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"The Oasis of my Soul"... A Lifelong Journey on the road...

Ara, I'm glad to hear you're going to make it up to the ranch with the Lost Boys! It's going to be great to finally meet you. It's much different up there than along the Old Marathon Road. Rough country.

Artwalk in Alpine, Texas

He does have bandanas... :rider:


Artwalk in Alpine, Texas

Another great event in this area… the Alpine Artwalk! Nighttime open Galleries, rubbing elbows with the Artists… eating and eating again… and much chatting!
We left early in the day, the weather turning cold last night made us came back the 80 miles, missing only one deer in the dark. I keep thinking… some day! Some day it is going to happen… so far we have always drawn the lucky number.
Such a great time that we (I did anyhow!) thought about maybe going back tonight.
Enjoy the show… and a Holiday Recipe…

Be well…

Ara & Spirit
A couple events in Terlingua, Texas

We will be here!!!


A couple events in Terlingua, Texas

More going on here every week that passes by. The local talent was in full force at a benefit for the recycling program, including an incredible Fire Dance at the beat of the Drums… a nostalgic tour at the “Menagerie Press” where Lauren uses two almost 100 year old letterpress presses to print cards and pages… no click of the button here… no switches, but true hard work one letter at the time.
We are on our way to the Chinati Hot Springs which we missed the last time we rode Pinto Canyon. The weather is still warm ahead of a forecasted cold spell, and we better get on and take advantage of it…
That is about it for now!
Almost forgot… lots of pictures in the “My First 100 Years” last article…

Be well….

Ara & Spirit
As I posted on a previous thread... learning myself about bandwidth... I will keep this one thread going regardless of the many episodes of my Blog!
Makes sense... right?
It does not get much better than this... I still have not made it to Texas... changes... why not... no schedule... I am now allowed to do so, or not to do so! I am in New Iberia, Louisiana. Seems like I am never going to leave this State... at least I know that I will never go hungry... It is morning as I am posting this... a great ride and experience from yesterday... but my mind is already on lunch!... The weather has been cooperative, the rig is running good, I feel healthy and.. overweight. I have decided to spend 5 more days here, visiting friends and everything that surrounds me... including cooking a couple dinners for them. Can't loose my touch in the kitchen... My Blogging format is still not finalized... my own website is still under construction... and somehow I feel Christmas right around the corner... with no plans what so ever... Oh! well... might be a quiet one in some woods celebrating with Mother Nature this year...
My stories are always on my Blog... hope you enjoy...
Be well... Ara and Spirit


Of course you're looking toward lunch. You're Armenian. If you can't eat and eat well, you might as well not be alive. Food is everything to an Armenian.


The Chinati Hot Springs, Texas

That's funny!!! Of course we love good food... and that is why I have been a Chef for 37 years... so I won't starve! You should know the expression quite often used "Starving Armenian"...


Oh! That look!!!…

The Chinati Hot Springs, Texas

Yes, still in Texas… the big and friendly State with so many places to go and events to attend! When “things” get busy somehow my mind always go back to our stay in the “Joshua Trees”, the “Belle” campground, all the way in the back by the big rock where we sat there for hours… days really! I guess it has left quite an impression on me. Chinati Hot Springs will became the same, in the middle of literally nowhere, isolated from it seems the rest of the World, as they say, it is a place to get “restored”!
Even if the journey there was kind of a fiasco regarding food and sleeping accommodations… my own smart lack of planning!
Don’t miss it if you are in this area… more here on the Blog.

Be well…

Ara & Spirit
Holidays in Big Bend, Texas


Holiday in Big Bend, Texas

We actually spend most of the day in Alpine, working at cooking! It was a fun day putting to use what I know best. Had not help from Spirit, nice think carpet in front of the fireplace, that was his pad for most of the day! This dog is not a fool…
Change in weather so suddenly made us ride in a bitter cold wind that somehow even came through the helmet and my ear plugs. Price to pay I guess… It even snowed last night up on Chisos Mountain where we tried to take a ride up this morning, but even with my heated gear including the gloves, we had to turn around… just a bitter cold. It will warm up… soon.
Recipes and pictures are here… on the Blog.

Till later… you all be well…

Ara & Spirit
A Journey with no Fences and Gates? Texas


A Journey with no Fences and Gates? Texas

We are going to Fort Davis tomorrow. A change in the scenery, it is about one hundred miles north of here and it will allow us to explore the area without the 200 mile round trip every time. Makes sense…
The weather has been warming up nicely, some great riding in the area should make it for a pleasant stay. Having quite a few friends visiting Big Bend in December, we will be back here before heading… East… for a very short while.
Some thoughts today… somehow I see the fences surrounding us also being part of our own Life…
You be well…

Ara & Spirit
Marathon, Texas


Marathon, Texas

Repeat to myself “never write about our next destination”… repeat to myself…
So we are still here… we did leave… came right back! Not strange if you consider that the Powwow is happening this weekend, the Bug Show… and the “Run for Stupidity”! Only in Terlingua… you would not want to miss seeing all those events on this Blog… would you? So only to please you (!!!) we unpacked again and forced ourselves to stay… just for you! I insist…
We did take a ride to Marathon yesterday, a nice ride and a cool little town as you will see on the Blog
Our “Spirited Doggie Treats” (Spirit’s new hobby!) would have been a better choice for lunch than what I had…. But… maybe I will have better common sense next time…
You be well….
Ara & Spirit
Wow, in three days all of the snow looks like it's gone.
How long will you be up in/near Ft Davis?
Wow, in three days all of the snow looks like it's gone.
How long will you be up in/near Ft Davis?

We never went!!! I wrote it in the Blog... Powwow this weekend, the stupid Race... Art Show...
Check out your buddie's "Spirited Treat" page!!! you will laugh...
I was going to steal that picture of you and him... but it is protected! Could you send it to me?\Are you coming down?...
Be well... Ara & Spirit
We never went!!! I wrote it in the Blog... Powwow this weekend, the stupid Race... Art Show...
Check out your buddie's "Spirited Treat" page!!! you will laugh...
I was going to steal that picture of you and him... but it is protected! Could you send it to me?\Are you coming down?...
Be well... Ara & Spirit

I won't be there until sometime early next year - we'll be coming back with the "little" bikes to ride River Road.

Which picture? None of the ones I took personally came out very well, but others took pics of me with him. I think Moose took the best ones.
Last edited:
Uhmmmm... Ara - on second review of this photo you might want to make sure Spirits shots are up to date:eek2:



These are the only 2 I have - yours for the taking

Re: A Journey with no Fences and Gates? Texas

Ara, this is one of the most beautiful photos I've ever seen of a bike and the landscape as...... one. Truly. Fantastic.

BTW, I guess you'll be having a camp neighbor for a week down there :trust: I'm bringing my baby Dutch oven. Camp cobbler.:clap:
A Powwow in Terlingua, Texas

That is the one (top) Squeaky... he has been having some breathing difficulties since...:eek2: ... The DR wants to see you too....

Texas Shadow... what would be your ETA?... Looking forward... Cobble!!! Hummmm... Hope you can use a humble assistant... I can hold the lid...


A Powwow in Terlingua, Texas

I think the ones that did not show up for this event missed out on a lot. It was a beautiful day, we are back to short sleeve T shirts by the way here in south Texas, and the event kept our senses awake all day. Just a few miles from camp, this will never be considered as a ride report! It really is better, a true ride for the mind surrounded by proud people within their rich history.
A new experience making me happy that we turned around to come right back a few days ago.
Enjoy the pictures on the Blog

Be well…

Ara & Spirit
Re: A Powwow in Terlingua, Texas

Texas Shadow... what would be your ETA?... Looking forward... Cobble!!! Hummmm... Hope you can use a humble assistant... I can hold the lid...
;-) That's appreciated.
I hope to be there late Saturday the 22nd or sometime Sunday the 23rd.
Re: A Powwow in Terlingua, Texas

A Powwow in Terlingua, Texas

I think the ones that did not show up for this event missed out on a lot.
The comment I posted on your blog doesn't show, so I'm posting it here and you can post/insert it if you wish:

Ara wrote:I do however like these words I read yesterday.

"One evening, and old Cherokee told his grand son about a battle that goes on inside all people. He said ‘My son, the battle is between two wolves which live inside us all’. One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority and ego. The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith. The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: ‘which wolf wins?’. The old Cherokee simply replied ‘the one you feed’.

My father, whose grandmother was Cherokee, was told a similar story by his father, and related it to me when I was young (many times). The difference was that the battle within was not 'good versus evil', but the 'dark and the light'.

I once asked him why and he told me because before the Natives were 'Christianized', the concept of 'good and evil' was more accurately 'dark and light'. Because both exist, just like night and day. Both must be acknowledged as an intricate part of life, just like life and death. They both are a part of everything that exists. The wisdom is learning to distinguish between the two and how to deal with them both. One cannot exist without the other. Whereas in our modern Westernized society and thought, we try to extinguish one, but ultimately destroying the other as well.

I later learned how similar this is to Taoism and Zen Buddhism. And physics. Thus, to me, is more representative of reality. And Truth.

Where there is a positive, there is always a negative. And vice versa.
The rest of the weekend, Terlingua Tx

I like that!!!
We will be here... looking forward to spending the Holidays with new Friends... and hope... good food!


The rest of the weekend, Terlingua TX

I have to clarify what I wrote today on the Blog regarding the Powwow and my feelings toward the group of Native American Indians present… I am speaking about who I saw, what I saw and what I felt this weekend. Of course I know about the Casinos, of course I know about the millionaires in Palm Springs… but “this” was here, it was “now”…
Spirit again had a package in the mail, he has his own fan club… many spirited (!!!) followers most likely. Some stickers for his helmet… and now he will get noticed even more, trust me that my job as his “bouncer” has just become more difficult.
As most of you are feeling the cold and maybe buried under the snow, the weather here? Come and experience it… nice and cool in the morning… nice and crisp during the day, not a cloud in the sky lately… this even beats Florida weather!
You can also check out the “Bug Show” and the “Race for Stupidity” on the Blog…Till next time… be well… and let me know what you think!

Ara & Spirit
Re: The rest of the weekend, Terlingua Tx

I have to clarify what I wrote today on the Blog regarding the Powwow and my feelings toward the group of Native American Indians present… I am speaking about who I saw, what I saw and what I felt this weekend. Of course I know about the Casinos, of course I know about the millionaires in Palm Springs… but “this” was here, it was “now”…
Indigenous people are humans, too. Like any human being exposed to temptations, the life he or she lives is an individual choice. Native American Indians have been 'caught' in the middle for generations. It's not an easy place to be.

I (and my daughter) lived on a reservation in Maine for a year while I was in college and knew many full and mixed-blood Indians (including my own family). It provided a perspective that few others outside of the tribes know. Most judge them based on Hollywood-created stereotypes and other media. You may empathize with their dilemmas based on your own ethnic history.

Another topic we can discuss around the campfire in a few weeks.
Yep, good looking stickers on Spirit's lid but we can't see all of them.... :doh: :rider:

Ya gotta go to the blog. Front view with two side photos. That dog is quite the posser for photos! :clap:
the "BITE ME" is classic.
Ya gotta go to the blog.

The work firewall seems to be blocking ALL of the photos. :-(
I'll have to look at them from home tonight.

I DID see that some "Jeff Hansen" sent the stickers, though! :thumb:
(sheesh, what some peepul will do to get mentioned in a famous blog) :lol2:

Spirit is my hero!
Ya gotta go to the blog. Front view with two side photos. That dog is quite the posser for photos! :clap:
the "BITE ME" is classic.

Yep, I went to the original blog and saw all the stickers..... Spirit is quite the 'character' isn't he?! :rofl: :clap: :rider: