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Motorcycling Adventures in the Big Bend

:tab I also know that there are some owners that will post "Dead End", "Private Road", and similar signs even though that is not the case! This is especially problematic in Colorado. The dilemma is whether or not to push the issue and risk a confrontation even if the road may legitimately be open to the public. In places like Big Bend and Colorado, the alternative route may be a detour of several hours or more!!
Richard_ said:

I've ridden part of South County Road starting at 170, but not as far as Hwy 118. It's on my "to do" list for next time. The same goes for riding across Terlingua Ranch from 118 over to 385.

Last April I cut across Terlingua Ranch from 385 to 118, lot of deep loose sand, good views, no chance of getting lost.
South County Road from 170 to 118 , lot of switch backs ,dry water crossings mostly gravel.Numerous roads branching off, easy to get lost. Without a gps we would have been lost. We we stopped by two couples on a baja bug type of vehicle who were lost, we pointed them the right way.
Dave....I'm thinking that was around April 15th, 2005.

We were there that weekend and saw the people in the "Buggy" several places including Pinto Canyon Rd.....They were having a ball!!!!!