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Soozy's 50 First Dates Tour:The Ride Report

Soozy is home safely as of around 10:00 PM tonight. She visited our Friday night Burger Box and picked up her remaining dates to end her trip (pictures probably tomorrow).

That gal was motorin' today. :rider: Escorted from Wichita Falls by Mike (mbrew) and home from BB by Leon (focus frenzy) and myself.

Best part of the Burger Box? Her granddaughter came to visit! :thumb:

Glad you made it home safe Soozy. I have enjoyed your ride.
Curious to know what the ending mileage is, since starting was in post 1.
(yes I am a geek)
Great to see you and I am so glad you made OK. What a trip, and what a report. You are the Ride Report Queen.:rider::rider::clap::clap::clap:

Thank you Ken and Wally for the angels. Everything on this trip went perfectly. I have had countless experiences with forces beyond me on this trip.

Elzi, I am ready to go now. :mrgreen:

The Burgman is an amazing touring machine. Comfortable, fast, dependable, and economical.

I spent less than $400 on gas and about $600 on hotels, all credit carded. I don't count food and entertainment because that is going on at home or on the road, but I left with $800 cash and I have more than $200 left.

Many people picked up expenses for me along the way. A meal or admission here, a half million dollar sailboat there. Friends along the way were generous with their time and their resources. I am very grateful!
Soozy returns - 8:00 PM, 7 August 2009, Burger Box, NRH

Leon (focus frenzy) and I made an attempt to intercept Soozy and Mike (mbrew) but the SPOT time stamps are a bit delayed. I expected to meet her on US287 north of Saginaw, but...

We were westbound on I820 between 377 and Beach and spotted the distinctive yellow day-glo jacket and black, fully loaded scooter headed the other way. :doh: A not-so-quick U-turn put us late for her arival:


(sorry for the quality of the pictures, I forgot I had it in manual and proceeded to shoot like I was in auto, my usual for quick shots) :-(

Here she is being debriefed by the Burleson Mafia - they grilled her pretty well! :eek2:


The place was full of her dates to fill out her trip - I forgot the current count, I'll let her fill in. Her is her latest:

TiggerFanNTX and his fambly:


A rough bunch - Don (piglet), Soozy, Dail (Dail), and Michael (ItchyBob)


Shane (White Wing)


Dan (DFW Dano)


Scott (dfwscotty)


Kelly (Skull of Energy)


Mike (mbrew) escorted Sooz from Wichita Falls


It was hard to keep her attention when her two daughters and granddaughter arrived!


Mandy, Rylie, Sooz, Hannah (KomodoreObvious), and Beth (Mike's better half)


No question this is who granma missed the most


More dates - Mike (mbrew) and Beth (mbrew's boss)


A rare publicity shot with the Padre of the Burlyville Mafia - Marty (voyagerrider) and Kathy (ladyrider)


Leon (focus frenzy), sporting the latest in Texas earthquake commerative T-shirts:


Ed (ed29)


Rachel (Butte) and Bill (DFW Warrior)


again but their normal demeanor


Two new guys (Thurmont and his BIL) on the ends and Steve (Beemer Steve) and Wendy (wendy and steve) in the middle


I guess I was a date, too, but a distant second fiddle to Rylie


Prior to starting the last leg home, her is our gal parked kinda close to the handicapped spot :doh: :lol2:



I hope I got all the names right, but I have Old Timers, and will fix any goofs. :roll:

dates tonight:
TiggerFan + 4
White Wing
DFW Dano
Skull of Energy
do Mandy and Hannah count? :ponder:
mbrew and Beth
voyagerrider and ladyrider
focus frenzy
DFW Warrior
Thurmont _ BIL (not yet registered)
Beemer Steve
also Mike B (no picture - in the witness protection program)

I count 22 even leaving out the daughters, Rylie, and TiggerFan's family
29 otherwise!

great turnout for Soozy's return. :thumb:
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I am wondering if you are suffering the "Post-ride Home Blues." Not all travelers do, and those that do experience it at different levels and to different degrees.

Non-travelers consider that it is merely returning to the same mundane and routine grind of our daily lives. And that may be a small component of it. But for many travelers it is more than just that. It's multifactorial, even just being in motion has its attraction.

But I think that it goes deeper into our psyche than just sitting in a rocking chair on wheels. It's moving through spaces; the ability to experience different landscapes, natural and man-made, and everything that resides on those landscapes: natural features, buildings, people, animals, weather, communities, etc. All the spaces we travel through are no longer just points and dots on a map. They become real places. Our world becomes larger and more intimate, not smaller. It allows us to develop a sense of places, no matter how short the visit.

And all those places become a part of us. I'm sure they became a part of you, and you brought them home with you. In a sense, all those places are now a part of your home, a bigger home.

But it's always good to stop for awhile at your own private, special place; that place you call Home. That's where your sense of place is the deepest. Yet, there's always that tug, that string pulling you, wanting to go back on the road; visit new spaces, experience new places, and revisit your other homes. It's that Call of the Road. :mrgreen:

I'd like to share a road trip with you sometime, Sooz. Maybe that will fall together sometime. :rider:
The official date count is 58. Soozy's 58 First Dates. Nice rhyme!

Thank you everyone!!! I feel almost selfish in what I gain from each person who participated with me in this adventure by joining or by reading.

You say when Elzi. I think the closest we have ever been to riding together was the day we passed each other on Green Oaks headed in opposite directions. I did a Hill Country ride with Robin ('07 Burgman 650 with CRAZY miles on it in 2 years) and Rasz (X9 taken on her first solo trip this summer which is reported on our board) in the spring. You can't believe how much fun an all girls ride is! You ride, then share a room, beers, and stories. You can thrive on Triscuits, cheese , and avocados for days.

You already know how much fun a ride with guys is! :rider:

I have a couple pictures to post, but later!
I am wondering if you are suffering the "Post-ride Home Blues." Not all travelers do, and those that do experience it at different levels and to different degrees.

I'd like to share a road trip with you sometime, Sooz. Maybe that will fall together sometime. :rider:

I went through 'blues' after divorce 12 years ago and made peace with myself along the way. Learning to ride was my declaration of freedom from years of multiple jobs. I was asked over and over why I was riding alone on this trip. My answer? If I waited for someone to come along and make this happen for me, it most likely would never happen. I am responsible for my own happiness and I take responsibility seriously. :mrgreen:

Joking aside, I am truly amazed at how everything seems to just BE right as I travel along. Right down to the weather. During my one storm, I got to learn how to protect myself from painful hail hits by drawing my shoulders in and leaning forward to put hard parts of my gear taking the hits.

And on the comical side, when I leaned forward, some spot behind me must have been acting as a reservoir for the dousing I was getting. I got a big rush of cold water straight down the back of my pants which slowly worked its way down the sides of my legs and right into my seriously waterproof boots. Alpinestars won't let a drop of water out!

Anyway, Elzi, I thought about you as I rode through Wyoming. It reminded me of Big Bend with the vast open spaces surrounded by high places. It was cool however, and that was nice. I think you would really enjoy visiting Wyoming if you haven't already. And I still want to go to Moab.
Soozy, glad you made it home safe.
Melissa and I would have been there last night to welcome you home but her surgery was this week and she is still confined to bed.

I now know I never want to be a Butler.

And, I have figured out what makes Surley Nurses.

While you were gone I retired from my day job.
Yea, not more fighting storms for me!
Hopefully I can take advantage of some of this new free time soon and follow your example.
Having spent years wishing I was free enough to just "GO".
Maybe I can soon.

Love you and glad your safe.

Curtis & Melissa
Soozy, from the Houston twosome.....Welcome Home! :clap::clap: We enjoyed ready and watching (through photos) your journey. I am so dadburn jealous I can't wait for J to get his Versys so we can do a long ride.

Thanks for allowing us to ride along! :rider:

Glad you made it, hope we can meet you sometime.
Great ride report. Enjoyed it to the max. Thanks for the time and work to share.
I'm glad you made it home safe. Really enjoyed your story.
Hey Sooz. I was out of town and missed your homecoming. I am glad you are home safe and had fun.

See you soon.

Thanks for taking us along and investing the time, energy and photo-taking to make it all happen. Mega-super-kudos to you!
Welcome home, I am a little tardy I know. I am tried just reading this! Let me know when you want that breakfast! lj