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Pie Run VIII "East Texas' Turn!" Mineola, TX

pub610 said:
Nice ride, guys. Sure is hard to keep up with Terrebandit and Stromboy on 1002, though. So much fun that Ninjette and I did it again on the way home. Deepink, great to have you and your hybrid join us. Terry, did you make it Jefferson?
Great location; ET Burger Company did a nice job.
Always fun to ride; more fun to ride with good folks.

No, Bill, I didn't make it to Jefferson. Stopped by Holly Lake Ranch to visit some friends for a while and then headed out to let her stretch her legs a bit :rider: !!!

Took the long way back through Gilmer and then came in from the north side of Longview - beautiful ride.

Thanks for the ride again - love that beautiful short road 356
Got home yesterday at about 18:00 (left at 06:15). Enjoyed every minute of the day.

I was hoping to be on the road by 06:00 since I had a meeting time of 08:00 in Crockett with Raul (houstonredrider) and a solid 2 hour ride from Temple to Crockett. Well, I actually got on the road at 06:15 and increased the speed as the sun rose. I made it to Crockett just before 08:00 (1hr 45min!) and stopped at the meeting point-an Exxon station on 4th St. A few minutes after 8 I see Raul in the town square looking around but not in my direction. I hop on the bike and run down the square looking for him only to discover that there was another Exxon station on 4th St. Met Raul there and as I was filling up Bobby arrived and introduced himself. So, our miscommunication made it possible for Bobby to join us! The 3 of us left Crockett to meet up with Dutch & Co. in Palestine (only to discover a 3rd Exxon on the same street in Crockett-ugh...).

Met up with Dutch in Palestine shortly after a Mazda 3 tried to use me as a rear bumper decoration. Dutch: you took us on some great roads! I really enjoyed 315/314 through all the trees. You E. Texas guys have some nice riding out that way!

After eating a great burger and some wonderful peanut butter pie, we needed to leave. Raul was heading back through Tyler to get a new-to-him used tire mounted to the back of his Honda since his old one was almost non existent by the time we got to Mineola. For the whole ride up I had Raul's back. I watched from a safe distance for any sparks from the belts :rofl:

Based on recommendations from the E. Tex guys, I slabbed it home on 69 to Alto, then picked up 21 to Crockett and then it was 7 to 320 to 53 to home. Not terribly exciting (though 21 had some nice gentle curves to enjoy after baking in the heat all day with a belly full of pie). Just this side of Crockett I happened to see another bike in my mirrors: Bobby caught up! He took the same route back which was supposed to be longer and slower! Oh well, I didn't mind the company for a while until he broke off on 79 bound for Austin.

We had a great group of folks and lots of bikes everywhere. Despite the heat, it doesn't get any better than this: 500.9 miles of fun in new territory with great friends and some of the best pie!
Eulogite said:
I can't hold a candle to Chuck in the photography or the documentation departments, but, in his honor, I tried.
Hogwash - you did great! :thumb:

Looks like 45-50 folks attended! I would have loved to attend - I've wanted to try out the burger place for a long time (rickmillertx first told me about it).

Looks like the tire belts didn't bite anybody. It's great to hear about the link-ups and multiple Exxon Stations! :clap:

(I'm just back from San Antonio)
Next time we should ALL park in the back. We would have make a bigger statement and it would have been a great photo op. We will have to remember next time. There will be a next time, right?

I thought we had more people parked out front than in back ... why would you park where you can't see your bike? :-P
Someone needs to tip off the local media before the gang arrives ;-)
New guy here! I want to say thanks to Mike "MNAPURAN" for letting me tag along on Saturday. I would say it was very close on what was better the ride or pie. Anyday that envolves both is a good day!

As a newbie I will try and post up in the intro forum in the very near future to let everybody know who I am. I look forward to riding with the TWT group again.
Welcome to the site! :wave:

That is a CLEAN looking VF1000R! Got more pics?
Mike, your VF-R is beeeeuuuuutiful! I love it! I've been dying to ride one of those monsters for years. Is it a bear to handle, or does it lighten up once you're rolling?

BTW, welcome to TWTEX!
Thanks! If you follow the link in my sig you can find several pictures of some of my bikes.
Tried that. Clicked on the pic of the VF and got some kind of error :shrug:

Proxy Error

The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
The proxy server could not handle the request GET /album/547926809eFJdqn.

Reason: Error reading from remote server

Apache/2.0.51 Server at community.webshots.com Port 80
Tourmeister said:
Tried that. Clicked on the pic of the VF and got some kind of error :shrug:

Keep trying.
I got the same error messages while browsing the albums.
Sometimes they load and sometimes they don't.

:welcome: PolarisTxGuy.

Also live in Denton
Got it to work. Sweet looking machine! There is another one in Cedar Hill down on US 67. He is a patient of a Doc friend of mine. He was run off the road by a drunk a while back but I think he got the bike back together. It was pristine beforehand!! He's not a member here that I know of though.
Eulogite said:
I can't hold a candle to Chuck in the photography or the documentation departments, but, in his honor, I tried. The attendees that signed the sheet: (Please post if you were there and didn't sign)
What sheet? :doh:
I was there as a fly on the wall :mrgreen:
One of the few bikes that didn't back in. Whee has no reverse. :rider:
Sorry, I didn't meet you at the pie run, but I did meet your bike. Made sure I got a picture of her. Very nice.
Tourmeister said:
Someone needs to tip off the local media before the gang arrives ;-)

Scott, I didn't give them an advance notice, but I did email one of Eulogite's pix and brief info to the Mineola newspaper today (Monday.)
sorry i couldn't make it for the pie....
I rode the bike to work with every intention of geting out of there by 8:00 A.M. to meet the bunch in kilgore.
Just couldn't get away in time...oh the joys of Self-employment.
Scott, you'll be glad to know the 1150GS was well represented at the Pie Run. I think I counted 4 including mine, all of them well-farkled.
JavaJacks said:
sorry i couldn't make it for the pie....
I rode the bike to work with every intention of geting out of there by 8:00 A.M. to meet the bunch in kilgore.
Just couldn't get away in time...oh the joys of Self-employment.

We waited a few minutes, Brent, but not long ... we figured the coffee shop was busy on Saturday morning. Don't sweat it; you're not the first to miss a pie run.
If afternoons are easier for you, Hairsmith from Nac (almost) always makes it to the second Thursday Meet, Eat and Greet. The September meeting is in Canton, I think, and I'd be willing to bet Hairsmith Tom will be there. Deepink has pledged to make a Thursday night from time to time, as well.
I am not sure what was going on with my photo album yesturday but it was acting up. It looks like pie :eat: is in my futrue again. I can't make next months run but I am all over October's. Ponders is a regular stop of mine for breakfast (only about 15 miles away).
Hey Bill! Thanks for letting Kelly & me join the Kilgore group for the ride up. We had a great time, and 1002 was a hoot... I hadn't ridden it in about 3 years. After lunch Dave led Marc, Ellie & us on a good twisty ride down to Martins Mill. Ellie ran wide on one corner and then proceded to work on her dirt skills with her 250 scooter. She made a nice recovery, but scared Kelly & me silly! Marc left us north of Martins Mill and we proceded SE. Ellie left us down near Murchison and we took back roads back to Bullard where we separated. I was more than ready to get off the bike as it was pretty blasted HOT!

It was great getting to see so many new faces and bikes. Even met the famous Rocketbunny!

Gilk51 said:
Hogwash - you did great! :thumb:

Looks like 45-50 folks attended! I would have loved to attend - I've wanted to try out the burger place for a long time (rickmillertx first told me about it).

Looks like the tire belts didn't bite anybody. It's great to hear about the link-ups and multiple Exxon Stations! :clap:

(I'm just back from San Antonio)

We missed you Chuck!

Sorry I missed the sign in sheet I was about an hour late. Found out I taken an alternate rout by accident end up in Gilmer TX at 11.00 oops. Went hwy 155 to hwy 80 then to Mineola put me in just over an hour late. But I did meet a few people before every one left.
Had a great time food was good and put just over 600 miles on the new K 1200 GT before getting home. Hope every body made it home ok. 8-)