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The Crosses Desert Ride

I made it home late last night and fell into bed. Good to be home but I couldn’t help it when I got up this morning and was unloading my truck……this time yesterday I was cruising through the New Mexico desert on an enduro. It was a special morning ride for me. I probably should have just gone with the Black Widow Gang for more riding in the group. But I always like an adventure and couldn’t help wanting to see a volcanic crater to the southwest I stumbled onto in my research. So I got up early and headed out solo. It was cold but calm and I was a good bit into the ride when the sun came up.


When planning my route eye balling Google Earth, there are county dirt roads that will put you out there well enough, but I like a good power line track. I followed this smaller distribution line for miles. You would think it might be boring, but they can be lively.




And some areas were closing in on me, cactus trying to claw at me.


I was feeling a little guilty for not riding with the boys….and some FOMO. But truth be told, 8 bikes is a lot to keep track of for the trail boss, and lots of dust for the group. There was something very gratifying doing this little mini-adventure solo and in the clean desert morning air. Below I transitioned from the small power line to a large transmission line for some miles. Quite a bit of sandy stuff but it was still relatively fast traveling.



I got to ride next to a train for a good bit. He was hauling the mail out here. Kind of fun. Once he was out of my way, I headed for the wrong side of the tracks.




Mostly smooth sailing, I was loving the morning, cold temps, cool smells, anticipation of the unknown. Only the shadow knows.


Had to do a little reroute, silly ranch was in the way and my mapping was flawed. No biggie, I got it done and could now see I was at the edge of the crater, crater rim to the right in the below pic.


Right off the bat you had to make this decent climb up a dune face, reminded me of the auzie guys talking about getting up Big Red in the Simpson Desert. I hit it hard just in case, but it wasn’t an issue.



At the top, it was deep sand. No biggie on my 500, but you would really have to plan out your moves on a big bike. Like probably find a different approach up the crater face.



My main objective, besides seeing new country, was getting a glimpse of this volcanic crater today. Crazy how different something looks in person vs. when you are looking at stuff in 2D. My decision to ride here did not disappoint. This was my first look into the crater. I was feeling kinda giddy.



This crater is known as a maar, a depression caused by a volcanic explosion. The crater is 2 miles wide and 300 feet deep. Can you imagine the energy it took to move that much earth out of this hole?


I can tell you how much energy it takes to circumnavigate it. Five Hundy eating it up. I’m just trying to keep up with him. The East and North side of the crater was really sandy, lots of fun!!


I rode around it counterclockwise, so the crater is always off to my left in the pics. I focused on riding and got a little spirited with the woops and sand. Caught myself smiling in my helmet, out here all by myself.


Stopped a couple times to get new perspective on the crater and the desert off my right shoulder as well. I needed to make decent time to get back to the hotel if I wanted a shower before making the drive home, but was also trying to take this scene in and not just chevy chase it.



Riding closer to the edge in this area.


I checked out a few of the large rocks all strewn about the place and some of the smaller debris. I like geology and getting my geek on a bit.



And then I reverted back to my stupid self, riding around in a circle saying “magma” out loud for my own entertainment. It was really hard to ride and do the air quotes at the same time, but I got it done. This is probably my favorite pic taken from the western edge.



And a parting shot from the south, goodbye hole in the ground.


I found an old road, but it deteriorated pretty quickly into a cow trail. I could still sort of make it out, but I’m a long way from help and don’t need to get even more remote on an unknown/unproven route. This entire ride I was being careful about my moves, I did not want to have to call one of the boys for a rescue, especially if it was preventable on my side. Be smart about your stupidity.


After leaving the crater, I just adlib’ d my way through state land, ranch lands, opening and closing several gates. The terrain varied, some good riding, some semi good. But it was all better than anything we have at home I kept telling myself.



Here we go, remote flowy two track with nobody else around…..it was like butter (you have to pronounce it butta).



And I got myself back on the right side of the tracks. Some people spend a lifetime and don’t get that right.


I know I’m doing good, I can see the Organ Mountains right in front of me, one more powerline dirt route and then slab it back to the hotel. I made it well before noon and still had my room key, I got to take a shower before I rolled east!!


That’s a wrap. Lunch time exit from New Mexico, east bound and down, loaded up and trucking. Hey, I think I have a theme for my next ride report? Do you have a theme song in your head while reading this post? You do now. Ha Ha.



Catch yall on the next ride!!!

And then I reverted back to my stupid self, riding around in a circle saying “magma” out loud for my own entertainment. It was really hard to ride and do the air quotes at the same time, but I got it done. This is probably my favorite pic taken from the western edge.
Proof we need to ride together more. But without comms. Because then it's just two idiots listening to each other talk to themselves. :D
KsTeveM ...sounds like you got uh touch of the Itchy liking of geology....:cool2:

I have always liked rocks and dirt. Probably dropped on my head as a baby. Or ingested dirt on the play ground and it took over. But most geologist would probably hate me, dang sorry ol dirt bike rider!! Like the looks you get when you pass a hiker on single track :bigokay:
Proof we need to ride together more. But without comms. Because then it's just two idiots listening to each other talk to themselves. :D

Bring it on, the riding. Comms......when my nephew rides with me on the annual big ride.....there are times I say "um dude, I'm going to listen to music now, talk to you later". And then I ride in silence for a while. ;-)
Thanks for taking us along with the pics, video and commentary. Hopefully this will happen again next year when I'm fully healed up and ready to ride.
Really like that pano shot at the crater, SteveO
Ok, well here is another pano shot, 180 degrees on the other side of the crater. If I make it back out there, I am going to take more time and journey down into the crater, I could see a trail....circled in red below. And I was thinking about how cool it would have been to camp down in there! I can't do that hotel thing again, I get that it is easy, but its not fun. I'm either camping, renting a house, or staying at the KOA camp. Staying at the KOA the first and last night would be cool, ditch the truck etc.....with a couple nights camping in the middle of the trip. Plan forming, oh yeahhh!!! :dude:
