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Post your Day Rides Here!

175 miles today, Thorndale to Austin to Lockhart to Bastrop to Elgin to home.....mostly work, no play......well except for Phelan Road and Old Sayers....and I found this cool new steel bridge in western Bastrop county.

Pic-Cedar Creek Bridge, old and NEW steel, CR250/Watts Rd.



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Got up early, sick of the dern computer after a few hours....so I took a break and hit about 80 miles of gravel in Milam county....ahhhh that's better! :sun:
pic1- my buddy's chopper at the meat shop, 117 inches of S&S badness, we called this shot "the bad and the ugly"....:lol2:
pic2- water crossing on the San Gabriel, full of DEEP GRAVEL, went over and back.....gotta wash it sometime! :-P


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Got up early, sick of the dern computer after a few hours....so I took a break and hit about 80 miles of gravel in Milam county....ahhhh that's better! :sun:
pic1- my buddy's chopper at the meat shop, 117 inches of S&S badness, we called this shot "the bad and the ugly"....:lol2:
pic2- water crossing on the San Gabriel, full of DEEP GRAVEL, went over and back.....gotta wash it sometime! :-P
Mark, are ya'll hiring? ha! If I could make my deliveries on my bike you can bet I would!
I like 'em too but don't know how? I don't use a photo host like you folks....everything is local for me. :shrug:

:tab Since you are a forum supporter, click on the Photo Gallery link on the main Navbar at the top of the page. Just below the Navbar you should now see a second menu bar, which has an "upload photos" option on the far right. You can also make albums and upload images to specific albums. When you are viewing any image, look below the image and you will see the embed code that you can just cut/paste right into your post. Once uploaded, your images stay there forever unless you choose to delete them.
:tab Since you are a forum supporter, click on the Photo Gallery link on the main Navbar at the top of the page. Just below the Navbar you should now see a second menu bar, which has an "upload photos" option on the far right. You can also make albums and upload images to specific albums. When you are viewing any image, look below the image and you will see the embed code that you can just cut/paste right into your post. Once uploaded, your images stay there forever unless you choose to delete them.
Thanks TM....tell me, does this use more server space? Does this matter?
Thanks TM....tell me, does this use more server space? Does this matter?

:tab Yes, it uses server space on my server. I currently have two high speed boot drives for the OS (mirrored) and three 750 GB data drives (mirrored) for the forum. Right now the entire photo gallery stands at 850 MB. All the rest of the forum data, including attached images totals up to about 3.5 GB. There is another forum hosted on the server (ST-Owners.com) of about the same size of TWT, and I also host my personal photos on the server, which adds up to maybe another 10-15 GB total. So we are no where even remotely close to maxing out the storage capacity. Eventually we might get there, and if that happens, I will likely upgrade the drives or even the entire server.

:tab The current server was originally purchased back in 2007 (IIRC) because the leased server we were on then was just not getting the job done. I bought a dedicated server that would have room to grow. I have not had to update it since. Computers have obviously changed a LOT since then, and even then the one I bought was a mid level server. So the next upgrade will likely be to a MUCH faster server with MUCH more storage space. The reality is that the forum software is not super server intensive.
I put another 150ish miles on the Bandit today. Didn't really feel like riding a long ride but the more I rode, the more I wanted to just keep on ridin'. Hit a little shower 20 minutes into the ride but only lasted a couple of minutes. Nothing but clear blue skies after that!

Here's a few pics from B.Everett Jordan Lake/Dam.(NC)


These were also there at the Lake/Dam but not sure what they were for. The little building with the antenna made me curious.



And finally, I stopped to get some Bo'Berry Biscuits on the way home and look who parks right behind me. "It wasn't me, I didn't do anything!"

Got up this morning to find a flat tire on the big dirt bike and some carb problems on the little one. Washed both, did some carb work on the little one and need parts to finish the job.

Patched the tube on the big one and was done about 3:00.

Got on the bike with no clear destination. Had the Zumo playing random songs to me and after Lyle Lovett's If I had a Boat, and a few Jimmy Buffet tunes inspiration struck with a hankerin' for a shrimp taco. I figured it was also time to do some work on my sand skillz with the KTM 950, so I headed South via Gonzales, Yoakum, Cuero, Goliad, Refugio, Rockport and Aransas Pass.

Took a ferry ride out to Port A and rode a few miles of beach, and caught the sunset from the island. Then rode the ferry back to the mainland to locate that taco.

Found the taco of my dreams between Aransas Pass and Rockport, then headed home, coming back through Shiner instead of Gonzales. Looking at all the lit up drilling rigs dotting the landscape as I crested the hills was kinda pretty.

Hit the back door around midnight-thirty with about four hundred miles behind me.

While getting fuel in Flatonia around 11:30 I met a fellow rider returning from Houston to San Antonio fueling at the next pump. Liz, a seventeen year old "Army brat," as she called herself, on a Honda 750 V-Twin headed home after a long days ride.

Reminded me of my younger days when I would do crazy stuff like that.

Oh, I guess I still do. ;-)

A very productive day I would say.
Sunsets on the Island are always good :thumb:...was there seaweed on the beach?
.... Hit the back door around midnight-thirty with about four hundred miles behind me....
Reminded me of my younger days when I would do crazy stuff like that.
Oh, I guess I still do. ;-) A very productive day I would say.

Well, I done got too old for midnight thirty, but we take the dogs out for a ride yesterday after the clouds passed thru. The cotton patch in the Red River Valley is ripe for picking:




Got up this morning to find a flat tire on the big dirt bike and some carb problems on the little one. Washed both, did some carb work on the little one and need parts to finish the job.

Patched the tube on the big one and was done about 3:00.

Got on the bike with no clear destination. Had the Zumo playing random songs to me and after Lyle Lovett's If I had a Boat, and a few Jimmy Buffet tunes inspiration struck with a hankerin' for a shrimp taco. I figured it was also time to do some work on my sand skillz with the KTM 950, so I headed South via Gonzales, Yoakum, Cuero, Goliad, Refugio, Rockport and Aransas Pass.

Took a ferry ride out to Port A and rode a few miles of beach, and caught the sunset from the island. Then rode the ferry back to the mainland to locate that taco.

Found the taco of my dreams between Aransas Pass and Rockport, then headed home, coming back through Shiner instead of Gonzales. Looking at all the lit up drilling rigs dotting the landscape as I crested the hills was kinda pretty.

Hit the back door around midnight-thirty with about four hundred miles behind me.

While getting fuel in Flatonia around 11:30 I met a fellow rider returning from Houston to San Antonio fueling at the next pump. Liz, a seventeen year old "Army brat," as she called herself, on a Honda 750 V-Twin headed home after a long days ride.

Reminded me of my younger days when I would do crazy stuff like that.

Oh, I guess I still do. ;-)

A very productive day I would say.

Nicely done! NO PICTURES?? Didn't happen. :lol2:

Finally convinced my buddy Todd to go for his first dirt ride a couple weekends back. His kit is so clean it almost hurts... We had to convince him that we wouldn't take him on any singletrack.


Given that direction, my buddy James insisted we hit the singletrack. Who was I to refuse? James and I were waiting down below this section and James said "I kinda forgot how gnarly that was..." Todd must have enjoyed it because he was waving at us from the top, doing some kind of single-finger salute that we didn't understand.


After all, at some point in the last 50 years, this *was* doubletrack...


Obligatory shot with Mt. Bachelor in the background, from near the Tumalo radio tower.


With the radio tower cleaned we tried to link up with 370 but Todd managed to find the only quicksand in this desert. No pics from the rest of the day unfortunately, but I was impressed that he made it all the way through and only took a couple dirt naps (that he told us about anyway).
Late Sunday Test Ride...

With the KTM Rally quickly approaching I realized that my drive train was looking a little shot.

After Wifey returned from her ride I tossed everything on the bike and figured I should do a test ride. Since it was 5-ish o-clock and I was solo, I figured I should stay on double track FS roads. That lasted for a little while...

The test riding out here just sucks, I tell ya.

An ulterior motive was to see if I could get any shots of the brand new Pole Creek fire cranking away to the south of Sisters. Pretty freaky as I rode under the plume...

Too many trees, so I beat feet towards the old Tumalo Reservoir hoping to get some better shots. The red setting sun illuminated my retreat.

Due to the massive contrast, I have some shots I need to try and combine (HDR maybe?) out in the Reservoir. Shooting from the other side I was able to witness this apocalyptic view.

Probably some nervous people in Sisters tonight :eek2:
Nice shots Justin......:clap: Nature must burn, sometimes......grass'll come back beautiful and strong! :sun:
Nice shots Justin......:clap: Nature must burn, sometimes......grass'll come back beautiful and strong! :sun:

Mark - the problem here is that we've been fighting fires for a hundred years. The end result is a massive accumulation of fuel, such that when it finally does burn, it burns so hot that it turns the entire place into a moon scape. Nothing survives, not even the seeds.

Not a good tactic.

240 miles to Cross, Texas and back via Hearne, BlackJack, Benchley, Reliance, to Cross then back to B/CS, Cooks Point, Caldwell, Lexington, Tanglewood and home....almost got bit by a huge pitbull east of Milano, and ran over a fox on Grimes CR103......but it got up and ran away!
pic1-MP Caboose, guess where?
pic2-Very end of Grimes CR106, after the fox incident
pic3-Bridge over Navasota River on Grimes CR101/Democrat Rd. I was disappointed to see Tiger and Zebra grass (invasive species that city folks use in landscapes) all over the Navasota bottom and riverside......:doh: FYI, this wooden planked bridge is 80 paces long...
pic4- How long's it been since you were at the corner of Rabbit and Nancy?? Yeah, well ME TOO!! :lol2:
pic5-Refurbishing the RXR bridge over the Brazos on HWY 21..



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