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Idaho or Bust….3 Texans 4 Strokes 5 States

I’m still alive. Having to do some mental gymnastics to trick myself into breaking camp and crawling back in the saddle. Him just rolled his eyes at me. Ate my breakfast down by the river and saw a bald eagle cruise up the river about 10’ off the surface, couldn’t get my camera moving fast enough. So I trimmed my nails instead.


My brain did some Chris Farley cartwheels and it seemed to work, the cogs started moving a little. Starting to see signs of life in our camp.


We had some options on some harder stuff. We elected an out and back single track. Not sure it was the best choice, but it’s what happened none the less. We left our camping stuff and tried to run it semi stripped, but still with tools and stuff. Bummer that we had full desert tanks. Trail started off nice, like they always do.





Then the smack down commenced. It was classic steep, rutted, rocked and switchbacked. Drops started happening.


Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit methamph…..13/50 gearing. This one had Grape pinned under the bike. I set my bike down to come help.



Then this one got me got me, took me down, bike stalled and I could not stop sliding backwards. Always fun getting going again.


“Let’s call it….if there is one more switchback created by Lucifer, we’ll call it. Wait, I think we are about at the top.”


Wasn’t sure if I was coming to help pick the bike up or do a chalk outline.


“I don’t want to quit this close.” We finally broke out of the major ascent and got some bliss.




Amazing views, you can see the Tetons in the background.




We made it, this old fire lookout. Pretty spectacular.




And no, my rear tire is not half wore out and causing me issues. Shut your mouth, it is half brand new and making things more interesting.


We started the descent back down, it was just as interesting.





Nothing to see here.


We walked them down a couple of the gnarly sections, or dropped them down.




Ok, we’re down the mountain. “Quit taking my **** picture!” Love you bro!


That was the first hour and a half of the morning!
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We got back to camp and reloaded our gear. One more visit to the river to cool off.


Headed out hitting the beautifully lonnng Greys River Rd, really sweet relaxing dirt going in a good direction for us. And the river was clear, dadgum dummies.


I was thinking about a quote, something like…..the journey is closer to the end than the beginning, with definable features. What a cool line, would have slid right past me 10 years ago, now I see it, all too clearly. On this trek, coming back into Wyoming is my definable feature and I know that symbolizes my trip is closer to the end than the beginning.


We had 92 miles till our next stop, we clipped along on a pretty good pace on this for miles and miles.


Took one break, get back to it!


Beautiful day, sky, weather!







Done. Took a break in a tiny town and at about 2pm, continued south to get our desert drifter buzz on. For another 100 miles.



It’s just a way of life at this point. We got it dialed in on autopilot, seeking out the righteous rite of passage.



We took one good break, snagged some shade under this old bridge and enjoyed the cool water to soak our gear in. Onward.


I like looking to the horizon and knowing I am going as far as I can see in that direction on a disappearing trail, with no other souls in sight.



These colors are crazy. We are like specs in one of those sand displays.



Had a good day, big transitions in geology. Little bit bummed to be in a town, but I was feeling like a bum and wanted to be in a town. The one down below.



Decided to hole up tonight here so we can hit some obscure desert in the morning in cooler temps. Got some grub, partook of some refreshments and did the BigDog bathtub stomp. I think it worked.



At the same time, Prince Mark delivered Garbear to our hotel and KXmike was ready for the handoff in the ol 12 valve. Good samaritans!



For all the toll the desert takes of a man, it gives compensations, deep breaths, deep sleep, and the communion of the stars. Mary Hunter Austin

Feeling tired this morning, guess the ride is catching up with me. Maybe it’s time for intermission? Y’all probably had enough anyway……

Nope, keep it coming, lol! I bet you're whipped. What's the day time temps? On that gnarly single track, i guess that is or was a trail, can you tell if anyone has been on it lately? Great write up! Get some rest to keep the mistakes down!

Ok, ok, I’m back. Desert morning ride brought me back to life…..reset.


The trip is winding down, I can feel it. Stop rolling down hill, the best of the free life is still yet to come, the good times ain’t over for good.



In the middle of absolute nowhere in the red desert, perfection. Could have taken an easy route through here but we really went for it and put ourselves in the sticks. Wait, there are no sticks. Are we still in them?


You can’t fight the desert. You have to ride with it. Louis L’Amour






This is the same general area as the WYBDR X loop to give you an idea on the terrain. I know some folks have said they would skip the middle of the new WYBDR, but I still think it’s cool to experience all facets of Wyoming, but I guess I am a desert rat. Grape and I did a cool route back in 2020 doing a figure 8 through the state:


I thought back to that ride, we kept running up on these giant piles of poo in the road. Like Trex sized. No exception this trip:


It finally hit me on that trip, no not the poo, what was causing it. The wild mustangs, I think they stand in the roads at night and sleep in a circle butt to butt….voila, T rex poo piles! You can see them running in the below pics from today.



I’m glad dirt bike riders don’t do that at night, could get nasty. Grape snoring, on top of piled up poo, I can only deal with so much of his crap. And I wouldn’t want any to get in Bmullex’s mane.


Speaking of poo, hey we’re in Colorado now. A good area though, no people or jeeps or SxS or Subarus. I think they all moved to Texas to unravel our state 😊!


Hey, I’m back in Wyoming, Baggs Wyoming. Shaken, not stirred. I walked into the bar and parked mystanky frame, upon, a tall, barstool. With a long, hard, Texas drawl, said I’ll just have a glass of anything that’s cool.


She said hello grungy thumpers, how’s the dust out in the desert? I’ve seen some sights but man you guys are somethin. Where’d ya come from grungy thumpers?


The heavy hand of time had not erased the raptured wonder from our Texas faces. Which we stuffed. Wondering what is next…….


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Ok, ok, I’m back. Desert morning ride brought me back to life…..reset.


The trip is winding down, I can feel it. Stop rolling down hill, the best of the free life is still yet to come, the good times ain’t over for good.



In the middle of absolute nowhere in the red desert, perfection. Could have taken an easy route through here but we really went for it and put ourselves in the sticks. Wait, there are no sticks. Are we still in them?


You can’t fight the desert. You have to ride with it. Louis L’Amour






This is the same general area as the WYBDR X loop to give you an idea on the terrain. I know some folks have said they would skip the middle of the new WYBDR, but I still think it’s cool to experience all facets of Wyoming, but I guess I am a desert rat. Grape and I did a cool route back in 2020 doing a figure 8 through the state:


I thought back to that ride, we kept running up on these giant piles of poo in the road. Like Trex sized. No exception this trip:


It finally hit me on that trip, no not the poo, what was causing it. The wild mustangs, I think they stand in the roads at night and sleep in a circle butt to butt….voila, T rex poo piles! You can see them running in the below pics from today.



I’m glad dirt bike riders don’t do that at night, could get nasty. Grape snoring, on top of piled up poo, I can only deal with so much of his crap. And I wouldn’t want any to get in Bmullex’s mane.


Speaking of poo, hey we’re in Colorado now. A good area though, no people or jeeps or SxS or Subarus. I think they all moved to Texas to unravel our state 😊!


Hey, I’m back in Wyoming, Baggs Wyoming. Shaken, not stirred. I walked into the bar and parked mystanky frame, upon, a tall, barstool. With a long, hard, Texas drawl, said I’ll just have a glass of anything that’s cool.


She said hello grungy thumpers, how’s the dust out in the desert? I’ve seen some sights but man you guys are somethin. Where’d ya come from grungy thumpers?


The heavy hand of time had not erased the raptured wonder from our Texas faces. Which we stuffed. Wondering what is next…….
I am guessing the Iwojima french fry plate is yours and Grape is having the tossed salad? Enjoy, Birotus....
"Where'd ja come from grungy thumpers?"


That was purty witty.

I can't help but open this thread on my phone, and then I hafta remember to look at it again on a larger screen to enjoy the photos. You're thinking the scenic beauty. I'm thinking an upside down Grape
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"Where'd ja come from grungy thumpers?"


That was purty witty.

I can't help but open this thread on my phone, and then I hafta remember to look at it again on a larger screen to enjoy the photos. You're thinking the scenic beauty. I'm thinking an upside down Grape
You're right phone doesn't do pictures justice. Cool on big screen.
Nope, keep it coming, lol! I bet you're whipped. What's the day time temps? On that gnarly single track, i guess that is or was a trail, can you tell if anyone has been on it lately? Great write up! Get some rest to keep the mistakes down!
Temps….we ranged from 30 to 95. The single track from yesterday had decent temps that morning. I was still sweating my rear off going up. Recent trail activity..unfortunately I know someone was up it recently, on a naked 300. His skills are no doubt probably better than mine, but I also like to think the 500 setup for adventure was the wrong tool, so it’s not all my fault?


Still impressive the different things you can force the 5Hundy into doing. You probably wouldn’t want to ride 2000 miles in 10 days on a 300. No perfect animal. More pics from the single track yesterday morning, pics do it no justice.



I weenied out on this downhill switchback, the repercussions were too big. This pic might help show the steepness?


Was it worth it?



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300 would not be weapon of choice for me either.
A 350, 450, 500 are the best choices. A smaller 4st wouldn't save significant weight but would be more stressed on the pavement. 2st would be too stressed but would be more fun on the dirt. You made a good choice on the bike. Thank you for the report.
A 350, 450, 500 are the best choices. A smaller 4st wouldn't save significant weight but would be more stressed on the pavement. 2st would be too stressed but would be more fun on the dirt. You made a good choice on the bike. Thank you for the report.
Careful JT. Your kind words are breaking the rules of Steve/JT playful antagonistic banter!

Edit: my bad I read JT but thought JMZ. Kind words fall straight to your character JT;-)
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We bolted out of Baggs and headed for the mountains in Colo land. We were in that tweener zone where the desert is making out with the mountains. Let me in on that!






We ran into this cat doing the CDT. We told him our tale, day 9 on the trail. He was on day 22! I made sure he didn’t need anything and then offered to take his pic with his camera. Before we drove off I took one with mine. Those folks are hard core….and at the same time, why would you do that when there is perfectly good 500s on the showroom? He was skinny, guess there is that.


Kind of funny, been hundreds of miles on the bike this trip and one of the prettiest areas of this run wasn’t all that far from my truck!! This looks like somewhere we should camp one more night in the high country don’t you think?




I called the forest service for this district about a month ago to check on burn bans or any “issues” I needed to know about and to ask about a specific spot I noted on my map…..the ranger laughed when I told him the area I was thinking about. Seems about 10,000 hippies had the same spot in mind July 4th. I found this pic of that event.


What were the odds I would pick the same place? Wait a dadgum minute, you telling me I think like a hippie?


In my map planning, found a spot I liked as an alternate. When we got there, we decided it was too early, we were making good time. But I decided to look the bike over, previous stop we made, I was backing the bike up and heard a little different sound, dismissed it as a dirty dusty chain. But at this break spot, gave the bike a rear wheel bearing check with my hands, me no likey. This spot had a bike stand and a work bench, like God knew I was coming! Still not sure I heard the bearing earlier, but glad I decided to check it.



I had a front and rear spare bearing with me, but after pulling the tire and putting my hands on the inner race….. I’ve felt worse. Decided to push on for a bigger town in case the triage went south with my rudimentary tools in the middle of nowhere.


Wanted to be closer to pavement, find a good hammer….or if I needed an extract. Also the next town put us within 2.5 hours of my trailer, where I have a spare tire/wheel/sprocket at the ready…..and Grape’s truck for that matter. Just ease on down the road and give Him a check now and then.


We made our way into town. Hit the Napa parking lot to assess our options. It was after 5pm, town was rolling things up. I started tearing into the bike with my tools, and got my McGyver bag out, no bearings. No time to slap myself or contemplate my misstep. Grape started calling the two bike shops in town, no rear wheel bearings in stock. No time to run over there and slap them either.


I spotted a bucket outside and was inside Napa in 5 minutes with my wheel sitting on the counter, trying to get them to mic the IDs and ODs….about that time, Garbear was aware of the situation and sent us a Napa part number for a bearing that fits a 1948.5 studabaker throw out bearing that would cross reference. Got a bearing in my hand. Garbear is a handy fella, even with a bent fallopian tube in his knee cap. Now, a hammer. Used the only hammer at Napa, a rubber mallet. I was beating the doo doo out of it, only thing moving was the rubber. Abandoned that, getting nowhere, worried I would make my situation worse and time was running out. Decided to pull the lip seal on the race, yikes. Maybe the tank trap got me 9 days ago and I didn’t know it.


I bummed some grease from the guys in the back of Napa that turn wrenches, packed it and put it back together.


Moved on down the road. Found an Ace Hardware at dark, bought a hammer I wouldn’t mind carrying in the future, along with a decent punch.


Think I’m going to try and limp to the truck tomorrow. Because we pushed extra miles today, tomorrow is a short easy day. Will just try to ride easy, slow, no shock loading, quick shifting or bouncing around the trail, cause that is my style anyway. This entire thing seems ridiculous, I’ve been riding gentle like, no mud, no water, not carrying much, going slow and riding basically beginner trails.


We grabbed some grub at a local eatery. Lot of good mutton conformation around here.



Then grabbed a good ol KOA cabin next to a river. Reset! We still in it!




We are now in the mountains and they are in us, kindling enthusiasm, making every nerve quiver, filling every pore and cell of us. John Muir

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How many bruises have you gained?

You know, I’m glad you asked. Garbear’s fallopia fell off, Grape’s got some trail rash and a broken head light. But my cuticles are killing me, this is much worse don’t you think? And my hand guard took a hit, expensive fix! But no bruises….


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