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Solo Trips to Colorado

I moved to Alvin in 1978 from NE Alabama. I went from living in beautiful wooded mountains to FLAT gulf coast grassy plains with almost no trees. It was literally a traumatic experience. I was in the 7th grade and had never lived anywhere so utterly boring and bleak. Prior to that, most of the places I had lived were very Calvin and Hobbes like with creeks, great trees, woods to explore, etc,...
I had a similar experience moving here, but from further away.
Here's a taste... not my video but worth a watch anyway.

I love the roads in Colorado, and the stunning views. I've visited some of the same spots as you have but I have so many more to go!
I am in mourning. Although I believe God is leading me back and opening doors to move back to Dallas to care for my parents, it grieves me to leave this. From my walk this morning.
Have been on the Gulf coast all my life, hate it. Have been wanting to move since I finished college, still here 50 years later, still hate it. Cajun girl/family and starting my own business planted roots I haven't been able to disentangle myself from since. Apparently I am supposed to be here.
Have been on the Gulf coast all my life, hate it. Have been wanting to move since I finished college, still here 50 years later, still hate it. Cajun girl/family and starting my own business planted roots I haven't been able to disentangle myself from since. Apparently I am supposed to be here.

That has been my situation for the last 25 years. The longer you stay in one place, the deeper the roots get and the harder it becomes to ever change locations.
Thanks Scott, that would have been nice.

I had a really good trip, my 3rd trip to Colorado this year. All 3 were good trips but this one was perfect weather no mud on any of the dirt roads, there was at least one place that would have turned around if it was wet, probably more.
Oh yeah. It was a big deal for her to be able to do a trip like this without her siblings competing for attention :-P I've not been able to do a similar trip with her since this one, but I did a similar trip with her younger brother this past June to North Carolina. I have done shorter rides with both of them around here and also in Arkansas/Missouri. My youngest is not as excited about riding as the two older kids, especially the unpaved stuff. She doesn't like all the bumps :-P They are Sarah 14 (15 in Dec), Daniel 13, and Rachel 11.

When we were heading up the West side of the route I posted above between Cedar City and Salt Lake City, there were thousands upon thousands of sheep up high in the mountains. There were many sheep dogs keeping a watchful eye on them as well, but no people. There were these little chuck wagon trailers that we'd see every know and then that had places where the dogs could get food. Also, there were often horses with the trailers and places for them to get food/water, but never any people. I suppose the ranchers just come up on occasion to check on things but otherwise go about their daily lives in the towns down in the valleys. I had no idea the sheep industry was so large in that area. I didn't get any pics of those sheep up close because they were usually so far from the roads. However, they apparently like to poop in the roads instead of the fields where they eat, so it got a bit messy a few times...

The pic above is actually over in Colorado on the East side of our loop. We were heading South from Rifle, Co., toward Paonia. These high school aged kids were bring a herd down from higher up, I guess because it was getting late in the season and it was getting colder at altitude. We rode through the herd, with several sheep dogs getting between us and the sheep to keep them moving. However, the road wound up being a dead end because of a land slide. So we ended up having to turn around and go back down through the herd again to get to the new detour route. Just North of Paonia we encountered a LARGE bull moose, two cows and two very young calves. Whenever we mentioned this in town (Paonia) everyone acted like this was a rare thing. They moved away before I was able to get my camera out for pics.


Well 2020 was shot for my riding when Covid-19 hit, I didn't do any out of state rides. I did move to NM and started planning my rides for 2021. I started with day rides while I was waiting to get fully vaccinated. After being vaccinated I was ready to ride and had several out of state trips planned for 2021 with Colorado being first, then Arizona and Utah to follow. I was fully vaccinated and set out for Colorado to stay at a friends summer place just out of Gunnison. I decided to do day rides from there instead of going from motel to motel like I usually do. After getting to Gunnison I took my friend out to eat, we had a great meal. Started doing day rides and one of the rides I got rained on getting wet, a few days later I woke up with a sore throat and started eating Ricola cough drops. Couple of days later my sore throat was a little worse and looked like rain in every direction I planned on riding. Not wanting to ride in the rain I decided to go home to Albuquerque. I sure was glad to be home when I got up the next day. If I would have stayed in Gunnison I would have been stuck there. I was sick and thought it was a bad cold. After a few days I knew it was different, got tested for Covid and was positive. I called my friend in Gunnison to let him know. He tested negative but his nephew who lives there in Gunnison tested positive. My friend never got sick or tested positive, he was lucky! They were fully vaccinated also.

Covid struck again and no more out of state rides.

Here are a few pictures of that ride.


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How's the GS treating you?

Does the front tire get as much air time as the one on your old KLR? :-P

There is so much great riding in NM and Az! Might want something a bit smaller for a lot of it though... ;-)
I love the pictures at the top of TWT website, that is what got me here today as I forgot about this tread.

I sold my home in Albuquerque in 3-2022 and bought a place at the lake in East Texas, Toledo Bend shortly afterwards. Bought a Ranger bass boat, a Jeep Wrangler, another KLR and built a big garage. Didn't do any riding while at the lake because I was working on my new house. All work and no play makes Calvin a dull boy.

I moved back to SA and made my first trip to Colorado in May. I planned on making a trip every month this year but missed June. I will post a few pictures. I was not able to ride the routes I planned due to snow on the passes, but I did ride 2422 miles riding my GSA from SA and back. I can't wait to go back.

I'm leaving next Monday or Tuesday ( July-22 or 23 ) My plan is to trailer to Raton, NM then ride from there.

If anyone is interested in going let me know. Apx. 2227 miles starting and ending in Raton.

First picture is the route I plan on taking.

Second picture is of my tracks in Colorado.


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So are you there now? Noticed the strike through on your dates.

Where do you store the truck and trailer in Raton? LaQuinta in Trinidad has a good room rate and good parking for truck and trailer.
Ed, I didn't ride much gravel and could have routed around that very ease.

James, I had to cancel my trip. I usually park my car and trailer at Summerlan Parks, 1900 S Cedar St, Raton, NM 87740. I rode there and back in May, it was 725 mi from SA to Trinidad the 1st day. I will trailer to Raton next time.
I stayed at the Days Inn & Suites, 900 W Adams St, Trinidad, CO 81082. Sunset Bar & Grille is on the premises has cold Blue Moon and great burger. Very nice restaurant.