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Crazy Christmas at Lake Baker (Dec 13 & 14)

Game of Thrones


Dogs were a welcome addition to the party


Thank you Hardy and Denise for hosting, blessed to be there with everyone there. Merry Christmas.
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Looks like ya'll had a grand time! I was stuck doing this:


The irony, everyone wants to go to Santa's Wonderland and once their they can't get their heads out of their... phones!
great to say hello to folks and see old friends


Merry Christmas!!!
We had a great time. Big thanks to Hardy and everyone that organized. I would also like to thank the ladies and gents that cooked!
dang it! Jar675, who are you??? i wanna link the screen name with the actual person! help me out here!

what a nice weekend!

was great seeing M38A1 express his creative side via flapjack creations. and they were delicious too! that whole breakfast was a big treat. Thanks to all who made it possible.

we made up for the lack of riding with great camaraderie. and the late night (errr, make that early morning) entertainment wasn't bad either. Hey, no injuries or damages, so it's all good.

Thanks Hardy and Denise for welcoming us to your little bit of paradise.
I will try and add some photos,hard for the technologically challenged;-)


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Thanks to Hardy for hosting and Bob for setting it up! Thanks to SpiritAtBay for the yummy Kabobs and rice! Thanks to everyone else because you all made it fun! It was great to see familiar faces and wonderful to meet new ones too!
My better half, AKA the guy who caught Hunter going AWOL and walked him back. :lol2:

Thanks Squeaky. i should have remembered that! maybe if i knew the story behind the tag it would help me 'member... something i will hafta remember to ask next time.

Well, Hunter just went on a little walkabout, as Euromedic put it.
Thanks to all who did the cooking and feeding the whole bunch. And our host, I enjoyed my visit tremendously, was the last to leave and made it home safely in 3 1/2 hours.

The program does not want to upload any more of my photos, wil try again tomorow
Camilo, we missed you. This as taken last October at Rich Mountain, Arkansas.

Thomas dressed well for the ride home.

Jason rode in on his Goldwing shielded from the 46 degree air by it's huge windshield. No. he didn't get cold.

Bob has done an amazing two stroke conversion to Hap's BMW.

The outside bar was popular. Even though there were numerous eyewitness reports about a midnight ride around the lake with complications due sudden blindness, there were no pictures. So it didn't happen.

Hardy and Denise were absolutely great hosts. They have a beautiful place created by their hard work and inspiration. Thank you for having us.

Although it was 28 outside my tent this morning, it was 70 inside thanks to a ceramic heater Hardy loaned to Andre who loaned it to me...and Hardy's electricity. What can I say, I really enjoyed this weekend.

What a great weekend.

You gals and guys are the best. So many people did so much with all the food that was brought, the hours of cooking, doing the clean up of cooking utensils and also the helping each other to get settled in with their gear, keeping the fire going,and I could go on and on about you fine friends helped make it happen. Thanks for your palpitation and all your effort. Hey, by the way, I have already found several items that were left behind that I will bring to the Crockett campout if I make that one. Let's do it again soon. All the best, Hardy
I had a great time. It was nice getting to meet some more people too. Thanks to Bob for setting this up and a big thanks to Hardy for hosting on his beautiful property.
I know I moved a few doggie 'presents' to the woods allowing for safe passage by humans.....
Hardy, had a fantastic time @ the resort! It was great to make new friends and see familiar faces again. You're a great host and me and everybody else I'm sure had everything we wanted and needed to make it an awesome night. Thanks again, Jason K.
The day you find me wasting my day in what looks like a football stadium, well,,,,, it ain't gonna happen. I'd rather sit in a field and watch a tree grow. Like a friend of mine once said, " I quit playing with rubber balls when I was ten years old."
And again, the pleasure of having y'all here was all mine. It sure was quite around here today. I'm already modifying my fire pit for the next gathering. Y'all come back when you can stay longer. Till then,,,,,H
Remember when....


From an outing to Sissy Saddle Shop in January 2012, where I had the privilege to meet Hardy and several other attendees at this event for the first time. Im looking forward to and going to make more of an effort to make more of these events in 2014, you are all a blessing to me. Thank you.