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"My search for New Riding Area"

Feb 26, 2007
Reaction score
New Braunfels
Having never done this before I am a little reluctant about this approach to RR’s. Yet after spending about a year now reading over there RR’s I have decided to try my hand at this.

Narrative is a funny animal some times. Describing the hills and valleys, crashes and flats etc. can be very funny and helpful for those of us stuck in a cubical most of the day.
Yet one man’s “funny situation” can be another mans boredom. I will do my best to not be uninteresting.

I have a motorcycle because I like to explore trails or roads I have not been down before. Actually gravel and dirt are my preferred exploration venues.

Also on my rides I have found old cars, old car parts, boats and even on one occasion a stolen Cadillac. Forget old mines in Colorado, you have not lived till you ride upon a felony in progress.

In my area of the world riding the far reaches of the country are not as easy as finding the latest GPS tracks and taking off down that road, or trail.

I don’t live in Colorado and all of the land near me is privately owned. Many of these areas are being converted from private agriculture to housing and commercial real-estate development as I type this. Re-purposing the land is big bizz in this part of the world.

Typically a farm or ranch is sold to a developer and first thing I notice is the old home stead begins to look abandoned. The grass grows up around the home and barn and then the developers pull down the fence around the property.
Crossing a fence is something I will not do!

That is the signal, no fence! The dirt roads are carved into the property and road equipment begins to appear.

At that point I know I have a new riding area. Some of these old ranches are many thousands of acres. In some cases it will take the builder several years to complete the plans he has for the area.

So this will be about the riding in these areas. New to everyone and they will only last for a short time before the new fences are built and the new owners get picky about dirt bikes leaving tire tracks in their yards.


What do I call this: Urban hooligan won’t work because this is really a sub-urban whatsit! The places where the spread of civilization hits the old, used to be, country side. Hooligan seems silly also. After all I am 59 year old baby boomer on a KLR.
So I will just call it suburban adventure riding?
Ugh! That term is so used up!
How about “chewing up the soon to be Hood?”
Oh well, I will work on a name.

Oh and By the way I am not anti-Colorado, if anyone thought that. I just consider what I do so very far from that type of riding.

This is what triggers a reaction in my head to search this place out... Problem was right over the small hill was a locked gate.
I guess the developer is waiting for a better economy. That's OK. More pics and places to come.

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My exploration vehicle of choice. New to me!


More action shot to follow later.

I still need to come up with a good name for this whatsit.
If captain Kirk can have the Enterprise, and Capt. Jack Sparrow can explore with the black pearl, then I can have the KLR...uhh, Honda now!

Some times though the (road) is less traveled for a reason.
I parked the bike in the middle of the road and got some strange looks. Oh well, I think Jack Sparrow gets some looks also...:mrgreen:


This weekend has kinda put me in a place where I can't ride much...
My sweet wife hurt herself last weekend and had to have surgery yesterday...
here she is last month on her ATV at Buffalo Valley..


So I have been kinda out of the exploration biz..

yet I went to the garage and set up some pics to help my moral.


Just as I put the Austin sticker on a I thought I should have put it on Up Side Down, oh well next time.:mrgreen:

Capt. Kirk had gear to!


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Sweet wife saw the look so I got in a couple of hours this PM. Back roads that are so remote I don't think anyone but the residence have ridden down them.

Sitting here I could hear Harley's and highway noise yet this road almost looks like no one every goes on it.

Not dirt but scenic.



It seems GREEN has exploded every where in the last week or so?


How can I get the pics larger in the posts?

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I have noticed over the last few years that I have gotten very cautious about going down a trail I see leading off from a road. Well cautious is not the correct word. I have been able to talk myself out of some of the trails I see
because of plain ole FEAR!

When I first bought the KLR I envisioned the trail riding of my teen years. Back then we called them “Cow trails” because that is what they were, trails made by cattle as they wandered through the woods and pasture we were riding. Great fun and trail exploration was what it was all about.

Yet the KLR proved to be a disappointment from the beginning.

The first trail I followed lead off the road and came to a pile of boulders someone put there to stop anyone coming up that trail. Ugh! in turning around I drop the bike because of the slope of the hill and all the loose rocks on that hill…Argh!

Then I see lowering links online…hum looks good 25 bucks and quality aluminum products.

This helped but not very much. On the dirt bikes of old getting stuck and having a difficult turn around was not a problem. This thing wore me out quickly, very quickly.

Then I noticed on this forum and others some of the guys moving smaller in their bike choices, even down to 250 ccer’s!! Wow!

Yet not so simple, mentioned 250’s to a guy at Buffalo Valley and got the;
” You don’t want a 250”, remark. There seems to be a herd mentaility in this world of rebel motorcycle riders...:mrgreen:

Yet if I would have ridden the KLR off road when I test rode it I would have NOT bought it!

Over and over in life I have learned that what I knew when I left High School was true, “stick to what you like and don’t pay any attention to what anyone else thinks.

So here I am, looking for a 250 XT, Sherpa, 230 Honda, or maybe I will hybrid something out of what I find.

I always liked to ride my own creations any way.

Just some thoughts.

Ahh yes, look at that avitar. Now that is a dirt/trail bike! Of course the sepension is not great but since I don't Super cross I think it will still work...;-)
Ahh yes, look at that avitar. Now that is a dirt/trail bike! Of course the sepension is not great but since I don't Super cross I think it will still work...;-)[/QUOTE]

OK, It has been awhile.

Wife's surgery and 4 months have past, yet I have down sized my adventure device ( Motor Cycle)

This pic is of the new too me bike.

Not quite the Bultaco but the same idea.

"Light is right
Small is Tall
Heavy is no bueno!
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OK it's been so long I forgot how to get a pic on here.

Used but a little work and it is fine.

In search of more riding areas!!
How can I get the pics larger in the posts?

It is based on the image you are linking to. I don't use Photobucket so I am not familiar with the options, but check to see if you might be linking to a smaller version of the images? It might be that you can link to a larger version.
And then sometimes the development goes bust and the area remains undeveloped for years, that is what the Bastrop and Lago riding areas are that we have now, and we are certain that riding the Bastrop area is OK with the local police as we have had a police car sitting at the trail head as we come and go on the site! Lago is not so perfect.

Here's the big bad hill at Lago...

Here's the sub-division near my house that will be done in a matter of months....

Yes I see those around here also. The sign I posted earlier is one of those places, yet the gate remains locked. Oh well, I am on vacation this week and will have to give the Ole( New Honda) a go!

One thing that does bother me is the dry conditions. I don't want to be the guy that starts, or gets accused of starting any wild fires.

It is based on the image you are linking to. I don't use Photobucket so I am not familiar with the options, but check to see if you might be linking to a smaller version of the images? It might be that you can link to a larger version.

thanks tourmeister. I have these photos from my phone and maybe that is the problem, the ones from my regular camera seem OK.

i will keep trying.
Be sure that your muffler has a spark arrestor, it's like a fine mesh screen, stops glowing embers of steel from escaping.

Austin jake I am not sure these models came with those, I am not even sure it is a stock muffler. The KLR said right on the muffler that is was US Forestry approved spark arrester. No such words on this unit.

Tomorrow is the first day on this new bike.. will keep you posted.:rider:
Well nothing epic, well, except that the new "shine" is off of the tires. Got a little ride in Wednesday at my sister's place out side of Helotes. Not a large place but fun.

of course I have to have the bike in the trail pic (that's mandatory)

A small twisty place with A LOT of Cedar trees/bushes every where.
Still it was OFF/RD and fun.

Did I say there is lots of cedar...

thanks tourmeister. I have these photos from my phone and maybe that is the problem, the ones from my regular camera seem OK.

i will keep trying.

Based on the image info, that is the size of the image uploaded to PB. Maybe you can increase image size on your phone before uploading.
OK it's been a few weeks but I finally made it out to "The Ranch" in Kenedale.

Reminded me of the days when we rode on peoples ranch's. In fact that is what it is, complete with deer blinds, cattle, cactus (some) and for me about 4 hours of riding and looking around.


with deer blinds, I feel very nostagic right about that time!

Trails roads to deer blinds fence lines and Telephone pole lines, at least two that I found, cris-crossing the property.

A very beautiful place and except for one ATV I had it to myself.

A few more pics from the day.


Ok that looks sorta better.

Notice the deer blind? Just like home, kinda-40 years ago!


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If you are interested in riding "The Ranch" PM me and I will give you the number... You will need to call for directions, this place is in the sticks!

The guys name is Sammy , he's good people!

Yeah Jake that's it. The creeks were dry and the owner even tried to get me to rock crawl with the dirt bike... well, he tried.

Great fun out there!

As time moves on he will be doing more to the place, Track, more trails, ect.

If you think Kendalia is the sticks now, imagine how it was in the 1920s. My maternal grandmother's maiden name is Edge, and she grew up just a couple hundred yards from the 'little falls' shown in this picture. Her parents are buried in the Edge Cemetery just up the road a bit. She will be cremated when she passes, but her ashes will be scattered in the Falls, and her headstone will be placed in the family cemetery.

Small world.