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Post your Day Rides Here!

Yes, I saw that Devil's toenail on the chart but haven't ridden it, so it's worth a look then?

I havent ridden several of the dead end roads but that one looks good on Google maps. I had to cancel the recon until next week but that will work out better as it will give me two full days to check out the entire area.

I have put together a back roads route all the way from north San Antonio to click and back including a run down Acker road which is interesting.

Maybe we can put together a group ride up there next weekend...
dasminkar, how are you guys set for public land in NC? I know there's some excellent mountainbiking out there...

I'm way behind on Day Ride reports, I'll try to catch up over the next few weeks. These kind of things seem to reduce the riding a bit, no idea why :lol2:


At least I don't think I've posted that pic on here... ;-)

Anyway, snuck out before 7 for some single track and forest road roosting today. Beautiful day...

Found this guy on ADV. I had to give him a hard time... he took off his coat at one point and had a Ron Paul shirt on. I said "Oh man, Ron Paul??" in a loud voice before saying "I knew there was a reason I liked you..." Pretty funny.

Up by the Tumalo radio tower towards Bachelor. Made it all the way to the tower, snow is melting fast.

But not quite that fast. Tried to see how far we could make it up towards Broken Top and Todd Lake. One of the most fun forest roads I've ever been on... (when there's no snow). High speed, varying terrain, big smooth waterbars to launch. Really fun. Launching the water bars today was interesting, because you might land on snow or in a mud pit...

End of the line for today! No kickstands required.
That's great Coolhand. Before long that snow will turn to dust. Season's change quickly here in Tejas and the Dynamic Adventure Duo of Clark and Glenda have been joining me regularly for some great backroad action before the dreaded heat arrives. We headed East this weekend towards the Brazos River Valley and the once inland port of Port Sullivan near Hearne in Milam County.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l68VITonhFw"]Dualsport Cross Roads Texas - YouTube[/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVZdpTfHLpo"]Brazos River Dualsport Action - YouTube[/ame]
Glenda particularly enjoyed the muddy conditions as it looked like they had been getting a fair share of rain in the area. I tried a new to me low watercrossing technique with much success. Had I been on the Mighty VStrom the outcome might well have been different ! ha! [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfLW9lPXxE0"]Get outta that mud! - YouTube[/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5b9SANxu2E"]Slick Watercrossing Technique - YouTube[/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1d2HqXSnnw"]Dualsport Cross Roads II - YouTube[/ame]
Great pics and videos. I would like to ride with you guys sometime. The dirtier and wetter the better....
I'm in "The Colony" .......between Lewisville and Little Elm. Looks like you guys know how to have fun!
I wanted to see some "big water", so I rode down from Buda to Port Lavaca/Port Comfort. Secondary roads there and back. I haven't seen water where you can't see land on the other side since I left Maine last July so I got my fix. Quite windy down there today. About 10 degrees cooler too.
You can smell the oil fields. That's a new smell for me.


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10 degrees cooler than what? ;-)

Mt Bachelor has received ~ 18" of snow in the last three days... crazy. This road was clear last weekend.

Who knew KTM 690s worked so well in the snow! :trust:

Purty up there today.


Crazy good traction (when there was no snow) and no dust. My Coworker Clint getting his first dirt ride on his new-to-him DRZ.

Had a great little ride, except for almost getting collected by two idiots in a Toyota pickup who thought they were running the Baja 1000 on a busy forest road. Jeeze...

Got back to town just in time to go to a Motorcycle Art show, very cool. Clomping around the studio in full dirt gear with the KTM parked outside was kind of fun as well :)

Until next time!
Mason and I camped last night near a private ski lake SE of San Gabriel.....felt like the coast this morning with a stiff breeze and heavy dew on everything.
LIG. ;-)


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I wanted to see some "big water", so I rode down from Buda to Port Lavaca/Port Comfort. Secondary roads there and back. I haven't seen water where you can't see land on the other side since I left Maine last July so I got my fix. Quite windy down there today. About 10 degrees cooler too.
You can smell the oil fields. That's a new smell for me.

I am not sure what was causing the pull down that way, but two friends and I found ourselves there Saturday as well. My neck is still feeling the effects of that wind encountered crossing the bridge over Lavaca Bay. It was really howling.

I think the aroma was brought to you by the Dow Chemical Company, It was a peculiar scent for certain.
Great pics everyone. Yeah, I've had about enough of the wind, but consider the heat without it! A little snow couldn't hurt though! ha!
"Leaving in 5 minutes, slightly behind... No need to reply, next look at phone in La Grange."

That came from Silverbullet yesterday at 6:30 am. A little over an hour later I started to walk to the gate when I noticed Mototex going by. We had planned an 8:30 start time from Latte on the Square in La Grange and intended to do some recon in the area around Goliad, meeting JMZ along the way. The crown jewel of the ride, if there was one, was a series of roads between Seadrift and Port Lavaca IF they were not on private land.

I met Mototex at Latte on the square around 8am and Silverbullet arrived shortly before 8:30. After giving him a chance to rest after the ride from Houston we proceeded directly to the NAPA (I had a loose screw on the bracket for my aux tank) and then due south toward Moulton. Along the way we got a call from JMZ that he had a flat and that he wasn't going to make it, so Mototex took the lead and we started south running Farm to Market roads.
We crossed I10 at Engle and started riding more dirt with the route to Sweet Home being a mix of dirt and pavement. We stopped briefly east of Moulton so that Mototex could argue with his Garmin. Our GPS troubles had started the day before when my Zumo refused to connect to the headset and one Garmin or the other turned out to be a plague the whole trip.


We kept heading south on county roads through Sweet Home and Yoakum continuing to Ameckeville and finally stopping again in Golly for another round of Garmin trouble.


We reached Fannin a little after noon and ate at McMillian’s World Famous BBQ. We were greeted by Louis McMillian himself. The brisket got two thumbs up from Mototex and Silverbullet, but as much as I wanted to be a fan, the pork ribs had been on the fire too long. If there is anything Louis McMillian can do it is promotion and if you’re in the neighborhood it’s worth a stop.



After a quick jaunt to get fuel in Goliad we headed south. The road out of Fannin went from rough to bad to junk status rather quickly. Some of the area in South Texas is open range and we were in it now. So far we had seen maybe six deer, but cow pies on the road are a sign to slow down.
We crossed 77 at Vidaurri and were met with good pavement. We plowed south into the wind coming off the gulf not stopping until we came to Seadrift. Seadrift has a surprising amount of public art including this Easter Island inspired statue.


After Seadrift we hoped to see some sandy roads. Arriving at the turning point we found a large sign and a gate across the road. What we had found on the map was indeed private so we decided that we would head on up to Port Lavaca and back toward home. Along the way we passed a single road leading south and Mototex immediately pulled off the road. He turned around (wheelied a bit) and then shot south with Silverbullet and me behind. At the end of a long straight run we found ourselves at Shoalwater Bay, a small fishing camp across from an opening into the gulf.


With our need to see water fulfilled, Silverbullet announced that his Husky was about to lose a foot peg. It’s amazing how important a 11 cent part can be at times like these and SB needed a cotter pin which we didn’t have. We did have seizing wire though and soon we were on our way. My partners in crime celebrating the fix.


Next stop was Edna for gas and another bout with the Demon Garmin. I was trying to call out and at the same time had two calls coming in, one from my dad who had just returned from Russia and another from RollingJ who had found a pretty good deal on a dirt bike he wanted to discuss. The Zumo couldn’t handle the traffic and required a reboot. (By this point I had lost count on how many times Mototex had removed the battery from his Garmin because a simple on/off was not enough to clear its processor.) Frustrated we headed to the Morales Store for dinner.


The Morales Store is a great place for a burger. Mototex had the Frito Pie and maybe he’ll critique it in a bit. While at the Morales Store we met the owner of this nice ’55. He had taken four years to restore it and was saving it for his 6yo grandson. When the time comes that kid is going to have the coolest car in school and, if he sells it, maybe his college paid for as well. Most of the riding since Vidaurri had been pavement and we were ready for something a little less tedious so after a rest we headed up Gandy Bend and toward home.


With the day getting long we started back toward Schulenburg where Silverbullet was going to head back toward Houston. Other than the mandatory stop at the Mulespring Angus Farm sign we didn’t slow down for much except cows. Again this is mostly open range riding.


At 8:30 that evening we stopped in Schulenburg. Silverbullet started east on I10, braving the trucks on his Husky. Mototex and I continued north, crossing the newly restored Piano Bridge into Dubina and then hit the heights on Bohuslav Road near Ammansville. Many of the gravel roads we had ridden had been rutted in the spring rains and had not been graded. This was the case with Bohuslav road and it was a strange feeling as the BMW jumped and tracked with the ruts hidden in the dust and the dark. We did have one bit of excitement in Cozy Corner when Mototex nearly hit a black dog sleeping in the road.

In La Grange Mototex and I split up. He headed for home, I headed to the store for some well deserved ice cream. The ride for me was 400 miles to the tenth. Mototex had maybe another twenty added to that. The hero ride for the day though was Silverbullet who was well over 500 miles when he reached home. Not a bad day for three guys on dual sports.
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Sounds like a great time guys, no riding for me this weekend, just work. Holiday's suck in my line of work (except for the money!)
Sunday ride:
left at about 1:30pm from Durham,NC. Headed out through Chapel-Hill. Then through Carrboro. Back roads all the way to High Point,NC. Rode around in High Point for about an hour seeing some old places I used to haunt. Then off again to Winston-Salem to see some kin folk. Just missed the cook-out, not even any leftovers! Then headed back to Kernersville, to Greensboro, to Burlington and finally back home to Durham. Pulled in the driveway at 21:03. This is by far the longest ride I've made both time and distance. Already tired and sore but so worth it!
Wow nicely done! 400 - 500 miles! :clap:

Silver Bullet rode over 600, from a Humble start and finish.

That Frito pie at Morales (pronounced mow-rails) was one of the best I have had. Always a nice stop. They had fresh jalapenos to put on top. Yum!

This ride was the second recon mission, and my "coastal loop" idea was a bust. Straight, boring road and no reward of dirt at the end. We did do a lot of good scouting twixt here, there and back though, and rode some fine dirt after leaving the Morales store.

The wind was both friend and foe, depending upon dust being generated, direction of travel, and terrain, or the lack thereof toward the coast.

McMillan's BBQ was a treat, as we were getting mighty hungry and were pondering going off course to Goliad to eat, then this place appeared, beckoning us to dine on tasty meats.http://www.texasmonthly.com/bbq/venue/4171

Just for the record that black dog was just standing there. We're approaching an intersection in the dark, reflectors everywhere, made brighter by my aux lights. I'm setting up for the stop and turn, about to signal, when twenty feet in front stands this black dog looking the other way. Didn't even have time to brake or swerve, and I brush the horn button while bracing for impact. The dog decides to saunter off to the right, into Meridan's side of the lane.

Rode slow on the way home, fourteen hours and 400 miles after the start.

Great ride. :rider:
This little gem is about 6 minutes from my house but I had never crossed it. Now I can mark that one off my list.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lx61fwiZUKQ"]Old Piney Creek Bridge.mp4 - YouTube[/ame]
[QUOTE=Meriden;1015983continuing to Ameckeville and finally stopping again in Golly for another round of Garmin trouble.

This is near my house and I ride some of the gravel roads for a quick fix from time to time.

Seadrift. Seadrift has a surprising amount of public art including this Easter Island inspired statue.

I work at Dow near Seadrift.

Frustrated we headed to the Morales Store for dinner.

The Morales Store is a great place for a burger.

Ken DuBois and my self rode from Inez through Victoria, Jackson and Lavaca county on mostly gravel roads back on 5/18 for about 100 miles on the day. We had lunch at the Morales Store and I agree this is a graet place for a burger.

I hope ya'll had a good day in my area.
Well... It wasn't A day ride... It was six day rides... Here's a teaser or two :trust:





















Full report to come in the next week or so, with tons of video.