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Gas pump TV

Yes and even in the Shell store here every time I use My debit card there is a YES / NO about joining some shell discount club in small print. If I hit the wrong thing I have to start over again. I once bought a car wash putting gas in my bike.
Same way at post office today the debit machine asked if there was explosive material in my book package I was mailing. Had to start over again.
Yeah like if someone is mailing a letter bomb they will hit YES
They monitor the parking lot and saw you pull in. Experienced Xr650l riders are frequently suspected of mailing letter bombs. Ted Kaczynzki rode a well farkled 99' XR650L, and made some decent letter bombs back in the day. He was pretty quick on the bike and loved deep forest tracks.. Had a little place in the forest to hang out at on the weekends and eventually moved out full time. The government is onto this connection now, yet they ignore the dangerous KLR 650 gang, talking about their doohickleys and all. I'd be all over that if I was calling the shots, but its all about how best to spend our tax dollars.
They monitor the parking lot and saw you pull in. Experienced Xr650l riders are frequently suspected of mailing letter bombs. Ted Kaczynzki rode a well farkled 99' XR650L, and made some decent letter bombs back in the day. He was pretty quick on the bike and loved deep forest tracks.. Had a little place in the forest to hang out at on the weekends and eventually moved out full time. The government is onto this connection now, yet they ignore the dangerous KLR 650 gang, talking about their doohickleys and all. I'd be all over that if I was calling the shots, but its all about how best to spend our tax dollars.
They know the KLR'ERs are not fast enough to out run them so they will worry about them later.
Some of you may have experienced this: you go to fill up your vehicle and all of the sudden there a loud ad forced upon you. You can retreat to your car, run inside or just endure it. Until today, I had no idea you could mute this obscenity, but at the Valero a kind person wrote which button muted the ad, and by golly it worked:

Here’s to hoping the 2nd from top on right muted your ads too.
I have heard a rumor that a small pocketknife inserted to the slats of the speaker and then moved about back and forth will also mute the ads for you and everyone after you!
It won’t be long before your car does the same thing. Most new vehicles have a screen of some sort, and many are moving to OTA updates which means there is some sort of modem involved. Add the GPS, and it wouldn‘t take much to send over a personalized Subway ad when you happen to be driving near one during the typical lunch time.
mine has a built in cellular modem but it is just for the built in wifi hot spot, the OTA updates are done late at night when it is connected to the home wifi, away from home you have to plug in a cell phone for it to down load stuff like maps and current traffic conditions.
My wife saw this same pump the other day. I haven't tried it yet but you can get I will next go around.
Another one of those times when being deaf is not a problem . and i very seldom fuel up at retail outlets
I guess they make it so loud so a) you can hear it even when you get in the car and roll up the windows, and b) so you can hear it with your FF helmet on. See how thoughtful they are?

Me? I make a point not to buy gas at a place that does that. But sometimes you get stuck out on the road, so you have to endure.
Yeah. I am clinging on to Win7 with all my might, but eventually the software I need for work no longer runs on Win7 and I am forced to upgrade. I have NEVER liked Windows. I was an OS/2 Warp user for a long time until Windows forced IBM to stop selling it. It was light years ahead of Windows in terms of stability, features, being 32 bit before that was really even a thing, etc,... Even once I got into Windows, I hung on to Windows NT Pro for years, then finally got XP, and went from that to Win7. I tried Linux and like it, but none of my work software runs in it and I am not enough of a geek to figure out how to do all the emulators/shells or whatever they call them that let you run Win stuff in Linux. The problem I am running into now is that Apple changed the format for their images and videos on the iPhones so the software I would normally use in Win7 to edit them won't work with the new formats. The NEWER version of those software packages will do the new format but won't run in Win7 :headbang: So eventually I will have to cave in and go to at least Win 10 kicking and screaming.
OS/2 is a blast from the past. Far superior to Windows. I worked for IBM at the time doing support for OS/2.
I have figured out the ultimate hack to avoid these annoyances.

Auto Buy / Pay.
Every time a spam ad comes in, I'm set to just automatically buy and pay for it.

One less thing to worry about.
"Install kit" the good old days.
I had 3.1 on floppy disk a and then the 95 upgrade disk. I built a lot of computers that way.
As one of the first cable modem installers in Austin, installing pci nic cards was the worst. I still hate win 95 and it's 5 required 10-15 min restarts to have a functional ethernet connection.

Ma'am, may I please see your original copy of windows?

I learned a lot, though. I also have seen a bunch on stuff on people's computers that I'm sure they didn't want anyone else seeing.

I only had to call the cops twice.
I remember we thought OS/2 was cool, but then, we discovered that it loaded all the programs and if they IT bunch over did the install vs. memory (we had like 16 MB) the thing would just sit there. When we moved on to XP and beyond it was nice. I use 11 on everything and I gave the Mac Book Pro a go, but never got the hang of it. I am pretty sure that my phone, my watch, my TV, my Roku, and possibly my shop all watch me. Luckily, I am able to filter out a lot of stuff. I find the newer versions of these systems require us to learn to filter stuff. I use my computers on my home secure network, or run them off of my phone when away. So far so good. Of course, I am still communicating with other Luddites on a bulletin board or three so there is that. I also have little camera windows on my laptops to protect the bad guys my my "naked computing" moments. But, you gotta live your life. I can't stomach live tv anymore. Commercials make me cringe, I learned of the mute button almost as soon as they came out. Awesome invention.

If I could fix one thing, it would be restaurants that play music. I would have a no music section for grumpy old people. Disco hits and dinner don't work for me.
That one is simple , if I walk in one with a tv that is not muted or music that I can here I’ll never make it to the table . The real restraunt that I frequent in Wyoming has tv s in the bar area where I prefer to dine , less rugrats , and only once when I went in were they were not muted , the day obiden killed the solders in Afghanistan , one was a local area youth . I sure miss smoking ares because i could tolerate an occasional whiff much better than rugrats .
CHEDDAR NEWS! lmao, been using the mute thing for over a year. IT's been a lifesaver!