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M38A1 & Tricepilot BBQ4U July 10th 2010

Feb 9, 2005
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon
First Name
Got home a little bit ago, had to hit the cold shower before I did anything. Wow, hot ride on some great roads. Thanks Richard for leading the ride, it was awesome. Got there in time to try the fatties, yummmmmmm! Then we got to eat some great BBQ. M38A1, you're the man behind the Q! Best ribs I've had, don't tell my son. Pulled pork, brisket, sausage, mashed cheesey potatoes, jabalenos....I ate too much.

Thansk Tricepilot and M38A1 for a great lunch!
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Re: M38A1 & Tricepilot BBQ 4U July 10th 12 Noon

Thanks to Tricepilot and M38A1 for doing this. That was some of the best food I have ever eaten. I don't think Scott ever stopped working. Great job guys. Here are a couple of pictures.


Re: M38A1 & Tricepilot BBQ 4U July 10th 12 Noon

Thanks Bob and Scott for everything.

14 of us rode down together, hitting some of my favorite roads close to my house. I only got a few pictures with my camera because I was busy checking out Bob's hot new Nikon D700.

Pre-ride visiting

The Bass Pro Shop has everything, even bags you can pack on your Honda.

We needed a rest break after an hour and a half of spirited twisty riding.

Meet Curtis. He's a young rider and this was his first time to ride with us. He's seen the light and is lusting after a dual sport bike.

Pre-lunch visiting.

Trice and his new Nikon D700

Scott -the man of the hour.

Once the BBQ was served, all conversation ended. For good reason - the food was delicious. By the way - the cobbler (peach) and crisp (dewberry) were fantastic.
Re: M38A1 & Tricepilot BBQ 4U July 10th 12 Noon

THANK YOU!!!! BoB and Scott for having us all down today for a wonderful lunch,:eat: the Barbeque and all the trimmings was great!! And the cobblers and ice cream were a big hit too. Really enjoyed seeing old friends and some new ones.
Also Bob you have some great neigbors to let us invade your hood, was really nice:clap::clap:
Richard really enjoyed our journey down this morning, you are really lucky to have such awesome riding so close to the house, it was a blast on those back roads, I need to get some knobbies for the Goldwing.:lol2::lol2:
Re: M38A1 & Tricepilot BBQ 4U July 10th 12 Noon

Bob and Scott, it was just fantastic!! I think I was about the first bike in (had the first fantastic fattie!!) and about the last bike out (scrounged the scrumptious leftovers from the kitchen). But wasn't there to meet much of anybody else due to prior commitments during the day.
Sorry I missed the dewberry stuff.. dang it!!
Thanks for the great food, wonderful hospitality and a cool dip in the pool to top it all off!!! :clap:
Re: M38A1 & Tricepilot BBQ 4U July 10th 12 Noon

Mucho Thanks to Bob and Scott for the FEED... It was awesome , we had a great ride down with Richard and it was top notch as always ... I think Big Don rode the most miles , about 350 one way so it was also great to see him .
LITTLE RICKY really had a blast
Big A and I would like to follow suit and do this in Belton some day ,,, thanks to everyone for a great showing Two Wheeled Texans are the best :clap:
Re: M38A1 & Tricepilot BBQ 4U July 10th 12 Noon

Bob and Scott,

Thank y'all for the food, hospitality, and comraderie. Everything was great.

At first, I didn't know that we were in the presence of royalty (Tourmeister). It sure was a pleasure to meet and visit with all of y'all.

Oh, also...Bob, thanks for letting me loiter on your couch...

Re: M38A1 & Tricepilot BBQ 4U July 10th 12 Noon

It was a Meat and Greet for me. Thanks Tricepilot and the others that contibuted to the hospitality and the great food.
Re: M38A1 & Tricepilot BBQ 4U July 10th 12 Noon

:rolleyes: Nothing but pics of guys and food. :whatever: No Salma? :shrug: :yawn: Seriously though, that grub looks great, wish I didn't have to work. Seems like I'm always working when there's a happening with food. :giveup: Oh well, maybe if Rick and Big A have one......:eat3:
Re: M38A1 & Tricepilot BBQ 4U July 10th 12 Noon

Thanks Bob and Scott, all the food was incredible.

Thanks Richard for leading us down a really fun route.

Here's the route we followed coming down.

Here's the gpx of the route down if anyone wants it.


Re: M38A1 & Tricepilot BBQ 4U July 10th 12 Noon

1st, a huge thanks to M38A1 and Tricepilot for a great time! Individually, thanks to Tricepilot who opened his home and provided the base and thanks to M38A1 who stayed awake for at least 30 straight hours to pull this off:



What you see is the culmination of 2 briskets, 6 racks of ribs and 2 pork butts (which must have made it very difficult for that particular pig to walk). Not to mention the sausages, grilled stuffed jalapeno peppers and the not shown dewberry and peach cobblers. Yes, there are dewberries in Texas and they taste marvelous!

This was the most common sight as M38A1 worked his tail off tending to and prepping the food.


Then, Tricepilot kidnapped my wife, shoved her into a stolen hack and sped off with her!! She apparently put up quite the fight as you can see the fear on her face when he returned her. :lol2: She'd never ridden in a sidecar before but from the expression, I don't think she ever wants to do it again! :rider:


We had to cage it down since I'm currently bikeless (*sniff snivel whine*) so we took advantage of the room in the RAV to bring some water, our chairs and a pop-up shelter (one of at least 4 there). I must admit, it was kinda nice driving back to Round Rock in with the A/C at full-blast. The weather cooperated and Mr. Sun was in full attendance. :sun:

However, had the intelligent owners of either of these bikes left their keys in the ignition..........the day may have ended differently.:drool: :trust::rider: :flip:



There was a bike count done and there were at least 36 bikes. BMWs commanded the bulk of parking but it seems every other kinda bike was there. I finally got to meet a lot of folks whom I've conversed with electronically but it was nice to put faces to screen names after 2 years. :doh:

Thanks again, guys. We had a great day and I hope everyone made it home safe and with full bellies. If you left hungry, it was your own fault. :eat::rofl:
Re: M38A1 & Tricepilot BBQ 4U July 10th 12 Noon

I think the 70-200 set on 85 as Richard/Scott say is the bomb when it comes to portrait photography. That plus bbq makes for satisfied subjects...

Re: M38A1 & Tricepilot BBQ 4U July 10th 12 Noon

Bob thanks for the picture, and yes that is a satisfied look on my face, THE FOOD WAS AWESOME!!!:thumb::thumb:
Re: M38A1 & Tricepilot BBQ 4U July 10th 12 Noon

THE FOOD WAS AWESOME!!!:thumb::thumb:

Scott's culinary skills are impressive. The brisket was perhaps the best I've ever eaten. Certainly better than any commercial offerings. Also, Trice's hospitality is second to none. "The Shindig" was a roaring success in my book! Thanks guys for hosting such an enjoyable event. :chug:
Re: M38A1 & Tricepilot BBQ 4U July 10th 12 Noon

Well, what can I say other than "Thanks" to Tricepilot & family for opening their home to be invaded by a bunch of folks totally unknown to them. Bob - your family are real troopers. :clap:

And I'd like to thank BexarWolf (Tad) and his wife for helping out at the end just as everything was coming together for serving. I really can't pull that part off alone as there is just so much that goes on. :clap: Ron - you make a mean cobbler too. :eat:

And finally, a huge thanks to everyone who showed up. For a HOT afternoon, I was glad so many folks decided to come on over and enjoy in a little 'que and friendship. For me, it's really not about the cooking or eating - it's about the gathering and the friendships. So I tip my hat to all those who came, and again say "thank-you" for the kind compliments.

Now, what thread of mine wouldn't be complete without a picture. (ok, i might post up some others later....) Yet, these two pretty much summed it up for me - BBQ and Scoots. I had a blast and think this was a success.


Re: M38A1 & Tricepilot BBQ 4U July 10th 12 Noon

What a great day!! Awesome food and exceptional company.
Southern hospitality at it's finest.
Many thanks to the gracious host and family. Casa Tricepilot rocks!

So now a few more folks know that dewberries actually exist, they are edible and make a pretty fair cobbler.
Re: M38A1 & Tricepilot BBQ 4U July 10th 12 Noon

So now a few more folks know that dewberries actually exist, they are edible and make a pretty fair cobbler.

Dude.... 'fair' cobbler? That concoction you made ROCKED. ('specially that special ingredient.... :trust:)

Re: M38A1 & Tricepilot BBQ 4U July 10th 12 Noon

Get up at 5:30 AM and start things moving. As Peter Gent said, some parts just don't wake up as fast as others. 6:30 - saddled up to ride a leisurely solo from north SA out Nacogdoches road past the old German homesteads to New Braunfels. Just diggin watching the world wake up in the cool morning air and the fresh aroma of hill country cedar. Scoot around the loop and out the backroad to Gruene. Bike's humming with all systems go. Cross the Guadalupe and head to San Marcos. Catch the ole 5-mile dam road along the Blanco to Kyle and then onto FM1626 to meet up with Richard and the crew west of Buda. As mornings go, dog-gone pleasant way to start one.

Found the crew right where they should be. Lot more bikes there than anyone expected. See some familiar folks and a bunch of new ones. Great group of riders. Just amazing how pleasant it is to visit with these people. Everybody's pumped and ready to crank. Richard gives the morning brief and shortly engines start rumbling. We have all kinds of bikes and the sound is a symphony in iron that only some can hear.

Richard leads the group at a great pace while Rick M rides sweep. Pretty soon we're all carving some tasty lines headed to the Q. Rivers, valleys, hills, cattle guards, cliffs and curves. It's all here. Richard's put together an awesome ride to share with us. Whatever I worried about at work last week gets left in the dust coming out that first curve. Folks are in the zone and the pace picks up a notch. One's focus begins to narrow...clutch, throttle, gears, looking through the turn, watching for gravel and what's waiting just around the bend. Push it. Be loose. Feel the bike sinking into the turn. Blast out and set up for the next one. Can you dig it?

Way too soon we're seeing cars and homes and people. But breakfast came early and the Q is calling. And Q we found. Rounding the corner to Casa Trice is a surprise. It looks like the entire street is into this. Motorcycles all over the place and a big green pit that's been working some serious magic through the night. The hospitality begins before the last engine is quieted. There stands T-Rice himself in the middle of it all telling everyone where the drinks are. Only a fellow rider would know the effects and the need for fluids.

Others have already described our meal. Best dang BBQ and fixins that a person could ever hope to have. As good as it was, the joy in the spirit of sharing with friends was obvious in our hosts. Scott had done his best. Not for pay. Just because he wanted to. Bob and his family made their home - ours. And in typical T-Rice fashion, everything was planned and prepared. Bob's son lead the group in giving thanks before the meal. They say you can tell a lot about someone by watching their kids. The young folks I saw, any parent would be proud of.

A great ride, an awesome meal, the fellowship of good people. Man, put this one in the books.
Re: M38A1 & Tricepilot BBQ 4U July 10th

Bob and Scott, Thanks for putting this together. The fellowship was great and the food was awesome!
I really enjoyed the day! :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
Re: M38A1 & Tricepilot BBQ 4U July 10th

Man I really wish I had braved the rain friday night and headed south. Looks like it was a great time! Big props to tricepilot and M38A1 for putting this on! :clap: