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"The Oasis of my Soul"... A Lifelong Journey on the road...

Great pics and words to close out ol `09, Ara. :zen: Be safe, stay warm and give Spirit a pat for us. :rider:

Happy New Year
Bet you are getting some great views of the Blue Moon. All all the dumb things yesterday, I forgot my camera and missed a super great moon photo with just the right angle and clouds streaking it. Well DUH!
Great pics and words to close out ol `09, Ara. :zen: Be safe, stay warm and give Spirit a pat for us. :rider:

Happy New Year

Hey you... where did you get that Avatar??? :eek2:

Achesley... The main thing is that you will always remember that full Moon, no worry about the photo, it would have not been the same anyhow...


Into the New Year, more of Big Bend. Tx

Finally the maintenance on Old Faithful is totally finished, including reinforcing the rear rack supporting my camera case. Seems as the oil changes are endless, one after another they are due. When one does not have a car, that is however generally the case. We are into the New Year obviously, the temps are cold and colder in the mornings, afternoons see me in a short sleeve T shirt. I was thinking about how long it takes us to get ready on an early morning and wrote about it step by step. I find it pretty hilarious, thinking most that have never ridden or are fair weather riders will also share that humor as I can only see it as such.
Big Bend Park has renewed my energy to start exploring it’s spaces again, the ones we have access to it, paved roads, unpaved roads, no trails… Same old story of “no dogs” on trails in National Parks. But, it is only a few miles from here, I am on a quest of new discoveries for this year.
We are here and we are there, this space and a bit ahead at times, wrongly so maybe, but the road never cease to call us as much we love it here. It is the eternal quest I feel, the eternal balance trying to maintain.
I picked my favorite photo of the Year… enjoy it.
Be well…
Ara & Spirit
Thanks for reminding me of that. Photos never capture the effect and what your eyes really see. Only serve to remind you of that place, time and experience.
Thanks for reminding me of that. Photos never capture the effect and what your eyes really see. Only serve to remind you of that place, time and experience.

There is a very interesting article I need to find and post for you about what happens once the camera is in between us and Mother Nature. The senses are depleted and suddenly the vision and feelings that were "for us" so personal, so uplifting, are transfered into this box with the thoughts being "how is this photo is going to turn out". Unless you have a 50MP Hasselblad with 6 full frame sensors at the cost of $52,000 (and even that... as it is the "camera object itself), well, the photo as you know will never be what we have experienced.
Often I leave the cameta behind. It is just me and that Sunset or Sunrise and that emotion truly remains within me in a more honest fashion as if I had taken photos. Sometimes it becomes a toss up... the camera wins because I love photography, but I think you understand above...
I am not a Pro on assignment!!! The it would be a job... and again, a totally different feeling as I have also done that a couple times... It was really really strange! Like... OK... today I go to work taking photos and yet I do not want to loose my sensitivity toward my surroundings. I did not like it!!! I had to all day shed away that i was doing "this" as an assigment...
You be well...
Ara & Spirit
Hey you... where did you get that Avatar??? :eek2:

My avatar? Oh, I 'leased' that one from a master chef/photographer that keeps us all entertained (and in awe) with his pics and prose! :zen:

I need to send some more 'lease' money to you again, I am using your 'Dr Doug' pic as an avatar elsewhere. ;-)

Stay warm, take care and pet the co-pilot for us. :clap:

My avatar? Oh, I 'leased' that one from a master chef/photographer that keeps us all entertained (and in awe) with his pics and prose! :zen:

I need to send some more 'lease' money to you again, I am using your 'Dr Doug' pic as an avatar elsewhere. ;-)

Stay warm, take care and pet the co-pilot for us. :clap:


Ah! My Buddy... Dr Doug! What a Life it is... :giveup:


A ride to Boquillas Canyon. Tx

Sometimes within this big land of ours, no destination is a great one and becomes an even better Journey. Why bother knowing the miles, the time, getting there… Even considering the fact that we cannot hike the trails together, Spirit and I, the Park still remains one of my favorite destination, so vast, with still many roads forking to the left and right and many photos to take. Boquillas Canyon is where we end up the other day. I like to go to the look out, unpleasant as it is to see this little Village named Boquillas, isolated because of some bureaucracy needing to be followed. The Border is closed. There is always someone to talk to and their jovial personality considering their situation is always so refreshing. I actually feel more comfortable in such Spaces and conversations than being into a City as I was not too long ago.
We are getting ready for a real cold spell, that is what they say anyhow. To the point right now when a ride is so enjoyed as maybe we will have to stay put for a couple of days… an Artic front! “The high temperatures will be 25 to 30 degrees below normal…” It is really promising this time. I have no clue where else we could go to stay warmer during the winter months and yet have the beautiful space as here. So… we will endure it a bit!
Enjoy the ride…Be well… Ara & Spirit

Jane... if you read this, this photo is for you!!!:rider:

Riding the Wave… Tx
Woke up to 4 degrees this morning, yes, “four”. I cannot even remember when I have been surrounded by such temperatures. I realize sticking my nose out there that it did not make much difference from 30 or similar numbers. Within one hour it jumped up to 28! January is just going to be one of those month as the nights truly are making me appreciate the bit warmer times of the day, almost hot compared. I can’t wait for “Global Warming” to become a reality!
Once again Terlingua proved to be a town unlike others only a day before this glacial front as we went in for propane and provisions. Deserted Ghost Town it was, waiting for the store to open in the afternoon I did not even find anyone to chat with! Whatever preparations went on, the locals must have been hard at it, no cars, not a soul. “Terlingua Trading Company” was however open, I had never as seriously adventured myself throughout the aisles, specially with a camera in hand, after of course asking for permission. Have to ask, always, people get upset… I know.
So really not much else is new, besides AT&T totally cutting me off from voice and data roaming. Does not matter if you sign up for “free roaming”, read the very fine prints as I did not. I have been asked to look for another carrier. None of course will work with the I Phone. Anyone for a slightly always covered and protected I Phone? Which reminds me to ask to stop sending me attachments please. Links only are fine as this is the second go around with a second carrier. At this point I might loose soon all connections, no one truly realizes the complexity and costs to stay connected as we do.
Enjoy… and be well. Ara & Spirit

Winter rambling… Tx

I feel fortunate in these times of not going backwards. The logistics of the present weather has us pinned down into short days as I am ready to bolt out through those inexistent and only imaginary doors into what use to be. I know too well it will be here soon, the longer days, the warmer times, seeking for shade when now instead chasing the sun.
As a Friend wrote me today…
“Don’t you know that living in Nature in the open air as you do, you are entitled to tuck away and hibernate along with the other critters hibernating right now, and not “feel guilty” hanging out with Friends and good hearty food”
It is amazing how so often as much as my gears keep unraveling, a few words from a Friend can make a difference. I know this is what all of us are all about. Words and thoughts of kindness toward each other, supporting each other within all present times. So important to all of us.
We had a couple visitors, an old Friend “Donna” and a new Friend, her Husband “Stu”, Spirit’s new buddy! I had to be careful he would not take off with him… I think he likes his truck now much better than his own sidecar. I cannot blame him at times… One needs to think how long he has been putting on the miles throughout these years in all kinds of weather. He loves it!!!
Well, enjoy the rest of my rambling… winter words!
Be well, Ara & Spirit

Paint Gap Rd, Big Bend. Tx

A clearing in the weather? We are out there in a heartbeat… we are out taking advantage of it. Not today… The pattern has changed here, what were days in and days out of good weather is just no more. This is actually the second day raining while I write this and as I had planned to ride to the Mariscal mines in the Park, even with some sunny skies projected for tomorrow, we might have to wait for the unpaved roads to dry.
But we did have a chance to hang out on Paint Gap Rd for a day, just a couple miles off the main road, far enough to enjoy the serenity and silence surrounding us. The road calls for high clearance but overall a decent one, only for a short time we had to crawl the hack a bit hitting the skid plates here and there. It is a road and so Spirit was able to “legally” hike with me, those are the roads we will look from now on. A few photos were fun here and there, specially when turning around with the Chisos in sight. We did not meet anyone that day, I know all this will change soon.
I am depending more and more on my SPOT and SAT phone in deeper more isolated areas with rougher roads. Having the Ranger’s phone number and also giving them my web share page as with the short days and cool night we are out of there by the time they close. As most should know, this is rugged country not to be taken lightly.
Enjoy the photos…
Be well, always.
Ara & Spirit
The hat makes it look cloder than what it was... 4 degrees... :lol2:


The ride to Mariscal Mines, Big Bend. TX

Time here has a way to slip by so fast. I can understand why “out of towners” while jovial here might suddenly upon their return to the big City loose whatever “smile” they had gained while here. Time... just not enough of it to do, see and feel it all. Stopping in Terlingua on our way to the Mines set us back a bit late arriving there. The ride was of a fine one with Spring in the air, so much so that I declared Winter being over. We arrived too late to explore the buildings and even to take some good photos of them as they face east and their shadows arising were too quick for us. We will definitely go back again soon and spend the night to be there for sunrise as it is a space in the Park so unlike any other. Hard to believe that anyone actually worked there, specially in the summers with temperatures over 100 degrees daily and the nights not that much cooler. East River Rd is a good road only requiring high clearance but no four wheel drive needed. Stretches actually where easy 3rd gear and higher speeds, some others of course very rocky with many dry bed creek crossings, some steep enough for “Old Faithful” to have some fun. Instead of staying there till dark, I decided to head back and catch the good light on our return. The golden hour is just so incredible, orange and pink and mauve and all in between, a bit of coolness descended on the ride, it was still just a long sleeve T shirt and jacket day all the way back to the paved road.
The days and nights right now continue to be as remembered from past seasons here. It was over 80 today. Just right.
Enjoy the road and the Farmers Market...
Be well, always.
Ara & Spirit

More of the Mariscal Mines. TX

Today we are sitting at the Hospital in Midland awaiting surgery tomorrow morning. One more! Only gums and yet, well, this one will be deeper (for lack of better words) and mure hurtful. I hope we can get out of here by Saturday as Spirit is also the one taking a beating within his days and nights as all he can do is wait for me. Poor guy!
At least I can sit here reliving my memories of our last ride, specially the moment when for the first time we saw the Mariscal Mines dwellings. It was a bit as a mirage, but they were there, themselves having left behind their own memories of a few years past from 1900 to 1943.
Arriving too late as the buildings facing east had already been in the shadows for a while, it was only a short hike, grab a bite to eat and head back enjoying the sunset on River Road. Definitly planning to go back and spend a few nights, the space is just too inviting not to.
Managed to put together a photo~video of the ride with all the photos and, to me, great background music. I do realize them needing a fast connection as even myself except on my hard drive I watch them being cut off. You can click pause while playing and let it run to again click on play with then no interruption.
Be well... enjoy and maybe when here plan on the same ride, drive... you will never regret it.
Ara & Spirit
Maybe it is time for a little break for you, Ara. Too bad there has to be surgery involved.:doh:
Great pics of the mine, I just can't imagine anyone working so hard out in that never-ending 'furnace' of the Big Bend - really tough folks they were.
Keep up the Oasis, I always enjoy your reports. :clap:
Maybe it is time for a little break for you, Ara. Too bad there has to be surgery involved.:doh:
Great pics of the mine, I just can't imagine anyone working so hard out in that never-ending 'furnace' of the Big Bend - really tough folks they were.
Keep up the Oasis, I always enjoy your reports. :clap:

Thanks db...


The Roads less traveled. TX

The going to Midland was definitely more exciting than the return yesterday. Never thought I would want to get off the road so often bugged down by pain and medication, as the side effects of anti swelling and anitbiotics are just as bad as anything else including the traces of some anesthesia that will probably linger for a while. All is behind now as I am thinking a bit more of those nostalgic roads we took, adorned quite often with what was once in the past a richer one, today dwindling with old cars and trucks and caved in dwellings left behind. I keep wondering if “all that” will also change some day or will the next traveler 100 years down the road will still witness the same memories.
I think these coming days we will just recupperate and try to gain some strenght back. Spirit on the other hand needs to spend some of that strenght, he has been so patient awaiting and waiting some more, supporting me with his kind temperement, if only those eyes could talk louder.
The weather, besides some very strong winds, is cooperating, a bit of warmth is always good and sunshine has also a way to recharge those batteries depleted these past days. Could have been time on my hands or just feeling the few photos on the Journal would fit the days in black and white better, that is the format they are in.
Enjoy and be well. Ara & Spirit

Six Years ago, today. TX

The ride through our days can so much differ from time to time, from day to day. Quiet it has been lately, trying to get over the surgery which has hit me a bit harder than thought, quiet also has been reliving the day when Lance departed six years ago. He went on his own ride and yet he has never left me. He is daily part of my driving force on this Journey of ours, it is never only the motorcycle, the sidecar with Spirit's presence, a camera, Mother Nature, Friends and new experiences, it is “him” always by my side with a promise made I will not break. “I will go on”, that is the one. I use to be very angry just a few years ago, always felt as being targeted as the one having lost their only child, but today, on this Day, my Heart also goes for the many others that have lost their Loved ones and are also on the ride of their Lives. I spoke with a Friend near by yesterday, a very fanous photographer that has lost his own Son only a year ago, we so much understood each other as we called ourselves members of the “Tough Club”, not the “Elite Club” as I use to think. As yes, it is tough and as much support as I receive from others I try on this Day to also give back to the ones needing such support themselves.
I should have run out of words throughout these times, but I do not as the steps climbed always present an expression of feelings unknown before.
Be well...
Ara & Spirit

A Canvas of so many Spaces. TX

I often wonder throughout these present times if my words to myself makes any sense. Lets face it, the weather has yet to be conductive for farther destinations as “The Oasis” always provide us with the needed shelter, as even today, planning a few days toward “Chinati Hot Springs”, will be curtailed by a rainy forecast and heavy winds. So there is more thoughts that linger versus more miles taken. There are more local rides and more seeing familiar faces in the surrounding also familiar neighborhoods. As this past Saturday when stumbling on a free BBQ at the Ghost Town Park in Terlingua. Of course “free food” is always welcome, even better when it is good as this might have been the best brisket I have ever had, and the icing on the cake being the familiar faces which I already know we will not see as soon we will be moving on, the northern spaces awaits us. A bit of Music as there is always a Musician or two, or three that day for that matter, ready to entertain us and play their chords together, interesting conversations and some pondering while looking around at the many faces present. Listening to a happy traveler, also hearing another unhappy one, it was all part of the day while Spirit with his nose up into the wind could only wish some of that brisket would find it's way toward him! The years I notice are going by as I looked at the cast present. Some are a bit slower then past times, some are a bit more thoughtful then past years, it is always the present reality that makes up this Space we are in ourselves and makes it so interesting.
More black and whites... I found them being more suited for the occasion.
Be well... always, Ara & Spirit

Much to be “Thankful” for. TX

“They say” it has been the coldest winter, it has been the wettest January in these past 25 years and I can attest to it. Which means next winter will be real nice? The rain came down in buckets and suddenly like magic the skies opened up, we ran outside, photos, splashin in the mud, even Spirit who does not care much for water (as he was abused with a fire hydrant) was just like a kid running and jumping. We could have paddled for sure that day... Maybe next time a surfboard for him pulled by Old Faithful. We did manage to get out the next day and run up to “Sotol Look Out” in the Park, it is my point of meditation, it is my getaway from our getaway, the ultimate breathing station.
I am starting to again feel human for the first time this morning. Maybe those chemicals from the 3 hour of anesthesia are finally dissipating. All I can say is that it feels good. Bright sunny day, will probably be in the low seventies, the winds are predicted all the way up to 20mph, probably more. I will take that over much of the past weather we have had.
I took the opportunity this time around to “thank much” everyone that has helped us through thick and thin in more ways than one including all our sponsors as I started writing about them having not realized they were quite a few landing a hand in products and otherwise that keeps us going.
Till next time... Be well.
Ara & Spirit

A ride through the Ghost Town of Shafter. TX

It all started with a such different thought. Camping at the Hot Springs in Chinati, but we end up riding the paved loop through Marfa, down to Presidio and back to Terlingua on River Road, one of my favorite. A tire needing changing wanting to keep off too many miles of rocky terrains, much on my mind filled with thoughts, thoughts written into my Journal yesterday, we yet have to make it to those Hot Springs. Shafter, the Old Ghost Town was the highlight, besides a couple slices of the great “white pizza” from the “Pizza Connection” in Marfa.
Not many changes in Shafter, of course not, the changes happened years ago. Much information is on the Internet, one site even has some good old Texas Music. There is always however something new to see and experience, some new photos, old is always as new everytime if and when we return to a past space.
It is going to be one more round trip to Midland this week, the last one. Finally. Then on to another Dentist in Valentine. It is that time to get reorganized. It is as always that trigger happy time on the horizon that will see us leave for new destinations, and as usual missing “The Oasis” as soon as we leave. I yet have to figure that one out.
Not much else is new, a couple nice days and now bracing ourselves again for more cold temperatures, they are even talking about some snow. It has been the coldest and rainiest winter here in 25 years the local Ranchers are saying. Sure builds up some character and yet, we have nothing to complain about when I look at the Northern weather maps!
Be well... always.
Ara & Spirit

Did you ride from Shaffer over to 169. We will be out this weekend for a five night stay. This was one of my routes I wanted to try.

Put in a good word to the sun gods for us would ya? Sure would be nice to have a dry trip.

Did you ride from Shaffer over to 169. We will be out this weekend for a five night stay. This was one of my routes I wanted to try.

Put in a good word to the sun gods for us would ya? Sure would be nice to have a dry trip.

You knnow, I missed that!!! Have to look it up... Where are you staying?


Just another back road... TX

With much preparation for the upcoming months, the too short good weather window opportunities, we play much in our own backyard. Private roads, yes, but also for us much freedom to roam around and also for Spirit to run around without the many Laws and Bylaws of the Park near by. A great day, a few clouds, sunshine intermittent, another opportunity to explore and find out how much the landscape has changed since the last big rain. I was even a witness to another Friend visiting and herself falling in love with the area, looking to purchase some land very soon, however warned about the peripherals being costly even if the land itself is not. Power, water, telephone and Internet connection, a dwelling... Some look, some look even more and most never return engulfed back by the past City Life considering also the distance needed to arrive here. I often joke that we are here at “the end of the World”. A bit true. I am glad we ourselves can call it our “true backyard”.
The usual is coming up. It starting to feel as a routine. One more round trip to Midland tomorrow, some more work on “Old Faithful” changing again her tires, one more layer of JB Weld covering the hole from a rock on the front engine cover. Some new bungees holding the great saddlebag system, and on and on for the hopefully trouble free coming months of more riding.
Enjoy our backyard...Be well, always.
Ara & Spirit
You knnow, I missed that!!! Have to look it up... Where are you staying?

We will be staying at Rio Grand Village probably three nights. Then we plan to move to Terlingua and spend a couple nights in a motel. We want to hit the State Park and maybe a long loop including Pinto Canyon and 169. this is why I asked about the connection from Shaffer to the dirt part of 169.

There will be three of us, two GSs and a DR650. We will keep an eye pealed for you and Spirit.
We will be staying at Rio Grand Village probably three nights. Then we plan to move to Terlingua and spend a couple nights in a motel. We want to hit the State Park and maybe a long loop including Pinto Canyon and 169. this is why I asked about the connection from Shaffer to the dirt part of 169.

There will be three of us, two GSs and a DR650. We will keep an eye pealed for you and Spirit.

I just looked on my good map and there are at one point 2 #169...
Should be interesting.
We should be ready to roll saturday, (new tires + misc...).
You can camp at the Ghost Town you know, tents for $10 already set up + shower + Porch...
Be well... Ara & Spirit


This was the closest we where going to get near a massive body of water yesterday. A little over 100 miles from here, through Alpine and passed Ft Davis, the “San Solomon Spring” was a nice welcome in conjunction with the great weather we are having here. “Old faithful” has been all fixed up even if throughout the day decided to go blink on all tail lights, Spirit, well, as usual in great “spirits”, myself more than eager to ride, get that helmet on, turn on the music as I am getting use to this novelty on long stretches.
Many numbers go along with the huge pool of water, the one I cannot get use to is the flow of 23 to 28 millions of gallons per day when we ourselves use maybe a bit over a couple hundred gallons per month. If only some could be diverted here.
I was also surprised at the lack of anyone around besides a few divers taking classes for their certification. The area is desolate. All will change soon due to Spring Break, in the meantime I feel as this is the best days so far to enjoy it all. Not much else really going on, getting some vague plans firmed up for the summer... Does not make senses, does it?
Enjoy the Pool...
Be well...
Ara & Spirit