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The Bastrop Summer Big Ride

Awesome ride you all put on! :clap::clap::clap:
Great mix of folks and different bikes too. Good that you could all get out and drop some coin on the local businesses.
Seems Webnel's cure for his GoPro tilting down is to tilt the bike up!

Hope to jump in on the action when my XRR build is done in a couple months..
Pics.. Running late Sat. morning...as usual. :doh: Grasshopper, Silverbullet and Hancock.


No pics getting to Bastrop as we were moving very fast :eek2: but we caught up with the group at the park entrance. Said some quick hello's and we were moving. :rider: Being at the back of the pack I was with the group that got held up by Ranger Dingleberry at the Buescher end of Park Rd 1. :rofl: Sat there for like 3 mins while she played phone tag. Spent some time playing high speed catch-up but finally caught Joel's group over on Old Antioch. From there it was smooth riding, took me a sec to get into the groove but y'all have fun!! :photo:










Hancock's little mailbox episode...:eek2: :rofl: :lol2: :rofl: He got this on vid!!:clap:


Old Antioch Cemetery, this is where I picked up the nail.:argh: Oddly, this is where Grasshopper picked up a nail last year.:brainsnap:



So to keep from holding everyone up I decided to ride it flat back to the soccer fields. :lol2: :giveup: The 606 rear rides admirably flat but I don't recommended it.:shame: Someone other than me has pics of that epic tire change :lol2: :haha: but again I have to hand it to Trailrider77 for that awesome receiver hitch jack! :clap: 5mins after I (we) fixed my flat Glockpointer pulls up with a flat on his bike! :eek2:

A few pics from the trails...



My neighbor Many Thunders catching air on his KLR!:trust:



A few mud pics...:lol2: :clap:








The Wesley and Many Thunders! Wesley's 1st DS ride:clap:, I might add he schooled dad. :doh: :rofl: :nana: :lol2:


Thank You Joel, as usual a great ride! See ya around the neighborhood.:chug:


And thanks to Jake for a wild ride around the 'A' loop!! :flip: :rider: :clap:

Took the long way up through Lee County getting home...


I don't use maps (I never get never lost, just a little confused now and then:lol2:) but I knew if we kept heading east we'd eventually cross the tracks. ;-) :mrgreen:


Everyone kept asking "Where's Meriden?' Well he couldn't make it on sat due to predetermined obligations but:moon: he made it today for the Lake Somerville Loop ride.:rider: Watch for pics on Hancocks XR thread! :photo: Lotta laughs!!!:rofl:
Awesome ride you all put on! :clap::clap::clap:
Great mix of folks and different bikes too. Good that you could all get out and drop some coin on the local businesses.
Seems Webnel's cure for his GoPro tilting down is to tilt the bike up!

Hope to jump in on the action when my XRR build is done in a couple months..

Wish you could have made it. There were actually three XRR's out there this weekend. Had a blast. After my unexpected dismount on Sunday, i will have to do partial teardown on my bike to fix a few small tweaks. :rofl:
Where was that tire iron again, Rman?
:rofl: :shrug: Seriously, we couldn't find one of the tire irons, it was just gone!! :shrug: :scratch: It somehow wound up inside the tire! Stupid! :suicide: :loco: :lol2:

Anyway, here's my 1st vid. Kinda long and most of it was playing catch-up :eek2: after Darlene DoRight cut us off from the group.:argh: Camera is mounted on Hancock's bars.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JeS1AD03EeE&feature=relmfu"]Bastrop Big Ride 1 - YouTube[/ame]

The microphone on the camera is already wasted so please bear with the scratchy sound.
Old_blue was telling me about the crazed hooligan on an XRL who took a corner a little wide and then proceeded to blast past everybody.

Good stuff!
Slippery Hillclimb Action! Rolling J has been up it so many times, he can do it one handed! [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4HM9G9gq4E"]Dualsport Hillclimb Action! - YouTube[/ame] [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDsaCWMdhj0"]Grasshopper, Rolling J, Silverbullet on the gas! - YouTube[/ame] [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-NBSl05CFk"]Rman on the gas! - YouTube[/ame] [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftonZzmpCa8"]Silverbullit on the gas! - YouTube[/ame]
What a great ride and great group of people to ride with. In riding sweep, I am reminded of an old saying, "If you are never the lead dog the view is always the same." ... this isnt such a bad thing if webnel is at the back of the pack too. Important lesson reminder, if the bike in front of you starts to crash or run off the road, dont concentrate on their back wheel or you will follow them off the road too. Thanks for the lesson.
I enjoyed the dual sport ride and the hill climb part especially.
I got to ride my bike on trails for the first time since owning it.
Thank you to the ride organizers, workers and helpers.
HEY JOEL...:wave:
you did a great job leading the PACK..:rider::rider::rider::rider:

I had a BLAST..:clap:

it was fun to meet everyone (name's an face's)

i went into one turn way to fast

as seen by RMAN's pic

RMAN don't think i didn't see you laughing your :moon:off.!

it's all good

Hancock's little mailbox episode...:eek2: :rofl: :lol2: :rofl: He got this on vid!!:clap:


I will post my pic's soon ya'll

GLOCK move over an let me pass...:rider::rider:...(slow-poke).:lol2::rofl:

A little trail footage. We really need to meet more often and ride in other places, there seems to be a large interest in dualsporting right now. Great visiting with everyone!
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_FXd2_Hj-M"]Bastrop Trails Power Line - YouTube[/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LA8jx791tU"]The Bastrop Trails - YouTube[/ame] [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsr2QJ2dhuE"]Bastrop Trail Action! - YouTube[/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCIeBH5od9s"]Bastrop Trails Powerline - YouTube[/ame] [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPMdnfezvm4"]Up the hill! - YouTube[/ame] Thanks again Joel!
I learned a few things this last weekend...

I didn't announce the ride as well as I should have. The public roads portion of the ride shoud have a .gpx file posted somewhere, just so everybody who had a gps would have had the route. I posted the google map, but that's not enough.

I should have broken down the ride rules in writing on the announcement. I didn't say ever that you had to wait for the rider behind you to see where you headed at ANY TURN and I lost riders on the street portion. I want to apologize to Many Thunders, The Wesley, KI and one more rider whose handle I can't remember. That should not have happened.

5-6 is a good group to tackle the trails. Any more riders in a group and it's not much fun for the leaders or riders. It can be done, but...

I should have had enough people familiar enough with the trails to lead small groups at all skill levels. I love leading a beginner group around slowly while giving tips and encouragement, and I love blasting around knowing the guy behind me is right on me tail. Proper planning would have handled this, and involved the riders who put in the time to know the place. Thank you old_blue, AustinJake, Rman, and anybody else that led the way around, even if they didn't know where they were.

At the very least I should have made sure that every rider had my phone number....

I'm glad everybody had a good time but I am going to keep the rides small for a little while.
Joel, considering the size of the group I think you did great!! :clap:

Here's my vid 2, Hancock had a blast starting at the back and working his way through the pack. Hopefully everyone can get a glimpse of themselves. :thumb:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4BtWjxoqCM&feature=plcp"]Bastrop Big Ride 2 - YouTube[/ame]
RollingJ, it is always a learning experience. I was not able to make the ride but all I see in the photos are smiling faces. Easy to forget stuff especially considering trail etiquette with new riders. I'll bet everyone understands and you should not feel bad, things just happen. I have been to many an enduro where clubs forget something year after year. That was a big undertaking and it looks like you did a great job. Its obvious lots of guys now have some great memorys and new riding friends due to your hard work. And waiting for the next opportunity. :rider:
I learned a few things this last weekend...

I didn't announce the ride as well as I should have. The public roads portion of the ride shoud have a .gpx file posted somewhere, just so everybody who had a gps would have had the route. I posted the google map, but that's not enough.

I should have broken down the ride rules in writing on the announcement. I didn't say ever that you had to wait for the rider behind you to see where you headed at ANY TURN and I lost riders on the street portion. I want to apologize to Many Thunders, The Wesley, KI and one more rider whose handle I can't remember. That should not have happened.

5-6 is a good group to tackle the trails. Any more riders in a group and it's not much fun for the leaders or riders. It can be done, but...

I should have had enough people familiar enough with the trails to lead small groups at all skill levels. I love leading a beginner group around slowly while giving tips and encouragement, and I love blasting around knowing the guy behind me is right on me tail. Proper planning would have handled this, and involved the riders who put in the time to know the place. Thank you old_blue, AustinJake, Rman, and anybody else that led the way around, even if they didn't know where they were.

At the very least I should have made sure that every rider had my phone number....

I'm glad everybody had a good time but I am going to keep the rides small for a little while.

:tab It is great that you are always thinking about stuff like this! I do the same thing after every ride/event. Let me know when you finally do a ride that is perfect :-P

:tab Lots of riders like for other people to do the legwork to organize rides so they can just show up and have fun, but they really don't understand what it takes to organize and pull off a good ride. Sometimes I hear folks ask why they should pay a fee to attend a ride/event or they may complain about some minor thing that could have been done different/better. This is a good example of why some folks charge for rides/events. Until people try organizing something themselves, they never really seem appreciate what it takes. I am glad Joel has stepped up and taken the lead in organizing rides, but I hope he doesn't burn out :zen:
Thanks, everybody. I had fun and am not burned out at all, just bummed that 4 riders fell out. I'll do it again, but a little differently.
I couldn't ride but wish I could have been there just to show you my near pristine NX650. It would have worked fine on that ride. With knobbies of course.
My NX is no where near pristine or anything near resembling stock. But, I still love the dirty old girl.

Nice vids Rman. Hancock takes no prisoners.