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Loose Rocks and Falling Riders in Big Bend

I've got aftermath video of the infamous superman getoff. I will definitely put it in the crash montage. I have a long way to go before that is ready. We need to edit them all out and put one good vid together to post with tunes! "And the colored girls say do, ddo, dddo, do do, do -do it again ROY!"
I'm insanely jealous that I didn't get to go on this trip, though I'm guessing it was probably for the best. I actually need all of my appendages and I have a feeling I would have come home crawling and black and blue.
How long before we get to see some crash vids?
Good stuff! I'm really looking fwd to being there next month to get a dose of it myself.
Tell the story Silverbullet

Ok I finally found the misplaced business card so I will now post the story.

About halfway through our first days ride JR stopped in front of me on the trail. He was looking for a tree branch or something stuck in his wheel or chain. All was clean and nothing there so I told him to roll his bike forward while we watched. Well problem quickly found, a broken spoke in his rear wheel...click.click.click as it rotated. Sounded like the old bicycle trick sound affect of clothespinning a playing card to the spokes.

So we did a single spoke 'ectemy but found 2-3 other spokes severely bent and almost every one was very loose. The wheel was wobbling so bad it was almost rubbing both sides of the swingarm when spun. Problem was further complicated as many of the spokes were seized in their nipples and couldn't be tightened. JR had no choice but to limp back to the bunkhouse and pray that his riding wasn't over for the entire stay. His rear wheel needed a complete rebuild with every spoke and nipple replaced. JR said he would take it easy riding back and I went with him to assure he arrived back safe. Side story here was he didn't take it easy and romped back pretty good. We also took a wrong turn and ended up riding an unmaintained trail back. This fuirther took it's toll on the wheel and it was toasted upon our return.

So back to the bunkhouse and we go in search of Barrett at the Ranger Station. He is off that day but Sylvia the Ranger on duty contacted him on his cell phone. I explained our problem to him and he was sympathetic but advised the nearest bike shop is in Alpine about 115 miles away. Even then doubtful they would have the exact spokes needed. Seems almost every bike takes a slightly different length, angle and bend. He also gave us two more local numbers to try and I knew of the rental/repair shop in Study Butte as well. Sylvia was kind enough to allow us to use her phone and I called all three places. None stocked any parts, all referred us to Alpine and advised it would probably take 3-4 days even there to get parts in. But before hanging up the last shop asked me out of curiousity what bike they were needed for. I said a Honda XR650L and then the unbelievable happened. He personally had an '07 XR650L that he submarined during a water crossing. JR's bike is also an '07. I asked if he would be willing to part out the rear wheel and he said he might!! I immediately gave the phone to JR, told him this guy had a wheel for his bike and to seal the deal. 5 minutes later price was agreed on and then JR further negotiated the price adding money and getting it delivered to us!!

Now you have to realize that we are 27 miles of dirt road from the nearest pavement and then another 30-40 miles to his shop. The 27 miles of dirt alone takes approx 1-1/2 hrs to travel in a car or truck. And he would be making a round trip drive as well. So exactly as promised 3 hours later he arrives with wheel. Wheel was in like new condition except bearings were suspect since bike was under water for a couple days. Stripping the outer rubber seals and repacking had them good as new new.

Also incredible is that the price paid, even delivered ~140 miles out to the boonies was still probably less than you could buy that same wheel on Ebay. JR had a guardian angel looking out for him that day and should have carried over this good luck for the remainder of the trip. However the next day he shattered a mirror and it was all downhill with flat tires and crashes, haha

The "He" savior of this story is Tar Rawls. If you are going to the Big Bend area make sure you carry his number. You won't find an easier to deal with, more helpful and reasonably priced service anywhere. And being out in the middle of the desert where others would try and gouge you he'll treat you fair.

Chapapote Cycle Service
Tar Rawls
432-295-0730 cell
432-358-4415 shop

Its always good when in the hinterlands to be in a Chevy or on a Honda. Learned that a looonnnggg time ago.
Ok. Video is 23 minutes long. So no YouTube. I'm posting a link to a Dropbox so if you wanna see it you will have to download it. I tried to make the video representative of the whole trip as well as show the more technical sections ( which don't represent we'll on video) as well I mixed the music to hopefully represent the personalities of the riders. Hope you enjoy. Oh and if you have an issue with adult language, turn the volume down because the music has quite a bit. Enjoy.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/z1eck0u2kwz6zgm/2012-11-03 15.37.04.mov
Holy crap batman! Amazing video montage. Please keep it up. I laughed (at you, not with you), cried and watched in amazement. I have a very close relationship with the big bend area and even though I saw stills and heard stories, this brings it to life. Bucket list boys. Someday I'm gonna do it. Cojones are growing.
FYI. I tested the link on another computer. You don't have to download. Just open the link and give it a couple minutes. The video will show up
FYI. I tested the link on another computer. You don't have to download. Just open the link and give it a couple minutes. The video will show up

Great vid! Excellent crash by JR! GOOD JOB DAR. That chest rig go pro is a much better perspective than the helmet cam. Whatsup with all the Irish chatter? What about Lou Reed? Lol
putting a camera on Jr was the best idea ever. i also like the part where Tim is looking at the map for awhile then flips it upside down, like where in the he!! are we at?
my videos seem alot tamer than yaws. guess cause im so much slower than yaw......