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[Trip Report] TWT Colorado Rally July 16th-23rd, 2005

"I heard another bike in the distance, & thought I'd swing around to catch them & give 'em a TWT card. Well, as a I went to turn, I started slidin the rear, and I knew I was gonna lowside. I didn't want to put it down on the side since my engine guard is still tweaked from the deer, so I cranked the bars to full lock, grabbed a handful of front brake, and endoed, letting the bike down gently on the cases and the windscreen. The dirt? Oh, thats from a diving catch of the frisbee. Look, here it comes again..."
gotdurt said:

Think he scratched the belly-pan as reward for doing that trick? And if so, did the back wheel start to turn?

gotdurt said:
FotoMoto said:

Fill in the rest.
A tarantula crawled into the road!

That comment is hilarious. :rofl :rofl :rofl I remember being in the Hill Country & Scott saw a huge spider in the road. He went to back the truck & trailer so he could get a pic of it & he had accidentally ran over it.
Re: Trip Report TWT Colorado Rally


This is what my dog does when she's too tired to play anymore.

...when I remembered that I had the margarita mix in my Jesse bags. Knowing the group wanted their drinks at the next gas stop shaken and not stirred, I felt the need to toss the bike around a bit. I hope these guys appreciate all I do for them and their stinkin' drinks!
Wel the week is done, time to head home now. so i;ll change up to some DS Pr0n until we can get back and post a real trip report.

KTM on some nameless rocky pass a few miles from where Scott's bike was performing tricks...


Beemer climbing a 45^ rocky hill on yet some other nameless pass, with some serious riding you'll get a look at later getting to that point.


Going up Ophir pass, it's a lot steeper than it looks...


Almost to the top of old Monarch pass, we did more passes then I can remember.


And a little quicktime movie of Will and the water crossing...

right click this and save as

I'm sure there'll be lot more when all the riders get home.
Great trip.....terrain, weather, roads, people.
Expect to have more to say after sleeping a bit.
Thanks to all of the group,
Geez... you'd think only one pic was posted... :roll: :lol:

Let's just say the big pig does not like ruts... :brainsnap

The sad thing is I was only going about 15-20mph because I was coming up to the next corner. I was trying to take it easy but apparently I should have just been hot-dogging it :shrug: We did get the bike flipped back over before the girls came around the corner to see me laying on the ground and the bike wheels up. AND... the pants that I had express shipped here in time for the trip to replace the ones I had just bought and burned on Vaughn's WR400... they got burned when I was trying to get to the key to kill the engine :miffed: On the same knee... I can't win... Did anyone know that the GS will run upside down :brainsnap

It turned into an expensive trip. The GS never let me down despite my best efforts to kill it. It's about time to go clean it up and inventory the carnage... There will be no pics of the bruises... suffice to say the hip bruise is HUGE and quite colorful. Nothing broken though (on me) and everything still moves like it should. I can't wait to go back... on a smaller bike :lol:
Tourmeister said:
Geez... you'd think only one pic was posted...
That pic got a lot of milage, huh? :shock:

It turned into an expensive trip.
Nothing broken though (on me) and everything still moves like it should.
Glad to hear that the expense is just in parts and you'll probably heal sorta quickly.
I assume any/all the other mishaps were minor and everyone got home OK.

Ready for all the stories... :-D
Welcome home everyone! Looks like fun was had by all (er, well at least Tourmeister ;-) ).

We behaved while everyone was gone :-D 8-)

:tab Actually, that particular mishaps looks far worse than it was. Well... it did crush the snot out of my GPS :tears: Otherwise, it was not all that bad. Just righted the bike and kept going. Thursday on the other hand... There weren't many pics because Will found me laying on the side of the road under a tree not moving and the bike was still on it's side. I highsided at about 20 mph and hit the ground really hard. The incident in the pic left no injuries to speak of. This second one did, to me and the bike. The head cover patch held and I rode the rest of the pass to get back to the main highway and turned tail and headed for the hotel for the rest of the day, leaving Will, Bill and John to continue on without me. I think fatigue played a major part in the second incident. I rode the last day of DS riding though and it was a total blast! Just remember, good protective gear is worth it's weight in gold!! My crashbar is toast... but it more than paid for itself several times over ;-)
Tourmeister said:
I can't wait to go back... on a smaller bike :lol:
What size...could it be Honda xr650r size? I'm thinking about something this size or do you think you would like Suzuki DR 400 size for the kind of DSing you do?

I have ridden on dirt most of my life and don't think I can take much more looking at posts about yalls dualsportin trips without doing something about it :-( Been riding 4 wheelers but not as fun as 2 wheels IMHO :roll:
XR650R or L, KTM LC4 625 or 640 like John's. The local dealer in Montrose rents DR650's for about $130/day.
Boy fatigue is right, I went to sleep at 9pm last night and didn't wake up till about 1 this afternoon. :eek: I didn't even unload the bike last night ans still haven't unloaded my truck, kinda waiting for the sun to go down.

Now I'm just wondering if my handle will get changed to puff :oops: daddy :lol:

Anyone hear from Wasabi? His car was giving him problems all the way home, and I turned off from following him just north of Fort Worth.