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The Arkansas Super Enduro Itch

I take that as a compliment….i think 😆

It’s a rear Pirelli MT43 on a 2.15 wide rim. I stole the idea from a guy in Utah that runs plenty hard on a 500 and a Super Enduro with them. I’ve been doing it for several years now and it jives with my riding style. Really shines in desert and rocky environments.

I take that as a compliment….i think 😆

It’s a rear Pirelli MT43 on a 2.15 wide rim. I stole the idea from a guy in Utah that runs plenty hard on a 500 and a Super Enduro with them. I’ve been doing it for several years now and it jives with my riding style. Really shines in desert and rocky environments.

I was gonna say, it looked like a rear tire! Kudos of compliments if it makes the soft stuff even easier to "float" through!
First day on the bike…..rain was looking certain and in higher percentages than I like, especially to the north where I was headed, shifted a gear. Decided against the Giant Loop Coyote and camping off the bike. Slapped on a Mosko Moto 10 with just my normal mcgyver stuff. I was still going to push north towards Mt. Magazine and see how far I got, with the plan of heading back south when I ran out of time or the weather got too crappy. This way I still get to see a chunk of the original route I had planned and I get to sleep high and dry back in the A frame….with the AC on and sucking out the humidity/dampness from my riding gear. The ride goes on.


Crazy how you still get excited with anticipation of getting on the bike the first day of a multi-day ride. I was up early, took a swig of water and shoved off with no breakfast or caffeine, headed north into a “new to me” zone was my stimulant.




I’ve been all over the Mena and Talihina areas riding a handful of times and I’ve been in the Ozark NF zone riding. But haven’t touched the dirt in between. It wasn’t but a smidge of pavement and I was getting dirty. I’m liking this. And the sun was shining through on the situation.


Stitching my way north through the Quachita NF. Quachita means yellow banana, just kidding…..“big hunting ground”. Big bike hunting down dirt while trying to avoid the ground. Is that the same thing?




Rolled up on the first little feature that made me eye ball it a second before hitting it. Steeper than it looks and had some moisture on it.


It tried to slap me down, but I slapped back.


Sniffed out more stuff of a questionable nature. I guess I sometimes do this to myself….and any other unsuspecting characters riding with me. Luckily today it was just me?




Might not be the best decision running solo in this Fourche Mountain zone. But I was having fun in a sadistic kind of way. While trying to be careful that I didn’t bite off more than I can chew.




Super Enduro and I had a conversation about how I should probably be on the little bike. He said just get back on and shut up. Have to smile at that.




About a hour into the ride so far, then this was next in my path. I think this is Turner Creek…..I’m feeling alive!!



Next up hit the official OHV trails, things got narrower and varying in difficulty. I came across this thrown horse shoe right off the bat….hmm, am I supposed to take a hint?


Kept the blood pumping. And my brain engaged as I contemplated going down stuff I might have to go back up if the path ahead wasn’t doable. And hope it didn’t rain in between?



All systems go. And that was just the first 2 hours of the day!




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That "And my brain engaged as I contemplated going down stuff I might have to go back up if the path ahead wasn’t doable" by yourself is pretty impressive, to it isn't, lol. Look forward to the rest of the story. Looks pretty challenging on a big bike!
Alright, back to the ride. Even though I’d only gone like 40 miles so far that morning, my low gas light was on. I was purposely running my 8 gallon tank sparsely, less weight to wrestle in these rougher sections and keeps the weight really low with this tank. Routed by a remote gas station and got a few more gallons. And got the down low on the weather from an older local rancher looking dude wearing a pearl snap shirt….”you better skedaddle south feller, high winds and golf ball sized hail moving into the area in the afternoon.” Copy that big buddy. Ate some crappy gas station sausage biscuits and cut out on back roads, headed further north. Wait, what?




Cruising easier stuff for a while….Fourche La Fave River. I know what you are thinking. Here he goes again. Well, here I go again. It was named for the La Fave family who settled near the mouth of the river. Fourche is French for “fork”. I was hoping for something more exotic. Apologies.



Jumped a state highway and was running around the Dutch Creek Mountain area. There is a creek….a mountain….and apparently some Dutch stuff happened here. Apologies dos.



I was surprised there wasn’t more spring flower blooming stuff, but this plant was doing her thang and it was wonderful hauling the mail through here as there was a lot of it. The path got a little tighter and less traveled, ahh the good stuff.





Still rolling north…ish on backroads and wondering what the rest of the day was going to hold. Started going up, and up….and then spotted this. Hmmmm.


So I threw myself into the breach. Good plan? Probably not, but it had to be done. I got up the worst of it and wanted some pics, but there was no using the kickstand, just laid it over and took a few. A bit steep and soggy. The Super Enduro was handling it. But I can’t say that I wasn’t thinking about my 450 in the rougher stuff.


Enough of that, I’m here and on the bike I’m on. And there is something exhilarating rockin the v twin through it. Got into some thicker forest stuff but was still making my way. The forest floor had a lot leaves and didn’t look traveled much.



Rolling in the Petit Jean Mountain zone. What the heck is a Petit Jean? Here we go again….legend holds that the mountain got its name from the story of a young hot French girl from the 1700s that cut her hair and disguised herself as a cabin boy. Ok that back fired, maybe she wasn’t hot, I might have made that part up. She did this so she could secretly join a company of explorers and accompany her fiancé to the New World. Petit Jean is French for Little John. I didn’t see any hot French chics, moving on. But started thinking about that Rod Stewart song with the girl in the back ground whispering something frenchish. I don’t know why this stuff comes to me, roll with it.


I was making good time for the day, it was about noon and I’d been looking for a place to take a longer break. This wasn’t too bad but I’ll keep looking for a cooler spot.


Well, how’s this look?



I took a decent break and ate my diet fried apple pie over by the cliff.





Back at it, was trying to get into the official OHV trails in this zone, then hit this, denied by a mud slide. I’m stubborn, started walking a possible work around, it was all kinds of bad. Like maybe if you had 2 or 3 guys and were on 500s, you still probably wouldn’t make it? So why am I spending so much time trying to problem solve different options solo on a 950? Ok ok little voice, I’m turning around. Dadgumit.


Well I had already been working Plan B all morning due to the weather. Now for Plan C. I looked at a map and thought I had it figured out. Then hit this defunct bridge. Somebody trying to tell me something? Shrugged it off and decided to try and keep going.


I got through that creek crossing and was bushwhacking and it got worse….and worse. Ok, ok I give. Plan D?


I was eye balling the map for another reroute option that was further than I wanted, I’m not feeling it. I had planned how ever far I made it, was how ever far I happened to make it. Time to follow through with that notion Stevo! Dadgumit. Rolling west, rapidly.



Hit some pavement and got gas again. I could slab it on the state highway back to Mena….or backroad it? Weather was nicer to my south. What do you think happened?





Took the less traveled route and popped out really close to the Oklahoma border and decided to route myself on the Queen Willie road. Even though the weather was a little dreary, it was only a few miles out of my way, why not? Still trying to keep my optimism up.


Hello Oklahoma. I’m not feeling it, I was cold and it was damp. Hello Arkansas, I’m back.



And I was ready for a break. Why not get a cold beer and chill out at the lodge for a bit? Ok, if you say so.





Rolled back through Mena and landed back at base camp after closing in on about 200 miles. Not the exact experience I was hoping for but I did get an adventurous ride in.




Rain was coming, decided to cheat and use a baby grill I had in the truck for this situation. Had some cold ones and did some fajitas up. Rider happy, if he wants to be.



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Weather up on that mountain can be crazy. One early morning right after an incredibly clear sunrise - it looked like we could see the edge of the world in every direction. Less than an hour later we crawled down to Mena by riding the edge of pavement at maybe 15mph. Misty fog like I'd never seen before nor since. Visibility was in a few feet. Way too exciting thank you. Bout the time we made it into town it lifted and disappeared...beautiful day.

That cliff by the creek where you snarfed the pie is where we stopped for a break. Most everyone was geared and getting ready to saddle up when one of the crew starts shucking it all and splashes into the swimming hole. Hot day. We all kind of glanced at each other sideways for a sec. Took less than two minutes for that entire bank to get covered in riding gear dropped by the rest of us. Classic times.
How do you have your gps mounted on the 950?

I put a ubolt style Ram ball down low in the center of the handle bars and then use one of their longer Ram double socket arms. Here is a couple pics. Works for me. I can still see the left and right side of the KTM dash for alerts, and just use the gps for a speedometer and trip odometer for gas tracking. Along with a 690 super moto windshield, it’s kind of a poor man’s rally tower?


That country store was "Pylant Grocery and Feed". We found it curious that some customers were extremely fond of steel cut corn, imperial sugar by the bale, and - uhum - Kerr jars. Chug-A-Lug (youtube.com). And that middle bike ended up being mine for many a mile and $$ spent at the local Honda outpost. it was a beast.

I really really want to take that ride with you from Talco through Clarksville and into the mountains around Cucumber creek. Hoping i can figure out what the heck happened to my hoppin ride soon!
First day on the bike…..rain was looking certain and in higher percentages than I like, especially to the north where I was headed, shifted a gear. Decided against the Giant Loop Coyote and camping off the bike. Slapped on a Mosko Moto 10 with just my normal mcgyver stuff. I was still going to push north towards Mt. Magazine and see how far I got, with the plan of heading back south when I ran out of time or the weather got too crappy. This way I still get to see a chunk of the original route I had planned and I get to sleep high and dry back in the A frame….with the AC on and sucking out the humidity/dampness from my riding gear. The ride goes on.


Crazy how you still get excited with anticipation of getting on the bike the first day of a multi-day ride. I was up early, took a swig of water and shoved off with no breakfast or caffeine, headed north into a “new to me” zone was my stimulant.




I’ve been all over the Mena and Talihina areas riding a handful of times and I’ve been in the Ozark NF zone riding. But haven’t touched the dirt in between. It wasn’t but a smidge of pavement and I was getting dirty. I’m liking this. And the sun was shining through on the situation.


Stitching my way north through the Quachita NF. Quachita means yellow banana, just kidding…..“big hunting ground”. Big bike hunting down dirt while trying to avoid the ground. Is that the same thing?




Rolled up on the first little feature that made me eye ball it a second before hitting it. Steeper than it looks and had some moisture on it.


It tried to slap me down, but I slapped back.


Sniffed out more stuff of a questionable nature. I guess I sometimes do this to myself….and any other unsuspecting characters riding with me. Luckily today it was just me?




Might not be the best decision running solo in this Fourche Mountain zone. But I was having fun in a sadistic kind of way. While trying to be careful that I didn’t bite off more than I can chew.




Super Enduro and I had a conversation about how I should probably be on the little bike. He said just get back on and shut up. Have to smile at that.




About a hour into the ride so far, then this was next in my path. I think this is Turner Creek…..I’m feeling alive!!



Next up hit the official OHV trails, things got narrower and varying in difficulty. I came across this thrown horse shoe right off the bat….hmm, am I supposed to take a hint?


Kept the blood pumping. And my brain engaged as I contemplated going down stuff I might have to go back up if the path ahead wasn’t doable. And hope it didn’t rain in between?



All systems go. And that was just the first 2 hours of the day!


Hurts my soul i can't be there! But you have to wonder how Stevo's machine is always so clean in these reports? Methinks his sponsor provides a crew with power washer to follow him around for the photo shoots...
I put a ubolt style Ram ball down low in the center of the handle bars and then use one of their longer Ram double socket arms. Here is a couple pics. Works for me. I can still see the left and right side of the KTM dash for alerts, and just use the gps for a speedometer and trip odometer for gas tracking. Along with a 690 super moto windshield, it’s kind of a poor man’s rally tower?



Simple and effective. I like it.
Weather up on that mountain can be crazy. One early morning right after an incredibly clear sunrise - it looked like we could see the edge of the world in every direction. Less than an hour later we crawled down to Mena by riding the edge of pavement at maybe 15mph. Misty fog like I'd never seen before nor since. Visibility was in a few feet. Way too exciting thank you. Bout the time we made it into town it lifted and disappeared...beautiful day.

That cliff by the creek where you snarfed the pie is where we stopped for a break. Most everyone was geared and getting ready to saddle up when one of the crew starts shucking it all and splashes into the swimming hole. Hot day. We all kind of glanced at each other sideways for a sec. Took less than two minutes for that entire bank to get covered in riding gear dropped by the rest of us. Classic times.
Happened to me 1 year going up, thickest fog I've ever been in.
Happened to me 1 year going up, thickest fog I've ever been in.
YES! This time last year, we drove up Magazine Mountain in heavy heavy fog. Scary stuff when tour vans are barreling around corners at you. Got to the lodge and settled on the balcony peering at a solid curtain of fog that lifted in the next 20 minutes to reveal that amazing view.

Wakey wakey, time for the next day’s ride. I wasn’t up quite as early but didn’t waste a lot of time either. Rolled out by 7:30 hoping to rustle up something edible at my first gas stop of the day. For now, heading due east backroading it and see what developed. Pretty cool and crisp morning.




Twenty something miles later stumbled into this place. The typical crappy biscuits were sold out. Had to eat a healthy honey bun.


Grubbed up, sort of, and fully gassed up the hog this time. Didn’t know what to expect, I was just adlibbing my way east but I knew my plan was probably a couple hundred miles today and probably not as spicy.



It is in the 50s, this no jacket plan was starting to get hard to ignore. I need some good dirt to warm up. Ahhhh.



That helped a lot. But had to jump back on some pavement. I could tell the route I picked had quite a bit more miles of pavement in front of me. That’s not going to work Stevo, start sniffing. This will work, a little out of my way but I’ll take a bunch of dirt in exchange for adding a few extra miles to the day.



Got off in the bush and took a break and listened to the pine trees swaying. Isn’t that a cool sound? Shhh, listen.




Moving on, little bit of scenic pavement and hopped back on dirt. I was feeling a little bored and wishing I had some spice in the route.


Wait, what’s this, county road my butt. But I’ll take it. Hopefully.



I’m digging it in here, good riding!



Then the “county” road turned into a power line for a smidge and it really deteriorated. And I thought I could tell a difference in my clutch pull. Optimism, maybe it’s just my imagination.





I continued on, trail wasn’t quite as spicy but still really pretty. Some views to be had. I was thinking about big bikes, little bikes, the future for me. What I've been doing the last couple days, not a big deal but I could see how it could be a handful on a bike that was even heavier? Have to weigh out all the factors when you make trail decisions, ha ha see what I did there.


Stuff like that new GS 900 Enduro coming out sparks the brain? As did the Desert X, as did the T700. But I’m pretty sure my future big bike will be lighter than the Super Enduro, which stock was 419 dry. The new GS 900 Enduro weighs 482 lbs wet I think, that is pretty hefty still. Trips like this one kind of solidify my thought processes, not that I ever felt I was thinking wrongly :-). When the time comes, I may give up on this “middle weight” twin segment.


The fading clutch was not my imagination. It was leaking at the plunger on the master end. It was pretty much gone. I stopped using it several miles back, thought maybe it has a few more pulls left that might barely work/drag, if things get hairy.


Tried to enjoy the ride but it was heavy on my mind, I was over a hundred miles away from the truck at this point. I quit taking breaks or stopping to take pics, you just get GoPro shots now as I don’t want to stop the bike.



I was on the lookout for a random camp site that might have some atf. From my research I knew there were no gas stations around here in my path. Hot Springs was 30 miles away, going in the wrong direction. And I didn’t like the thought of going to the concrete jungle with no clutch. Stay the course, life will find a way?



Luckily the forest was cooperating and I went like 50 more miles without touching the clutch. And was going at a pretty good clip, don’t need a clutch if you are hauling the mail. This is adventure!!





Only had trouble in one area, really no trouble as it turned out but I was worried about killing it in a mud hole and not being able to get rolling again. Little stressful. All was well, just didn’t mess around in it, had it revved up pretty good. Better to sling than stall.


Most all of the concrete water crossings this entire trip have had good traction, Texas should come up here and take lessons. Till I hit this one, it was slimy and about 4x longer than all the others I ran across this trip. Classic for me to hit it with no clutch. On the pegs and just steady as she goes. No clutch slip and no Stevo slip. Adventure??



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You rely on the same technology for your brakes...or do you convert your brakes to cable operated? Do you carry a spare cable with you all the time?
Fair point, but I only ever seem to read about clutch problems, not brake problems. No idea why. As for a spare cable, I really should have one zip tied to the current one. Definitely would on a long solo ride. I do keep and eye on the cable as they tend to fail down by engine case where they come out of the sheathing.
When I ride for a week straight on my 500 on hard stuff, the hydraulic clutch is wonderful. It's been 10 years on that bike and 14,000 miles and have not had a failure. And as I rode some of this harder stuff in Arkansas, the hydraulic clutch on the Super Enduro helps you keep at it.....and in control vs fatigued. As my body ages, I appreciate the little things. As my 2007 Super Enduro ages, I need to pay attention to the little things. What fluid was left in there was ugly colored. Everything has trade offs and it all depends on how much riding you do, how much at one time, and where....as in if the terrain is taxing. If I build out an older tech bike with a cable, I plan to run a spare along side, I've done that in the past. Not a bad plan.

You rely on the same technology for your brakes...or do you convert your brakes to cable operated? Do you carry a spare cable with you all the time?
1 advantage to the brakes, fr/back separate. So even if 1 fails still good to go. @KsTeveM is an amazing rider and figure it out guy. But by himself and had stalled in the wrong spot with no clutch could be troublesome.