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Pie Run VIII "East Texas' Turn!" Mineola, TX

Looks like I missed a good one, but I had a really good excuse - I finally got to meet my brother's fiance! Considering the wedding is in three weeks and I'm one of the bridesmaids, i'd say it was kinda important to say hello and get to know my 'new sis'.

Looks like y'all had a fun and safe day! :clap:
Stromboy said:
After lunch Dave led Marc, Ellie & us on a good twisty ride down to Martins Mill. Ellie ran wide on one corner and then proceded to work on her dirt skills with her 250 scooter. She made a nice recovery, but scared Kelly & me silly!

I appreciate you taking the tailgunner spot Randy. I got wrapped on those roads Dave led us on. I kinda feel responsible for Elly since she's a friend of my wife and new to two wheeled vehicles. I keep checking my mirrors to make sure her headlight was there, nice that she had you for a guardian angel :lol2:
MCRyder said:
I appreciate you taking the tailgunner spot Randy. I got wrapped on those roads Dave led us on. I kinda feel responsible for Elly since she's a friend of my wife and new to two wheeled vehicles. I keep checking my mirrors to make sure her headlight was there, nice that she had you for a guardian angel :lol2:

Well, it's a small world. Turns out that Elly does the book keeping for our company.

Squeaky said:
Looks like I missed a good one, but I had a really good excuse - I finally got to meet my brother's fiance! Considering the wedding is in three weeks and I'm one of the bridesmaids, i'd say it was kinda important to say hello and get to know my 'new sis'.

Looks like y'all had a fun and safe day! :clap:

:scratch: What can of sis would hold you back from :eat: pie. :shrug:

But then again.....It was pretty smart of you to schedule the meet on the day of the pie run :hail: :hail: .......Now she owes you one :trust: even before she is family.:rofl: :rofl:
dutchinterceptor said:
As I get close I realize that the really big dog is not a dog but a horned sheep of some variety.


The interesting part is that the big varmint wouldn't budge so I move to the edge of the road and slowly go by him. Just as I get even with him I toss out one of my Sidi's in his direction. This obviously angered the crazy beast because he spun toward hillflea and threw his head down like he was ready to ram him. It was quite funny actually.

I hope this incident doesn't make you sheepish about future pie runs.
I had a great time! It was nice to see lots of familiar faces and some new ones. I barely had time to scarf my hamburger between catching up with people I knew and meeting others. Cricket's K1200GT was beautiful!

I did a little bit of riding after departing the pie run. I'll post pics and a trip report tonight or tomorrow.
I finally made it home yesterday afternoon. About 850 miles round trip. A good portion of that was Paul's route up there, it was great. Here is the kind of roads he included.


Lots of great scenery.


This is as close as we got to taking an interstate. We crossed a few of them.


Some time we had to pull over to figure out where we were and where we were susposed to go.


It was a great ride up though. WE even scored the perfect parking spot at the DQ in Van.


The next morning, we found some good roads on the way to Mineola. I didn't have a passenger this time, so there are fewer pictures of cows, or the good roads.

Here is evidence that we were there. The obligatory picture of the bikes.


A few pictures of the participants.





Here is a picture of me testing out the new air conditioned aerostitch liner. I may have looked hot, but I was approaching hypothermia.


One more. Which of these four guys looks like he belongs to the pretty 1100S?


We rode back to Rockwall after pie. The REALLY nice officer from East Tawakoni took an exception to our need to get back to the house and air conditioning. Lucky for me, he only ticketed the leader. Pictures were withheld at the request of the defendants lawyer.

Sunday we took a less interesting, but still fun route home. Good thing I got home when I did, it looks like I could not have gone that much further.


I told Randy that wheelying over all the RR tracks was not good for the tires...
Wow, so many people with tires that shoudn't be on the road...

I didn't pick the date for the meeting - it was the bridal shower and it was a good day for everyone else so I had to suffer.

Next month's pie run coincides with a track day at TWS... what to do, what to do...
Squeaky said:
Next month's pie run coincides with a track day at TWS... what to do, what to do...

What do you mean what to do? Do the track day of course!

The pie runs are fun, but a track day is just a little more exhilarating. Or I guess I should say it is a legal way to be exhilarating.
Squeaky said:
Wow, so many people with tires that shoudn't be on the road...

What are you talking about? I still have lots of tread on that tire. I just haven't figured out how to live where I do and use it before the middle wears out.
Rebecca, my biggest regret from Saturday is that I forgot to take a picture of my half-eaten food for you!:rofl:
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Just want to thank CZimmerman, HoustonRedRider, DutchInterceptor, HillFlea, & SDavisRT for allowing me to tag along with you all to the Mineola Pie Run. I had a great time during the ride (especially on 314/315), seeing all the bikes and enjoying the meal and pie.

I woke up that Saturday morning checking to see what would foul up my riding plans for that Saturday. I'm a chronic procrastinator, so there is always something that I probably had forgotten to take care of (work, home, etc.) Luckily, I had no outstanding items that morning so I logged onto www.twtex.com to check the time and location for this month Pie Run. After determining that I could make it to Mineola at the specific time, I posted my intent on attending.

Later, I went thru the Pie Run thread again to see if anyone from Austin was planning on attending the Pie Run and if so, were they meeting somewhere. Didn't find anyone from Austin attending but noticed that CZimmerman and HoustonRedRider were planning on meeting in Crockett at 8:00 before heading into Mineola.

5:15 - It is about 150 miles from Austin to Crockett. I figured if I could be on the road by 5:30, I could meet CZimmerman and HoustonRedRider at the Exxon Station on 4th St in Crockett and hopefully they would let me ride along with them to Mineola. But, if they didn't, there would be no hurt feelings because that was an additional risk that I was asking them to take. (Riding with an unknown rider of unknown riding skill)

Well, I didn't get on the road until 5:53 and still had to top off the tank, so I wasn't fully underway until 6:10.

8:00 - Riding on TX 7 about 15-20 miles west of Crockett. :giveup: Figured I missed the rendezvous w/ CZimmerman and HoustonRedRider so better slow it down now so I don't end up with a performance award from Johnny Law. Rode TX 7 all the way into Crockett and 4th St looking for the Exxon Station to top off the tank again. Looked left......looked right.....saw an Exxon Station about 1 block away and a motorcyclist preparing to fill his tank....I wonder. Pulled into the Exxon Station, noticed that the black and silver motorcycle looks like the SV in CZimmerman avatar and also noticed that a red and black CBR with a helmet sized box bungeed on the back seat parked by the front door of the Exxon Station looked like the CBR in HoustonRedRider's avatar. It's them! I introduced myself and asked if I could join them.:zen: They agreed!

Followed CZimmerman and HoustonRedRider to Palestitne to met up with another group of riders (DutchInterceptor, HillFlea and SDavisRT). DutchInterceptor led the group to Mineola on some great roads (314/315)! That route was a much better route than the one I planned to take if I missed the meeting with CZimmerman and HoustonRedRider (TX 7 to TX 21 to US 69).

After the meal and goodbyes, I went back to prepare the Blackhawk for the return trip home. After fiddling with my GPS for about 15 minutes, trying to figure out how to get it to navigate backwards on the route to Mineola, discovered that all I needed to do was follow the popcorn trail it had drawn on my way up to Mineola.

It was hotter than fish grease on the return trip!!:sun: Riding back on 314/315 made it tolerable even though I was on the lookout for Billy Goat Gruff :eek2: spotted by Dutch and his crew earlier in the day. During one of my many heat/fuel breaks, I saw this black and silver motorcycle streak pass. I wondered......was that CZimmerman? Nah...CZimmerman should have passed through here long before I got here because he took a different(faster) route back to try to make a school function. Well, curiosity got the best of me and I had to know if that was CZimmerman.:rider: About 6 minutes later I was behind the black and silver motorcycle and recognized the platypus hydration backpack. (Mental Note: Find my camelbak so I wouldn't have to stop so many times to rehydrate.) It was CZimmerman!

Catching up with CZimmerman rejuvenated this section of the ride for me after leaving 314/315. Followed CZimmerman on TX 7 until it crossed US 79 where I turned left and continued on to Austin.

I had a great time that Saturday. Looking forward to the next Pie Run I get to attend!!;-)
TexasShadow said:
What sheet? :doh:
I was there as a fly on the wall :mrgreen:
One of the few bikes that didn't back in. Whee has no reverse. :rider:
No signature.
No pictures.
No back-in.
Never happened. :-P

(that'll teach you to miss a Glen Rose BBQ ride) :eek2:
Gilk51 said:
No signature.
No pictures.
No back-in.
Never happened. :-P
Evidence provided: Two Stroms and my own little account, "Pie in the Sky". I had a good time until I 'hit the wall' on the way back in the heat. I had to stop and take a break.
(that'll teach you to miss a Glen Rose BBQ ride) :eek2:
I know, I know :( But I had to do bike maintenance work that day. Next time! :rider: :rider:
b0k3nt said:
I could meet CZimmerman and HoustonRedRider at the Exxon Station on 4th St in Crockett and hopefully they would let me ride along with them to Mineola. But, if they didn't, there would be no hurt feelings because that was an additional risk that I was asking them to take. (Riding with an unknown rider of unknown riding skill)

It was great to ride with you. I still laught when I remember you bangging your helmet following the music from you i-pod.:lol2:

I think that one great thing about this community is that it is very accomodating. It was the firt time I meet WCZimmerman as well. I would never deny any biker to tag along. Squids will be momitored and asked to go by themself if they miss behave thought.
TexasShadow said:
and my own little account, "Pie in the Sky".
So, you linked up with Wild William Graybeard for the trip? I saw his face in one of the pictures & I don't think he signed in either.

<sigh> never happened... :lol2:
b0k3nt said:
Just want to thank CZimmerman, HoustonRedRider, DutchInterceptor, HillFlea, & SDavisRT for allowing me to tag along with you all to the Mineola Pie Run. I had a great time during the ride (especially on 314/315), seeing all the bikes and enjoying the meal and pie.

I woke up that Saturday morning checking to see what would foul up my riding plans for that Saturday. I'm a chronic procrastinator, so there is always something that I probably had forgotten to take care of (work, home, etc.) Luckily, I had no outstanding items that morning so I logged onto www.twtex.com to check the time and location for this month Pie Run. After determining that I could make it to Mineola at the specific time, I posted my intent on attending.

Later, I went thru the Pie Run thread again to see if anyone from Austin was planning on attending the Pie Run and if so, were they meeting somewhere. Didn't find anyone from Austin attending but noticed that CZimmerman and HoustonRedRider were planning on meeting in Crockett at 8:00 before heading into Mineola.

5:15 - It is about 150 miles from Austin to Crockett. I figured if I could be on the road by 5:30, I could meet CZimmerman and HoustonRedRider at the Exxon Station on 4th St in Crockett and hopefully they would let me ride along with them to Mineola. But, if they didn't, there would be no hurt feelings because that was an additional risk that I was asking them to take. (Riding with an unknown rider of unknown riding skill)

Well, I didn't get on the road until 5:53 and still had to top off the tank, so I wasn't fully underway until 6:10.

8:00 - Riding on TX 7 about 15-20 miles west of Crockett. :giveup: Figured I missed the rendezvous w/ CZimmerman and HoustonRedRider so better slow it down now so I don't end up with a performance award from Johnny Law. Rode TX 7 all the way into Crockett and 4th St looking for the Exxon Station to top off the tank again. Looked left......looked right.....saw an Exxon Station about 1 block away and a motorcyclist preparing to fill his tank....I wonder. Pulled into the Exxon Station, noticed that the black and silver motorcycle looks like the SV in CZimmerman avatar and also noticed that a red and black CBR with a helmet sized box bungeed on the back seat parked by the front door of the Exxon Station looked like the CBR in HoustonRedRider's avatar. It's them! I introduced myself and asked if I could join them.:zen: They agreed!

Followed CZimmerman and HoustonRedRider to Palestitne to met up with another group of riders (DutchInterceptor, HillFlea and SDavisRT). DutchInterceptor led the group to Mineola on some great roads (314/315)! That route was a much better route than the one I planned to take if I missed the meeting with CZimmerman and HoustonRedRider (TX 7 to TX 21 to US 69).

After the meal and goodbyes, I went back to prepare the Blackhawk for the return trip home. After fiddling with my GPS for about 15 minutes, trying to figure out how to get it to navigate backwards on the route to Mineola, discovered that all I needed to do was follow the popcorn trail it had drawn on my way up to Mineola.

It was hotter than fish grease on the return trip!!:sun: Riding back on 314/315 made it tolerable even though I was on the lookout for Billy Goat Gruff :eek2: spotted by Dutch and his crew earlier in the day. During one of my many heat/fuel breaks, I saw this black and silver motorcycle streak pass. I wondered......was that CZimmerman? Nah...CZimmerman should have passed through here long before I got here because he took a different(faster) route back to try to make a school function. Well, curiosity got the best of me and I had to know if that was CZimmerman.:rider: About 6 minutes later I was behind the black and silver motorcycle and recognized the platypus hydration backpack. (Mental Note: Find my camelbak so I wouldn't have to stop so many times to rehydrate.) It was CZimmerman!

Catching up with CZimmerman rejuvenated this section of the ride for me after leaving 314/315. Followed CZimmerman on TX 7 until it crossed US 79 where I turned left and continued on to Austin.

I had a great time that Saturday. Looking forward to the next Pie Run I get to attend!!;-)

You're welcome to ride with me anytime! I really enjoyed meeting you and houstonredrider (Raul) and I look forward to the next time!
mrr1150gs said:
What do you mean what to do? Do the track day of course!

The pie runs are fun, but a track day is just a little more exhilarating. Or I guess I should say it is a legal way to be exhilarating.

Looks like I'll be missing the next one too. Squeaky: Hope to see you at TWS, I'll be there working for my first track day.:mrgreen:
Snoopster said:
Looks like I'll be missing the next one too. Squeaky: Hope to see you at TWS, I'll be there working for my first track day.:mrgreen:

I probably will not make it to TWS or the next Pie Ride. Maybe October.
mrr1150gs said:
I probably will not make it to TWS or the next Pie Ride. Maybe October.

Oops ..... just realized that the next Pie Run is :

September 30th: SE. Texas-Almost Heaven in Brenham, TX
October 28th: N. Texas-Ranchman's Cafe in Ponder, TX
November 18th: Central Texas-Love Creek Orchards Patio Cafe in Medina, TX (moved due to Thanksgiving holiday)
December 30th: Second annual "End of Year" Pie Run

So hopefully I will be able to make this one. :sun: How about you Squeaky?