We got up and at um this morning. We had to bust out some slab miles. Took a break half way, stretch and check out our nuts. Always a good thing to look over your bike when you take a break. Also, note to self, I read a ride report where a guy lost his axle nut. They are cheap, I have one in my pack.
We made our way past bear lake. Thought we might show off on the beach, super loose.
Got some supplies and got another pic of grape standing next to a bear.
We got out of there and started making our way north/west in Cache NF. All of a sudden, what do you know, we were in Idaho!! New state for me….physically and mentally!! I took inventory, it was a new state for all of us, a state of happiness. My mind drifted, uh oh.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all 500s are created equal, that they are endowed by their rider with certain unbelievable righteousness, that among these are liveliness, liberation and the pursuit of the happiest. I know I know, I’m an ox and a moron.
We scooted through another little town and back into another forest system, Caribou NF. Barely into the third day on the bikes and what is that, like the 6th National Forest? Never saw any caribou though. Stupid forest. Good riding, ok ok, smart forest.
And then I put us on some slightly rowdy single track. Oops.
We are in it now. This is what it is all about and the point of light adventuring…..getting gritty with it.
Might have been a little too gritty. Not much room for error.
Several areas you had to have your feces collected.
And then…..hope your rear brakes work. Had a scary moment where Garbear had no rear brakes, not ideal. We figured it was heated up, maybe smoked the fluid. We decided to take a break in the shade and pour some water on it, steam came off the caliper, it was amazingly hot. We slow rolled….or slow dragged our way down the steep slopes, team work and patience.
We just took a decent break in Sick City (malad). A Frenchman named it that, thought it was the river that poisoned them. It wasn’t, the group had some bad beaver, it happens, although it has never happened to me.
Start that bike, jerk that throttle and go to work. Throw down boy. You gonna do something or just stand there and bleed?
This was an attention getter.
It’s been a long’n, feeling beat. Our days have looked like this so far, 280, 225 and 200 miles. It is wearing on us, just a smidge, we happily fell into American Falls. We desperately needed to get an AirBnB, air things out, beer and beer.
I think what we hit today is perfect for the riding we like, a mixed bag. The Tour of Idaho full ride really does tug at me and a good bit of it I would have been up for (in theory). But the flip side was some of it would have been more than I wanted to bite off on a loaded 500, and I don’t like the crazy exposures on some of those trails (poo in pants theory). I also don’t want to punish my body that hard all day for that many days (I’m not young theory). I would like to bring to the court’s attention exhibits A-C.
We rustled up some grub and some of us were quickly dispatching cervezas. Music theme for tonight….Take It Easy. Then some maintenance, new brake fluid for Garbear.
Looking forward to getting our beauty rest for tomorrow, the good stuff is coming, the good stuff is coming! One beer if by land, two beers if by sea, 5 beers if by 500.
Stevo Revered