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Roaming Wyoming 701ing

Great report. Love the pics.

I did the CDR couple yrs ago and went across the great divide in Wy and remember thinking about the travelers years ago. I google it later and learned they averaged about 20 miles a day. When you look out across the plains you can probably see 20 miles, if not more, in places. Thought how amazing it is that they would get up in the morning, spend all day creaking along on a wagon for 20 miles, stop for the night and be able to turn around and see where they started. And we think we got it tough.
Originally we had discussions of having a semi easy day today compared to the adventure grind. Thought about some single track in the Lander area or some truck sightseeing to the west to see the Tetons. But bike work and maintenance is what we needed to do for the show to go on. So a recovery day for our bones and bikes along with some laundry it will be.

KLX250–first order of business, got a new battery in town and were going to see how things looked. In the process of swapping out, found the rear subframe is cracked in multiple places. Really strange, since it’s led a really easy life and never off-road, ha ha. We will fix her and weld it up back at home where I have the tools, I don’t want to do a half *** job here borrowing a welder etc.


KTM 690–next patient, back to triage on the space shuttle. The guys at the local power sports shop helped us the other day with stator check, compression check and spark plug test. They didn’t charge us anything, just said to donate to their Bush Light fund. That should have created pause right there on that flavor, but we were happy that guys with more knowledge and cool tools helped us. But we have a spare fuel pump assy, why not try it at this point, nothing to loose. Popped the hood on the 690 and did the open heart surgery.


Put the rib cage back together, fired right up. Man ol man, I was happy. KTMCarhart was thinking about not being happy since he endured the little booger and the hardships along with it the past 3 days....but I was ready to slap him, then he came to his senses and saw the good fortune. So, The Bush Light Boys were good Samaritan’s, but I’m guessing the 50 psi rabbit hole has something to do with auto compression release making it easier to start and get fuel in before allowing normal space shuttle pressure. And when we pulled the plug at the original break down location while doing our own homemade spark test, I saw fuel come out the spark plug hole. All misleading for dummies like us.


701–it hasn’t been its normal striped ape self. I changed my air filter sock, changed spark plugs, changed in line fuel filter, oiled chain, checked oil. Went for spin, same thing, acting like a fuel pump or internal filter? It is totally rideable, but I’m not going to chance this next leg.


Was kind of hankering to ride the 500 anyway. Spent some time today getting my stuff transferred over while KTMCarhart got the 690 sorted.


Lessons learned all the way around....and we have covered some good ground the past several days and will cover some more the rest of the week. Adventure. Winning.
Wow, what a great ride report. True adventure right there; riding great stuff, fixing bikes when they break down.

Good for you to bring back up bikes!
Fantastic report. Getting to be more of an adventure every day - and with good humor to boot! Enjoying it.

Two of us depart next week, pausing in CO to ride a few high dirt passes, then on to Afton for the start of the WYTAT.
We needed to get out of Lander again, heading north this time. We got into BLM obscurity pretty quickly.


Decent riding, loving being on the 5hundy, he eats the desert up.



Had some decent gully crossings to hunt down a spot we could sneak across.


Some fun climbs.


I think a little rain came across much of this area as well, dust was down and traction was great.



We got out of the obscurity two track and onto open gravel, time to boogie.


Just gased up in Shoshoni and restocked water. Pretty drama free today so far, making a lot better time on the big bores. More fun to be had today.

KTMCarhart was just getting lonesome for his Xc450, so he decided he no longer wanted a kickstand in his honor.

I see that KTM still manages to make excellent motorcycles, and yet hasn't figured out how to make a proper bolt to hold on a kickstand.

Drama free is good to see, hopefully that's all behind you.
We made it up Buffalo way yesterday, just didn’t have any coverage to post. Here is the second half of yesterday.....

After we left Shoshoni, had about 50 miles of basic gravel travel. Then the terrain got more interesting as we eased through the area of the Orchard Ranch. First we emerged from desolate desert, got into cedar and sage, smelled like victory.


Still a little hot, did the old trick of taking off your body armor and dunking in a water source, gives you air conditioning for a while. We do this at gas station stops as well, buy water by the gallon, usually enough to dowse yourself.


Then red dirt and green irrigated tracts.


Then a pretty cool canyon. The geological diversity was crazy today.


We got into the Big Horn range area tracking down Hazleton Rd for a while.


Eventually meandered through Crazy Woman Canyon, really nice. Between the history of the area and being an admirer of the Jeremiah Johnson movie/book, I really enjoyed that ride.


After leaving the canyon, rolling plains with good views.


We got gas and supplies in Buffalo and made our way back into the mountains on pavement. We snagged a forest service cabin ahead of time. So cool these are still in operation, a throw back from the good old days.


Made a fire, burned some meat, drank tasty beverages. May not have been in that order, had the playlist on shuffle. Hard for me to get use to cooking with pine and tasting 2x4s. But when in Rome, sometimes you have to stab people. So we ate grown particular for supper and wondered what day it was down below.



How many different bikes did it take to complete this trip?
Well they have ridden four. Technically the 690 could have been repaired and the 250 left on the trailer. The 250 could have had the sub-frame welded and continued on. The 701 is not broken. Steve claims it is not performing as normal. He has been riding everyday and gone numb to the performance or deep down he knows the 500 is a better bike. :nana:

Ride it if you got it!
Fantastic riding, super work to keep the rolling stock going, and photos that show some of the great sights of Wyoming! Thanks for all the effort to keep us in the picture - :chug: .

It's funny how "adventure" means something different to each of us. It looks like small-displacement bikes offer great fun, limited range, but at a cost (truck/trailer, spare parts, extra tires and tubes, breakage). Big bikes (five 1200 GS's in 15 years) have a different cost structure. I've never had to transport a spare bike or carry spare parts...but I have had to have help to pick it up. TEHO!

Two of us leave for WY next week and the RR has been good intel.

Thanks again.
Today’s tracks......what a day so far.

As far as bike choices & trailering from Texas, it was all based on hitting some rougher trails. I assure those that are interested you could not retrace all of our steps on a GS 1200 unless you had a helicopter kit. Different tools for different experiences.

The pitch fork for cooking, it is called an adjustafork, you can pick one up from Joemotocross over on Adv rider. I didn’t use it last night cause I didn’t bring it on the 500, we knew the forest cabin had a pit. I’m not cooking tonight, so it alleviated some gear on the 500.

As far as the 500 and my choice to ride him for phase 2 of this trip, it was a good choice. I really love that bike and his agile nature came in handy a little bit yesterday, and all kinds of a lot today. That bike is a weapon.

We did a brutal track over the mountains today. More drama. But we are still rolling. Getting some lunch now at Bear Lodge.

The below pic was after some gnarly stuff, no need to dunk my body armor in a creek, my body was self cooling.


Speaking of creek......oh boy. More on that later, we have about 100 miles yet to do.



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Awesome! Thanks for taking the time to share. I saw your also posting this over on advrider
As far as bike choices & trailering from Texas, it was all based on hitting some rougher trails. I assure those that are interested you could not retrace all of our steps on a GS 1200 unless you had a helicopter kit. Different tools for different experiences.

That's kinda sorta what I meant.

Big Horns are a wonderful place to ride. I don't recall seeing any groups or crowds or pickups or ATV's or Jeeps like in Colorado.
We left the forest cabin at a decent time, snagged some breakfast in Buffalo. Meandered our way north/west to get back into the mountains around Story.

“Son, make your life. Go here. Here’s where the peoples is. Them mountains is for animals and savages. I says Mother Gue, the Rocky Mountains is the marrow of the world. And by God I was right.” We savagely went for the marrow today, but I think it is our bones that were tapped.


We got on a 50” trail that climbed quickly, just technical enough twisting through the pines and aspens to make it fun.


We got a little confused at one point, whipped out the paper map. Crossed that creek clean 3 times, just knew I was going to get wet the last time. Not that it mattered much later.


We were actually on target, stay the course boys. Our indecisiveness made us climb a tough hill twice that had rocks, switchbacks and in between the dirt was like talcum powder, pretty deep stuff. Try to stay on the pegs till you have to flinstone it.



Some of this 50” stuff looked more like single track, KTMCarhart kept whacking his saddle bags. The 5hundy squeaked through.



