet! She's definitely a trooper! Glad to know shes doing a little better day by day. Thanks Scott for all your care making sure she stays on tract and heals quickly. It will be no time at all she's back on her Wee with Glee!
I failed to mention earlier, that if you enjoyed dinner at The Badu, take a moment and note your comments on Trip Advisor and/or Yelp.
They did a good job for us. And they did this by calling in family members to help after several of their scheduled waitstaff called in "sick".

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Difficult to really count but about 60 riders participated in this amassing 3 day event...

Sorry to have missed this year. Just back from my 4 day trip to the Romney Camp & Ride in WV. Probably at least that number of Strom's in attendance there and an equal number of Super Tenere's. Too bad events were scheduled on the same weekend forcing me to decide. My new bike picked Appalachia over Llano so I had to follow it there.

Donna (my wife) and I had a fantastic time there. It was our first ever TWT event. We were greatly impressed with the fine people you all are, plus Llano is such a great location to fan out from, camping was terrific (we love to camp), and the weather could not have been better.

I am having a little trouble posting pics, (this forum seems to work differently than others I post in) otherwise I would already have posted the Sunday morning group pictures that Donna took. Here is the link to DropBox to view or download them. (Lee, I sent you a PM).


If I can fit it with my work schedule, we will definitely be there next year.

Thank you very much for posting these.
I look forward to meeting and riding w/ you and Donna again.