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Post your Day Rides Here!

Well day 3 was not near as long of a ride. I decided to not do the group ride, I am more of a loner when riding and had my own plans of what I wanted to ride.

Left Kerrville and headed down 173 to Medina. I had done Tx 16 before, so wanted to try something different (Tx 16 is a funner road, but 173 is not bad).
Took 337 to Leakey and took the tour stop pic at Bent Rim grill. Topped off with fuel then headed back on 337 to Camp Wood to do a clockwise loop of the Sisters.
This time was much nicer than last time last August. It was a beuatiful day and temps were great. Also, last time, part of 335 and all of 336 had just been chip sealed the week or so before, so lots of loose gravel then. Now it was nice and clean and I was much more confident this time. There were a lot of deer out this morning (mostly on 335), as well as a few hogs. Just another thing to watch out for.
Stopped back by the Stripes in Leakey and then headed up 83 to 39 to go back towards Kerrville via Hunt.


Took a few pics while riding also, these were from a part on 336:
on 336.JPG

other view.JPG


Already posted this pic in Joe's thread, but stopped by the River Inn on the way back as well.
I miss him a lot.
river inn.JPG

Tour stop pic:
Bent rim.JPG
Went for a solo ride today on the RT to Fayetteville and found several MC riders and a few TWT members. Weather is getting good!

All three are TWT but I can’t remember names to save my life.


Chicken samich for lunch


That RT!!! 😍😍😍 I should've done the Fayetteville loop today....I was hoping to go tomorrow, but now the weather looking spotty! Missed a beautiful day to ride...
it was my pleasure to have met you today. I am the one with the Africa Twin. Don’t worry about not remembering names. I have the same issue. 😂
Let me know if you are going for a ride again. Take care, Mario
Headed out to Fayetteville outta Sugarland. Hopefully, rain holds off. It's beautiful right now. If anybody Headed that way, I'll be on a purple Triumph cruiser and my buddy on a black Indisn Chieftain.
Well, rode home today. 251 miles, no pics except 3 motorcycle dealerships for the Tour of Texas.
Another great, cool morning, and stayed overcast till about 11. Once the sun came out, it was warm, but not bad so long as I was moving till about the last 45 minutes or so and the humidity kicked back in.

I had been using Garmin's Live Track feature so my wife could see were I was, but had never looked at it till just now. Gives lots of info as well as the track.
A lot easier to just take a screen shot of this and post instead of plotting it on google maps like I had been.

Only problem is they "expire" 24 hours after end of trip, I need to see if there is a way to save them somehow.

I was debating taking back roads home, but I am just beat.
Funny "just sitting there" on a bike can wipe you out, even on the pavement, off road is worse for sure.
Basically took 10 to Boerne for Javelina Harley-Davidson and Alamo BMW pics, then some back roads up to 46 to New Braunfels and a pic at Gruene Harley-Davidson. Took a little break at a park around there and walked around a bit, then fueled up and rode 159 miles non-stop, not putting a foot down till I got to the gas station by my house. That is the longest distance I have ridden at one time without putting a foot down.

So I did 1,361 miles in 4 days. That is almost as much mileage as the last 5 months for me combined.

The not too interesting Tour of Texas pics:
For those who do the Fayetteville ride coming outta the Houston area. Do all of you do the Cat Springs/Zimmersheit/Bournes Mill combo? Really love those roads. Anything better in this area?
Got out for a 30 minute ride around the city this morning. It was nice and there was only one tailgating jerk. Unfortunately my gopro messed up the video so there was only audio, but no video. Didn't make any stops for pics as there wasn't really anything to see (other than my bike I guess).
So, I was going to see about making the Iola BBQ run yesterday but had a message from a client that came in at 6:30 yesterday morning and had to deal with that. That took a few hours to take care of and by the time I was done it was to late to go. So the wife says why don't you just go tomorrow. Who am I to argue? No BBQ run today but I had a route I had been wanting to do and ran it today. I left a few minutes before 7:00, still pretty dark out and foggy in spots.


I ran over to the the sisters, it was a date I had been wanting to make. No more photos until North of Hondo. Hit some rain in Hondo but not bad and then started to get into the hills.




And of course the further I went the better it got.




When the wife and I went there earlier this year in the truck I took a photo at the below location. Decided I better take one there with the bike showing to prove I made it back.


I did not stop and take a lot of photos today. Hey, I was riding! Did get some of some really beautiful views though.




Ran the sisters clockwise. There was not a lot of traffic. Mainly Harleys and Gold Wings. When I got back to Leakey I then took 337 over to Bandera, well not quite all the way to Bandera then backtracked and headed home. Got to Hondo and it started raining on me again, really hard rain and strong wind. Does it always rain in Hondo? I stopped and got gas and added the weather layer to my route. The rain was coming in pretty good but it looked like if I headed south I could probably outrun it and get around it. Ended up running about 10 miles of rain and then got out of it. However, in the rain it was 77 degrees showing and when I got out of it, within 4 or 5 miles, it was showing 101! Don't think I will take that south route again. Really boring and HOT. IT was interesting to see it once but I think that is enough.

Looked like this the whole way.


Actually that is being really generous, most did not look that good.

Total miles: 620
Total time: 10 hours 30 minutes
Time moving: 9 hours 36 minutes
Avg speed: 59mph
Elevation change: 34,472 (lots of ups and downs compared to what I am used to)
Gas stops: 4

Home to Hondo: 38 mpg
Sisters: 44.47 mpg
Hondo to home: 36.42 mpg

Did not let any grass grow under her and did let her eat here and there. She seemed especially hungry on the road between Hondo and home.

This was my first long day on the AT and I am amazed how well it works for me. The addition of the cruise is worth every penny and the bike just handles everything really well. Also very comfortable for me, might not be for everyone, but for me it really works well. Used my cheap bead seat cover and took the Air Hawk along just in case. Thought about changing to it the last 100 miles or so but didn't. First trip for the Bumot panniers also and happy with those too.

It was a great ride and just what I needed after a stressful morning yesterday.
Glad you got out. You definitely kept the pace moving today. That’s usually how I like to roll. I almost hit you up about Iola, but was unsure about my timing so I didn’t. I’ll definitely give you a shout next time I catch a Friday lunch run or we can make one up somewhere.
Very nice pics AllByteNoBark. One of these days I'd like to take a trip and ride the sisters during the week to avoid the 4 wheeled traffic. Looking at the logs at the bottom of your report, when on earth did you have time to eat?
Glad you got out. You definitely kept the pace moving today. That’s usually how I like to roll. I almost hit you up about Iola, but was unsure about my timing so I didn’t. I’ll definitely give you a shout next time I catch a Friday lunch run or we can make one up somewhere.

I thought about calling you about Iola but decided to see how my day played out on Friday. Just as well I didn't call as it turns out. I can run either way on riding, full tilt cover the miles, or stop and gawk at stuff. Just let me know when you want to ride and I will if schedule allows.

The thing that can get me is riding at a slow pace in a place like the sisters. I find I can lose concentration on the riding which can be a problem. Would not describe my preferred riding as aggressive but maybe purposeful. But my fast is someone's slow, and my slow is someone's fast. I try to ride with friends in northern Arkansas every year. They ride bigger Harleys and I seem to always end up leading as I know the area better than they do. I feel I am really just slow cruising and they seem to think they are flying. Still, fun for all. We were supposed to go later this month but not sure if that is happening or not.

Very nice pics AllByteNoBark. One of these days I'd like to take a trip and ride the sisters during the week to avoid the 4 wheeled traffic. Looking at the logs at the bottom of your report, when on earth did you have time to eat?

Thanks @notyou83! As far as eating, well when I ride by myself I really don't stop to often. I work at a desk job mostly and because of that I typically only eat breakfast, snack at lunch, and then dinner. Have found if I eat more than that the weight starts adding up. So, it makes it pretty easy if I am on the road by myself to grab a snack and keep rolling. Don't get me wrong, I do love to eat and I can and will eat with the best of them, just can't do it every day. I stopped at the below spot on 335 yesterday and had some cheese, nuts and a drink.


Last time I was there the water was higher but I found a little shade to sit in so was happy.

As far as cars there really where not many car or trucks yesterday. I only encountered maybe 6 to 8 on the sisters that impacted my ride at all. Might have been a couple of others that I came up on at just the right time to be able to float on by without hardly noticing they were there. OF course when riding alone it is a lot easier to pass.
Got out early this morning. Ran down 752 to Brazos Bend State Park. Then hit 1462 to Cow Creek Rd. Took 35 to West Columbia and toured the Varner-Hogg Plantation. That was interesting! Provoked alot of thought. Anyway, headed down to Bay City area from there. Checked out Rio Colorado golf course and had lunch at K2 steakhouse. Headed back to West Columbia and took 36 up through Damon, Needville to Rosenberg. Hit 90 and headed back to Sugarland and home to Sienna. Absolutely beautiful day!!





Some morning roads out near Lovelady. Lots of fun sand. Hustled over to Iola for lunch and got nailed by some HEAVY rain just outside Iola. Free bike wash!! Had some BBQ while I waited out the rain. Made a run to Yankee’s and waited out another heavy storm. Finally made a mad dash back to Huntsville but got nailed again a few miles from town. Gor-Tex gear rocks!

















@Tourmeister those look like some pretty nice dirt/gravel roads!! Would definitely be interested in checking those out. @my6 what ya think?

By the way, what are those green fruit thingies on the ground. Been seeing those a lot lately.
@Tourmeister those look like some pretty nice dirt/gravel roads!! Would definitely be interested in checking those out. @my6 what ya think?

By the way, what are those green fruit thingies on the ground. Been seeing those a lot lately.
Some folks call them Horse Apples, useless.
@Tourmeister those look like some pretty nice dirt/gravel roads!! Would definitely be interested in checking those out. @my6 what ya think?

By the way, what are those green fruit thingies on the ground. Been seeing those a lot lately.
Those are from hedge trees, we always called them hedge balls or hedge apples. They hedge tree is also known as an Osage Orange tree. The wood is very decay resistant and makes great fence post but most are pretty crooked. Also good for making self bows for archery. Some people use hedge balls in enclosed spaces to help keep bugs away. Not sure if it works or is an old wives tale. Just my $0.02 worth.
Warning: Thread HiJack!!!
Now that I know the name of those "hedge apple" thingies, did a quick read. They indeed seem to be fairly useless! Birds and animals don't eat them and they taste bad and irritate human skin. No proof of pest control properties. So why in the world are the going for 20-40 bucks per dozen on the internet? I could make a easy couple hundred bucks a day picking those things up around my neighborhood. Maybe for planting more of the trees?
...and back on topic :)

I went for a little ride on Saturday with @Little Stevie , and he took me down two "new to me" roads within 50-ish miles of home. It's refreshing to know that "new" stuff is still out there that's so close to home. So: get out there, y'all, and poke your noses down every little line on the map!
...They indeed seem to be fairly useless! Birds and animals don't eat them and they taste bad and irritate human skin. ...

Pierce their skin and they ooze out a milky and sticky as all get out liquid. Really nasty. We used to have fights with them as kids. They are heavy and hurt. Lol
Bois D'Arc [the tree]...bodark....horse apple etc etc....will make every chainsaw cower in fear...!!!
...and "has been known to warp wood stoves because it burns so hot"
...and watch out for the thorns...!!!
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Bois D'Arc [the tree]...bodark....horse apple etc etc....will make every chainsaw cower in fear...!!!
...and "has been known to warp wood stoves because it burns so hot"
...and watch out for the thorns...!!!
And they stink to high heaven. I would avoid hitting one with bike tires. Very hard.