• Welcome to the Two Wheeled Texans community! Feel free to hang out and lurk as long as you like. However, we would like to encourage you to register so that you can join the community and use the numerous features on the site. After registering, don't forget to post up an introduction!

"The Oasis of my Soul"... A Lifelong Journey on the road...

Ara, a bunch of us will be staying down in the park the 1-4th of November. You're welcome to come tell some tales at the campsites with us!
"Many Stones"... Dual Sport Riders... Terlingua, Tx

Hi Squeaky... sure, I will come by and see you all... thanks!


“Many Stones”… Dual sport riders, Terlingua, Texas

For such a little town far away from it all so much is going on outside the Park. This is the weekend for the TRH National Suzuki dual sport ride with about 150 riders in town having a great time on the local dirt roads… A visit with Ring yesterday, the owner of “Many Stones”… a unique gift and rock and Cacti shop… and I am finding out that some musicians from the 3 week long Kerville Music festival are camping near by… A great dinner at the Crisis Center aka the Cultural Center with some great local talents… I don’t know what else to say… never a dull moment.
Be well…

Ara & Spirit
One year, 200 Blogs later... Texas

Same here Ben, great company all around... thanks for the picture!


Tasty tire...

* It was great meeting Janet yesterday...

One year, 200 Blogs later, Texas

Have we really been on the road all this time?… I asked myself this morning. There is not much sense wondering why it has gone by so fast, it has been a good year with the help of your company, and I can only enjoy “now” at any given time, but cannot hide the excitement of times to come. Spirit and I have grown attached more than ever, he has matured and gained a care free happiness that was not there before. He is now a “traveling dog”! From smell to smell he has established these months many territories… his tail has been wagging more than ever… he is a kind soul to be around.
Some, most, train their dog… we have built up a mutual understanding… we live together and I have learned… a lot from him! I guess we have trained each other…
We have been surrounded this weekend by about 150 dual sport riders, mainly from Texas, lots of pictures here… great times!

Be well…

Ara & Spirit
"Art Car"... Murals... Errands, Alpine, Tx


“Art Car”… Murals… Errands, Alpine, Tx

Combining a great ride with errands is always the ultimate. Spirit with his yearly shots, myself with a prescription renewal and many carbs at a local Bakery proved Alpine is a great little town. The closest town to Terlingua, about 160 miles rounds trip.
And then we saw an Art Car! The Camera Van… it is something that left me speechless wondering if I should think about a new project called… “Sidecar Art”? Maybe the attention Spirit gets is enough!
Enjoy the pictures and description of it on the site
Be well… Ara & Spirit
Be sure to eat here when in Alpine...the cinnamon rolls are fantastic...in fact everything is...

Bread and Breakfast
Bakery and Cafe - Catering
113 W. Holland Ave.
Alpine, TX 79830
Hey Ara,

Just for future reference, it was 8 hours 30 minutes and 482 miles from Davis Mt. State Park to Ft. Worth.

I enjoyed meeting you and I look forward to our next visit.

Stay safe,
Why don't you plan on coming up this way for a visit? You always have a place to stay, right here on the Five Acres of Solitude Ranch.

A few of us are planning a short trip to Palo Duro Canyon during Thanksgiving weekend. You are welcome to join us then, too.

I can talk to you then about my trip down to Big Bend over Xmas with the Sherpa and doing some off-road riding.

Hi Janet... the pleasure was mine... twice!
The Bakery... you did not think my nose would miss that one!!! Even bought some of their bread!... Just what I needed... as I am starting to use my winter jackets... I wonder why they are not fitting that well anymore!
Hi Texas Shadow... I am moving wednesday on Roger's property... You have met him I think "uncle" we call him... a great rider himself... once I move I will get organized and will plan on it... excuse my ignorance... where is Palo Duro Canyon? OK... I found it... Give me some dates... Thanks.


“Viva La Historia” Terlingua, Texas

It was one of those events not to be missed, and we did not! Sorry it is not about riding… parks… the roads… or even Spirit. It is about much more, Life itself over many generations finally back together in this one little town around a cemetery to celebrate it all together. It was tears, laughter, food, music and kind people opening their arms to even myself passing by here from so far away. The emotions surpassed any gathering I have ever witnessed, you had to be here… I hope the Blog and the pictures can relate as close as possible the experience.

You be well…

Ara & Spirit
Hi Texas Shadow... I am moving wednesday on Roger's property... You have met him I think "uncle" we call him...
Yes, I met and talked with Roger at Kosmic Cafe last March when Randy and I were in Big Bend for the week. Tell him I now have a Sherpa and plan on doing off-road Sherpa duty around X-mas!

... once I move I will get organized and will plan on it... excuse my ignorance... where is Palo Duro Canyon? OK... I found it... Give me some dates... Thanks.
The thread and info is here. I'm going up dark-o'thirty Thursday morning to secure campsites for our group.

We hope you will join us!
Pm'ed you...


Am I just an old “hippie”? Tx

We took off for the day to the Park yesterday. Much needed for the both of us, it was time to spend some time trying to answer some questions running through my mind fueled by such empty spaces. Since Spirit is not allowed on the trails we pretty much stayed on Croton Springs Rd and Paint Gap Rd, riding some, hiking some. It happens always… the magical effects of Big Bend. In a couple days actually the Mountains themselves will be our view! A good friend of mine has offered some great first row space on his property for us to stay on. So today we are packing for tomorrow’s move, Karma again has been good to us.
More on the Blog

Be well…

Ara & Spirit
Our new home, BB, Texas...


Our new Home, BB, Texas

Due to the generosity of Roger, a friend we met last year, we moved onto his property yesterday morning… beautiful! What a view, what an incredible peaceful and serene space with the landscape of Big Bend, The Ghost Town, Terlingua… 24/7!
These are busy days! Another friend from Louisiana is arriving today, some riders from the Texas Two Wheel Forum also tonight… the Chili Cook Off has started… we have a free pass for the complete event as I volunteered at the gate last night…It was a good time with good people. A new recipe… a new Magazine page… all on the Blog
Be well…

Ara & Spirit
A Celebration "The Day of the Dead", BB, Tx


A Celebration, “The Day of the Dead”, BB, Tx

A Mexican Holiday celebrated here in Terlingua, a friend from Louisiana, the Chili Cook Off, the Texas Two Wheel riders in the area… and you thought probably that there is never anything going on around here!
On our way right now to the finals of the cookoff… much more on the Blog
We have to run!!!
Be well…
Ara & Spirit
The Chili Cookoff, Terlingua, Tx


The Chili Cookoff, Terlingua, Texas

Terlingua has regained its composure yesterday afternoon, the many events that took place these past weeks are over. Millions of stars where shining down on us last night as the town near by was dark and quiet. We spend some time at the Chili Cookoff, the craziness was just starting as the chili’s were turned in for judging. The Showmanship competition was on its way, amazing imagination, laughter, colors and music… as always!
Spirit will pose for pictures as long as needed… it was a great sunset and no exception, he sat patiently and waited for the camera to stop its shutter noise! What a dog…
Enjoy the pictures on the Blog… there are quite a few!

Be well…

Ara & Spirit
Thanks Stromboy...
Hey Roger! Nice to hear from you... recognize?
All is well here... you can hear a pin drop in town now... Weather just perfect... riding... new tire.. (Ore rd tomorrow), what can I say... they should have called this "paradise"...
Thanks again for letting us stay here... awesome...
Stay in touch...
Ara & Spirit
A bit of my Dog’s Life riding and living on the road…


A bit of my Dog’s Life riding and living on the road…

We did live on 16 beautiful acres at one time in Northern Georgia when my buddy rescued me from the shelter with just a couple more days to live. I heard many people telling him not to take me because I am a Pit, so I proved him wrong for over a year now!
Life is good, the smells are good, the food is too and so is his affection and Love for me. I have my own sidecar, I get to ride and watch my other buddies walk the streets instead. Of course I have to give in often for all those pictures he takes of me, same goes for all those strangers that have never seen me riding with my goggles on… but oh! Well… small price to pay… check it out

Thanks for the scratches you always send me…

Be careful on Old Ore Rd. There is one place in particular that may give your rig some trouble down south of Telephone Canyon.

Be careful on Old Ore Rd. There is one place in particular that may give your rig some trouble down south of Telephone Canyon.


Yes, I just talked to two riders that did it yesterday on KTM 540's and said the same thing... deep sand at the beginning and end... Might switch and do Pinto Canyon from Marfa down instead!
Thanks for the warning... or maybe wait for that one for someone else to come with us!!!
Be well... Ara & Spirit
Yes, I just talked to two riders that did it yesterday on KTM 540's and said the same thing... deep sand at the beginning and end...
Did they say how large the sandy areas are on the road?
Might switch and do Pinto Canyon from Marfa down instead!
Now, I've heard *that* is a nice ride! Take photos; I'd like to see what it looks like.
There is a great ride report here, I just posted a comment, he only posted one picture of Ore road... and stopped... bummer!:eek2:

Now, I've heard *that* is a nice ride! Take photos; I'd like to see what it looks like.[/QUOTE] "tous de suite Madame...":rofl:
Ara, I thought "Spirit's" blog was fantastic. With just a little tweaking, you could publish it into a children's book!

The pictures are fantastic, too.