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AirVenture 2010, aka: Oshkosh Air Show (pic intensive)


Nov 28, 2006
Reaction score
North of Weird
First Name
Dad and I have always wanted to make a run to Oshkosh to see the airshow, so this year we decided to take a few days to see what all the fuss was about. Well, all I'll say is, if you haven't gone, you need to at some point. The amount of aircraft is staggering. The number of continuous take-offs/landings will boggle your mind. And the collection of warbirds, vintage, homebuilts and ultra-lights/rotary is nothing short of amazing. Then all those tents of those who decide to camp. Simply put, words cannot describe this event. And we were only there for two days.

If you want to cheat, here's the slideshow link.

So, in the spirit of getting some dialogue going (and maybe a bit of drool on the keyboards) I bring you the first few of what will be many many shots. All but a few guest/night shots were done with the D90 and 18-200VR in "A" mode.

A little Collings Foundation F4 action to kick this off:

And just a tad bit of lens envy :eek2:

Stay tuned as there will be some pretty amazing shots. All I've got to say is, I worked that camera HARD!

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Re: AirVenture 2010, aka: Oshkosh Air Show

Smoke and Thunder F-4....oh yeah.
Re: AirVenture 2010, aka: Oshkosh Air Show

The A380 was there in 2009:


That ***** toaster has 'Cylon' written all over it.

Good thing we had our own spaceships to keep an eye on it:

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Re: AirVenture 2010, aka: Oshkosh Air Show


All right, here we go.... I present Day 1 (Wed 07/28) of AirVenture 2010. This is how the day started and finished....







Glacier Girl, the P38 that was recovered from underneath 260' of ice in Greenland:






Ford Tri-Motor doing hops for paying customers:




There must have been a HUGE lot of these L39's released at one time. There must have been 40 of them.

Rows and rows of AT-6 trainers

VW Bugs and Willys M38's were the most visible ground vehicles






Jack Roush of Roush Racing auctioned this car off.

This was one of five built. You'll recognize the design as the one that flew in the James Bond movie through the hangar doors as they were closing. THAT airframe is in a museum.

This guy did a fly-by and left. I don't recall what it was, but it has every tell-tale sign of another F4 phantom.

Kiddies were entertained as well

Big Brother had their toys on display

Old and new were present. As in really old....


HONDA Jet had a really nice tent setup

This is classified as "light sport" whereby all you need is a Drivers License and a fairly clean medical. No training required!

Cessna O2 "Push-Pull" Vietnam era spotter plane

Couple of T-28's

I think this was called an OV1 Mohawk

Douglas A26 "Invader". I've flown on one of these (Spirit of Waco)

Douglas A1 "Sandy" Skyraider

Couple of A4's and the F4. Probably one of my favorite shots of the trip

The little carrier based A4

These two did a fly-by. Number 7 (aka:Vomit Comet, 2 seater) was flown by a female

Part of the opening ceremony for the daily air show

Twin Beech doing acrobatic stuff

Gene Soucey who's been at the Temple and Georgetown air shows in the past

Crazy bi-plane madness

A Beech Bonanza that has been modified with a normal tail so it's fully acrobatic certified. Only a few were built this way.

Low and slow ribbon cutting

This husband/wife team did some pretty cool stuff to a pirate theme. Heck, he even dressed like one when flying!

Here they are:

The AeroShell acrobatic team flying AT-6's

A nice reminder of the "Kill Zone", ie: the deadly intake area in front and around a jet intake

Sweet little F16 cockpit shot

Control tower in the background again

Top turret of a B17

Another Ford Tri-Motor. Look at the first name in the list....

The Ford Tri-Motor and the Goodyear Blimp

This was on one of the planes used in the Berlin Airlift operation that was on the tarmac

Death from above....

Cool old Eastern Airlines prop

And since this is a motorcycle forum, here's the obligatory motor scooter shot to keep it legal!

The Goodyear Blimp again at dusk

After the airshow, there was a movie on The Hil" each night. Dad and I saw "Brace for Impact", the story of Flight 1549. The guy on the left investigated the crash, next to him is the co-pilot Jeff Skiles, then Chesley Sullenberger the pilot (Sully), and an EAA guy. Off to the right in the white shirt was Edsel Ford of the Ford family, a significant sponsor of the show.

So that rounded out Day One for us......

Stay tuned as Day Two pics will be coming soon.

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Re: AirVenture 2010, aka: Oshkosh Air Show

ooohhhhhh - I am so jealous. :oops:

great stuff! :thumb:
Re: AirVenture 2010, aka: Oshkosh Air Show

Great pics! I'm looking forward to more.

The plane in the fly-by is an F4.

I love the Glacier Girl, Panchito, and the Beech 18. That aerobatic Bonanza is cool, too. My father worked for Beechcraft, and he always said he hated the v-tail on the Bonanza. They look cool, but they don't work as well as a regular tail.
Re: AirVenture 2010, aka: Oshkosh Air Show

Very nice pics :clap:

I was 11 when I got to go to the EAA fly-in. Talk about memories!
I'd love to go back, and someday I will, but for now, I'll drool over your pics
Re: AirVenture 2010, aka: Oshkosh Air Show

Very nice pics :clap:

I was 11 when I got to go to the EAA fly-in. Talk about memories!
I'd love to go back, and someday I will, but for now, I'll drool over your pics

Thanks. Stay tuned. I hope to have my second day of pics up in stages...

Re: AirVenture 2010, aka: Oshkosh Air Show

Great pics! I'm looking forward to more.

The plane in the fly-by is an F4.

That's correct, the 'TD' on the tail indicates that its one of the target airplanes from (IIRC) Tyndall AFB Florida. These are flown either with human pilots to support various flight tests, or by remote control when they are the targets for live missile tests.

that is a 1986 F33C bonanza 118 built, only version certified from the factory for aerobatics. tail came that way from factory. originally known as the model 33 Debonair, in 1968 they changed the name to bonanza on them. the straight tail version is still in production today as the model 36 bonanza.

with the "V" tail they are model 35 bonanza.

my Brother who was just down for the Godley pie run. had a very low serial number 1947 bonanza (#2xx) and currently has the twin engine version of the bonanza, a 1959 model 95 travel air.
Excellent! I never got to go when I worked for Lancair... always too busy getting the darned thing certified.

Did you see Roush pile in his jet?
Quick note on the Light Sport aircraft. The drivers license takes the place of getting a Medical. You still have to have training from a CFI (Certified Flight Instructor) and get an actual "certificate" in FAA-speak. But the training is not quite as lengthy as a regular Private Pilot certificate.

Nice pictures though. I've gone a few times and camped in the North 40 under the wing of one of my club's airplanes. It is quite a rush.
Quick note on the Light Sport aircraft. The drivers license takes the place of getting a Medical. You still have to have training from a CFI (Certified Flight Instructor) and get an actual "certificate" in FAA-speak. But the training is not quite as lengthy as a regular Private Pilot certificate.

Thanks for the 4-1-1. There sure were a LOT of vendors pushing the Light Sport aircraft....


OK, so Day One for Dad and I started out under cloudy/misty skies but quickly turned into a beautiful sunny day nary a cloud in the skies. Day Two for us (Thursday) was perfect with bright sunshine, light breezes and highs expected to be about 85*F. A GREAT day was in store for us.

We started out the morning driving from Green Bay over to Oshkosh like we did yesterday. Parking was considerably more full today as we suspected many people were coming in playing 'hookie' from work for a Th/Fr/Sat attendance.

We hit the Warbirds section first again since that's where we parked. I bring you Day Two of Oshkosh...

Let's start with some L19 Bird Dogs or spotter planes. My uncle in the Tulsa area has one of these guys.

I think this is an AT-6 trainer but the jeep is FOR SURE an M38A1. Hmmmm.... why does that sound familiar?

One of the many vehicles used to clear the way for the movement of aircraft. This just happens to be a Kublewagon, the Germans WWII version of our Jeep.

Great artwork was everywhere

This guy was looking for someone to ride back-seat with him, but you had to have at least some experience. Very friendly guy...

He couldn't find any takers so he went solo. His plane was a product of Romania. Others like it were Chinese.

I thought this was a great tail shot. Note the camera on the tail section.

So there's this old Stearman in the Warbirds section and I look up and capture this. Dad and me at Airventure 2010.

Two days before, there was a celebration of the 75th anniversary of the DC-3. They had 50 or so of them in a single fly-by from what I heard. Here's a pretty one....

An A26 Invader

The B17 "Aluminum Ghost" was up pretty much most of the two days we were there providing hops for a fee.

Nice B25 bomber on display. Note the Russian marking. Lend Lease?

Just one part of the flight-line

One BIG airplane

A fancy painted L39 Trainer. From what I learned, the Blue Angels never used this in their program, but the owner had the bucks to get it painted like one.



The Gunfighter P51

Old Crow, another P51 piloted by a woman

Not sure what MIG version this is

Another T33 from the front?

TBM Avenger

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Great pics. Thanks for posting for us to enjoy.

ps-What is the single best web site that shows some of the smaller shows around Texas?
Awesome! I love the portrait of you and your dad :clap:

Not sure what the trainer is by your M38 jeep, but I don't think it's a T-6. I don't recognize it... horizontal engine? It doesn't look like a BT-13 or any of the Fairchild series. Anybody know what it is?

The MIG may be a MIG-21?

Cool Russian B25, and the T33 is beautiful.

I believe Old Crow was Bud Anderson's airplane. He wrote an excellent memoir of being a WWII combat pilot. I got to meet him one time at the National Air & Space Museum, along with Bud Mahurin and some others. Puts chills down my spine just thinking about it.
Awesome! I love the portrait of you and your dad :clap:

Not sure what the trainer is by your M38 jeep, but I don't think it's a T-6. I don't recognize it... horizontal engine? It doesn't look like a BT-13 or any of the Fairchild series. Anybody know what it is?

The MIG may be a MIG-21?

Thanks- that reflection shot in the spinner is one I'll cherish for many years.

I went back and found a side shot. You're right, it's NOT a T6 flavor....

There's a few I still don't know/recall what they were/are. :giveup:
After the Warbirds section, we headed over to the Vendor areas and Vintage aircraft section. I couldn't fathom the sheer number of airplanes of every imaginable size and shape all in one place. And the ages of them. Wow. OLD.

One of the gates to the flightline

Yes, the military vehicle people were there too!

Dad next to a little racer for scale. These were SMALL planes

Apparently pilots have a good sense of humor as well as a gift for naming their aircraft

An F18 cockpit shot

Does anyone see an airplane in this picture? (.....didn't think so)

This was a French Caudron racer from the mid-30's. Very sleek looking bird.

Several of these were present. Grumman G44A Widgeons

Some of the bigger, older stuff. Someone asked what the zebra plane was. Here's some info:
Martin and Osa Johnson were aviators and explorers who used two Sikorsky flying boats for their explorations in southern Africa, during 1933 and 1934, and they were the first to fly over Mt. Kilimanjaro and Mt. Kenya, in Africa. Osa Johnson flew this Sikorsky S-38SB, which was painted with zebra stripes and named Osa's Ark, and they also had a Sikorsky S-39CS, which was painted with giraffe spots and named Spirit of Africa. Working out of Nairobi, Kenya, they flew over 60,000 miles, and photographed and filmed their explorations, which Martin Johnson wrote about in Over African Jungles and they presented in their 1935 film Babonna. Martin Johnson died in 1937, from injuries suffered in a commercial airplane crash, and Osa Johnson died in 1953. The Martin and Osa Johnson Safari Museum, in Chaunte, Kansas, is dedicated to their work.

An Vultee BT-13 snuck in the flight path


This DC3 dropped the parachute guys off and has been flying the airshow since inception in 1953



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Great pics.

I took my son two-up on my Connie in 2003. We camped out on the airport grounds. Incredible event. My son got to go up twice as part of the Young Eagles program. Must go back again, someday

While I was there I got to do a walk-thru of a B17. I never realized how cramped the fuselage was on a Flying Fortress. I couldn't even imagine what it was like at 35,000 feet, fighting off Me109 and FW190 fighters.

My respect and awe of the crew members grew even greater than what it already was.