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Post your Day Rides Here!

Great day at the Xtreme race! 2nd in class and 5th overall. Conditions couldn't have been better. Middleton turning into one of my favorite ride spots when he can use the creek beds! Whoo-hoo!


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LOL, I'm blind in one eye and can't see out of the other one, that was the wrong pic in first post this is the correct one!

Day didn't start good as I forgot to buy bike gas and had to stop at country store in Midway and get regular(sorry KTM), then within 1 mile on practice lap doing the tire section wrapped the gearshift around footpeg, no practice and back to truck for repairs! But an awesome race course!


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Haha! Scott sounds like a learning experience on the whoops. Are you carrying a lot of gear on your back? The whoops were killing my neck until I unloaded my pack and put it on the bike. We have some huge ones here, not my favorite. If there are only 3 or four of them I'll wheelie off the first and try to put the front wheel on the back of the second, then stay on the throttle and you'll basically jump the last one. If there are more of them or they're just too huge I let the bike do the work and/or I just throttle back.

Mud love your videos, great music as well. That camera rig is pretty darned stable.
Thanks Coolio, it certainly gives a different perspective. Very nice bike Scott! When you can master whoops, you're in excellent shape. Looks like Justin got a new headlight on that DR, Ha!
eerr....Mud....ATGATT except for GLOVES!!!!! Nice video by the way. Tank trails were always fun to drive on.
Should have known you'd catch that Doc! I couldn't push all the buttons on my farklebar!!!

Hey Will, is that a UFO over your shoulder starting at about 1:55?
Scott, that little mirror is so they can see the skydivers going out and see when there are no more.

I don't know what the square tube under the belly is for.

As for the oil, it's a radial. If it's not leaking, it's out of oil.
As for the oil, it's a radial. If it's not leaking, it's out of oil.

:tab True to a degree, but this was leaking much more than normal because of the blown cylinder. I went by last week and the plane is no longer there. I guess it is gone because I don't know that there is an available hanger large enough at this airport to accommodate it.

:tab The B-17 Beth and I flew on back in early Sept had oil EVERYWHERE. It was all over the engine, the cowlings, the wings, the side of the aircraft, and even on the tail! Each engine had its own 40 gallon oil tank and on a given mission it was not unheard of for them to use almost all of a tank in one flight, and that was on engines in good condition! When we landed, old guys in flight suits and carrying blue shop towels swarmed the aircraft to wipe it down before letting everyone else come up to check it out and take pics.
Hey guys -

After quite a few missed attempts over Christmas I was finally able to sneak out yesterday on my last day of vacation. Due to snow on the west and southern side of town it was OHV desert trails for us. This map is outdated ... there are now trails up to the Crooked River Canyon / Prineville Reservoir overlook to the north east and trails in the north west. We had a bunch of moisture the week before and were hoping that the dust would be down but no such luck for most of it.

Rode to my buddy's house on that side of town and then trailered ~20 miles to the trail head. No sense in tearing up my new knobbies on tarmac if I don't have to (and freezing my fingers off when I rode home from there a few weeks ago was fresh in my mind). There weren't many cars in the parking lot due to the cold morning and Rose Bowl tailgating I'm sure...

The "trail" starts off with some monster sand/powder whoops to get you started. I always feel a little over-gunned with the 450 out there when everybody else is on 125s and 250s, but it sure is easy to lift the front when you need it. Especially with new tires. :trust: A little too easy a few times, whoa... it's been awhile since I rode on good tires. I also can't help but wonder how the nastier sections compare with Baja. :-P

Got a little off track following my buddy Roger and found some rocky singletrack next to the river. Very cool.

Neither of us had much time so we were fine doing a basic loop but were also keeping an eye out for some newer singletrack. This is Roger saying "I thought it was back there..."

Rog hauling the mail on a fast section. No time to set up the camera so it was very over-exposed. Lots of swoopy 4-wheeler track with large backed corners on this side, really fun.

And an under-exposed image to go with the over-exposed one. I like balance :) Fun tracks through here. I wonder when that gnarly old juniper tree was born?

Rog managed to get two shots of me with my shutter-lagged-out compact camera through here. This is the first one, nicely bracketed by the trees :)

And a fun shot he managed to get of me approaching the exit. Shutter speed not quite there but close.

Yours truly. Turns out I was overdressed, as the temp climbed into the upper 40s lower 50s. All in all not a bad way to start 2012!

And now back to your regularly scheduled Dakar programming... let's hear it for Neduro and hope for a clean Stage 4! :clap::rider:
:clap: Looks like fun was had and the year starts off nicely!
Hey guys! Still getting in some good rides here but that may be about to end. We've had an extremely dry winter, the only snow around is probably 5,000 and above and crusty nasty stuff at that. The next three days are supposed to see snow, so maybe our dirt biking has finally come to an end for this season. ;-)

At any rate I have a handful of shots to post when I get the time but the crew I've been riding with keeps the pace pretty high with few breaks, so there are some snap shots but few GOOD shots, if you know what I mean. I've also really been following the Dakar this year, so posting ride reports in the evenings has been out of the question :deal: A few weeks back we did a pseudo-epic snow ride that I really flailed on given my old tires at the time.


Snowy lava. You don't want to fall in there. That would be a red mess.


You also don't want to ride this tire on snow and ice.

There have been some good singletrack sessions since then, many of them dusty but a few not too bad if you skirt the snowline.


This is not singletrack, but I liked the picture :).

Today was 50 degrees and beautiful but I haven't been seeing much of my family so I spent some great time hiking and riding bikes with them. About 3:30 this afternoon I brought the kid back and decided I needed to "gas up" the DR, since I just got it going again and it's been sitting since August. On the way to "gas it up", I managed to hit ~ 20 miles of great forest service roads in one of our regular haunts. I jumped up into the lava just in time to catch the sun set (at 4:30), not bad considering it's a cell phone picture...


The wind was cranking, temp was crashing and sun was setting, so after this I turned tail and ran powerline and forest roads back to town.

Man riding this thing is like riding a loaded water buffalo after being on the 450. It didn't help that I'd just topped off that giant tank. This area has a lot of deep volcanic fesh-fesh (haha! I said "fesh-fesh"!) that thankfully had some moisture in it today, but it took a second to get back into the swing of cornering this thing at speed on dirt. I think the tire pressure was too high.

Anyway, a great Saturday, hope you guys had the same, and the Dakar's last stage is tomorrow!!
Went out riding with friends to Kaufman TX , sorry no pics riding but just the bikes parked. The bikes my FZ6, Suzuki GSXR 750 and the mighty Hayabusa .


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Went out riding with friends to Kaufman TX , sorry no pics riding but just the bikes parked. The bikes my FZ6, Suzuki GSXR 750 and the mighty Hayabusa .

Pretty much guarantee that any one of those bikes has 3x the HP of my lowly DR ;-)
Across State lines today from Texas to Turner Falls, Oklahoma. My buddy and I on the mighty Suzuki Boulevard M109R and the comfy Suzuki C90T.
I guess we are camera shy :) so only pics of the bikes...


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Pretty much guarantee that any one of those bikes has 3x the HP of my lowly DR ;-)

It really does not matter. I love and enjoy my time on my '00 KLR 650 as well as time on my '07 Bandit 1250S. And, I've been down some really terrible roads on da Bandit that I wud of enjoyed much more on da KLR. And, ditto for some of the long roads on da KLR.
It really does not matter. I love and enjoy my time on my '00 KLR 650 as well as time on my '07 Bandit 1250S. And, I've been down some really terrible roads on da Bandit that I wud of enjoyed much more on da KLR. And, ditto for some of the long roads on da KLR.

Never said that it mattered, nor do I want one :). When I want to go "fast" I get on the dirt with my KTM. :).

Hi all,

Got a day-pass from my wife so I decided to try a little dirt. I've never really ridden on the stuff before but want to try more of it this year. Read thru some threads and found CR-310 southwest of Marble Falls so decided to give it a go. Was a lot of fun, even on my balding Tourances! A couple small water-crossings and my first time standing on the pegs for any notable distance. Was so much fun! I did see three other riders "merge" onto 310 from 310A, but they were way ahead of me and I was just puttering along. Wonder if that was anyone on Twtex? Anyways, I thoroughly enjoyed my little foray into dual-sporting. Can't wait to explore more of that area. And some pics I took:


