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[Ride Report] SMR NW Houston to Carlos

BlackWidow said:
Sounds funny, but any body with a Razr phone please explain. Sounds like i faked my injury :rofl:

I have about 20 users using the Razr phones and not one has ever complained about it. They might not use the camera on it though. However it is more likely they are unable to figure it out. :roll:

BlackWidow said:
Honestly speaking, your riding the Ninja 250 as best as you can. For god's sake its a 250. Your leaning into your turns well more then 50%, your doing a constant 75-85 mph. You rode with SV1000s and an R6, and did'nt delay them one bit for a whole 250 mile + trip, cant get better then that.

You were way out in front of a Bandit 1200 for miles and miles too... :rofl:
Skid said:
I have about 20 users using the Razr phones and not one has ever complained about it. They might not use the camera on it though. However it is more likely they are unable to figure it out. :roll:


LOL that's not a complain, its just the way the feature works. If you wanna take a picture of your self then you switch on the camera option on the phone and then close the flip and you can see yourself in the mini lcd screen and then take the picture. But it will invert your picture.

Nobody would ever get it unless then put a black mark on their face and then take a picture.

Does that make sense?
BlackWidow said:
Start saving up and upgrade ! Please !

db said:
You were way out in front of a Bandit 1200 for miles and miles too... :rofl:

Thank you guys! :kiss:

My confidence level is getting there and I hope it shows. Ron, I know I started out a bit slow and I am sorry that I held you back in those first curves out of Brookshire but it always takes me a little while to get into the groove... Thanks again for sweeping!
Faylaricia said:
Thank you guys! :kiss:

My confidence level is getting there and I hope it shows. Ron, I know I started out a bit slow and I am sorry that I held you back in those first curves out of Brookshire but it always takes me a little while to get into the groove... Thanks again for sweeping!

No problem, Patricia, I volunteered for the sweeper role so upheld my duties. :mrgreen: Besides, I wanted to watch you ride the twisties and like Moe said, you are doing very well as your experience grows. :clap:
(People who know me would be amazed at the restraint I showed on 'racer's road') :rider:
how does that work? I don't see how that is geometrically possible.
If it is a turn greater than 90deg, that's different than a decreasing radius turn.

The final angle through which the corner sweeps has nothing to do with whether or not the radius of the curve is decreasing or increasing.

Here is an example. Think of an ellipse. As you go toward the tight end, from either side, the radius gets tighter towards the center of the tight side.
Tourmeister said:
Here is an example. Think of an ellipse. As you go toward the tight end, from either side, the radius gets tighter towards the center of the tight side.

but that makes it an increasing radius turn in my mind. The radius of the turn is getting longer after the middle of the turn.
maybe it's just semantics or a differing definition between us.

A decreasing radius turn is dangerous. Such a turn that does not have a decreasing radius is even more dangerous because it is not obvious.

(Only a 'literalist' should think that a 'decreasing radius curve' necessarily involves a decreasing radius.)

The problem with a decreasing radius turn is that you can find yourself going too fast to exit it safely even though you were not going too fast for the first part of the curve. That is, unlike a constant radius turn, there is not one smooth line through this kind of curve which has a single apex to it that allows you to pick a single stable lean/speed through it.

How can a decreasing radius turn not have a decreasing radius? Simple. There are three scenarios that individually or combined result in a curve that must be treated as if it is decreasing radius:

1. The early part of the curve provides a more positive camber (leans inward) than does the latter part of the curve.

2. There is a rising elevation in the early part of the curve and a falling elevation towards its end.

3. The traction in the early part of the curve is better than towards the end.

Though each of the curves described above has a constant radius, they must be treated in the same way as a decreasing radius curve in order to negotiate them safely.

So, what this should tell you is that on any unfamiliar road you should avoid trying to take the curves as fast as they look to be. Further, you are well advised to always plan to exit a curve some distance away from its outside edge - this, so that you have some ability to 'overshoot' your line WHEN the unexpected happens.
A decreasing radius curve could also be considered a dual/multiple apex curve.
I second or third the recommendations above regarding gear. Get a decent pair of riding boots that cover your ankle and shins -- with reinforcement in those areas as well. If you don't have the cash for leathers, you can get a decent pair of synthetic riding pants for a reasonable price.

I have crashed my BICYCLE 2 times at about 20-25 mph (1st was a poorly executed bunny hop over a serious pothole, second was a lowside rounding what turned out to be a negative camber 120 degree corner. Both times on well worn and very smooth asphalt. Road rash is a bad thing -- particularly so when you scrub the dirt out of it with a brush with no pain killing drugs. I shudder when I think of what it would have been like had it been concrete, fresh asphalt or that chip seal surface.

As your tipover shows, it can happen at any time, and with little or no fault of the rider.

Just one man's opinion.
ejk said:
I second or third the recommendations above regarding gear. Get a decent pair of riding boots that cover your ankle and shins -- with reinforcement in those areas as well. If you don't have the cash for leathers, you can get a decent pair of synthetic riding pants for a reasonable price.

I have crashed my BICYCLE 2 times at about 20-25 mph (1st was a poorly executed bunny hop over a serious pothole, second was a lowside rounding what turned out to be a negative camber 120 degree corner. Both times on well worn and very smooth asphalt. Road rash is a bad thing -- particularly so when you scrub the dirt out of it with a brush with no pain killing drugs. I shudder when I think of what it would have been like had it been concrete, fresh asphalt or that chip seal surface.

As your tipover shows, it can happen at any time, and with little or no fault of the rider.

Just one man's opinion.

Already have boots. Will wear em next time.
ejk said:
I have crashed my BICYCLE 2 times at about 20-25 mph (1st was a poorly executed bunny hop over a serious pothole,

you just wish you could get mad air like me and pedro... :)


Ron had taken some pics too, so I am adding a few shots.

John, Evan and Moe, if you send me your emails via PM, I can send you some more pictures offline.

Hmm, guess what we were doing here? Trying to get a hold of people who may have had Evan's ph.no. We were at a different Sam's club than he was at I-10. ;-)
Panos: Next time the phone rings from three different people ten times on a Sunday morning, pick up! :miffed: Sleepyhead! :yawn: ;-)


Moe (Blackwidow) on the R6.


Evan (RECIT) on his Suzuki SV1000.


John (JasiuTLS) on his SV1000.


On the road:

Faylaricia said:
Ron had taken some pics too, so I am adding a few shots.

John, Evan and Moe, if you send me your emails via PM, I can send you some more pictures offline.

Hmm, guess what we were doing here? Trying to get a hold of people who may have had Evan's ph.no. We were at a different Sam's club than he was at I-10. ;-)
Panos: Next time the phone rings from three different people ten times on a Sunday morning, pick up! :miffed: Sleepyhead! :yawn: ;-)


Moe (Blackwidow) on the R6.


Evan (RECIT) on his Suzuki SV1000.


John (JasiuTLS) on his SV1000.


On the road:


John(JasiuTLS) is actually on a TL1000S. It looks very similar to the older SV650's being as it is the precursor to those machines. The SV1000 didn't exist until they changed the style up on the SV650 in 2003. just an FYI
Squidward said:
John(JasiuTLS) is actually on a TL1000S. It looks very similar to the older SV650's being as it is the precursor to those machines. The SV1000 didn't exist until they changed the style up on the SV650 in 2003. just an FYI

Thanks for the correction. I actually meant to say Suzuki 1000 because I really didn't remember what particular model but oh well. :doh:
DaveC said:
Get the racers version, it won't be as easy to poke holes in it when it falls over. It more then the "stock" cover.

Notice the frame slider built in!
Factory pro site

Aww Man, i just ordered my Engine Stator Cover yesterday! $55 shipped :trust: , and it comes with the gasket. Now all i need to figure out is how to replace it.
BlackWidow said:
Aww Man, i just ordered my Engine Stator Cover yesterday! $55 shipped :trust: , and it comes with the gasket. Now all i need to figure out is how to replace it.

Looks like Chris needs another Wrench n'Learn day. ;-)
So where's the picture of the rescued cowl? Really Moe, I'm sorry about your bike, sometimes these things happen so fast, that you're not really sure what happened. (Like the time I dropped the BMW, ooops) Glad you are ok.
Georgiapeach said:
So where's the picture of the rescued cowl? Really Moe, I'm sorry about your bike, sometimes these things happen so fast, that you're not really sure what happened. (Like the time I dropped the BMW, ooops) Glad you are ok.

Well i never let go of the cowl when i leaped of the bike. The bike was off and in neutral so i knew damage would be minimum, but for some reason i never let go off the cowl, yet it still got one scratch on it from my jacket's zipper. :giveup:

Took it to yamaha and gave em ****, they went ahead and repaired the item for free and gave me a 3 months warranty for it :trust:

So where as i am satisfied with yamaha engines, i can not say the same about their own genuine accessories. I'd go buy aftermarket stuff (like exhausts & seat cowlings) but never again from them!
BlackWidow said:
So where as i am satisfied with yamaha engines, i can not say the same about their own genuine accessories. I'd go buy aftermarket stuff (like exhausts & seat cowlings) but never again from them!

Well, my feelings about bike manufacturers: they all take shortcuts somewhere. Hey, I would love to sit in on your tech session when you replace your cover. When Mark installed his recluse clutch on the CRF he had to lay the bike down on it's side, do you think you will have to do that on yours?
Georgiapeach said:
Well, my feelings about bike manufacturers: they all take shortcuts somewhere. Hey, I would love to sit in on your tech session when you replace your cover. When Mark installed his recluse clutch on the CRF he had to lay the bike down on it's side, do you think you will have to do that on yours?

Honestly speaking i have no idea. As far as i know the "CRF" is a dirt bike. Where as my bikes is a super sport bike. This is how i think its going to be done, fairings should come off while its either on its stock stand or on an aftermarket rear/front wheel stand.

That should allow me to take the cover right off. Now here's where i will have problem, i'm not sure if once i take the cover and gasket off (if it will leak). Coz if it does then i may have to lay the bike or let it leak and put new oil in it. Or i might just drive out like that for another 2-3k miles and change it once its time for an oil change :)

Will keep u updated, as for you watching while i do it.. haha.. lets just say i'm not that good YET!