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"The Oasis of my Soul"... A Lifelong Journey on the road...

Ara, I think you need to change Spirit's name to Porky. He sure turns into a big ham when you point the camera at him. :lol2:

As always, enjoyed the blog. :thumb:
Ara, I think you need to change Spirit's name to Porky. He sure turns into a big ham when you point the camera at him. :lol2:

As always, enjoyed the blog. :thumb:

I have a better name than that!!!:lol2:


Bannack, MT

Finally a real Ghost Town visited just in time as we will be moving on in a couple of days. So many photos that it is going to take a couple Blogs to post most of them. Wandering slow, versus the usual many travelers “warp speed” with mileage in mind more than anything else, we also met up this time with a family of six bicycling the country. “6”! I was thinking about all the meals, the camping gear, the showers, the logistics which must be by themselves just incredible. We also had a long stop over in Dillon admiring the Old Hotel and right across, the new “graffiti”. A contrast in itself.
But the big prize is Bannack. Turned into a State Park where dogs are allowed everywhere, quiet and peaceful with even I was told, the sights of Ghosts at night.
The Badlands will be our next stop before heading south, hopefully to cool weather… we sure don’t want Mr. Spirit to be uncomfortable!
Enjoy the Town…
Be well…
Ara & Spirit

Good Bye Montana, more of Bannack

This State grew on us, it helped me straighten up a bit, understand better what Life is all about under a different light. Odd thoughts one might think. Not to me truly, as the land within every space has it’s own character and personality and gives back what one puts in. Exception being the Freeways! We bonded it seems only yesterday and already it is time for us to leave, only meaning we will come back. It is the beauty of this vast Country, knowing that a Lifetime will never be long enough to see it all, even less, feel it all. It is so fine, it is a thought that will never occur, meaning asking myself “now what?”. It just cannot happen.
I finally posted all the Photos of Bannack, the incredible well taken care of Ghost Town, the quiet one that allows a real walk through of it, and also another real “food find”… The Taco Bus in Dillon. Can’t miss it, you don’t want to miss it. Of course now, none will be up to their standard and Dillon is not on our way for a last real invigorating meal. Well, if we left now we could be there in about one hour… 71 miles. We have ridden much longer for a good meal!
Enjoy…Be well as always.
Ara & Spirit

The Dream? MT

I am aware of being a book of complex nature, aren’t we all? No soldered board that could ever match our own elaborate circuitry. Valleys and peaks are put down in words, sometimes “someone” would like me to change those ways. Some understand, some don’t, the comments differ, either way my path has been created, subject to change, but not today.
We have left Ennis, already planning to come back next year, so many roads, such vistas still unseen. It has been quite an experience moving on to this State as slowly building the foundations of a strong relationship with it’s rugged and yet inviting space.
We are headed East, for finally our descent South which makes me feel as the one of this airplane after a long flight. Ron Dakotah should be on our path tomorrow with the hopes that we can again camp together. He has only gone 300 miles or so since we parted, it has to be the ultimate Journey…
Some photos of West Fork Road, another one to again try to experience with some day better weather. Life goes on!!!
Be well… always.
Ara & Spirit

Highway 212 to South Dakota

This is the furthest point North we will be coming to this summer and also the furthest point East as we will start our descent back to Texas soon. South Dakota, a new State and we are right in the middle of it all, much attractions even if I feel as this weekend will be a Zoo due to the Holidays. We might track back a bit and stop along Highway 212 which we hurried by looking for Ron Dakotah, my “Sheepherder Wagon Friend”. His own Journey is moving right along as he himself is on his way to Texas. The big difference is the hardship of his own logistics and the time it will take him to reach by then warmer weather, about 3 months. I feel here as “fall” is making a bit of it’s mark. Cooler temperatures, dry, almost as if on borrowed times the days I sense are as a warning for winter around the corner. All I can say now is “how big and beautiful this Country is!” as every little town, every bend and even seemingly every mile passed by is an inviting space to slow down within and feel it’s own presence.
Familiar photos on the Blog… the red wagon!Be well, always.
Ara & Spirit

Could Life just be a big “Quote”, SD

Every little town we pass by is a turn around. A structure here, an odd display of man made accoutrements designed to attract the attention, all works for us. The imagination of so many are indispensable, it is what makes “Americana”, it is what creates the smiles while running down mainly the back roads from point to point when time is not much of an issue. The Artists of the road are of many, their original thoughts maybe have not been of creating Art, only to get the attention needed to swell their businesses, but I see it as a free form of Art. So was the case stopping at the “Stoneville Saloon” in Alzada, how can one not. The same when in Deadwood to check out Kevin Costner’s memorabilia in his Casino called “The Midnight Star”, a bit more crowded arena that I care for, but worth the detour through Spearfish Canyon, a beautiful riding road adorned with waterfalls worthy of their hike. None of this ever stops, one mile at the time we cover the spaces that presents themselves ahead of us enjoying their moments and vision offered incessantly.
Enjoy the Blog…
Be well, always.
Ara & Spirit

In Broadus. MT

If every little town was such as Broadus, it would take a few Lifetimes to travel through this Country, stopping and spending the hours contemplating all that is now laid out. I must have developed an inquisitive mind, I always seem to manage to meet the “main” local personality, not in the sense of his “power” in town, but in his/her accomplishment within the community.
In Broadus it has been Doug. An old theatre which at one time had only three rows of seats, now settled for a larger audience, with a gym on stage, a Pizza parlor and more…
We will be leaving headed south in a day or two, it is that time before we get caught in this weather that is now beautiful but showing it’s Fall imprint. And I was wondering how many such as Broadus are lining up our route between here and Texas?
It is beautiful Country here, up in the Black Hills, it reminds me a bit of the Blue Ridge Parkway, if only there were less Casinos and structures lining up the shoulders all along. I see it as quite an irony when a Century past adorns it’s Sacred Grounds with another path no so Sacred.
More on the Blog…

Be well, always.

Ara & Spirit
Just in my Limited Travels, I find I bond so much with the surroundings. I can only attempt to think of the bonding when living on the road. I love the desert as much as the high passes. But, my flaw is just not being able to like big, crowded cities. ;0(. Give me a back road through the mountains that is closed in the winter and I'm just as content as U can get.
Thanks for sharing Guy. Always a great read.
Just in my Limited Travels, I find I bond so much with the surroundings. I can only attempt to think of the bonding when living on the road. I love the desert as much as the high passes. But, my flaw is just not being able to like big, crowded cities. ;0(. Give me a back road through the mountains that is closed in the winter and I'm just as content as U can get.
Thanks for sharing Guy. Always a great read.

I don't find it being a flaw at all... if I did it would be my own biggest one!!!


Devil’s Tower… Badlands… WY./SD.

Anomaly could be Devil’s Tower! I could not keep my eyes off of it as many around us, including watching the climbers reach the top and going over the final ledge. A strange fact, climbers are allowed to the top but dogs are not around the 1.3 mile path that circles the Tower. Has anyone gone to the top lately and check on the waste left by the climbers?… no offense but… We all know what is happening with Mt Everest.
Another great ride included the Badlands, 240,000 acres of a fingerprint left by Mother Nature, maybe not unlike other geological ones as it even reminded me of some of the foothills in Big Bend, but vast enough to blend with and be transported as in another space.
Today there are clouds and rain, we are not leaving here till Monday morning, the forecast is of the same till then. The Custer Park’s photos might have to wait till next year, we rode it, but again the weather was not conductive for the camera. I call it the “spaghetti” road! No downpour, just cold steady drops covered with steady gray clouds! That kind…
Till next time…
Be well…
Ara & Spirit

Scenic, that is the Town of… SD

We should all practice wrong turns, getting lost without a watch, only the sun throughout the days and the stars at night guiding us throughout the back country so opulent here. Forget schedules, routes, you will find so much more richness around you and the unexpected. That is the way we stumbled on “Scenic”, this little almost Ghost Town which took most of the afternoon to walk through and play with the camera. So much History here and even more than History in this part of the country, it is the way how everyone lived. The shootings, the much drinking, prevalent jails everywhere, long horse rides for passing on the news, ancient by then when they arrived to their destinations, so much seems to have changed, maybe however not all.
We are still headed south, the temps near by Denver are already on the warmer side, the days are shorter, fall is here almost, winter will not be long, I like the cold!!!
It won’t be long at all… I can taste my vision and hear Spirit again running free, his eyes always locked on me, must be “Love” I think… as my own eyes and ears also are locked on him. Build a fire within minutes of our arrival… those are all my thoughts for the day.
Be well… always.
Ara & Spirit

Garden of the Gods, Co.

It is not Valley of the Gods, barely over 400 acres, however it stands as a pleasant, free, and dog friendly Park near by Colorado City. Give me dog friendly anytime and you have a winner. We have left the crowded spaces of Denver, We are dropping fast through Amarillo and in my mind I can already smell the flavors of the BBQ at City Market in Lubbock. Not a detour, our true route, a grand entrance back to Texas. We had BBQ a couple night ago, a resemblance of it… not a very bright idea to order BBQ in Colorado. Truly, how distasteful. If I remember well there was more than City Market around Lubbock, maybe someone here can remind me of the two other establishments worthy of stopping.
We enjoyed Garden of the Gods, one needs to get there early, the crowd even off season can be overwhelming and the roads are narrow and tight with not that many parking spaces. It is as being within a mini Valley of the Gods, some thoughts about Utah came back to mind, thoughts that will have to wait till next April, the last weekend of it when again the balloons will fly…
In the meantime, be well… always.
Ara & Spirit

Almost there… TX

Do I feel being there yet? Not yet… Northern Texas is just not the same, even if knowing we are only about 300 miles or so away from “The Oasis”. A very big “faux pas”… Looking for “City Market” here in Lubbock when it is in Lulling! My hopes for great BBQ have suddenly vanished as it will be a while till we adventure ourselves toward Eastern Texas. I am thinking, with the fire pits and pecan wood awaiting, it is grand time for me to learn and make my own. After over 40 years of cooking I feel as I should be able to comprehend and put into form one of my favorite fares. “Pork BBQ”.
In the meantime, a few stops here and there, little towns so desolate one can wonder how long they will stay on the map, old cars, even the small town of Slaton is quiet and the Bakery visited last year does not seem as it is offering anything too remotely exciting..
I feel and so ready for quiet. It has been the Urban noises these past few days, we have had our fill of it. Anticipation, never thought I would be so attached to such Land!
Be well…
Ara & Spirit
I feel and so ready for quiet. It has been the Urban noises these past few days, we have had our fill of it. Anticipation, never thought I would be so attached to such Land!
I don't think you are attached to it, it is attached to you. Notice how you can take it where ever you go? It has become a part of you. Returning is like returning to yourself.

I share your feeling. I'll be there again in December.
Welcome Home.
So great I can say "Thank you Ladies..." :rider:

I can also say after being here for the second night... soooooooo nice!!! Unreal truly...


The Windmills of Lubbock, TX

I felt myself being caught in a giant windmill these past days! Stopping over through the big cities (anything over population 500), at the mercy of a world getting noisier by the day, the moving boom boxes, the trucks and cars exhausts reaching jet engine decibels, a foreign English language glad that Spirit does not understand it, last minute errands as to avoid the 130 mile round trips to Alpine which is the closest decent center for supplies, all concentrated over a few days for the first time allowed within me a stress level unknown for a long time. All is past now however as we have safely reached “The Oasis” where time stops and whispers are enough to communicate with “Two Feathers” and “Spirit”.
Lubbock’s “Windmill Museum” was however worth the visit as it was last year. Seeing the World’s largest mural depicting the History of Windmills almost completed was a feast to the eyes covering over 5000 square feet. A few projects here are awaiting, being 3 is half as much more as being two… no dwellings, only thinking about more water and more fire!
Enjoy the Windmill and mural photos on the Blog…Be well…
Ara & Spirit

Dreams and Reality at “The Oasis”, TX

So stuff is starting to accumulate I just realized. How did this happen I started wondering yesterday as photos do not lie. Can I say “it is all her stuff?”. Not too fair as a lot of it is also mine, I just don’t know how it made it’s way into this Space of ours. So this is what we are dealing with right now, even if the weather has been the hottest ever while here. Tomorrow we are taking our first ride into Terlingua, I think I will see some changes most likely, nice ones I am sure.
In the meantime my summer dreams and fall reality have made contact giving me, us, much to think about, all good, different, a positive change toward a path where Space is now shared with much Friendship and respect.
The first steps are ones I have written about on the Blog with some photos right here, 360 degree views… Why would we want to go anywhere!
Enjoy and Thank You for all your kind “Welcome Home” words… Texas style…Be well…
Ara & Spirit

Hanging out as a Tour Guide, TX

This will be the fourth winter we set up base camp here at “The Oasis”. Hard to believe. And every year there is an apprehension that comes over me as… “what are we now going to do? I think we have seen it all…”
And every year I realize we will leave with more unseen and non experienced spaces. Over a 1000 miles of roads to explore outside the Park with constantly changing sceneries as the land of my Friend Ryan we stopped by last evening coming back here, through again different roads. We also managed to ride into Terlingua in the heat of noon as being the only souls and vehicle around. We were not smart enough, yet anyhow, to avoid the 106 degree temperature awaiting for us. The little town has not changed much, if any, as already familiar faces were present, my first thought of course being how did they survive the summer showing sustained temperatures of 136 degrees. A bit warm I would say for anyone. It is rugged country, raw and non forgiving unless obeying the rules, Mother Nature’s rules. Great time now and ahead.
Be well…
Ara & Spirit

Front row seat at “The Oasis”, TX

There has not been a square inch of space that has ever matched the beauty served on “The Oasis” throughout our summer travels. Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, they all contained their own so generously shared throughout our riding that never ceased, but the Spirituality of my Life is here adding so much that daily the astonishment does not cease. As even this morning watching a full Moon going over the Horizon and one step turning around watching the Sun rise all at the same time. The incessant patterns of clouds being drawn so delicately enhancing the senses, some fog on the distant hills rolling away awaiting a further time of the day to uncover it all. It is just plainly Magic that takes away even the remote thought of other parts of this Earth we are on. It feels as we have settled already a bit here and time has arrived to go on our daily and overnight rides exploring this vast Arena we left behind for a few months. Unusual rains and heat has been present, today it feels as we have been given back the ancient pattern of pleasantness which should last for months to come.
We had a front row seat a couple nights ago and I am so happy to be able to share it.
Be well…
Ara & Spirit

A curve ball. TX

This base camp here for the winter is not complex, I try to keep it simple, and yet I am finding ourselves surrounded with more and more conveniences. Right out of the ground comes up a phone and DSL line, there is now, borrowed, a 325 gallon water tank, a 40’ shipping container which will be used as a storage for “stuff” and “Old Faithful”, the solar is working well as long as being conservative, and a new fire pit for the Dutch Oven we tried yesterday for the first time. It is a recipe from my Friend Teri in Ennis, Montana, and I felt there was a bit of that space surrounding us while sharing our dinner with my Friends Paul and Voni. I write “our” meaning Spirit and I, as my Friend has left already. That was the “curve ball” on Saturday, pressure from Family obligations left behind, not much else to say about it besides all is again quiet within this space unlike others.
The forecast is finally showing some cooling off starting Friday, I keep thinking I just want to be cold as the heat robs a bit of my energy and puts a damper on even going away to the so many destinations that awaits for us.
Soon… Heat and humid meaning lightning storms, enjoy the photos of it on the Blog.
Be well…
Ara & Spirit

The “Gentleness” of Life. TX

More and more, increasingly since we have been back here at The Oasis, I am feeling such a parallel between Life and Mother Nature. Havoc she creates with her powerful storms, uncomfortable is what she makes us with too much heat, and yet as Life itself going through it’s own turmoil, I find an order within all, the scales constantly tilting a bit here and a bit there, the “gentleness” of it all always comes back leaving past imprints on us, making us appreciate the delicate balance of it all.
We endured the Mother of all Storms the other night, there was only one big blob of red in the whole country and we were right in the middle of it! A bit earlier the same day and almost at the same time, we were riding with my Friend Ryan in his 4x4 Mule, a great vehicle I found out that goes everywhere, luckily got us out of the still waters before the deluge came down on us. That was on my insistence as he has yet to build up some serious awareness respecting Mother Nature. Flash floods can be detrimental to ones health all but too quickly.
Another day at “The Oasis”…
Be well…
Ara & Spirit

Regional Entertainment, Tx

Good weather, a Saturday (I had to know as much even if we try to live without a calendar!) and a ride to Marfa for their big weekend. But it is not only Marfa, could be Terlingua, Alpine, Marathon, Fort Davis, even the little town of Valentine, they are all joining in for festivities for what we call around here “The Season”, which is about to start. Of course never a big crowd, we are too far from the rest of the World, locals are not that of many, and yet the cash registers need to start shifting gear, summer savings must be dwindling. The Shelbys as every year were in the neighborhood, A Music Festival at the interesting RV Park / Community “El Cosmico”, The “Food Shark” with the best Falafel sandwich was crowded with a long line, and a Cat Woman slowly lingering the streets. The Galleries were open but I was told everywhere we stopped that “Art” is not doing very well unlike the Restaurants and Hotels which are full. Priorities these days must be such.
It will be time coming for a road trip, there has been much to take care of here, amazing as even Life on the road has it’s ability to furnish responsabilities that need to be taking care off.
You be well… Enjoy the Blog…
Ara & Spirit

Isn’t His Birthday every day? Tx

Another year has gone by as here at “The Oasis” spend throughout a multitude of emotions, Lance’s Birthday passed by with fanfare only within myself. There was no music, no cake, no laughter, but the vivid memories of what use to be on this day only seemingly moments ago.
As just on cue, the weather had turned on us, much rain again, barely allowing us to get out on these slippery mud covered with water unpaved roads.
Today however it is as the dark veil has lifted itself off, remembering my promises to go on as we have been for the past years, to stay strongly planted on this Journey, riding, hiking and just plain living, experiencing all that surrounds us throughout our own time here on this large stage Mother Nature always managing to direct on her own terms.
Maybe soon the temperatures will remain under 100 unlike yesterday when again it reached 107, a day as someone else said “I could have shoveled the humidity”.
Spirit was in an overly playful mood, it is as he tries to lift my own Spirits and does a good job at it, no doubt he is my pillar throughout these days.
Be well… more on the Blog.Ara & Spirit

A new addition at “The Oasis”, Tx

Sorry… it is again not a ride report as putting this “Taj Majal” together has taken more time than thought. After all, who needs to read directions, instructions! I have set up tents all my Life…
It is a cozy dwelling, wood stove and hot water tank, will stand up against the rains and winds, the view is spectacular, an old table that has some local history to write on, a couple old chairs, a cot for myself when up late only having a couple steps to take to spend the night on.
The winds and the rocky grounds made this project a bit more difficult, but I am liking the result and so does Spirit as long as he gets to lay down on of course the softer side. Amazing how dogs know the soft spots, must be a sixth sense build in their temperament.
The weather is finally bearable, pleasant, feeling as we are making again a connection with an old acquaintance, as someone told me today when explaining where we are “the flats”. I like that because we are surrounded by the mountains, this is front row seat for always the best show Mother Nature puts on within Texas.
A couple tires to change, some fresh oil and some new destinations… we have only arrived, but somehow ready to go. Some day I might understand that concept, no need to right now.
More of the “Taj Majal”…
Be well…
Ara & Spirit
Hey Ara. Looks like I will be in the neighborhood around Oct 27-30. Will you be in town?
Hey Ara. Looks like I will be in the neighborhood around Oct 27-30. Will you be in town?

What Town? This is not a Town... it is the Desert!!!:lol2:

We should be around. Let me know ahead a bit. What will you be riding? If it does not rain you can get in here pretty easily... hummmm...

Looking forward, has been a while!

Be well... Ara & Spirit