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Gas pump TV


Forum Supporter
May 19, 2004
Reaction score
austin, TX
Some of you may have experienced this: you go to fill up your vehicle and all of the sudden there a loud ad forced upon you. You can retreat to your car, run inside or just endure it. Until today, I had no idea you could mute this obscenity, but at the Valero a kind person wrote which button muted the ad, and by golly it worked:

Here’s to hoping the 2nd from top on right muted your ads too.
It won’t be long before your car does the same thing. Most new vehicles have a screen of some sort, and many are moving to OTA updates which means there is some sort of modem involved. Add the GPS, and it wouldn‘t take much to send over a personalized Subway ad when you happen to be driving near one during the typical lunch time.
It won’t be long before your car does the same thing. Most new vehicles have a screen of some sort, and many are moving to OTA updates which means there is some sort of modem involved. Add the GPS, and it wouldn‘t take much to send over a personalized Subway ad when you happen to be driving near one during the typical lunch time.
It has happened to each version of Windows more and more. Basically, the people at Microsoft and many other software companies just view your computer like a phone and use it to spy on you. They treat your desktop like the home screen on a phone and push crap to your computer you don't want or need. Controlling your own computer has become harder and harder, almost to the point of impossible. I love the internet, but I kind of miss the days when the only thing on my computer was what I installed and I did not have to worry about having a persistent internet connection to install or to use a program. The push to move EVERYTHING to a subscription basis is also getting out of hand. It is even creeping into vehicle features for cages and bikes! :doh:
Yes and even in the Shell store here every time I use My debit card there is a YES / NO about joining some shell discount club in small print. If I hit the wrong thing I have to start over again. I once bought a car wash putting gas in my bike.
Same way at post office today the debit machine asked if there was explosive material in my book package I was mailing. Had to start over again.
Yeah like if someone is mailing a letter bomb they will hit YES
So stop upgrading. Windows 7 Pro works just great for me. I only left XP because Firefox ended support and that old computer croaked.
Just say no to Bloatware!

Yeah. I am clinging on to Win7 with all my might, but eventually the software I need for work no longer runs on Win7 and I am forced to upgrade. I have NEVER liked Windows. I was an OS/2 Warp user for a long time until Windows forced IBM to stop selling it. It was light years ahead of Windows in terms of stability, features, being 32 bit before that was really even a thing, etc,... Even once I got into Windows, I hung on to Windows NT Pro for years, then finally got XP, and went from that to Win7. I tried Linux and like it, but none of my work software runs in it and I am not enough of a geek to figure out how to do all the emulators/shells or whatever they call them that let you run Win stuff in Linux. The problem I am running into now is that Apple changed the format for their images and videos on the iPhones so the software I would normally use in Win7 to edit them won't work with the new formats. The NEWER version of those software packages will do the new format but won't run in Win7 :headbang: So eventually I will have to cave in and go to at least Win 10 kicking and screaming.
Do you know of a mute button for American Airline's never-ending pandering of their crappy credit card on every flight. Talk about a captive audience. Ticks me off to no end every time.
It has happened to each version of Windows more and more. Basically, the people at Microsoft and many other software companies just view your computer like a phone and use it to spy on you. They treat your desktop like the home screen on a phone and push crap to your computer you don't want or need. Controlling your own computer has become harder and harder, almost to the point of impossible. I love the internet, but I kind of miss the days when the only thing on my computer was what I installed and I did not have to worry about having a persistent internet connection to install or to use a program. The push to move EVERYTHING to a subscription basis is also getting out of hand. It is even creeping into vehicle features for cages and bikes! :doh:

Switch your computer to Linux and take back control. My personal line in the sand is windows 11. I will not install it on my computer, so I'll be going to Linux in 2025 when support is scheduled to end for win10.

So stop upgrading. Windows 7 Pro works just great for me. I only left XP because Firefox ended support and that old computer croaked.
Just say no to Bloatware!

Windows 7 is past end of life and hasn't gotten security updates for years now. I wouldn't use it on any networked computer.
I'm gonna have to start pushing that button consistently just to remember which one it is.
I've seen this tip before but just can't seem to remember it when I'm at the pump. Thanks for the reminder.
So eventually I will have to cave in and go to at least Win 10 kicking and screaming.

So, on a shelf in my closet a few feet from me sits a Republic of Gamers screaming 19" Win10 laptop. I got it in '18 to be able to run shows off one computer, not that Win10 or a RoG was needed for that, but I needed the screamingly great graphics card in it for video projection. Last used for a demo in Sept. 2020.
I fully expect the Overlords of Everything to nuke everything older than that one day, and at least with that I can check email, if that hasn't gone AI.
Until then, that 2000 clams laptop collects dust every bit as well as the other dinosaurs in there.
I'm gonna have to start pushing that button consistently just to remember which one it is.
I've seen this tip before but just can't seem to remember it when I'm at the pump. Thanks for the reminder.

2nd button down on the right side of the screen. Push it with GUSTO! :lol2:

I got gas at a station not long ago where the mute button had been disabled. I don't go there anymore and told the clueless clerk inside why.
Windows 7 is past end of life and hasn't gotten security updates for years now. I wouldn't use it on any networked computer.

No networks of any kind here. Technology swirls around me like a spring thunderstorm, and I am just fine leaving it all outside. YMMV.
Everyone hates these ads.... but businesses keep pouring money in, because they work.
They THINK they work. But that may be the effects of the people who sell them twisting the statistics, or just being good salesmen. And then there's the definition of "what works." If they boost sales of the advertised items by .005%, that works if the customers don't make it clear that they are annoyed enough to go elsewhere.
How would you like to live close to an automatic carwash? Pull forward backup put car in park all at about 100 db. This world can be loud. My hearing impairment can be a blessing sometimes. :rolleyes:
Windows 7 is past end of life and hasn't gotten security updates for years now. I wouldn't use it on any networked computer.

So then my Windows XP is no longer secure? That is the latest version I use and 32 bit at that. LOL
I doubt if many or any hackers are targetting that platform.
If anything secure required I use Android over mobile network.