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Pie Run V: Black Bear Restaurant, Davis Mtns State Park

I think you mean who was victimized by a retard piece of veal trying to commit suicide. I have been severly traumatized and will need years of counseling to get over that incident....I think eating many pieces of steak will help me along in the healing process.:eat: :lol2:

Soup's on at Scott's place!
Go West, not so young men, Go West....

Heeding the timeless advice of John B Soule, Chuck, Ed and I met up at the usual meeting spot at 6am on a Friday morning and did exactly that...headed West where we met up with another not so young group of riders at the Koffee Kup in Hico (home of past and future Pie Runs)


After eating an excellent breakfast we saddled up and hit the road....a convoy of bikes of all different makes and models. We had Yamaha, Kawasaki, Honda, Suzuki, Harley, BMW and Triumph in our little parade.


The obligatory "look at my helmet" shot" :


Chuck was the ersthwhile leader of our little band of misfits, so of course we had to indulge his pursuit of the elusive county courthouse along the way :rider:


As the day wore on we did make a stop for lunch in San Angelo (at a second restaurant after my gps routed us to a place that no longer existed) and lucky us, the restaurant had gizzards!!!


I told Ed that I would pay for his meal and give him $20 if he would order and eat the entire the plate....an offer he declined.

Chuck documenting the meal stop:


After San Angelo, the road (67) became very boring and very hot. I decided to quit looking at my temprature gauge after it read 106 for an hour!!!

We pushed through to Fort Davis and were rewarded with some great scenery:


After many hours and many miles we arrived at Fort Davis State Park and checked into the Indian Lodge....we were all a little tired.


Dinner that evening was at the Black Bear on the lodge property....food was so so, service was the worst that I had ever experienced....the less said the better.

After dinner with Kurt (Texmedic) and Josh (Texfire) we decided to meet up the next day and get in a quick 78 mile scenic loop before the Pie Run and the heat.

Morning came early:


So five of us (Ed, Chuck, Josh, James and myself) saddled up and headed out onto the road. Our route was 118 to 166 to 17 to 118....if you are ever out that way this trip is worth taking....especially the section of 118 from the park to 166. You swoop and twist through some breathtaking canyons and scenery. And no...my photographs do not do the area justice...besides I was too busy riding!!!





Fortunately the ride was completley and totally without any noteworthy incidents....right guys?

Well...I suppose the fact that while on 166 I was hit by a 400lb piece of veal on the hoof might be news of note....neither I or the idiot cow were hurt thank goodness (after doing a complete flip, the cow ran off) and I only need to replace my left mirror assembly. Ed and Chuck took many pictures, which I am sure will show up in this thread eventually.

After the ride and pie, Chuck went out to capture some more courthouses (the man is dedicated!!) and I stayed in to take a much needed nap.

That evening several of us went out to the McDonald Observatory for a "Star Gazing Party". This is another "must do" event. After the enlightening lecture we were given the opportunity to look through telescopes of varying strengths....through one of them we were able to see Saturn and it's rings...just too cool!!



Sunday morning, we (Ed, Chuck and I) woke up, joined Josh and Kurt for breakfast and we all parted ways. Josh and Kurt for the Hill Country, Ed for parts unknown as he continues his vacation and Chuck and I for the Metromess.

All in all it was a great time and I am looking to going back when it is not so darn hot.
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Simmons1, I'll bet your stop had a lot to do with the two check points near Del Rio. You probably appeared to be avoiding them by taking that back route. Something was up, the BP sure had a lot firepower at the check points.

I am sure you are right. Afterwards I was thinking the same thing, as I did miss both check points by going up through Pandale.

When I went through one of the check points on the way back from Alpine in April there were drug sniffing dogs present.
Great sunrise pic, Scott. And I like the one where the road (and the world) is tilted. Glad you survived being "calved" with minimal damage to all parties. That will teach him to jaywalk!
Re: Go West, not so young men, Go West....

Chuck documenting the meal stop:

I'm going thru my pictures now and didn't have anything from that lunch stop. :shrug: I seem to lose a photo every now and then. :-(
Great pictures! Sounds like a very fun time (besides the cow incident :lol2: ).

Even the cow incident, once it was over and the damage was assessed, was fun....it make for a great story!! :lol2:

How many other riders have hit a cow and the only part that needs to be replaced is a mirror?
Even the cow incident, once it was over and the damage was assessed, was fun....it make for a great story!! :lol2:

How many other riders have hit a cow and the only part that needs to be replaced is a mirror?

I am glad you are ok after the "Cow Incident" as this will forever be known. Just think of the mileage you will get out of the tale.
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Get it right. That's Rhonda's bike. Im just the pilot.

That is EXACTLY what I thought when I saw the bike :rofl: But it is okay, you can admit here how much you like it... We won't tell Rhonda :-P
I think you mean who was victimized by a retard piece of veal trying to commit suicide. I have been severly traumatized and will need years of counseling to get over that incident....I think eating many pieces of steak will help me along in the healing process.:eat: :lol2:

And here I was thinking you thought the calf looked suspicious and were attempting a felony stop. After all, we've heard about drug mules, a drug cow isn't a huge stretch.
Even the cow incident, once it was over and the damage was assessed, was fun....it make for a great story!! :lol2:

How many other riders have hit a cow and the only part that needs to be replaced is a mirror?

That's quite true. Quite a few years back, we were at International Wildlife Park in Grand Prairie (now long gone) in our Isuzu Trooper, and we got hit by a rhino. Basically one rhino took a swipe at another one who ran right into our car. We got a lot of mileage out of that. We got calls from every insurance person who saw the file: "You got hit by a what? A rhino? In Texas?"

If you're ever hit by a rhino, it's covered by your comprehensive.
You know, I was thinking... Since the Ride The Rio trip is in late Feb, perhaps we should schedule the Pie Run for that area then when it is not so freaking hot? Although, it was 90F when we were out there in Feb... :brainsnap
Re: Go West, not so young men, Go West....

Well...I suppose the fast that while on 166 I was hit by a 400lb piece of veal on the hoof might be news of note....neither I or the idiot cow were hurt thank goodness (after doing a complete flip, the cow ran off) and I only need to replace my left mirror assembly. Ed and Chuck took many pictures, which I am sure will show up in this thread eventually.

After the ride and pie, Chuck went out to capture some more courthouses (the man is dedicated!!) and I stayed in to take a much needed nap.

That evening several of went out to the McDonald Observatory for a "Star Gazing Party". This is another "must do" event. After the enlightening lecture we were given the opportunity to look through telescopes of varying strengths....through one of them we were able to see Saturn and it's rings...just too cool!!

All in all it was a great time and I am looking to going back when it is not so darn hot.

You forgot dinner in Alpine where you took revenge against your antagonist's kin by ordering a 12oz steak. :eat:

The star party was very cool. I'm up for a return trip sometime cooler, hopefully after I've purchased a better saddle and some highway pegs.

I really enjoyed hanging out with everyone.
...I pulled over and stopped and waited for him to pull up behind me. I was told I was stopped for doing 72 in a 55....After what seemed like forever he gave me a warning and let me go.

A forty minute stop, 17 over and you got a warning?

Could it be you were 2 over the actual speed limit?

You know, I was thinking... Since the Ride The Rio trip is in late Feb, perhaps we should schedule the Pie Run for that area then when it is not so freaking hot? Although, it was 90F when we were out there in Feb... :brainsnap

Either early in the year...like Jan/Feb or in the fall would be great.

Oh yeah....ordered the parts needed to fix my bike...$254 with shipping.
and turn signal assembly....what got me was the number of screws,bolts and somesuch needed to put the darn thing back together.

Yeah, but how much were the parts to fix the cow?
Even the cow incident, once it was over and the damage was assessed, was fun....it make for a great story!! :lol2:

How many other riders have hit a cow and the only part that needs to be replaced is a mirror?

So true! :lol2:

The cow incident. :wary:
As mentioned, I met up with Scott (STScott) and Ed (ed29) at ye olde Minyards at the gawd-awful hour of 6 AM. The plan was to meet up with Lee's (wildebube) east Texas group (two buddies) plus James (Jbay) at the Koffee Kup in Hico at 8:00.

Just as we arrived at US67 from FM2280, we saw three riders go past who gave us an above-the-helmet wave. The timing was perfect except for the rock hauler waiting to get on in front of us. :doh: US67 is the pits on a work day... :rant:

We caught up with them in Glen Rose, arrived in Hico early, got a table, and James arrived a smidge late after taking county roads from Waco. While checking out, we warned the manager that they were up as the TWT Pie Target for next month on 6/28.

Scott alluded to the different makes of bikes - seven different:

Scott (STScott), Honda ST1300
Ed (ed29), Yamaha FJR1300
Lee (wildebube), BMW F650 Dakar
Dave (KLR Dave), Kawasaki KLR650
Dan (NR), Harley-Davidson
James (Jbay), Triumph Tiger
Chuck (Gilk51), Suzuki DL650

We just needed an Italian bike or two, and we would just about covered everything.


Leaving Hico, we took SH6 to Dublin and picked up US67 again. It would be our road all the way to Alpine. We made a rest stop in Valera:


Ed (ed29)

Lee (wildebube)

James (Jbay)

Dan (not registered)

Dave (KLR Dave)

The others refused to be photographed...

We stopped for lunch in San Angelo. We talked with a DR650 rider and his son for a bit and he gave us each a wood "top" (for spinning). :thumb:

The strong south wind would hound us all day (all weekend, really)

It was hot after San Angelo and, with Scott in the lead, we motored down US67. At one point, I couldn't catch up and I didn't want to exceed 90 due to vibration. :eek2:

We arrived at the Indian Lodge about 6:15. Ken (KenH) spotted us from his campsite and met us in the office. He and Patrick (ptwohig) had arrived the day before and were dual sporting.

We ate dinner at the Black Bear and it was a zoo. The manager apologized for the service as we were leaving and I told him to expect 20-25 folks tomorrow around 11 as per a message earlier in the week. He apparently didn't get the message :doh: but said he would take care of us.

next... Pie Day!