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Riders on the Storm - TAR 2010

Jan 1, 2005
Reaction score
Buda, TX
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Last Name

The main story for TAR 2010? Rain.

Click on the play button if you would like to listen to the theme song while reading this thread. :sun:

Milton was prepared with a bright yellow rain slicker, a wide grin, and a great attitude.

The Guadalupe River was putting on quite a show.
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Re: Riders on the Strom - TAR 2010


Arrived Thursday evening. Friday morning headed out after riders meeting. Rode North of I-10 . Within 15 minutes into the ride the RAIN HIT . North of I-10 had some heavily soaked and muddy roads. However, South of I-10 into Rocksprings was pure mud,muck,
many large ponds developed on the road. The ponds were flowing across the road and
the ones in low areas were in places easliy 2.5 ' deep. Some bedrock bottom. Some pure mud. Yes mud , at times mud 3" to 6" in depth and lasting for miles. All while under heavy to medium rain showers. The roads began to erode under heavy rains. Creating channels with boulders exposed. It would have been a challenge in a 4x4 (with good tires). Rocksprings was a relief for fuel and coffee. But the rain was still coming down
and continued all the way back to Junction. Back at K.O.A. Nice hot shower and dry clothes helped. Finally the rain stopped and a little sun came out. The river rose 2' in three hours. Forecast showed more rain for Saturday. So loaded up and returned home.
Great group that we fell in with . Everyone looked out for fellow riders . And traversed some incredible terrian that normally would have not been like that. All during the pouring rain.
I believe my clock showed approx. 150 miles. Guessing 75 miles being non paved.

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Re: Riders on the Strom...or Storm?

Who was on a Strom in the Storm? :sun:

I misspelled it. Sorry. It should read Riders on the Storm. I've asked Tourmeister to correct the spelling in the title.
Re: Riders on the Strom - TAR 2010

I'm home early, chased the rain back to Waco and caught it, route

Thurs rode in and camped at S Llano State Park, Friday rode Hackberry, Bullhead and Kent Creek and had lunch in Leaky with Richard (ready2go) and Jeff



thanks to Richard & Rusty for putting this together!!!
Re: Riders on the Strom - TAR 2010

Oh my, James did you cross that?

The family and I were on a neighborhood (bi)cycle "Goal Based Ride" (ie: ride with a goal, which usually involves pints at the Draught House) with some friends this evening. It got ominous looking and we took off but got caught about 2/3 of the way back. My little boy in the Wee Ride kept yelling "ARE THEY GOING TO SAVE US??" whenever a car would go by.

If there were still people coming into Austin at ~ 7:30, the deluge was biblical.
Re: Riders on the Strom - TAR 2010

I arrived back in Dallas after leaving Junction at 0830. I think I had pounding rain except 45mins of my return home. However, the rain was nothing after traversing and kissing the mud on Friday!

Great fun, great group. Thanks to all the fellas and Lori that made a noobie like me so welcome. Rusty did a great job leading our group Friday morning. He'll have all the pics......I can only imagine!

I didn't get to say goodbye to everyone, but thanks for the memories!
Re: Riders on the Strom - TAR 2010

I arrived back in Dallas after leaving Junction at 0830. I think I had pounding rain except 45mins of my return home. However, the rain was nothing after traversing and kissing the mud on Friday!

Great fun, great group. Thanks to all the fellas and Lori that made a noobie like me so welcome. Rusty did a great job leading our group Friday morning. He'll have all the pics......I can only imagine!

I didn't get to say goodbye to everyone, but thanks for the memories!

Glad you got home safe, it rained on us all day too but we all made it ok .
Too bad you all left. We had sun, awesome traction and no dust today. I've never had so much fun riding on Bullhead Creek, Cedar Creek and White Mountain rds. Any yes Bob, we all ate at Mama Choles's.

Pictures tomorrow after I get home.

Oh, and I fixed the title.

And someone ask Richard_ why his bike on the back of that beige pickup in the first picture.
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Richard and I set out for Junction Friday morning. He twisted my arm. Central Texas color radar was filled with color but we set out anyway, leaving Austin about noon-thirty under heavily laden skies. Misty rain thru Dripping Springs' Creek Road.

Rich at the swollen Guadalupe, Ammon's Crossing south of Sisterdale

So far so good, Rich heading south of the Guadalupe

Well what do you know! Blue skies & Sunshine in Bandera. We shed our gear.

Richard never met a stranger. He tried to buy this fella's hat

This fella claimed to have acquired this hat in Acuña, Mexico under suspicious circumstances we won't go into here

Chicas in Bandera

Well, the Sunshine didn't last long. Nervertheless Richard gets frisky with his hotness on 337, the Medina Road.

Leaving the Medina valley. I love this road.

Soft light filtering thru the cloud deck made the colors pop
We took the scenic route

The rain caught us in Leakey. Richard insisted on stopping at the Hog Pen.

Jessie Scott

While it rained we lunched at Mama Chloe's in Leakey. This man, Jessie Scott, initiated a conversation with us. He told us he's lived the last 35 years in Leakey, raised 10 children and I don't know how many he said grand children and great grand children. At 76 he still runs a construction biz and is proud that he has "never had to ask for a job".


Did someone say Rusty?

Rust in Peace

Telegraph. Just a few miles south of Junction.



And..... :drums: :drums: :drums:
Back in Leakey


Why is this man smiling?
Well Rick M ,Big A and Clark might have missed some good riding Saturday but it ends up we did the right thing heading home . We made a day ride out of it but all the roads toward home were very muddy and the big GS was not liking it so we stayed on pavement . It was beautiful North of Junction as we made our way home , about San Saba it started pouring down and pretty much did that till we got home . The good thing was that late Saturday afternoon
Big A's Daughter in law went into labor and had a whopping healthy baby Girl during the night . About 6am Sunday morning Big A "Arnold " became a grand parent , he is very happy about that . So us leaving a day early worked out for the best so all is well . We really enjoyed seeing everyone and look forward to the next ride .:clap::rider::eat:
Rick M
Mini TAR - The Incredible 1 Day TAR

Well, I guess I should go ahead and get this over. :-( My TAR lasted 1 day because my Italian Supermodel TE610 crapped out on me 200 miles into the first day. :doh: Instead of having the most fun ever riding Bullhead, Cedar Creek and White Mountain roads on Saturday I was in a pickup truck hauling the bike to the Husky dealer in Austin to see if she can be resuscitated. Dang it, I should have kept the KLR. :giveup:

Rusty to the rescue. My darn Italian Supermodel motorcycle just up and quit on me mid-ride.

Okay, I was just kidding about the "should of kept the klr" but the other stuff was true. My TE610's charging system went kaput just outside of Leakey, ending TAR for me halfway through the first day. Up to the this point the ride had been excellent. Milton and I left out of Austin about 12:30 and for 200 miles had mostly outrun the rain. While other riders were suffering the wrath of the Almighty in the form of torrential rain, Milton and I were actually having a heck of a good time.

In fact, the day was shaping up to be near-perfect. First, Milton had new meat on the back of his DRZ...

... the local Sac-n-Pac had our to-go order sitting outside waiting on us when we arrived...

...Milton was able to get everything he needed onto the DRZ...

...the blue bonnets were in full bloom...

...and we had blue skies shining on us part of the way.

Like I said, near perfect! But, into each life a little rain must fall and today was apparently my day. But at least I got 200 miles and 4 hours of good riding in before that.

The smile says it all. Milton is ready to go.

Milton how do you feel about your DRZ?

We stopped at the Guadalupe River to check things out. The river was putting on quite a show.


Obligatory bike shot. Super sexy Italian Supermodel decked out in a hot red dress on the right; cute girl-next-door wearing bluejeans and a white t-shirt on the left. :-P

The genius of dual sport is that we get to ride both paved and non-paved roads. What a deal!

Buffalo on RR337.

Just as we rolled into Leakey the charging system of my Husky stopped working, ending my riding day as the rain literally and figuratively began to fall. Rusty answered my phone call on the 2nd ring and agreed to come fetch me and my dead bike. With an hour to kill, Milton and I wandered over to Mama Chole's Mexican Restaurant to see what the fuss was all about. Tricepilot claimed it was the best mexican food and he knows food so we had to check it out.

Mama Chole's Mexican Restaurant in Leakey, Texas

It's a small place but not crowded at 4:30pm on a rainy Friday.

The first test of any mexican restaurant is the chips and salsa. If they dork that up, then that is usually a sign that they aren't going to be anything to write home about.

Time to put Mama Chole's chips and salsa to the test.

The verdict? They passed with flying colors as is indicated by the look on Milton's face.

The waitress took a liking to Milton and insisted I get a picture of the two of them. Yes, that's really what happened. No kidding. And here's the picture to prove it. :mrgreen:


I had the superb beef fajitas...

...while Milton had a combo plate.

Boy, that food sure tasted good. I recommend Mama Chole's to you the next time you are in the area.

After our meal, Rusty showed up and the rain continued to fall. We loaded the bike onto the truck while Milton suited up.

The cute-girl-next-door was ready for more while the finicky and prissy Italian Supermodel insisted on catching a ride to Junction.

On the way back to Junction, the Almighty sent me a message letting me know that it would all work out somehow.

By the time we got The Hills Motel in Junction the beer drinking and story telling was in full swing. I grabbed a couple of shots of the action.




After many hours and beers of visiting I turned in for the night. Milton had one last task to accomplish for the night - uploading his pictures to his laptop that he had cleverly packed somewhere on the DRZ.

Thus ended my one day mini TAR. The next morning Lori (Alphadog) took pity on me and hauled me and my Italian mistress home to Austin. I spent the afternoon lounging in self-pity, wishing I was riding.

Thank you to everyone who helped me with the bike and thanks to Rusty and Lori for hauling me and the bike around.
Really did have a great time even though my big pig threw me off a couple times. Finally found out something the GS does not like, MUD!!!!! It was 3 hands full, was really jealous of the guys on the DR's and the KTM's, gotta get one of those!!!
But not all was lost, as soon as we could we got back on pavement. GL 1800 and I made a wonderfull day out of a slab ride, or what was left of some of the roads down around Ingram and Hunt.
And to add insult to crashing in the mud, after a high speed run down a really long stretch of road:eek2: I found out I had a flat, picked up a nail in the debris that had washed across the roads.
We stopped in Leaky and ate lunch at Momma Chloes, and I must say it is worth the trip!!
Also thanks Don for helping me git the pig up from it's mud nap, and yes that 650 honda really did look good at that time.
And really hated that we left early, but as Rick M said my daughter in law went into labor Saturday afternoon, so it was good that I was home.
Our new Grandaughter was born Sunday morning at 6:15, Weighed in at 8lbs 1oz And her name is Evelyn Grace.
Also welcome to Beemer Lady, come on down and do this with us again when it's dry!!!:giveup:
Re: Riders on the Strom - TAR 2010

Oh my, James did you cross that?

I tried walking the bike over the concrete but the water was too fast, backtracked the route and there was a crossing further downstream with no high water
Wow, sounds like a Texas Adventure Ride. Only a few RR's in and we have swollen rivers, pounding rain, mud, crashing GS's, new grand-babies, good looking waitresses with good looking food... and a croaked Husky!! Darnit Richard I was really looking forward to a glowing ride report for that thing :(

Milton great photos as usual, I really like the Gulf station in Telegraph. Cool story about Jessie Scott as well, that guy looks like he's not afraid of a little work.
Well I almost backed out, lots of things to do blah, blah, blah. But I’m getting my KLR ready for MexTrek and needed to do a shakedown run. AND TAR is a fantastic event!

Left Castroville on Friday afternoon, dry until Bandera then wet off and on until it really started raining the last 20 miles into Junction. As I pulled into town it stopped raining so after a quick stop at the motel to unload, my brother and I headed up to Cleo to ride CR210 and CR214. It turned out to be a great afternoon! Boy was I glad I rode up.

It rain most of Friday night to re-water the roads and refill the water crossings for more fun. We road down 377 and explored CR120 and CR121 then rode Old Junction road from South to North coming out on SCR314. Nice road but too many gates and lots of mud to test out the new Kendas. They worked great even with street pressure. After a late lunch in Roosevelt at the Simon Bros. Mercantile we rode up 1674 to ride CR214 the opposite way.

Of course on the ride home today I enjoyed the best weather of the weekend.

Thanks to all for planning the event! Bring on MexTrek!









I wasn't able to make the TAR ride, but on Saturday I think I passed a whole bunch of you. There were about 6 or 8 very muddied dualsports headed South into Leaky Saturday about 1:30. I also noticed four DS's at Mama Chloies at that time. Sure looked as if you were having fun.

Then today I was at the Bent Rim in Leaky and two guys come walking in. Never did see what they were riding, but one looked familiar. The more I looked, the more familiar his image was. Then I noticed the boots and they were not sport/riding boots. They were MX boots so I stood up, walked over and the conversation sort of went like this:

Me: "Hi, are you Milton Otto"?
Rider: "Why yes, I am.....".
Me" "Hi, I'm Scott aka M38A1 and I recognized your picture from the roller derby thread"

His jaw about his the floor and then he broke into a big old smile. :mrgreen:

Pleasure to meet you Milton and George!

George and I happened upon a sport bike accident on 337 outside of Leakey today, minutes after if happened.
The rider, Art, didn't make it.
This is how I know.
George and I happened upon a sport bike accident on 337 outside of Leakey today, minutes after if happened.
The rider, Art, didn't make it.
This is how I know.

So sad.... Such a waste of a young life.

Otto, I don't know if you saw the person sitting with me at the table today. He left a few minutes before me and the sport bike group passed him coming into Leaky. My friend thought they were moving fast for the corner. He looked in his mirror and saw the rider launch. That big gaggle of riders and truck/trailer was the group I was with for the weekend. My friend then stayed on-scene until they loaded him out. Again, such as waste.
I wasn't able to make the TAR ride, but on Saturday I think I passed a whole bunch of you. There were about 6 or 8 very muddied dualsports headed South into Leaky Saturday about 1:30.

That would be Calvin (multisurfacerider) and the other part of the big motley crew finishing up Kent Creek Rd.

I also noticed four DS's at Mama Chloies at that time. Sure looked as if you were having fun.

And that was my part of the motley crew that was too hungry to do Kent Creek so we headed straight to lunch.
Sorry to hear of the loss of a fellow rider. Never a good thing. Slick roads and high speeds don't mix well.

Friday am I rode Rusty's group (old/slow?) NE of Junction on the CR 470 to Blue Mountain Rd section. 'Twas a teensy bit muddy... Sort of like riding a motorcycle on inline roller skates... on ice:eek2:. Good thing my KTM knows what its doing, 'cause I sure didn't! Rusty got to ride my bike twice:
This was one looong stretch of not enough roadbase on top of too much gumbo. A pick up truck coming the opposite way didn't dare stop to avoid us- I had to push Rusty's DR out of its path. Big sigh of relief when we got to the pavement. I decided that was enough mud for me, and wasn't ready to get drenched later in the day either. Rusty made the executive decision and we all headed back to Junction for lunch. Five minutes at the restaurant and the skies unloaded. Relaxed/recovered the rest of the afternoon while the rest of the gang dribbled in (arf!). Great venison chili served up by the Hills Motel folks- could not have been better. Headed home Sat am with smile on my face (and an extra bike in the truck!).
Its all good!
Interesting weekend---for sure! I pulled up in the KOA all prepared to tent camp only to have it pouring buckets. The owner must've felt sorry for me and *let* me upgrade to a Kabin. Very nice! Friday was the western route, most in a light rain. Gotta question: When is a dirt bike not a dirt bike? When it's a mudbike in the rain! :eek2:
Managed to make it down to Rocksprings then the bottom let out and we high-tailed it back to Junction. Had a nice dinner with Dave, Chuck, and ? (hot dogs & beer) and they ended up leaving later that night.

Saturday was fantastic and we took on the twisted sisters and Cedar Creek. FANTASTIC!!! :rider:

Rusty and Richard put on an excellent time and I look forward to many more adventures!!!:clap:

Met lots of really nice folks from all over too!