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Pie Run VIII "East Texas' Turn!" Mineola, TX

May 29, 2003
Reaction score
Dallas, TX
First Name
Just got back ... man am I soaked.

Great seeing everyone! I know I didn't make the rounds as thoroughly as I would have liked ... since I showed up late and all ... but I did recognize many smiling faces, met a few new friends, some previous friends I hadn't seen in some time, and put some faces with names based on bikes that I've read about here. Shame it's taken me this long since our first pie run to be able to make my second, but it was a great time. Excellent set up!
I'm back too. Good food and great conversation. This was my first one and it was nice meeting a lot of good folks. But it was REALLY hot! I emptied a few bottles of water down my shirt on the way home.
I think the fried pies I brought home ended up being double fried pies from being in a tankbag on the way home :mrgreen: On the plus side..my ZRX got 43mpg on the ride out and had to have been good on the way home since I lost a few pounds in the heat :mrgreen:
Just got back as well. Thanks to the leaaders of the Kilgore group, I just had to follow, and have a good time.

See you guys at the next one.
I made it back home around 1:45. Great seeing some familiar faces, and meeting some new ones. The restaurant did a great job of taking care of us, food was good, and the Pie was delicious. I hope everyone made it back home safe.

Got home around 4:00. It was great to make my first "pie run". :eat:
The restaurant did an excellent job but we were scattered everywhere. Saw some people I've met at the Tarrant County M&G's and met quite a few more.

Met up with Randy (Doons) and Bob (Bobby D) in Plano and enjoyed the ride both ways. Looking forward to the next ride. :rider:
Yup.. good time, definately HOT in the afternoon. Was good seeing some familiars, and many new faces! :)

They did a real good job handling all of us from out of no-where....
got back to huntsville about 540pm after a lazy ride home. Hit one good shower of rain but it actually felt good after being so hot all day. It was great to see all the people and bikes turn out. Looks like a total sucess. This was only my 2nd pie run and I have enjoyed both a ton. Hope all had safe travel and I cant wait til next months pie run.
I arrived safely back to Fort Worth at about 6:10 PM

Special thanks to Alan and Debbie for their great hospitality giving me a quick tour of some East Texas twisties. I wound with up 358 miles for the day. :clap:
Rocket_Cowboy said:
Just got back ... man am I soaked.

I know what you mean. The hottest part of the ride home was sitting on the side of 276 waiting for the East Tawakoni LEO finish his duties.

Luckily, the two "menace to societies" are off the road until tomorrow morning.

It was great to meet a couple new friends. The coconut pie was delicious.
Rocket_Cowboy said:
Just got back ... man am I soaked.

I know what you mean. The hottest part of the ride home was sitting on the side of 276 waiting for the East Tawakoni LEO finish his duties.

Luckily, the two "menace to societies" are off the road until tomorrow morning.

It was great to meet a couple new friends. The coconut pie was delcious.
Hot, but home. Took a little break to cool off midway home. :lol2:

Another great pie run. Mmmmm chocolate pie! :sun:
Another great ride. Thanks to all the folks in the Kilgore group. I always enjoy the ride. Nice to meet some new faces and have some good conversation. Great choice for a restaurant - they did a great job!!!!

I'm still waiting on that carrot cake though.........
Finally got in and I'm still full from lunch. Hamburger Steak with gravy and onions, smashed taters, fried okra, and a nice slab of chocolate pie.:dude:

This morning was rather interesting. Hillflea, sdavisrt and I headed out from Chandler and made our way down 315 to Palestine. Along the way we had an interesting experience. I'm cruising along all fat dumb and happy when I notice a big dog crossing the road. I instinctively grab a handful of the stoppers expecting the really big dog to head off into the ditch. As I get close I realize that the really big dog is not a dog but a horned sheep of some variety.


The interesting part is that the big varmint wouldn't budge so I move to the edge of the road and slowly go by him. Just as I get even with him I toss out one of my Sidi's in his direction. This obviously angered the crazy beast because he spun toward hillflea and threw his head down like he was ready to ram him. It was quite funny actually.

After the three of us survived the crazed goat incident we meandered on to Palestine where we waited for CZimmerman and Houstonredrider. Fifteen minutes later we see the SV and CBR but noticed they had a beautiful black ST in tow which was piloted by bok3nt.

After leaving the Pie Run, CZimmerman blasted off for Temple to attend a school function I believe he said and hillflea, sdavidrt and I took houstonredrider to a local shop in the hopes of finding a tire with enough rubber on it to spin him back to the Woodlands. One slightly used tire with a plug in it and $20 later he was on his way.

Good to see everyone and hope everybody made it home safe.
Nice ride, guys. Sure is hard to keep up with Terrebandit and Stromboy on 1002, though. So much fun that Ninjette and I did it again on the way home. Deepink, great to have you and your hybrid join us. Terry, did you make it Jefferson?
Great location; ET Burger Company did a nice job.
Always fun to ride; more fun to ride with good folks.
I'm back safe and sound. I ran up 238 miles for the day. Thats a long way for me on the ole SV. I'm feeling the effects of it now.

Enjoyed it!
I met up with some of the DFW riders in Mesquite at the Wal-Mart. Almost missed the 9:00 am deadline due to some poor soul trying to end it all on the overpass near Town East and I635. I detoured and then made my way to the Wal-mart. Mike Murch (SL350) rode over to wish the group a safe ride on his (you guessed it...SL350). He was afraid the front wheel might fly off on the way to Mineola so he remained in Mesquite.


Mike discusses vintage Japanese bikes with Ryan and Armond.


We took off for Mineola and picked up one rider on a BMW in Elmo. A stop in Grand Saline to discuss an alternative route due to the road construction on 80, brought us a bystander with a story.


As you can see he ate it on his bike. Ryan listens to his story.

"I'm riding 85 mph at night on my Ninja, and I have a blowout on the front tire." "I grab the front brake and I'm immediately eating asphalt." "Broke my right leg, right arm, and plenty of road rash, but thanks to my jacket and helmet, I'm going to recover and ride again."

My comment. "Maybe you should not ride 85 at night, and I would change brands of jackets!"

Anyway, we made it to Mineola via 17 instead of 80 at 11:10.


Wow, TWTEX riders sure park neatly.


Keith is questioned by a curious Harley rider (yellow shirt) about what is going on. So Keith tells him the story of TWTEX .


This is the first one of these I have seen in person. Cool.


How about this trick Bandit. Deepink style...Nice!


Many thanks to HoustonRedRider for delivering my updated helmet. Squeaky did a fantastic job of repainting all parts of my helmet that were yellow to Ducati red. Great job! 2 thumbs up!


Gassed up my pride and joy and started home. Arrived as usual, fried, about 5:00 pm.

Enjoyed the gathering as always. Thanks to East Texas Burger for a job well done. Especially thanks to TWTEX for what you do.
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I can't hold a candle to Chuck in the photography or the documentation departments, but, in his honor, I tried. The attendees that signed the sheet: (Please post if you were there and didn't sign)

Alan and Debbie (Eulogite) Cumby DL1000, EX250
Dick (Triumphant) Dallas Cagiva GC
Todd (TAPnTX) Richardson DR650SE
Elly (CWDancer) Lindale Kymco Grand Visto
Jessica (Ninjette) Kilgore EX250
Randy (Stromboy) Tyler DL1000
Kelly (Randy's pillion)
Dave (Terrebandit) Whitehouse SV650
Bill (Pub610) Kilgore Concours
Darrell (deepink) Nacogdoches Bandit 1200
Terry (R11S) Longview R1100S
Skip (Skip Honeycutt) Overton ST1100
Dick Ott Chapel Hill R1200GS
Bryan (Flattop) Tyler FLHR1
Chris (wczimmerman) Temple SV1000S
Dutch (dutchinterceptor) Tyler VFR800
Marvin (Hillflea) Tyler Z1000
Bobby (B0K3NT) Austin ST1300
Stephen (SDavisRT) Tyler Vulcan750
Jack (Jackntx) Huntsville ST 1300
Phil (PKiser) Huntsville Concours
Steve (Rockmantex) Bryan ST1300
Raul (Houstonredrider) Woodlands CBR600
Mike (miken) Allen CBR600F4
David (Drizzt) Rowlett VFR800
Bob Cook Allen Sabre 1100
Mitch (RoseKnight) DFW VF1000R
Chris (mr1150gs) Richmond
Randy (r1150GSrider) Austin
Glenn Sparkman Tyler K1200S
Michelle Ft Worth FJR
Angie from Mesquite
Lee (wildebube) Wills Point 650GS Dakar
Les (passthegravy) Mesquite
Bob (BobbyD) Plano
Randy (Doons) Plano
Don (donroger1) Denton
Becca (rocketbunny) Cypress
Rich (Simmons1) FW ZX-11

Rear parking


Bill(Grabaurt),Zorba, Debbie, and Steve from Bryan



Chris comes up for a breath while Marvin and crew concentrate on huge burgers

Bill and Dick

Lee, Ellly, and Bill (Mitch wasn't there, so Bill hogged the camera?)

Sulphur Springs crew minus Carey: Joe, Zorba, and Alan

Back at the farm, Alan, Pepper, and Rich discuss bike audio technology

Several people noticed my wear bars in Mineola; Rich noticed the steel before we got back to Cumby. Oops. Hello, SWMototires.com.
dutchinterceptor said:
Finally got in and I'm still full from lunch. Hamburger Steak with gravy and onions, smashed taters, fried okra, and a nice slab of chocolate pie


Eulogite said:
Several people noticed my wear bars in Mineola; Rich noticed the steel before we got back to Cumby. Oops. Hello, SWMototires.com.

It looks like I was not the only one pushing the tires too far. In my case it was not a good idea to start a 420 miles ride with an almost worn out tire. My tire started to look like yours when we arrived to Minola. Thakns to Dutchinterceptor, hillflea and sdavidrt to hook me up with the bike shop in Tyler.

The ride in the morning was good but the way back from Tyler to Huntsville (Hwy 19) was a hot air oven. I was soo glad when I caught rain in Huntsville!!!

Good to see everyone. The chocolate Pie was great. :eat:
Eulogite said:
The attendees that signed the sheet: (Please post if you were there and didn't sign)

I was there, but rolled in a tad late and didn't sign the sheet.
Rocket_Cowboy said:
I was there, but rolled in a tad late and didn't sign the sheet.

I was there as well. My face and hands were covered in pie so I couldn't pose
or sign in. Had a great time.
Rick Miller RickMillerTx on the only? Ducati!
Looks like you folks had a great time. Wish I could of been there but the Hotter-n-**** 100 was going on.