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"The Oasis of my Soul"... A Lifelong Journey on the road...

And all ends up well...


And all end up well...

School is never out just when we “might” think we are done... everyday new lessons are being provided, sometimes the teaching is kind, sometimes not.
What started as, finally thinking of having one, a bad day, end up being a great one... solving obstacles... followed by a great ride... and a great night sleep as Spirit seems to be getting back on track....
It is just part of everyday life on the road... we are not exempt from anything that you yourselves go through. The logistics are sometimes harder, but I would not trade this lifestyle with any other one... I know that some will agree after reading today’s Blog...

Be well...

Ara & Spirit
A ride to Cedar Breaks and Kolob Canyons, Utah.


A ride to Cedar Breaks and Kolob Canyons, Utah.

So yes, I am a bit concerned about Spirit’s condition, it tears me up that he is still sick. Wish it was me instead... so hard to see and feel my helpless buddy! Time for a Doctor...
We did do a ride yesterday, he was doing better then. As usual Utah provides some exciting sceneries and roads. Only wish the winds and the rains would stop soon... maybe tomorrow!
More details on today’s Blog...

You be well...

Ara & Spirit
A healthier Spirit and a safer rig... +...


A healthier Spirit and a safer rig, Utah... +...

Unfortunately my Website had been down at times these past two days due to power outages in Vermont... I apologize for that. Was a bit surprised they do not have a generator...
But it all just a matter of time... such as Spirit’s health. He received some good care yesterday and as usual acted like a gentleman only stunned by a crying baby lamb!!!
The rig is much safer as you can see the work done on it... of the outmost quality!
A great visit to the Dinosaur Discovery Center... hard to go back in time a couple millions of years!
We are packing to head for California for a few days... with the hope that Spirit gets better by the day... if not, will back track.
The outpour of concerns for Spirit has moved me more than anything else on this Journey, and realizing that so many great people are out there makes me want to get out and... mingle!!!
Hope you enjoy today’s Blog...

Be well...

Ara and a healthier Spirit!
Glad to here Spirit is better!:clap: That shop....a place looking for a tech day to happen. ;-) those guys are a vanishing breed.
A road to Kernville, CA.


One road to Kernville, CA.

We are in Kernville, California, amongst many riders... friends from the past and making new ones.
Cold... very cold, not handling it very well when it drops to the low 20's...
Spirit is doing better everyday and probably wondering why “all those people” want to pet him!!! He did find a few pairs of legs to rub his back against and I am always thankful to anyone that is nice to him...Geode, Glenn... well, cannot blame him for bailing out, weather, distance... schedule... needless to say... “WHIMP”!!!
There will be more in a day or two... have to get back to camp now, my friend Jkam just showed up!... surprise...
You be well... enjoy...

*** The picture above does not reflect my sentiments toward Spirit... just a sick sense of humor...

Ara & Spirit
The road back to Utah...


The road back to Utah...

It was truly awesome to meet in person all the faces only labeled by a name for these past years...
And at the same time, to be honest about it, my tolerance for sleeping in the freezing temps seems... well has!... diminished...
As a couple of my new friends said... “it is age Ara!’. I will not deny it...
The riders, sceneries, the roads, even the locals in Kernville made us feel so welcomed... we are on the way back to Utah to gather up the rest of my “stuff”, just to turn around and head back to another circle... the California Circle which comprises Death Valley Natl Park, Giant Sequoia Natl Monument, Sequoia Natl Park and Kings Canyon Natl Park... Give us a couple days and we will get there!... eventually...
Till next time... you stay well.

Ara & Spirit
The Extraterrestrial Highway... NV.


The Extraterrestrial Highway, NV.

We are back from Kernville and we are leaving for Kernville... Long story!!!
It was a great, cold, and sometimes miserable ride back... but those bad moments are water under the bridge and all that remains are some great memories of the Extraterrestrial Highway...
Did it flip my thoughts because of its name?... or the serenity of its vast quietness?
Still thinking about it...
And some pictures of it on the Blog...

Enjoy and be well...

Ara & Spirit
Camping by the Kern River... and a great ride. CA.


Camping by the Kern River and a great ride... CA.

I guess last weekend’s get together took its toll... as we are back... a bit more north by the river, National Forest primitive camping... peaceful... and quiet, for now! The weather?... Riding to Glennville was an open vent jacket deal... incredibly pleasant.
Sequoia is in the plans... will have to detour as the road from here is still closed... we are just settling in, as they say.
Much more on the Blog in colors...

Be well...

Ara & Spirit
After six months on the road... CA.

Not a chance buddy!!!


After six months on the road... CA.

Just realized yesterday... the 27th... six months since we left Georgia! Such changes, and feeling as more to come as the Journey takes its own character and personality.
Nothing to celebrate about!... Just thoughts after thoughts crossing my mind...
I am not one that could just ride and eat and sleep... seems like, as I have all my life, to be dedicated somehow to a purpose accomplishing something positive...
Erasing the past path to create a new one and sharing it through my Blog has been a rewarding one... and with some hope will remain that way.
Thank you all for your support... hope I get to write someday...
“After 10 years on the road...” State and Country unknown for now!

Be well...

Ara & Spirit
A "must" do loop... CA.


A “must”do loop... CA.

One of the most pleasant ride taken yesterday... could have been a frame of mind but I know that the terrain had a lot to do with it also. Constant change of scenery, friendly drivers waiving, great weather and nice breeze... Watched some kayakers having a blast and back to camp a bit early decided to do my own take on this “tri-tip” revolution so popular here!!! You be the judge on the Blog...

Be well...

Ara & Spirit
The BIG BIG trees of Ca... and a cup of coffee...


The BIG BIG trees in CA... and a cup of coffee!

Moving means busy... I get particular as to where we camp and sometimes it is not too easy finding the right spot. And then there is cooking, riding and exploring, Spirit and our playtime,
you know such things are laundry and Murphy’s law to always fix the unpredictable...
I would not trade my days anymore for anything you could offer me to replace these times...
Including today’s ride to Sequoia amongst the BIG tress... they are huge!... and always wondered... why there?
The first part is already on the Blog... with the story of a cup of coffee... beware!
You be well... part two will follow very shortly... we are moving again tomorrow... for a week or so... it will be a bit more permanent... like a week?

Be well...

Ara & Spirit
Rain or shine we ride... in CA.


Rain or shine we ride!!!... CA.

The worse detriment in our Journey is bad weather. We have been lucky... I cannot take the credit that I follow sunshine throughout as we have had bad surprises... from actually lack of forgetting to check the weather sites! Today started heavily forecasted... but it did not keep us down...
Too many roads and sites to see... even if it is a short loop we were out there...
Nice roads... nice scenery... California does not cease to amaze me... unfortunately the prices of goods also take me a bit back...
Our day... and some of the past day on our Blog... in great colors of Spring.

You all be well... have a great weekend...

Ara & Spirit
Under the clear skies of California.


Under the clear skies of California...

The skies are finally clear... Sequoia and Yosemite are waiting for us, but there are clouds of pain within me! A kidney infection... stones perhaps also... have managed to make their way since yesterday...
Already on medication... awaiting for all this to end... soon I hope... still took a chance for a little ride and mingle with some friends for some great food and conversations. Might have been a slight judgement error as now I am paying even a higher price for that escapade... but the road... at least half of it was worth it and so was the scenery as written on the Blog...
Karma has been good as you might read about it... and as always my thoughts are... so many have it so much worse. This too shall pass...
Till later... be well... I am trying myself to go there!!!

Ara & Spirit
On to the Gold Country of CA...


On to the Gold Country... CA.

Maybe a couple hundred miles further north tonight, I don’t keep much track of mileage truly.
More important are the roads traveled, the scenery and the feel of it.
Past Pioneer on 88... ahead of the riders coming up for the Pashnit Gathering and feeling very fortunate to be allowed to stay here. Beautiful country... much luscious green trees... great weather which I hope holds up for everyone else.
The route is on the Blog and so are a few other pictures...
Be well...
Ara & Spirit
Do you believe... again!!! Lake Tahoe


Do you believe it?... again! Lake Tahoe

At least, again, we did not crash... You must be getting used to this... anyone would like to by a used hack???... Look at it this way... every time something breaks, only 5 times however by now,
it is fixed better... stronger... OK... Maybe you want to wait a little longer, we are getting near completion... not much left that could break... This was a fabricator part by the way...
Besides that, the ride was just fantastic... 88/89 to Lake Tahoe at this time of the year must be the best... cool, just right temps, the roads are dry and open, even Tioga pass is opening tomorrow at noon!
Want to see some pictures... see what happened?... The Blog is up to date...
SmuMug was down for maintenance last night, could not post the pictures and that is OK too...
They are the best in the business...

You be well...

Ara & Spirit
A Great time at the Pashnit Gathering... CA.


A Great time at the Pashnit gathering... CA

This will be one of those memorable weekend... no doubt about it. Great people making us feel so welcomed, a family oriented gathering, nice to see and feel the togetherness, the friendships, the camaraderie... good food (at least I hope it truly was Friday night too...). The names will surface as we would love to come back next year.
I still need to have a square piece of metal, which a bolt goes through, permanently repaired with a solid piece machined, drilled and welded... Waiting word from South Lake Tahoe... if not... will look into Sacramento or Stockton... I just got word that this man does not have a drill press...
It will all work out... as it normally does.
More on the Blog...

Be well...

Ara & Spirit
Simply Spectacular Views... CA


Simply Spectacular Views... CA

You might be surprised at my Spectacular views of today... but I see them... and hope that you do to.
The rig is fixed and more... another bracket broke while there and being removed... Ah! I am so glad that I bought the “heavy duty” mounts... You might have had to send me flowers instead of reading this!
A ride to Yosemite coming up... I am ready... we are ready... I even took a night ride to the adjacent campground!... Make sure that my seven headlights are working... all is fine.
Check it out in the Blog...

Be well...

Ara & Spirit
Lots of "WOW"... Yosemite, CA.


Lots of “WOWS”... Yosemite, CA.

Why did it take 18 hours from camp to Yosemite and back??? I am still wondering in amazement...
Great company... too many pictures taken... incredible roads and tired eyes from all the witnessed wonders.
Is there ever any bad weather here?... Perfect.
We are laying low today... real low! Getting ready to move to Cupertino tomorrow putting us closer to SF... and “that” will be a change for us. Are we going to do the tourist thing?... will see.
But Yosemite, part I anyhow, the start... is in the Blog...

Be well...

Ara & Spirit
More on Yosemite... part II, CA.


More on Yosemite... Part II, CA.

The rest of the story as we take up residence in Cupertino...
We already have been to a Birthday Gathering with the South Bay Riders... and with the same named group a great ride that took us on some beautiful roads, including seeing for the first time in seven month since we left... the Pacific Ocean!!!
But that is for the next time... more on Yosemite on the Blog.

Be well...

Ara & Spirit
A day in San Francisco... CA.


A day in San Francisco... CA.

With well chosen hours the traffic was light, with clear skies and hardly any haze blown away by the winds, it was however an emotional day to go back into San Francisco... It has been over three years...
The City had put on its best composure yesterday, helping out for clear pictures... and some narrative which are up now on the Blog.

Be well...

Ara & Spirit
Wow indeed!! I've been enjoying your reports and amazing photos, what and adventure!!!
A loop through Santa Cruz... CA


A loop through Santa Cruz... CA.

More upper body workout on the rig today... sweepers, curves, tight curves... hair pins...
California has it in abundance and more! Some great blue skies... some wet and cold fog... I am learning to add and subtract clothing in a heartbeat... Every few mile has is own weather pattern!
Considering Santa Cruz was not too far... I am not exaggerating!
It was great ride, with a new tire on the sidecar and disc brake functioning close to perfection all day... (that is another story... for another day...), what more can one ask...
More of it on the Blog...

Till next time...

You be well...

Ara & Spirit