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"The Oasis of my Soul"... A Lifelong Journey on the road...

Thank you... Thank you... and great News below!!! Please vote for us... Movie!!!


Upcoming "Ron Howard Movie"...

Could you vote for us in this photo contest which we are a semi-finalist to be chosen as a "theme" for an upcoming Ron Howard Movie? 2 days left...
There are 29 photos left in this Worldwide contest. We are one of them in the "relationship" category! (of course...). Here are the instructions (they could have made it easier!). Don't try any other way...

Open the link and click on "Enter Gallery" in the middle left. Scroll with the "right top arrow" next to the film strip and you will find our photo, one click will do. Our photo will come up as a thumbnail, click on the photo, the photo will come up and you can vote for us... please...
Here is the link




Overwhelmed. “Old Faithful” rides on... AZ

All this happened too fast almost. The breakdown, 2 days to get to Tucson on a trailer, an outpouring wave of help and suddenly as fast seemingly as it happened “Old Faithful” is back on the road. “Iron Horse” in Tucson overwhelmed me, their handle on the situation has been exceptional. What a sweet sight it has been of “Old Faithful” in my Friend's garage while she is being “harnessed” again ready to take off Thursday morning. Boulder/Escalante in Utah... we have been trying to get there for it seems weeks now! The biopsy, the breakdown, this time it is a green light toward the weeks ahead rekindling our relationship with Mother Nature. So many have come forward as I sit here thanking everyone individually. It might take some time but it will get done.
Tucson has been hot, hot for us, and the only “drive” was up one morning very early, Father's Day, up Arivaca Road which is also the road many locals ride. It was too early for any other vehicle, I needed some time alone to reminisce on my past times with Lance while the Sunrise, a beautiful one, was taking place on this Day always filled with the past memories. What a week it has been.
Finally up is part III video of our Valley of the Gods ride and the sunrise photos...
“Thank you” all that have come forward, those two words will never be enough.

Be safe and well.
Peace, Love and Courage.

Ara & Spirit

Two hundred miles of thinking! AZ [video]

We finally escaped the Tucson furnace! Unbelievable heat slapping us daily, making us only finding refuge indoor within air conditioned so unnatural spaces, heat-cold, cold-heat and on and on taking a toll coupled with all the past emotions the major breakdown. Yet, we are now rolling again toward the Northern spaces, cooler temps and at the same time trying to catch up “thanking” everyone when so unselfishly the hands came forward to rescue us. At the same time one of my photos, again “thanks” to much public voting, and “thank you” again, made it's way to the finals. There were so many stages with 59,000 photos submitted that I am just calling this the “finals” awaiting the “final~final” as the last step is in the hands of Ron Howard and his daughter as a theme for an upcoming Movie, or in their mind that is. That result will be up in a few weeks.

“Congratulations! Your photo My Buddy Spirit and I has been selected as one of ten (10) Project Imagin8ion Contest finalists in the Relationship Theme. Ron Howard will select one (1) photo from the ten (10) finalists in each movie theme category that inspires him most and will be woven into his next film. As a reminder, the Grand Prize winners will receive a trip to New York City to attend the film premiere later this year.
Even if you are not selected as the Grand Prize winner, you will still be a first prize winner.”
Back, once again (!!!) in Show Low today we will be taking off for Utah this afternoon. The third time is a charm they say. We try. We will be going up Mokey Dugway again and most likely camp on Muley Point, the same as the video I just posted on the Journal!
Be safe and well.
Peace, Love and Courage.

Ara & Spirit


5th year on the road...
Glad to hear everything is well. Ride safe.

Thank you for the support! Can you stop this sand storm??? :giveup:


Imprisoned in my Freedom. Escalante. UT

The weather! HOT. Too hot for Spirit, a bit too much for me, sadly enough as we have just arrived in this area we will leave tomorrow morning, stop in Salt Lake City for a rear tire and make a B line for “Glacier”. It is unlike us to do so, but late moving on North Mother Nature is being a bit rough on us. Daytime is a furnace, it leaves a bit of early morning and evening maybe cooling off barely before Sunset. That is just how it goes these days. No complains though, we are mobile again and one more time “Thank You” for all that have rescued us, as there is no other word for it. I am still trying to “Thank” everyone individually, I will get there eventually as all is always only a matter of time. Riding again brings on many thoughts. The word “Freedom” has been bouncing around and around as today turning 63 (and Spirit “7”) I am realizing that there can never be a turning around, it is too late to go back ever to a Life which is not what it is today even if so at times like the present, Mother Nature forces us to move on from a space I so much love being. More on the Journal just posted...
Be safe and well.
Peace, Love and Courage.

Ara & Spirit
Happy B-Day Ara. I wish I could do something about your sand storm, but it was probably just something we sent north from Phoenix.
Happy B-Day Ara. I wish I could do something about your sand storm, but it was probably just something we sent north from Phoenix.

Thank you! Wish you did something about the mosquitoes a few days ago!!!:eek2:


Up to the Tetons, WY

We are now 20 miles away from Cody, east of it, still “out there” and yet Internet, phone connection, power, water, all is now available. No Bears and Mosquitoes! We spend a few days without it all as we do quite often, a primitive campsite off Grassy Lake Road, by “Flag Ranch” in the Tetons, the switch is always a shock to the mind. The more time we spend “off grid” the harder it is to face this screen and yet, I enjoy it, I enjoy sharing the path we have taken, the photos trying to convey a certain sense of another reality we have embraced. This was the first we explored the “Tetons” and what magnificent space it is with it's snow covered peaks, more snow this year than ever, the “Snake River” near by within a few feet (reason for the Mosquitoes!) playing it's constant melody so soothing inducing a good night sleep as never before. It was a slice of Paradise as now we we look for another one, and another one! “Bear's Tooth Pass”. We have been here before, it is on our way north to the Glacier and hopefully a bit of Canada as long as we can handle the logistics. A few favorite photos now on the Journal have made their way... this technology does not cease to amaze me...
Till next time...

Be safe and well.
Peace, Love and Courage.

Ara & Spirit
I will be thru that way after the middle of the month , weekend of the 23 at Darby Montana at West Fest than heading to Glacier that sunday . I will check , if you are still in the area try to meet up since we missed last Christmas . SEYA
I will be out west somewhere by the end of July . SEYA

We just came through "Somewhere"... :sun:


Camping with “The Adventure Trio”, WY

It does not happen often for us to camp with others. No one has the time or takes it, more important generally is more the emphasis on the distance covered leaving on the wayside the quality of the “moments”, fast forward is the blur of the road with only the fact which can then indeed be pronounced “ we have been here and there...”. “Sandy”, “Terry” and their soon to be 10 year old “Jack” are on a different tangent smelling and feeling the road, and yes, they also put on the miles, they know how to balance it all with their outgoing message “you can also do it...”. It was a good time, a very good time cooking, chatting, exchanging the road stories as many they always are. A couple dinners, a ride nearing the Grand Tetons, shopping for provisions, a bit of fishing for Jack (never caught anything as my frying pan was ready!), a bit more of guitar playing, our own incredible display of lightning and thunder on the Fourth of July and plenty of Photos... all on the Journal for now, looking for a better connection to upload a video I took while riding behind them. So long my “Friends”, soon again I hope...

Be safe and well.
Peace, Love and Courage.

Ara & Spirit
I am going to stop by the West Fest gathering in Darby Montana the weekend of the 20th than head north to Glacier for a day or two on Sunday then west to northern California for a couple days snooping . If you are anywhere near Darby stop by and we can say hi and pet Spirt . SEYA
I am going to stop by the West Fest gathering in Darby Montana the weekend of the 20th than head north to Glacier for a day or two on Sunday then west to northern California for a couple days snooping . If you are anywhere near Darby stop by and we can say hi and pet Spirt . SEYA

Which Sunday? I don't have a calendar... leaving for Glacier tomorrow am... eventually we will get there!


“Logging Creek, MT and “Footprints from Wyoming”

So last week for some rare moments my true anger rose to the surface as invited to a campground, Spirit gets attacked by a dog, owner who had been warned, owners, a couple working on the premises, both “alcoholics”, a pathetic path of Life they are on. Turns out the owner of the campground also is. Amazing how these people congregates. Even more amazing is how I fell into that unpleasant situation. Spirit is fine, saved by my foot and his leash. It was a close call. That is where the title “Footprints from Wyoming” came from. It was a dark time. We then moved on quickly to the “Logging Creek” Campground, our last entry, found by my nose, an isolated primitive campground off #89 before “Great Falls”, MT, this after some incredible riding through “Lewis and Clark” Forest. I actually think we saw them, they are everywhere from East to West, from Washington and Oregon to even California I think. The gravel roads where exceptionally well taken care off showing a network of them on the map, firewood was plentiful, water from a creek, white tail deer visiting the site, not bear visits... It has been the other side of the coin, peaceful days with only a few storms here and there in the late afternoons.

Be safe and well.
Peace, Love and Courage.

Ara & Spirit
ARA & SPIRIT: My heart lept a beat and thankfully settled down after reading spirit was not harmed. Peace to you both. If ever close to us again, feel free to stop.
ARA & SPIRIT: My heart lept a beat and thankfully settled down after reading spirit was not harmed. Peace to you both. If ever close to us again, feel free to stop.

Thank you... has been a while!


“Logan's Pass”, Glacier National Park, MT

I realize our Journal is chronologically off as connections on the road are not quite often readily available and for more reason, as I write this, we have already left the “Glacier” sitting for a couple of days in Lander, WY. I have been feeling defeated by the swarms of mosquitoes taking away any sense of being there, campsite that is, within the moments, instead fighting off the waves of those annoying creatures, spraying clothing with 100% Deet and watching Spirit himself while covered with Eucalytus-Lemon spray being attacked to no end. Many have come forward with other possible solutions, nothing, meaning “nothing” has worked. The bottom line? Move on for now. On the other side of the coin it was one of the best rides ever from East Glacier to Lander. Back roads to no end, a good tail wind, even the ride through Yellowstone and Tetons on a Sunday afternoon was of a fast pace without too many cars stopping in the middle of their lanes to watch and photograph a squirrel go by. Where from here? With the constant thought of staying cool, Colorado sounds like an attractive space for a while, higher elevations, and who knows, maybe the mosquitoes will be of the old breed... a bit tamer.
Enjoy the photos and a video through Logan's Pass. The lower part playing this time.

Be safe and well.
Peace, Love and Courage.

Ara & Spirit
Thanks for the link, Wally! My poor dog has been eaten up this summer.

Ara, I salute you for protecting Spirit so well. We finally quit walking in some areas because of the number of rotten dogs with worse owners. I'm glad he's fine and you've moved on to parts less hazardous (and bitey)!
Ara, There is some difficulty for me watching the video. Somehow I missed most of the along the road scenery cause of getting targeted in on Spirit and his leaning into the corners. It was quite fascinating for me, had to watch it four times. Thanks for taking us along for the 'ride'. Only thing better would be riding there myself.

Thanks, Neal
Ara, There is some difficulty for me watching the video. Somehow I missed most of the along the road scenery cause of getting targeted in on Spirit and his leaning into the corners. It was quite fascinating for me, had to watch it four times. Thanks for taking us along for the 'ride'. Only thing better would be riding there myself.

Thanks, Neal

That is funny Neal!!! Since I really do not look at him when I am riding (good thing!!!) I end up watching the videos also a few times... He is getting better in those curves!!!

Thanks "wanabeguru"... Maybe you will change your name to "iamguru" some day?... :lol2:


Jane's smile. Heartfelt. AZ

The miles are running away as we dropped in the heat of July into Tucson for some matters I have to attend. No escape from this and already from a couple days in this urban space I am kicking the ground to get back up North in a few days, by the end of this coming week. The ride was uncommonly for us fast paced, we managed to stay at higher elevation and good fortune was with us even going through Moab with cooler temperatures. Amazing. I personally do not find any feat into running up the numbers on “Old Faithful”, I understand long distance riding is a flavor, it is a flavor we had to a bit taste while 1400 miles went by in three days. It was however a true feat and almost inexplicable feelings when I read on the way, on the first day while resting on the side of the road an e mail send to us (as Spirit is always included) which started as such...
I love your website, pictures and Spirit. I too [as Lance did] have terminal cancer and when I am down, all I do is pull up your website. I’m sure Lance was thinking of you as I am of my children and try to encourage them to do all things right and true and keep the Lord in your day...”
Her name is “Jane” and she rode with us for the rest of the way with thoughts ambushing each other with no avail of rest, the impact turned the path upside down as here I was mildly putting it, a bit “unhappy” about our new course, how quickly I felt one can loose it's priorities when voicing such non important aspects of Life. The Journey, the writing, the photos, Spirit, Old Faithful, all the components seemed to have blossomed into others path and so well worth it if even it was to procure one smile, “Jane's smile”. Be safe and well.
Peace, Love and Courage.

Ara & Spirit
Ara, those old neon signs......very nice. Your travels keep adding places to my "bucket list". thanks. Jeff
Ara, those old neon signs......very nice. Your travels keep adding places to my "bucket list". thanks. Jeff

I am taking some more today from downtown Tucson! The Old Motels... if I can find them!!! One more day here... Thanks Jeff.


My “Mistress”, the Road. AZ

Realizations do not take up much time in this element of Life, consciousness does, the inner battle often not wanting fully to realize the deeply rooted presence of an aspect one cannot anymore escape. We are for another day in Tucson, I could not avoid having to come back for some personal matters needing prompt attention, and within this go around here, there is now not an ounce of doubt, a full understanding that we will never be again filled with the ability to remotely survive while the call of the road is left behind. I have surrendered without a battle to such concept as amazing as it could be, seeing a constant horizon ahead with no end in sight, no gates and no doors and no locks as all a free passage even if so the stage is of a universal one, those are the components for a forward momentum too late to now stop. It is as a daily taste which has turned into a must, a need I could say as these days present again are as my breathing is curtailed from the lack of my own personal Life support. We dropped 1400 miles in about 3 days. We managed to stay at higher elevation and Karma took care of us in lower elevations throughout an unusual cool day even going through Moab, Bluff, the lower plains. It was a great ride with the winds carrying us on. Be safe and well.
Peace, Love and Courage.

Ara & Spirit
The Old Motels... if I can find them!!!

Ara, Benson Highway. It runs from Park Ave / I-10 down to Valencia / I-10. My parents lived on Benson Hwy when they first moved to Tucson in 1952. The area is not quite as safe as it was back then, so keep your eyes open.
We sure would like to meet you and Spirit some day, but it looks like it is not to be. We missed you by a couple of hours at the Beemer Rally, and then yesterday by comparing our SPOT tracks we were at 191/160 about 3.5 hours before you rolled through. So close and yet so far.

We sure would like to meet you and Spirit some day, but it looks like it is not to be. We missed you by a couple of hours at the Beemer Rally, and then yesterday by comparing our SPOT tracks we were at 191/160 about 3.5 hours before you rolled through. So close and yet so far.


Come to Texas in the winter!!!... :sun:


I can think, on Muley Point. UT

Colorado bound, yet cool weather, quick thinking at the last chance, the last intersection I could make a left instead of a right and Muley Point, Utah, it was. A few cars at the first look out, no one at the last one, the one I call “The Point of the Point”. What a gift it has been, great temperatures, a nice wind blowing away, almost cold throughout the night and a few photos, Sunset, Sunrise, a new painting for every moment passed. It was a need more than anything else after a few days in Tucson and the heat almost intolerable. We “are” headed toward Colorado, the high altitudes, the passes we can ride, a space we can find where we will settle for a while. We have been moving around too much, there is balance I feel we have lost and the necessary steps are ahead to regain it. To start with the ability to think, as Muley Point has allowed me to do so. The hottest month of the year it is, it is for us the only solution to maintain composure on this path we are on, up and up. Enjoy the photos...
Be safe and well.
Peace, Love and Courage.

Ara & Spirit