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Pie Run IV, Edom - Trip Reports


Nov 17, 2003
Reaction score
Lago Vista, Texas
First Name
Last Name
415 miles round trip. Who has the pictures of the three Vincents? :drool: My trip was without incident, and it was great to see everyone and meet new people.
Hey Kurt, did you take backroads, or stay on FM or better roads? If the scenic route, find anything interesting out that way?
Hey Kurt, did you take backroads, or stay on FM or better roads? If the scenic route, find anything interesting out that way?

95 to Temple, 31 from Waco to Athens then a few back roads to Edom. I didn't find anything noteworthy.
I'm home safe and sound in Katy!!!! Boy it sure warmed up quickly today, didn't it??

It was great meeting everyone, the food was excellent and the company was even better!
294 miles round trip.
It was very good to see friendly faces; really good.

Janet, thanks for leading the refreshing ride there on the country roads. This is the most lush I have ever seen north Texas in my 3.5 years here.

Dutch, I would love to get together and do some bike photography some time. I'd like to learn how to capture riders/bikes in action.

I didn't take many photos; the urge wasn't there. But I did take a few of 'The TWT Line' (aka the TWT bike line). If you're observant, you'll notice an odd character that doesn't really quite fit in with the rest of the colorful two-wheeled line.

There was the front of the line

A juxtaposition inserted and then the long tail of the line.


Now, at this end were two bikes that captured my attention: the Tiger (I love those stripes...... and just the way it looks overall) and the colorful BMW that has always held my gaze. In fact, when he rode out, I suspected I might even be able to put my feet on the ground sitting on that thing....... :trust: I mean, that bike is a gleaming gem ;)


Of course, I am biased; there were three Wee-stroms present. The third was Anna's, who arrived later and I unfortunately didn't get a shot of (glad you came, Anna; welcome to the 'crew!)


So, have you picked out the juxtaposition yet? Hint: it's blue.

A common pattern I have noticed at these large gatherings is that when so many bikes are together; all those bright colors, the plethora of shapes, and dotted with shiny chrome.......it quickly becomes sensory overload. It becomes difficult to see the trees through the forest. So I tend to rely on what draws my attention the most. Today it was the Tiger and, again, that wonderfully-colored BMW.

However, I couldn't help but giggle at the one odd character inserted in the line of bikes..........

I searched for a good vantage point to capture an overall shot of the entire line of bikes, but the only position that occurred to me, and was quite tempting, was on top the hood or roof of that gigantic, bloated, sunstroke blue, beat-up four-wheeled Caddy.
Yes, it was very tempting to hop on top for a good shot :trust:

In lieu of, I held up the camera over its roof, monitor angled down and did the best I could do.

Last but not least, I indulged in something that kept me going the entire 1140 miles home last Wed, muttering over and over in my helmet:
"I just want to go home.......and eat some ice cream!!!!!"
Thanks for the cobbler and ice cream, Bill.
And, no, Kurt; cobbler is not pie*
or, it's not supposed to be. :)


* Tell you what, if we ever have a TWT Ice Cream social, I will make REAL blackberry cobbler; the New England kind. :trust:
It was great meeting everyone, the food was excellent and the company was even better!
Glad you came, Ana, and I enjoyed chatting with you. Notice that the three V-strommers sat together? :)

If you are ever up in the DFW area and need a place to crash, the Motorcyclist's Depot (my place) welcomes riders passing through and needing a place to stay. I usually supply a pot of coffee and an omelet. I think Squeaky and Calgary thought it was okay ;)
I'm home safe in Katy as well. Set a new personal record for mileage in a day. Ya'll ready for this!

500 Miles Exactly!

I did have to make the return trip a bit longer. Guess you could say I took the long way home! :cool2:

When I reached Navasota I realized that I would be about 15 miles short of 500 when I got to the house, so I took a couple of detours, added a quick run down a favorite road, and then circled the pocket park in front of my house once. As I hit the driveway she showed 499.9 and by the time I pulled into bay she rolled over to 500 miles! My longest single day ride to date.

But so much for me. Ya'll blew me away with the number of riders! WOW! What a great turnout. :bow:

Food was great, but the service was OUTSTANDING!!!!! That was the best wait staff I have ever had the pleasure of leaving a big tip for! :clap:

Went with the lunch special Chicken Fried Steak. Got mash taters and blackeye peas as sides. Tossed in a couple corn bread muffins and a piece of peanut butter pie and wala - one happy rider! :eat:

If you missed this Pie Run, then I have one thing to say to you. :nana:
Wow! Keith you did good. How was Busa for the 500?:-)

It was great to see everyone. What a turnout!:clap: The company was great as was the food. I take my hat off to all the women that ride such long distances to make the meets. Ya'll are special.
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Sorry I didn't make it, just got home. One the two guys with me highsided in Terrel and got banged up pretty good, coupe broken ribs, fractured shoulder blade, had to see to him and his bike all day.

Had it towed and had one heck of a time getting the bike out of the tow yard for him.

I'll try to catch the next one.
Some pics from today:








On the way home I stopped for a photo-op at the old bridge over the Trinity river in Riverside:
Glad you came, Ana, and I enjoyed chatting with you. Notice that the three V-strommers sat together? :)

If you are ever up in the DFW area and need a place to crash, the Motorcyclist's Depot (my place) welcomes riders passing through and needing a place to stay. I usually supply a pot of coffee and an omelet. I think Squeaky and Calgary thought it was okay ;)

Elzi, nice chatting with you too! Thanks for showing me what you did on your seat.... :mrgreen: ...today's ride just confirmed that the stock seat with or without the sheepskin just doesn't cut it.... :giveup:
About 250 glorious miles from Plano and back through honey-suckle and some incredible green waves of oats. The bluebonnets seem to be past there prime, but a great riding day, none the less.

Never fails--in the last 5 miles of the ride, a lady decides to turn left from the middle lane across my front wheel to go to Wal-Mart in Murphy. Serious clampage on the brakes and horn to show her my joy. :miffed: :angryfire
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Great pictures everyone. I'm real sorry I missed this one, looks like everyone had fun and Keith said the pie was great. I kind of thought about getting up this morning and following Keith but about 1 pm this afternoon I was real glad I could hit the couch for a nap. I will really try for the next one :rider:
Nice shot Ana!

Jerry - the Busa did fine for 500 miles. I have no idea how much better I would feel if I was on a different bike, but I suspect it would be about the same. I have one finger on my right hand that is still tingling - no idea why, all the rest are fine. My bottom isn't sore, my legs and knees are fine. But I do feel like I worked out all day. Just a tad stiff here and there, but nothing that I'd call painful (other than the one finger). I've felt worst after doing 500 miles in a car.

I did have a touring screen mounted on the 'Busa for the ride today. But I did not notice any difference with it over the stock screen, so I'll be taking it off. Still too many bugs in the face shield and too much wind noise. If I can fix those issues then I'll have a keeper.
Had a great time, good weather, good riding, good food and great people. Enjoyed lunch with Clay, Wendy, Fossil and nice to meet you Tracker. Glad to see everyone made it home safe.

Good to see you too Jackie...




a few more.
WOW ! 3 Vincent's !!!!:clap:
If I would have known they were coming I would have taken off work and made this one!
Are there owners members of TWT ?
Would love more information about them.
Thanks for posting great pictures Dutch.
WOW ! 3 Vincent's !!!!:clap:
If I would have known they were coming I would have taken off work and made this one!
Are there owners members of TWT ?
Would love more information about them.
Thanks for posting great pictures Dutch.

There were actually four but I didn't get a chance to talk to the owners. They left just as everybody started to show up! Maybe someone else got to speak with them.
Great ride , great weather , and great food , Now I am going to rant .
I love going to Small Town Texas but I am just a visitor there . I come by and visit once a year . I dont block the entire parking lot so the locals cant get in and out . I dont block the handycap parking spaces bacause a lot of the locals in Small Town Texas ars elderly handycapped . We're on bikes , we're healthy for the most part and we can do a whole lot better job of parking that doesn't cover the entire 3 acres . Tighten it up next time your not going to block another bike in were all leaving around the same time . Some elderly people cant turn around to see what they are going to run over and I'm ok with that , it's there town . I was embarresed to have riding gear on today while leaving the restarunt . Were not ****'s Angles we respect other people . rant over . Great day . SEYA
David, I noticed the same thing - we were way too spread out. It appeared that there was a grassy area in the back that would have served as a much better "parking lot". There were a group of us that parked in front under the main sign. That was alright I suppose, but the bikes were almost in the street. I really didn't feel comfortable with their position either. Perhaps we could have a local TWT rider scout out the future Pie Run locations in their towns and suggest a parking area. Maybe even throw a small cardboard sign up to get us to the approved area. All it would have to say is TWT PARK.

BTW - was that you I saw taking a nap in a picnic area around Madisonville? ;)
I'm sorry I missed this one, still havent made it to the Shed. Have to much work to get done before going back across the pond to see the wifey and squirt. Hopefully I will be able to get out on another PR in July when Ellen comes home.
It warms my heart to see such a great turnout and everyone having a good time. I would've been there but my "honey-do" list had been on hold for too long and so needed some attention.

Anyone get a headcount?
I was one of the ****'s angels that parked closer to the center of the parking lot. I am relatively new to riding and just pulled up in the next open space at the end of the line. Sorry to cause unsettled stomachs. Take care and be safe!
I was one of the ****'s angels that parked closer to the center of the parking lot.

+1..... and if the parking lot police had suggested we move I would have certainly obliged. Sometimes, if something bothers you it makes sense to sound off when your voice can make a difference.
WOW ! 3 Vincent's !!!!:clap:
If I would have known they were coming I would have taken off work and made this one!
Are there owners members of TWT ?

There were actually 4 Vincents. One of them left about the time we pulled in . Snoopster got some nice shots of the bikes before they left. One was a Black knight and the owner said Vincent went bankrupt making the bike. They were to weird looking for there time. All 4 were made around 1950 + or - 5years. One of them had a sprocket on each side of the tire (one being a large one and one smaller) the owner said you could pull over and flip the tire around to change gears or if you added a sidecare you could adjust accordingly. We passed them on the way home and they were moving along at a nice pace.
It was a nice pie run and it was great to see every one and meet some new faces. Thanks to Jack in Texas for planning a nice route to and from huntsville.