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"The Oasis of my Soul"... A Lifelong Journey on the road...

Why on the Road?...


Why on the road?...

It was only this morning that we left Beaver Creek Campground, south of Sedona... we are a few miles for the Grand Canyon’s south rim, I have not seen any of it yet, and it is sometime in the middle of the night... We are camped on National Forest, they call it “dispersed” camping, off a forest road which are abundant around here. There is no one near by and my clock right away has switched to a no time zone... more on the Blog.

Be well...

Ara & Spirit
The Grand Canyon, AZ


The Grand Canyon, AZ.

What can one say about the Grand Canyon?... besides being mesmerized throughout this jaw dropping, eye popping, sensory overload experience. One of the few places I can sit for hours and loose my sight and senses deep into this incredible wonder.
One of the most enjoyable place to also camp here... the nearest neighbor is about half a mile away... and I had dinner for lunch... as you will see!

Be well...

Ara & Spirit
More on the Grand Canyon, AZ.


More on the Grand Canyon, AZ.

It was just another beautiful day here, NOAA is predicting snow and mid twenties by Tuesday... but that is a couple days ahead. Lots of riding through the Park, the weekend crowd is a bit different... glad to see many city people coming here to enjoy the sites as we did... before the views disappear due to increasing haze... You can read about it here...

You be well...

Ara & Spirit
Asa, next time you and Spirit are out there, try visiting the North Rim. Being that it's not so easily accessible, the Park Service says that it only gets about 10% of the tourist traffic compared to the South Rim. Coming out of the cool, deep forests of the Kaibab Plateau, the panorama that unfolds at the North Rim is pretty startling to say the least, and the Park Lodge itself is well worth the visit.
scratch said:
Asa, next time you and Spirit are out there, try visiting the North Rim. Being that it's not so easily accessible, the Park Service says that it only gets about 10% of the tourist traffic compared to the South Rim. Coming out of the cool, deep forests of the Kaibab Plateau, the panorama that unfolds at the North Rim is pretty startling to say the least, and the Park Lodge itself is well worth the visit.

And the forest on the west side of the road that runs to the north rim is full of dirt roads for exploring!
Yes, so much off roading possiblities!!! The north rim is closed right now... my reason for being at the south rim, but next year I will plan to do it from there... will plan also to hike down and spend some time... I can just imagine the feelings being down there!
Thanks for writing... and staying in touch...
Be well...
Ara & spirit
Valle's "Planes of Fame Air Museum", AZ.


Valle’s “Planes of Fame Air Museum”, AZ.

I think, I am fairly sure that we are going to “The Grand Circle” on our way to California...
“The Grand Circle” including Zion NP, Bryce Canyon NP, Glen Canyon, Capitol Reef... and more.
Exciting riding, hiking, photography and eating!... eating meaning cooking too...
There is much more if we went a bit more North/East... but, have to leave some for next year!... and the following...
A couple days ago we went to Valle ‘s “Planes of Fame Air Museum”, what I thought was going to be a quick stop turned out to be an almost all day visit... a must to see, all in the Blog.

PS: if anyone wants more pictures and info (taken also in pictures), let me know. I can send you the SmuMug link they are all on... too many for the Blog...

Be well...

Ara and Spirit... soon on the road again.
On the road, 89N through AZ and Utah...


On the road, 89N, AZ and Utah.

89 Northbound from the eastern entrance of the south rim Grand Canyon to Utah must be one of the best scenic road I have ever been on. So much scenery, from rock formations, to the Little Colorado Gorge in a more intimate setting than the Grand Canyon... to Panguitch... were we had to turn around. Campgrounds are closed, snow is still present with more on the way, wind is howling and why can I not set my mind to the fact that winter is not over yet!
So we are south of all that... 50 this morning near Kanab... and will take some day trips to the scenic areas surrounding us.
Some pictures of our way up here on the Blog...

You be well...

Ara & Spirit
Kanab Canyon and more, UT.


Kanab Canyon and more... UT.

How can so much happen while on the road without a “home”? The trails of the mind must be wide open with all its doors unlocked... Turned on by a friend to Ken Foster’s book “the dogs who found me”, suddenly opens a path of joy finding out that his Pit must be Spirit’s brother!
And what better surrounding than riding through a Canyon to discover just a bit later that “Best Friends Animal Sanctuary”, a no kill shelter for animals, has tours of their center... where I actually find Ken Foster’s book less than 24hrs after its discovery... and should I also mention “autographed”... All this leading to a great dinner... I never thought that living on the road was going to be so exciting... as you might read it in the Blog...

Be well...

Ara & Spirit
Re: Kanab Canyon and more, UT.

beemerchef said:
How can so much happen while on the road without a “home”? The trails of the mind must be wide open with all its doors unlocked...
Home is where you hang your hat. Or helmet, in our case.
Remember my motto? "Where ever you go, there you are."

'Home' does not have to be a single place, or time. It is where our heart lies. For some of us, no single place captures our heart. Maybe our hearts are so big that they fit so many places into them? Or maybe we leave a piece of our heart in special places we go. Just like all the lovers, our children, our closest friends in our past. They all have a small piece of our heart with them.

For others, a special place captures all of their heart, and their heart resides there, and only there. I understand but don't comprehend. I don't share the singularity of their lives.

For vagabonds and pilgrims like you and I, many places capture pieces of our heart and the road takes us to them. Sometimes over and over again. I think in that respect, we allow ourselves to remain open to new places and experiences.

If you are receptive, adventures will come to you.
A quick long ride through Zion NP., UT.


... tell me about it!!!

A quick long ride through Zion NP., Utah

I need to learn new words to describe this Park, or I just have to stop riding through these natural wonders. My vocabulary is starting to feel limited! What a blast... going... what a shower... coming back! The rig is purring... with 170+/-K on it I even hate to think about it... no jinks please.
And as if the ride was not enough we are moving there for a while... it will be base camp for many other attractions if that is what we are going to call them.
This one is already in the Blog.
Enjoy, be well... hope that you are also having a great weekend...

Ara & Spirit
The Canyon in Zion... Utah.


The Canyon in Zion... Utah.

Staying in most of the day, NOAA called in for some bad weather... but I think they are mistaken.
Great campsite, so great that we might, just might stay here for a couple weeks... but I have said that before. It is just that there are so many places to ride around here... and see!
Might even have some company soon... that would be great... Fire at night, great roads, great scenery... what more can I write on the Blog!... many pictures too...

Be well...

Ara & Spirit
Re: A quick long ride through Zion NP., UT.

beemerchef said:
I need to learn new words to describe this Park, or I just have to stop riding through these natural wonders. My vocabulary is starting to feel limited!
Nah, sometimes words aren't necessary, or even possible :)

Great shot of you, Spirit and the rig!

pm or email me your email addy where I can send you a photo. We took it just for you ;-)
Darker Skies In Zion NP., Utah...


Should I cover Spirit's eyes???
No secret... aragureghian@yahoo.com
Lots of dusting today... you'll understand!!!:lol2:

Darker Skies in Zion NP. Utah...

The forecast... after these couple days is as sunny as it can be for as long as they can predict it!
Lets endure these couple of days... I know that it will be all worth it.
Did not hold us back from some riding as darker skies make for some great pictures and give out a different feeling about this whole place.
We did have to turn around, bitter cold winds... the snow flakes were an added attraction...
Luckily enough ingredients to make dinner... preceded by a visit to Farmer’s Market...
The Journey goes on... cannot even think about our next destination! This is Home for now...

Be well...

Ara & Spirit
Re: Darker Skies In Zion NP., Utah...

beemerchef said:
Many MANY of those curves there in Utah, Ara :)
They're like a roller coaster snagged around a mesquite bush.

BTW, a friend in Salt Lake City may try to ride down to visit you. He may have contacted you already.
And send me your email address so I can email you the photo!

Wish I were there with you. I can almost smell and feel that country here now.
Re: Darker Skies In Zion NP., Utah...

And send me your email address so I can email you the photo!

I wrote it in my last post, above, but here it is again... hurry up... I WANT to see that picture!!!:lol2:

e mail: aragureghian@yahoo.com

Have not heard from anyone from Salt Lake City...
Tuesday is on to... Las Vegas for 3 new tires... not 2!... 3...
Weather finally nice... will wait till tomorrow to go to Bryce Canyon... still winter up there!

Be well... and thanks.

Ara & spirit
Re: Darker Skies In Zion NP., Utah...

beemerchef said:
I wrote it in my last post, above, but here it is again... hurry up... I WANT to see that picture!!!:lol2:
Ooops. Sorry for my inattentiveness. Been busy more than I like and only quickly browse the forum/posts these days.
I will email it to you tonight after work. I promise. :sun:

Lyle from SLC emailed me last night that he was going to contact you via email. He may do so today.
Kolob Terrace road, Zion NP., Utah

I will email it to you tonight after work. I promise. :sun: :giveup: :giveup: :giveup:


Kolob Terrace road, Zion NP. Utah

East of here is still bitter cold, I was so wrong assuming that things will warm up at higher elevations! I guess I have lived in Florida too long...
But west of here, off the town of Virgin, is Kolob Terrace road which is less crowded entrance to also Zion Park. Love the setting, the riding... but not the road blocked by the snow a bit further up...
Cooked up a poor man’s pasta dish also with what I had left in the small pantry... tasty!...
It is on the Blog... in living colors!

Be well...

Ara & Spirit
April Fool?... not really, I wish!

Thanks... great picture... 2 beautiful women inside and out...


April Fool?... not really! I wish...

April Fool’s day unfortunately did not fool me as I hear the snap of a broken eye bolt...
There we go... again! But... happened 10 feet away from camp... could have happened the day before when we went riding through Red Rock Canyon and Bryce Canyon up 9100 feet... without any steering it would have been quite a drop...
A couple more days... of course any day without riding is a tough one!... and we will be back on the road... in the meantime I wrote about the rides we just took... on the Blog.

Be well...

Ara & Spirit
Michael and Sandra's Utah... my 100th Blog.


Michael and Sandra’s Utah... my 100th Blog.

Somehow it feels like I just have left yesterday, so much has happened and yet... so little! Moving on to some new sceneries within the same State, Utah... one that intrigues me a lot as it is so full of richness, great roads and incredible geological formations that have taken millions of year... And I get to camp in the middle of it all... quite a treat! We are regrouping these coming days, listening to a local Adv Rider Michael, and his wife Sandra that have opened their house... and kitchen with wide open arms... Spirit has two new buddies... what more can one ask!
Today’s Blog...
Be well... Ara & Spirit
I could spend several weeks in southern Utah and not get tired of it . The only non event was the ferry ride across Lake Powell , it wasted too much riding time . I will go around next time . ENJOY ....SEYA
A great campsite, north of Snow Canyon, Utah.

Nice to hear from you David... how is Mike doing???
With your ability... I know you would have a blast here!!!
Big Bend this Xmas???... Yes??? We will need a Cook!!!


A new campsite, north of Snow Canyon, Utah.
3 days... 4 days?... at Michael and Sandra, adding a few more pounds to this frail body... great company and time. 3 new tires, the rig seems really together and a new campsite, in the middle of some great BLM land.
I have a long list of areas to visit, it is so endless here in Utah that this will take many more visits to even scratch the surface. Good deal... I would hate to run out of places to visit these coming ten years!
Spirit is a bit sad today from losing his two buddies... he is starting to remind me of a sailor with a girl friend in every town...
Enjoy the Blog and Pictures, there will be much going on, specially with the days becoming much longer, finally it feels like winter is behind us.
You be well...
Ara & Spirit
My little Island of Paradise in Utah...


My little Island of Paradise

This inhabited stretch has become my little Island of Paradise these past few days and will be for a few more days to come... all is here and at the same time... nothing!
Lots of vermillion was used in this past sunset... wish you would have all been here to experience it...
The trout is a thing of the past... long gone now... you guessed it!... It was great... could taste its freshness with every bite.
BMW of Las Vegas gave me some hundred dollar chips... their true value?... great service.
The Blog will have it’s story!

Be well...

Ara & Spirit
A little ride in the neighborhood... Utah.


A little ride in the neighborhood, Utah.

I have the feeling that everyone wished to have a neighborhood like this one!... Right or left or north or south... great roads and scenery, hardly any traffic and there is a part of Utah that is not all red!
A great dinner (at least they thought so...) for my friends Michael and Sandra, some playing time for Spirit and his buddies... it is all good... all in the Blog.
In our conversations last night, we were wondering why get togethers are always where the crowd is!!! How about one right here...

Be well...

Ara & Spirit