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July 06 Pie Run, Hutto, TX

Mar 2, 2003
Reaction score
Round Rock
OK, I can now claim that Pie Runs are both fun and therapeutic. :sun:

I woke up with a bit of sniffles and a catch in my throat.

I 'braved' the 7 miles from my house to Hutto although, interestingly, it took me about 45 minutes to make the trip, as I took a longcut to catch some sweepers I like north of Hutto.

I met some good folks, of course, and enjoyed a tasty turkey BLT and a very nice banana cream pie.

By the end of lunch, I was feeling MUCH better. :zen: Another 40 minutes to get home, :trust: and all is well!

:hail: to the longer-distance folks who made it such a good turnout. It was great talking with some of you. I hope all of you make it home with no mishap. ConGRATs to Faylaricia on her new purchase. ;-)

My pics here

I don't have any pictures, but Rhonda made her inaugural voyage (35 miles round trip) without incident. I do have to say it would have taken me significantly less time in transit had she not been there. ;-) When a DPS trooper passes you on Hwy 29, you know you're going slow. :yawn:

Good to see everyone again and meet new folks as well. I had to leave before getting to chat with everyone because I had to come into work and was cutting it close. We took a blackberry cobbler home and I'm sure I'll never know what it tasted like by tomorrow.

KOR- One thought...its easier to forgiveness than permission. Trust me, I know. :trust:

Squeaky- Call me about the Quest.
It was nice seeing all of you today. I got home at 4PM.

The ride down was great. The ride back was HOT!

I got bored slabbing it home. Note my top speed from on the way home. Who said FJR's were faster than ST1300's? :-P


Had a blast. Glad to meet some new riders and the Turtle pie was Great!

This explains it.

The temperature was right for a Pie Run!








Italian iron!



I like this shirt


If there are any folks on TWT that were wondering where the DFW ZRX gang was, we had an unfortunate rider down incident. The rider and TWT board member was Kelly aka "FWRex". His injuries are not that bad, but it was a little scary at first as he needed to be "careflighted" from the site. He's very lucky and we're very glad he's gonna be OK. I'll let you read the details for yourself and they can be found on on the ZRXOA link below.


Please keep Kelly and his family in your prayers.
Ouch, sorry to hear about the ZRX rider down, hope he heals fast.

Great pics, Rick! :chug:
Wow. Scary stuff. We always talk about Bambi, but it seems the flyers have had their fair share of attacks too. Best wishes for Kelly.
Thanks for all of your help at the scene. That was a scary moment.
Let me know if you need anything.
John aka Tankslapper
SeanFromTX said:
The rider and TWT board member was Kelly aka "FWRex".
I just got off the phone with one of the ZRexers, Ricky, he was the one riding behind Kelly when it happened. He is currently at Hillcrest Hospital in Waco. Allison made it down there and intends to spend the night. The injuries appear to be hand fracture, neck lacerations, and a concussion. They are most concerned about the concussion since a quick CAT scan showed no internal injuries. They intend to re-evaluate in the morning.
SeanFromTX said:
Please keep Kelly and his family in your prayers.
I would like to separate Kelly's mishap from the rest of the pie run stories, so neither gets slighted.

I have placed a short report in the prayers section here.
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Well crud. I'm glad to hear his injuries aren't too serious. Glad to see the gear did it's job.

There was buzzard avoidance going on for our return trip - houstonredrider almost got one to the head.
Texas T said:
Wow. Scary stuff. We always talk about Bambi, but it seems the flyers have had their fair share of attacks too. Best wishes for Kelly.

Yeah, this is the second bird incident that I've heard about since joining the forum last month. Sounds like Kelly was knocked out by the bird, not the impact with the fence. He is in my prayers.

On a happier note, it was great meeting several of you at the pie run. Excellent food and company. I only wish I could have stayed longer to meet and visit with everyone. Already, I'm looking forward to the next one.

Nice pics, Paul and Rick!
Squeaky said:
Well crud. I'm glad to hear his injuries aren't too serious. Glad to see the gear did it's job.

There was buzzard avoidance going on for our return trip - houstonredrider almost got one to the head.

I hope a quick recovery for Kelly, I am glad . It could happend to anyone. I tucked my head when I saw that the stupid bird was having a slow take off. I didn't get the impression that I was going to hit it though. It doesn't seem that they could cause much damage but if you think about somebody throwing you a chicken at 75 mph it gives some perspective.

On the ride. I had a really good time and the pie place was excellent. Thanks Jack in Texas and Rocket Bunny for leading the groups I was and everybody for making this a nice experience.
First of all: Our prayers are with Kelly for a fast recovery!

Wow! What a turnout! Jen got a headcount of 77 people, 66 of which signed the list going around. There were 65+ bikes outside which was quite a sight anywhere, but certainly in Hutto!

This was the sight outside:





Upon arrival, we had to get the Zimmerman family portrait on the Hutto Hippo:

The Texan Cafe/Debbie's Pies didn't open until 11AM so while we were waiting for them to open, my girls proceeded to find the remaining hippos in Hutto :giveup: :





The doors opened and the rush was on! It was standing room only for a while. Jen and I did our best to help the staff seat everyone. I apologize to those that had to wait a while to eat. The food was excellent and the pie was wonderful!



The wait staff did a good job meeting the rush of hungry motorcyclists. For the record, they were contacted twice about our numbers (once by Chirpy, and then once by me on Friday). The manager said she's hosted biker groups before and typically they only took up 2 tables. We filled the entire restaurant! She thanked us over and over for the business and for putting Hutto on the map. :eat: I think the best part of their place was that the A/C worked. :lol2:

I saw that Spank, the sock monkey, tried to make a move on my girls but thankfully Squeaky caught him in the act and thwarted his attempt. Something about liking younger women...:doh: She'll post the evidence later.

The ride down from Temple wasn't bad at all except for the tractor on 29 that held up traffic at 16mph for what seemed like forever. The girls did great on the ride and want to know when the next pie run will take place. The ride back was just a straight shot up 95 to Temple but it was HOT!

One other note: We (TWT) may be in the Hutto news tomorrow. While we were waiting for folks to finish eating to get a group photo with the hippo a reporter came by from The Hutto News. Initially she wanted a pic of the girls, but then asked about all the bikes and what was the event. Jen explained the Pie Run fanaticism we hold each month and how we rotate around to different places. Apparently we make news in Hutto when 60+ bikes show up suddenly. I'll keep everyone posted if anything shows up in the paper. She did take some more photos...

Despite the early mornings, the high humidity and the oven like temps, this says it all for us:


Many thanks to everyone for making this a successful event! I was happy to catch up a bit (when I sat still long enough) with old faces and to meet several new folks. See y'all soon at another one!
I'm one of the newbies who showed up this morning. My bike is the silver '87 Magna shown on the first page. I had to leave early with a few other bikes since we had other obligations but it was great to see such a gathering and sit down with a few folks from Conroe.

Our prayers out to Kelly.

First, Our prayers are with the one who went down due to the bird.
As for the pie run I thought it was one of the coolest things I have done in some time. I enjoyed everyone who turned out in Huntsville this morning.
We left Huntsville with 8-9 bikes. In BCS we joined up with 3 riders plus another 1 West of town. So we ended up with a nice little group with all types of bikes. I want to thank everyone for respecting the other riders and making it a safe trip over to Hutto.
I want to thank Steve and the BCS riders for leading us out through some roads I am sure most of us hadnt ridden. You guys really helped out a ton there.
It was great to meet new people and see all the types of bikes that TWT is made up of. I'll say it again. I have met some really great people through TWT.

PS: Dont times change. If this many bikes came down on a lil Texas town in the late 60s/early 70s they would have made a cheap B movie about it. Isnt it cool how gracious the people at the pie shop were and how no one made a rear end of themselves out of our entire group by riding nuts outside or rudeness in the cafe. Says alot for the type of folk TWT attracts.

Looks like you all had a great time. I really need to make it back to one of these runs.

This is such a great shirt!.....:rofl::rofl::rofl:

A photo narrative for your viewing pleasure…

I wanted to be at the corner gas station by 5:15. I didn’t quite make it on time, but I was darn close! Left the house @ 5:13 and made it to the first meet-up with John by 5:20.

John: “Good morning.” Morning? It’s still dark out. You sure it’s not still last might? I need coffee. I also need to wipe the sleep from my eyes.

As we got farther away from Houston, the sun started to come up and began to burn off the early morning fog.

Chris: “If the train moves at 15 mph and has 132 cars, how long will we sit here and wait before checking for a way around?”
John: “I don’t know, but let’s go left. I like left.”

John “JasiuTLS”

Alberto “Prancing Pony” or “Stig” or something like that…

Chris: Thumbs Up!
Erin: “Aww, come on dad, you’re a dork.”

We ended up in Elgin. We weren’t planning on it, but we did.

Alberto: “What part of unpaved didn’t they understand?”
John: “I don’t mind the dirt, I just can’t take these u-turns!”

Erin: “How much farther is it?”

Instead of meeting us along the route, Randy saved the day by figuring out where we were and how to get to him.

Some of the bikes. I got to 45 and got distracted, so I didn’t get to finish counting the ones on the side of the building.

Lots of red ones. I guess they like to be near each other.

The girls hop on the hippo for a photo ops.

So of course the big girls have to get one too!

Me: “Can I ride it?”
John: “If you can start it you can ride it.”
Me: “Why do you have two ignition switches?”
John: “One’s a kill switch.”
Me: “What about this?”
John: “Well, you now have a speedometer to tell you you’re going 0 mph.”
Me: “Where’s the key?”
John: “There’s no key.”
Me: “Well then how am I supposed to start it?”

A few minutes later the thrill of watching me fumble around had worn off, and he showed me the magic button. It’s hidden, so no – it’s not my fault I couldn’t start it!

During my test ride, I made the mistake of asking John “Irondawg” to hold the camera.

This ditch is a lot deeper than it seems!

Deb “Snoopster” in front of her pie namesake.

Becca “RocketBunny” met us there and organized the ride back.

I never knew Deb could whistle that loud!
Speech by Chirs “the pieman” aka “wczimmerman”.

Spank showed up for this one. He finally got to meet Kurt “TxMedic” and his wife Rhonda (who happened to ride over here as a passenger, so maybe we’ll have an effect on her and get her on the bike more often!)

Chris: “I wanted to wear the orange today, you know, for visibility. She copied me!”
Erin: “Whatever dad. I just like this shirt.”

Last month I didn’t get pie.
I didn’t get pie this month either.
Sacrilege, I know. Banana puddin’.

We corralled as many of the remaining attendants as we could for a group shot around the Hutto Hippo. (So what was the official count, anyway?)

It was great to see so many members bringing family and friends. It was a nice atmosphere.

Becca: “Put the camera away, put on your helmet, and let’s get going already.”

Raul “houstonredrider”

Deb “Snoopster”

Jeff: “Where are we?”
Deb: “Not sure, but we’re too far out of the way.”
Becca: “This is hilarious. What’s the rush? Let’s just keep riding.”

Check out the cool new shades in Becca’s new modular helmet.

Spank: “They don’t even let me off of here to stretch!”

Saying our goodbyes and preparing to depart together for the last time today.

Artsy Strom shot.
wczimmerman said:
Upon arrival, we had to get the Zimmerman family portrait on the Hutto Hippo:
Your next personalized Christmas Card?

wczimmerman said:
I saw that Spank, the sock monkey, tried to make a move on my girls but thankfully Squeaky caught him in the act and thwarted his attempt. Something about liking younger women...:doh: She'll post the evidence later.

Yup, there's evidence!

That could be ANY bathroom... Can anyone vouch for that men's room?

Great pics folks. Sorry we could not make it. The pager was getting a workout today :roll: It would be cool of the next one were close to Huntsville, that way the four of us might be able to make it ;-) We should have a name picked out by then :-P

Sorry to hear about Kelly. Concussions are a serious matter. Dad still has scar tissue on his brain from an accident about four years ago where his head/helmet hit the ground exceptionally hard. He was whacked for about a week and then resumed his "normal" behavior... At a recent visit to the Doc for something unrelated, they noticed all the scar tissue on a cat scan and there is a concern that it might cause problems by putting pressure on the brain. So we keep an eye on him for any unusual weirdness...
Tourmeister said:
It would be cool of the next one were close to Huntsville, that way the four of us might be able to make it ;-) We should have a name picked out by then :-P
I thought that there was a list of the pie destinations for '06, but I can't find it. If it is found, could we make that a sticky? Or does WC just like all the attention? ;-)

Um, psssst, any progress on a name? :trust: