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Knocked off work about 4:00 and headed out. Got in about 75 miles with 18 miles of gravel. Trying to figure out how best to tie some of these nice sections together. Getting closer but not there yet. The gravel was in great shape with a bit of water here and there from the morning rains that went through. The remainder of the roads were blacktop backroads other than a couple of short stretches.





And one for bwdmax, guessing this is pretty close to his back yard from his previous comments. We really do need to go ride at some point.


@synthlegend when I get a route to tie these different tracks together that makes it worth your time to come out I will let you know.
I didn't plan on riding today but then decided to eat lunch at the Roadhouse in Paige (again, like last week). Had a different burger this time.

On the way home, meandered east of McDade and saw some really beautiful pastures / properties. Trees growing over the single lane roads, etc. I forgot to start the tracking at the house so add a few miles and it's closer to 70 for the day on the DR650.

Yesterday some buzzards on the side of the road acted like they wanted to take me out. Today I see what I think is a dog in an unfenced yard only to see it's a wild hog running, thankfully it didn't run into the road but made me think there's more in the area and to be cautious.

Almost home and I stop at the corner store in Structure, just east of Coupland, to take a pic. I've ridden by many times but never photographed it. Plenty of places I've seen but never took a pic of have been demolished so thought I'd get it today.


Work tomorrow so wanted an extra recharge session today.

Screenshot 2021-09-04 at 14-39-11 Dave Hogate Live Ride 9 4 21.png
Great weather this morning and I needed to get the xrl out for a run. Battery was a little hesitant but finally gave in and fired up. Made a 100 mile loop south and did some usual dirt roads to knock the carbon off.


One neglected road was so awesome I turned around and did it twice.



Continued on and had my bike picture photo bombed by some little piggy’s.


Made it over to the low bridge that crosses the Cibilo. The waters finally down enough to make it across, just stay right of the washout.



Just past the creek is the small community of Cestohowa. I always liked the look of this old church, plus a good spot for a quick Thank You prayer for not falling on the slimy bridge.



PS. This bike is still for sale :lol:
Can you tell me where this river crossing and “neglected road” are??
Took a quick ride up the road to see the Marfa Lights Festival. Didn't see the Lights - but got a great chili relleno taco and watched the band and the crowd for a bit.


Got back as the sun was setting and enjoyed a cool beverage and cool breeze.

Got out for a rid on Monday. Tring to get a bit more of a loop figured out instead of just roaming. I ended up with a bit over 225 miles. Got rained on for a bit but overall a good ride. Ran as much grave las possible, some of it was good with good scenery while some was just straight gravel roads in farm country. I kind of enjoy those too as I like to see what is out there.

Would guess I ended up close to 90-100 miles of gravel. Tried taking a photo at the beginning and end of each gravel section as that give me the GPS coordinates, but have not had time to do the math yet. Took some in between too if something looked interesting.

Will try this format and see how it works.

Not the best riding there is, but it is what I have, so I plan to enjoy it when possible.
Nice. I like the gravel sections but when there is a group of more than 2 or 3 I’ve gotten where I like the little paved back roads since there is no dust to fight.
Nice. I like the gravel sections but when there is a group of more than 2 or 3 I’ve gotten where I like the little paved back roads since there is no dust to fight.
I agree with that. Yesterday would have been pretty good as most of the roads were just damp enough to keep the dust down. There were a few dusty ones though. Figured I would work on some hard surface routes too eventually.
Full disclosure, I grew up on gravel. Until they brought a highway to a little town 4 miles from us, it was 10 miles to the closest hard surface road. Guess they kind of take me back home.
East Texas mornings are beginning to feel like the first breaths of fall.

It was 65F when I rode off this morning. Even with my leather jacket, stored away for the summer, I put on a long sleeved shirt. Temps were perfect at 65-70mph. My backroad route was foiled by a road that was closed due to construction. I had to get on a major feed road via Tyler's Loop 323, whose traffic would've been murder on a typical summer day but tolerable with today's lower temps.

Stopped for a feed at the Four Way Cafe in Flint.

I'm just about to break 1,000 miles on the W800 Cafe and can use the the whole rev range. I'm finding a new dimension of the engine's performance and character.
Rode from Katy to Kerrville today for the Motorcycle Tour of Texas get together.
Made a few tour stops (Horny Toad HD in Temple, Worlds largest Spur in Lampasas, Hill Country motorcycle museum in Burnet, Y.O.Ranch hotel in Kerrville), and while riding between Temple and Lampasas, found a little town called Nolanville.
Of course my name being Nolan, I had to see what my namesake was up to (not much). Grabbed a quick pic at the post office.

Also while in Burnet, I knew that Park Road 4 was a fun road when I brought our young mens church group there earlier this year for a campout, so since I was close enough, I went and road that as well.
Got a pic of the Longhorn cavern entrance and a down view of my bike from the tower there.


My GPS also routed me down FM 965 that goes by Enchanted Rock, but was too busy riding to take a pic of it. Fun little road.

It was actually not bad this morning when I left around 7am, and till about 10:30 I was just fine, but by noon it was getting very hot.
~345 miles today.

I actually have an even longer day planed for tomorrow.
My original plan was Brady, Coleman (3 Tour stops there) and then Sterling City. That is a full day right there (almost 7 hours of just ride time, not to mention fuel, breaks and photo stops).
Well I got looking at the map again and found their is a Nolan County only 20 miles out of the way between Coleman and Sterling City. And just 15 miles from the Nolan County line sign is the City of Nolan (well, a community really, but has a sign and post office). And heck, only 20 miles from that is Sweetwater, which also has a tour stop in it. Problem is, all that adds over an hour to an already long day.
I may just swap Sweetwater for Sterling City and then hit the 2 "Nolan" signs. Will still be about an 8-8.5 hour day, but will get to have the pic of "my" post office and "my" county.
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Do you know the history of the man Nolan county was named after? He has to have made his mark on Texas to be so honored.

I grew up in Midland. Sterling city was fill up and drive through town. I think it had an interesting white stone courthouse next to the highway.
Nolanville back in the day (early 80's) had a real bad rep as a speed trap, especially if you had out of state tags and a Ft. Hood Sticker on your car.
So what a day. Left the Y.O Ranch Hotel @ 7:20 am and got back to it at 6:20 pm!
I ended up riding the whole thing I talked about (Kerrville to Brady, Coleman, Nolan, Sweetwater and Sterling City).
537 miles total in 11 hours.

I don't know why my gps routed me down to Sonora instead of Eden to Junction. Eden would have been 25 miles shorter, but only about 15 minutes time difference.

Was actually very nice this morning, had to put my liner for my mesh jacket on, was too cold without it.
Beautiful sunrise (iPhone does not do it justice:

The trip to Brady and Coleman was actually pretty quick overall. That is why I decided to do Nolan.
Nolan County.JPG

Nolan This guy.JPG

Post office.JPG

Man what an amazing pic LOL. Love the helmet forehead.

And I have always heard of windmill farms, and seen some big ones down near Corpus, but my goodness, that is all that is up in that area. It was at least 20 miles of windmills in all directions.
Windmill (Large).JPG

So it was not even noon when I was in Nolan, so figured why not just do Sweetwater and get the WASP Museum photo.
Since I needed a little break as well, figured I would stop for a bit and eat. Found a place called Big Boys BBQ for lunch, they had some good sausage and some amazing brisket, the kind you can stab with a fork because it just falls apart.
Big Boys.JPG

If you are ever in Sweetwater, that is a place I would recommend.
After eating and resting for about 30 minutes or so, I felt really good. Went and got the pic at the WASP Museum and figured out it was only a 1 hour difference going straight back to Kerrville or stopping by Sterling City, so Sterling City it was.
I tell you what, I have never been on a straighter, longer, unpopulated road as Tx 163. One part is 16 miles perfectly straight and not a thing out there.
I was tempted to do one of those bike in the middle of the road pics, but could not make myself do it.

I also found out my Goldwing does not like 80 mph speed limits. Well, actually it loves that (and faster), but mileage suffers badly.
I thought I had enough gas from my last fill up to make it all the way back (would have been 170 miles, 180 is the most I have done and had half a gallon left), but decided to just top off at I-10 at the Loves just outside Sonora. Well, I got to Kerrville and my gauge was showing "E". Got 4.6 gallons (~ 6 gallon tank), averaged 24.7 MPG (usually am around 30-31 mpg at highway speed).

And here are the photo stops for the Tour of Texas:

I also have to admit I am not as sure a I was about doing an Iron Butt run (was planning on doing just a there and back run down I-10). This was basically a half Iron butt, but man am I tired.


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Got an inquiry last night on an item I had on Craigslist a month or so ago that had not sold. The person inquiring was from San Antonio and seemed really interested but had not realized how far away I was. I told him if he wanted the item I could meet him at the Buccees near Luling on I-10. That worked for him and gave me an excuse to go for a ride this morning. Mapped out a route that hit some new backroads I had not ridden and a couple I had. Ended up with 192 miles, all hard surface. It was 68 degrees when I left the drive and I should have put a sweatshirt on under my jacket. Had one in the saddle bag but never got cold enough to stop and put it on. Did have the heated grips on though!

Some nice rolling hills with big vistas along the route.



Route took me through Palmetto State Park.


We both got there at almost the same time, took care of the transaction and I headed home. Temp was up to 73, beautiful day!

Ended up with about 28 miles of state highway and the rest FM and county roads. Will probably ride this loop or pretty similar again as it was pretty scenic in places and not much traffic.

As a side note I averaged 58 mph and got 40.5 mpg for the ride.