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Clarksville,before and after

Jan 17, 2006
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On a bike, down by the river!
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Before I totally forget, I'd like to say thanks to Jim Griftner formerly of Griff's Cycle, for putting this group of folks together for a great three day ride.

Before...notice how clean and shiny they are?



Ok JT,you wanna jump in and get this RR going. I may be out of pocket for a couple days but I will be back.
and after...



These are Jack's pictures. I have very few pics from this trip. I never had time to stop and grab the camera, I was having too hard a time trying to keep up with Norman!

I'll try to upload a few pics this evening.
At least the tyres look clean!! :-P Hope you had plenty of fun and no-one got hurt!!

Ok.......now we can start filling in the between part.Me and JT arrived Thursday evening around 6:30,got checked into our hotel...............then it started raining! All I could think about was OMG the Mulberry is going to be raging! :eek2:

Went to the local Wally World for supplies. JT had his toilet paper this time but he forgot his socks and under pants for riding! Oh well,I loaned him the under riding pants and made him buy his own socks. Friday morning as he was putting the under riding pants on........that's when I told him I hadn't washed them since the ride in Junction! hehe

Any way....here we go.

And Norman says in an very excited voice "Hey there's some single track over here" Do we explore it......heck yeah and JT just loved it,right JT?
It wasn't very long but the pucker factor was about a 9.5 in one area.

Do you guys have any new tracks or routes you can post?

I am leaving for Clarksville on Saturday for a week of dualsporting.

here's a few videos of the gang trying to wash the bikes,

Who says you gotta have a light weight scooter to play in the woods? William rode this bad boy any place anyone else went.............and he went pretty dang fast!

This is William, I call him BMWZilla after watching him push that big a _ _ BMW all over the forest. This boy aint right!

Saturday we meet two guys on the trail,going in the opposite direction.............should have seen the look on their faces when they saw the BMW! It was classic.
While waiting for Norman to realize he had missed a turn we were waiting on the trail. I heard water running,and about 20 yards off the trail I found this.

looks like a great ride
BTW did you take the last train to Clarksville? Someone was supposed to be waiting at the station

the extra fuel tank on the back of the KTM is pretty slick
These pics are from the trip last October, William and the crew lifting the 800 over a couple of downed logs across the trail. There is a drop-off of about 50 feet just over that berm. William was mad he couldn't ride it over the logs. He rode it to here, but the front wheel got caught in the logs and he couldn't get enough traction to power out. :rofl:


Norman should have known better than to start across the swinging bridge in before William, I wish I had a video of this, :rofl:

Norman thinking about Oark pie,

Jack beeped his horn,

William rinsing off his little dirtbike,
We started out with twelve guys for this ride,and Jim splits us up into two groups. There was supposed to be the fast group and the not so fast group. After riding behind Norman DeLamar and BMWZilla for two day I was beginning to think maybe I was in the wrong group. For a 71 year old guy he's faster than greased lightening!

Anyway.....here's Norman's take on the ride. No picture just some good verbiage.

The Clarksville ride was one of the best ever and this is the way I saw it.

I got there Wednesday night and took a 62 mile ride Thursday morning and got back in time for an afternoon ride with some of the late arrivals.

This was my first long shakeout ride since the shift problem repair. The bike shifted and rode fine but had a intermittent starter problem so I bypassed the afternoon ride to try and solve the problem. With help from Bill, Chuck and Bruce it was better and worked so-so for Friday and Saturday.

Friday we had 12 riders and split into 2 groups of 6 riders, the super hero defenders of truth and justice , and the never a dull moment gang.

The super heroes were Marquis de Zippy, Mustard Jack, One thumb Jack, Big Iron William, trail finder John, and OB Norm,( OB = overly brilliant, not old bass turd.)

John led us to a lot of fun stuff I had not ridden before, easy trails with lots of mud holes from rain the week before. Chicken hill was fun. We saved 2 puppies and got a woman's cat out of a tree before pig out time at Oark. The pie was real good as usual.

The 'dullards' were there with spotless bikes, hmm.

We left Oark and rode some good stuff and then we came to a water crossing, it looked bad but we found an easy line and had no problem. Zippy showed off and went across and back, it was deep but he did a nice wheelie, made the last crossing styling,atta boy Zippy.

Then we got into a pattern, deep water creek crossings that took a lot of exploring to find a good line followed by big mud holes one after another, and ups and downs with lots of rocks. I'm sure it was over 10 serious creek crossings and I was sick of them.

John took us to some trails that had not been ridden in a long time, very enjoyable.

We got back to the motel a little past 5 and most were tired, Mexican foot was good, pain pill was great.

The dull gang told us all the exciting things they did, we just rolled our eyes back because there was no way they did half as much as the heroes.

Saturday the dullards lost one but had a local replacement, there is an endless supply of their kind.

The heroes followed John to some great trails with no creek crossings, we had all had our fill Friday. Blueberry pie and ice cream was fantastic at Oark.

After lunch we rode all really good stuff and I think we had only 1 easy creek crossing, I had a good time, the hydrocodone 10's erased Fridays aches and pains.

One thumb Jack had some misfortune on a long steep rocky downhill, He had 2 thumbs at the top and only 1 working when he got to the bottom.

Except for a backwards u-turn gone bad I had no witnessed issues. It was a safe ride for all except for One Thumb.

We got to the motel a little before the dullards, apparently we had shamed them into doing more water crossings, 3 out of six went under water, pretty much normal for their kind.
What do you expect when their leader carries his tools inside the front tire.

The totals were 2horses, 4 dogs,1 nun, 3 girl scouts and 1 very big king snake saved by the super heroes.

The dullards were ,,well, amusing,, yeah, amusing, we'll give them that.

That's all I got, ....OB
Oh...............and Marquis de Zippy? Here's where his nick name came from,well this and his license plate fiasco last year.I guess you could call this zip tie 101?

During our Clarksville ride Jim was complaning abut his bike shaking when he got to around 45 MPH. Friday night he found out why!

Wanna see what Jim looked like when he found out a friend had left a tire iron INSIDE of his tire?:eek2:Evidently Jim had way to much help changing a flat down in Terlingua a few months ago.

Step one.....let your much younger Son break your tire down.

Step two......Hey,what tha,where'd that come from?

Step three........Where the h _ _ _ is Bill?:angryfire: I can just imagine what Jim wanted to do with that tire iron?

Now that's a funny way to try to balance a tire? :rofl:
Well I guess this way you will always have a tire spoon with you to change a flat!! Just difficult to get to without another spoon!! I have heard of many small objects being left inside a tyre, but never a complete lever!!;-)

At least it was a simple fix and the lever didn't pinch or damage the inner tube..

Bill checked and the creeks were very high, and cold too. :rofl:


He looks refreshed after his weekly bath...


Everybody had already jumped the log by the time I got my camera out...
