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"The Oasis of my Soul"... A Lifelong Journey on the road...

very nice pics. Interested in your camera setup and the HDR if you have time to give some details on it.
Thanks Texas Shadow!!!... guess what?... so far the winner for us to spend the winter is... Big Bend! 3 to 4 months there... I am thinking about working maybe 2 to 3 days a week... miss working! I know not much there but I am sure I will find something, in Lajitas maybe? Plenty to ride there... write... photography... The cost of fuel moving around is killing me...

HDR... I am posting this from Oregon City at some friends house, will write to you about it soon...


The road to Fish Lake… Or

Finally tomorrow am my front shock should be off the bike in the hands of GP Suspension… I am actually posting this from Oregon City… where we are spending the night at Tom’s and Sue’s house, “Road Rash” on Adv Rider!… a great time, including Spirit with his new girl friend Sandy… he gets around doesn’t he?
But today’s Blog is about our little excursion up to Fish Lake… at a bit above 6000 feet, one of the most serene, peaceful and beautiful area I have experienced yet.
We will be back to camp by tomorrow night… in the meantime you can check out the pictures on the website

Be well….

Ara & Spirit
Ara, glad to hear you will be in BB for winter!! I hope you don't mind some company down there; the new 'baby' will be perfect for riding down there and I plan on taking it down. I can't think of a better place to be for the holiday season in December! Keep me posted on your plans.

I hope you are enjoying Oregon. I miss it.... a lot. If you find yourself in or near McMinnville (SE of Portland), let me know. My daughter is a bike mechanic at a shop there. She would really love to meet you and Spirit!!

Some night over a campfire, I'll share with you my ideas I've had for a decade for a cafe. I even had a friend (personal gourmet chef and motocross competitor) interested in moving here from NYC to be a partner. But his French wife wasn't that taken with Texas when they came to visit 7 years ago. She vetoed the plans. :(

W00t!!! Comin' back to Texas! That's fantastic! We'll have to make sure to make it over to BB to visit your digs there. And/or come see us for a few days and make use of our shop facilities, if you want. We'd be more than happy to host you and Spirit.

Great self-portrait, too...but who's that little old Chinese man sitting in your sidecar? :-P :rofl:
To Portland and back... OR

Yes, things are falling in place nicely for Big Bend... place to park... and even work a couple days a week... sorry guys... I really miss work... maybe 3 days a week at the most... talking with also Katy's Kosmic Kafe... many options!!! Bedlam... you will need to refresh my grey cells as to your location!!! I might actually stop by to try a different alignement on the hack where I would need a flat surface... THIS is all exciting... I think there is something good going on... could be a great destination for all the riders... well... IT IS!!!


To Portland and back… OR

Adventure Rider Forum has a great thread called “the tent space” where whoever can offer shelter, a room, a bed, tools… whatever they can for the passer by riding through if needed, does. I rarely use it… have in the past when broken down with great experiences ending up with great new friends. This was the case again a couple days ago when I needed to have my front Ohlin shock rebuilt by GP Suspension in Oregon City… great guys by the way… (seems that everything is “great” today!!!). We stayed with Tom and Sue (Road Rash and Tequila Girl… there has to be a story or two here!) making our outing so much more pleasant and easy. Thank you guys… and Sandy… and Glenn (Geode) for having started this great thought on the Forum.
A quick 800 miles round trip through rain and cold and a head wind for a while… it was all part of riding! At the end… a great sunset, Mother Nature had the palette out and was not sparing any colors…
The whole story is here

Be well…

Ara & Spirit
The Kleinschmidt loop... OR


The Kleinschmidt Grade… OR

You try typing that one a few times!… Great loop through Oxbow, Cuprum and Council, Cambridge and back here. Empty roads for the most parts, dirt and gravel but made for Buick… besides that height… vertigo problem on the grade, it was another fine day. A big piece of banana cream pie that almost put me to sleep halfway back and some history of the area… all on the website.

Be well… Ara & Spirit
A great loop... OR


A great loop… OR

If you have any kind of vehicle that would slightly do some mild off road riding, driving… this loop is a great one, not to be missed. It will take you from some of the least visited part of the Snake River to more deserted roads going up Lookout Mountain and finally back to the start. A little bit of gravel, sand, rocks, ruts… you name it! A few thousands of feet elevation change… all this in one day… who would have known this! In Oregon.
I narrated the pictures today the best I could… enjoy the website

Be well

Ara & Spirit
Re: To Portland and back... OR

Yes, things are falling in place nicely for Big Bend... place to park... and even work a couple days a week... sorry guys... I really miss work... maybe 3 days a week at the most... talking with also Katy's Kosmic Kafe... many options!!! Bedlam... you will need to refresh my grey cells as to your location!!! I might actually stop by to try a different alignement on the hack where I would need a flat surface...


Howard and I are in Canton, TX: about one hour East of Dallas.

As a matter of fact, we are planning another Tech Day for Oct 27th. It was tremendous fun last year and we had a great turnout. Come visit for that or come visit anytime!

If you have need of some mechanical stuff, ping us ahead of time if possible, so we can be sure to have ready what you require.

Beautiful pics of Oregon, by the way!

Ride well,
Re: To Portland and back... OR

we are planning another Tech Day for Oct 27th.

October is a great time to visit Texas.

Howard & Jill are great hosts. (and they have interesting critters, too)
Everything is a compromise... OR

Yes... Howard and Jil... been a long time!!!... Hope you come to Big Bend and visit also!!! Much changes with the rig now... so far so good!!! THANKS!!!


Everything is a compromise… OR

Evolution?… Getting older? Straying from true form? From tent and riding every single mile of a Journey to trailering and living in an RV…
I have had issues with those facts truly, I think I have come to terms with it, I have to if we want to continue living on the road for many more years, that is the big difference versus traveling.
I thought I would show you a bit how we now live… I am not complaining… hot water, shower, cooking with more ease… even a freezer! A few pictures here

Be well…

Ara & Spirit
Re: Everything is a compromise... OR

Everything is a compromise… OR Evolution?…

Be well…

Ara & Spirit

Very nice Land Yacht. True, it's a comprimise, but it also makes a real nice base camp.:sun:
so many more roads... OR


So many more roads… OR

There is no lack of roads, doable roads, here in Eastern Oregon, this also includes Western Idaho. With no end to it… The weather had held up beautifully, nice, specially for the coming County Fair and Rodeo coming up this weekend… never been to one and I am looking forward to this new page of experiences. I wonder if Spirit is also?… could he make maybe new friends?
More pictures on the website

Be well…

Ara and Spirit
What really matters... OR


What really matters… OR

I admit, a lot of time for introspect while living on the road… specially when discarding what does not matter. One become’s sensitive to its surroundings and own desires on how to live. It is a raw life more than ever, the tasks do not vanish, but a certain concept of freedom increases.
We also had a visit from a friend I had not seen in 3 years or more, a little ride up a Lookout point which had been closed due to the fires… I am learning how to create web pages to incorporate a magazine within my Blog which I will name “my first hundred years’… it is all here

Be well…

Ara & Spirit
My first Rodeo... Halfway, OR


My first rodeo… Halfway, OR

From the Deserts and Canyons to this small town of Halfway, experiencing my first Rodeo and Fair was a great experience. Population 350, grown to maybe a thousand for the weekend, it was all about family, kids and friendships. A total “feel good” three days. No Nintendo here, no electronics… but horses and livestock with fathers, mothers and their kids portraying this lifestyle unfound in the big city.
So many picture opportunities here… I had a blast with the camera, people and the animals… great people!

Be well…

Ara & Spirit
More Rodeo... OR


This is one Blog I really enjoyed posting, at the same time as much as I felt welcomed, I also felt a bit as I was watching from the other side of the window. The “family” presence was so strong and in retrospect I have looked deeply at my own life these past couple of days… I cannot help feeling a sense of envy… feeling a missing link… as Spirit and I are such a small family ourselves… too small! But… such is life you know.
So I could not fit 3 days of Rodeo and Fair in one Blog! More of it today, including some of the Parade, the little guys riding… wild lambs, more Livestock being sold at auction meaning sometimes a substantial income for those kids. On the whole, a total family affair. I’ll spare you a third day!
We have not done any riding these past few days! How strange… just walking back and forth to watch it all.
6 more days and we will start the long way down to Big Bend, Texas. As much as I will miss Halfway, I am looking forward to it. We were there for 3 weeks a while back and barely scratched the surface, hopefully the photography also will be exciting.
Enjoy the pictures

Be well…

Ara & Spirit

www.theoasisofmysoul.com our website…
Under the weather... OR


Under the weather… OR

Trying to keep my composure today… yesterday… how quickly one can succumb to a bit of illness! At least take a walk through town I thought… a good thing with good weather. My mail arrived, bumped into some riders exploring the area on some very cool bikes and some good Karma which I wrote about on the website.
Change of plans, and then again more changes and changes… We are leaving for Texas tomorrow am via Sacramento to visit with my friend Brian and his family… and learn some computer stuff! Not my favorite hobby, but, I have to learn to be self sufficient when I start adding an Index on my website so one can navigate and find recipes and routes I have taken… It will be a slow road, don’t expect it overnight, but it will get done…
Poor Spirit is stuck with me not going anywhere… good thing I have not heard a complain… yet.

Be well…

Ara & Spirit
Placerville... CA


Placerville… CA

Back into the thick of life… compared with Halfway! So this is where everyone has been hiding this past month. Terlingua, Texas… he we come. But first, some tutorial from my friend Brian, I am going to be Internet literate very soon, I just feel bad that he has to put up with me these coming days…
Used the “tent space” again, from Adv Rider’s Forum… camped here on 40 acres, gracious hosts Kurt and Evie. He even had to get his chainsaw and start clearing some room for us! Many nice people left in this world, trust me on that.
More pictures and our route is on the website.

Enjoy and be well…

Ara & Spirit
The Gold town of Coloma... CA


The Gold Town of Coloma… CA

First day on the road back to Texas, Terlingua! We are both so exhausted that we stopped early, I hope for a good night sleep. I think stumbling from the High Desert of eastern Oregon to the fire smoke and smog filled air of Placerville was too great of a shock for us. Add to the day hours of computer tutorial, a totally obscure path for me, a short circuit was imminent!
We did find time to visit the little town of Coloma, check out the remains of this old Gold Town, and that was it! I am excited about that moment, in a few days, when, as we exit the last curve approaching Terlingua, my sight will focus on
Big Bend!
The links that I am working on are public, they are work in progress! There will not be much added till we stop moving for a bit… and I am wide open for suggestions! Check it out

Be well…

Ara & Spirit
Through Mojave Desert... CA


Not much rest, almost in Kingman today to visit… one more time… Mark and Angie’s family… maybe they will adopt us! It is only the third time we visit them…
It was hard not to stray while going through Mojave Desert… all those trails in sight, this incredible vast area, spectacular!
And I will write this here also… I would like to invite anyone “that does not” have a Blog, to send me an article, with pictures, to be published in the magazine section of the website “My first hundred years”. It could be about your pet (s), a recipes, travels, motorcycle, truck, life itself… thoughts! I only ask for it to be “G” rated… I have many young readers and there is enough garbage out there, to put it bluntly! This will give an opportunity for anyone not having the ability, yet, to see their writing on the web…
You never know, you might decide after that to have your own Blog! I think the interaction will be nice and interesting for all. No strings attached… e mail me for more information if you like.
Will be waiting

In the meantime, you all be well…

Ara & Spirit
A weekend in Kingman... AZ


A weekend in Kingman… AZ

Not a detour, but coming through Phoenix I thought we would take care of a recall that could set the cruise control unit on fire… even when parked! First appointment?… December!!! Or leave the RV there for 3 to 4 days… How about moving in a Ford dealer for a while… I guess will keep this one on the list to do. Seven years later has not caught on fire… hope it wait’s a bit longer…
Great weekend in Kingman with Mark and Angie, a great ride to the West entrance of the Grand Canyon, the family, the animals… you name it as you can read about it on the website...

You all be well… we are in transit! Oh… managed to add a recipe…

Ara & Spirit
Arriving in Big Bend, Texas...

Signs of some good riding!!! Poor guy... all the abuse this dog goes through!:eek2:


Arriving in Big Bend, Texas…

Familiar roads leading to Terlingua, a couple miles from the entrance of Big Bend Park, at the same time all new feelings discovering a terrain I feel never truly experienced as we will this time.
The beat is off as the Dish is not working… first time now for 24 hrs. Worse things have happened, there is a Restaurant/Coffee Shop that has WI FI walking distance… as the last time we were here. What an irony!
The weather? Just missed a nasty storm… good timing I guess as everything rocked and rolled overnight…
So, some pictures of the Journey down here on the website, and also a new articles submitted by a 9 year old rider from Louisiana, Brandon! What a great kid… and father team.

Be well…

Ara & Spirit

www.theoasisofmysoul.com our website…
Welcome back to Texas, my friend! I am glad you and Spirit are well.

I have been contemplating where to ride for my five days off during Thanksgiving. I have been tempted to return to the painted skirt canyons of Palo Duro. But if you will be down in BB during that time, I can load the Sherpa into the pickup and drive down for a visit, chats over the campfire, and sharing some rides. I would love to return to the magical place where time stands still and spend it in good company.

And you can tell me all about the place I left, but that has never left me. (Oregon)

What say you?