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TWT Arkansas Invasion Rally 09/16--09/19 2004

Well I finally got around to a few pics of the trip... I didn't take too many but here they are...fairly large pics.

First of all the Dyna at the Waffle house in Texarkana just before I took a nap waiting on the gang.

A couple of shots of the gang in the morning before heading out...


A few shots of the group from the saddle going into a couple of sweepers...


Time for gas...

The group on a break

Nice view...

Even nicer view at our lunch stop

Waiting for the tail end to catch up before going past the "beware of twisties sign...

The talamina? skyway in Ok on the way home, nice road till that last curve...

Boy what a purty bike :)

And that was the extent of my camera use. :) Nice trip, I'll definately be back.
Nice Pictures, especially those on the one scenic overlook we stopped at on the Talimena Speed Trap.

Ok, I think everyone has posted their pictures but me, I guess it is time. Now where did the kids put that camera?
This trip to Arkansas was made possible by the fine folks at ConocoPhillips. By allowing me to travel by bike on my business trips to Northern Oklahoma, that put me practically in the neighborhood for the invasion of Arkansas. I attacted from the western flank, a day late and a dollar short.

Here is a picture of me pulling my rig into the parking lot at Eureka Springs.

Tilted Tornado

Ok, maybe this wasn't from the Arkansas trip, but thought I would show people my other side.

My own personal pickup protected parking area. Which I sometime shared with the priviledged few. My bike with it's high center of gravity resulting from a lift kit likes to park on the flat and level.

Hotel Parking

Another Balcony view.

Parking lot part deaux

First Gas Stop on Saturday Morning.

Quick Trip
Different view
Enough already
Will is Ready

One of many regrouping stops. Poor people who rode slower didn't get much rest. Of course, look where I am in the line.

Enjoying the view

Debbie letting her mighty steed take a breather.


How peaceful.


One of the dynamic duo looking for relief.

In search of a

Waiting in line.

Is it my turn

The Women of speed saying; "Where is everyone and why do we keep having to wait on them?"

The femine side of the Ride

There they all are. What is it with these guys, they seem to be following us.

Bike Gang

Just another of thousands of scenic overlooks.

Beauty Abounds

Lunch on the Cliff.

More Bikes parked
Taking in the Scenery
Does this suit make my hips look big?
Same spot, no bikes

Scenic one lane bridge.

Bridge over the River Kwai

Here they come Miss Americas

What is that Squeaky noise.

Ok, the Talimena Scenic Byway is a beautiful road. Lots of informative signs and the many scenic overlooks. If we would have only stopped at the last one, maybe the friendly ranger would have got tired of waiting on us.

Talimena Toll Road Scenic Overlook 1
Talimena Toll Road Scenic Overlook 2
If someone would move these bikes we could see the scenery

The trip was great. This report of mine is lame. But, it has all been said already...
Here they come Miss Americas

What is that Squeaky noise.

I think these two links are messed up?

Same for the last two at the end of the page, they link to little thumbnails.

Ok, it was late. I hope that I can be forgiven. I won't do it again. Take pictures that is...

Hopefully that looks better.
:tab Well, we have the "new" motor in the bike and it fired right up once we got the gas turned on :oops: We had to jump start it off the GS because the battery was a little low. A big thanks to Squeaky for making an old crappy motor look new! When we went to mount the exhaust and saw it next to the pretty motor, we could not stand it. We sanded it down and gave it a fresh coat of high temp paint. It looks fantastic! All we have left to do is put the body work back on the bike.

:tab We pulled the valve cover off the dead motor because it is in much better cosmetic condition than the one on the "new" motor. Guess what we found...? A broken cam chain :angryfir: Barely two months out of warranty and the cam chain breaks!!?? Not sure what happened but the chain is all wadded up in the front of the case. We will still have to tear down the top end to see if there is piston or valve damage. However, if everything looks good, then we may just stick a new chain in it and sell it, or sell it as is.

:tab I still don't know what to make of the oil consumption issues though. The cam chain was nice and wet still. Is is possible that a loose chain might have allowed oil into the cylinders through the valve seats?

:tab Anyway, the bike should be ready for riding tomorrow. Deb is in torment about it though... She has been enjoying riding Jim Huber's borrowed SV650S so much that she hates to give it up :lol:

Tourmeister said:
:tab A big thanks to Squeaky for making an old crappy motor look new!

Actually, the replacement motor is mechanically sound and comes with a warranty, it just looked a little rough in the as-delivered condition. Since Debbie wants to sell this bike, let’s not be too harsh about the description of it ;-)
Congrats to everybody involved in the resurrection of the little GS! :chug:
:tab Hehe, I guess I should have said "old crappy looking motor", which it was. It was several different shades of flaking faded black. The valve cover finish was cracked and peeling as well. With all the cosmetic issues taken care of, it seems to run fine. Deb was quite excited last night when it finally came to life around 1:30am!! Once we replace the engine mounting bolt that we snapped, it never made it to the specified torque value, the bike is ready for a test ride :dude:

:tab The new motor did come with a starter which we were not expecting. We had to swap the wiring and coils from the dead motor to the new motor because they changed the way the wires plugged into the bike. Otherwise, there were no issues I recall concerning the old motor being from a '93 model bike and hers being an '01. I think the black finish on the motor looks better than the original silver motor.

Finally decided to post this trip report.

Here it is. Thanks to Deb "Snoopster" for helping put this together.

Wednesday, Sept 15th 2:40 AM.
:tab I wake up thinking it is time to go. I excited and ready to get started. Wait… I’m not supposed to be up until 3:30. Back to sleep I go.
Wednesday, Sept 15th 3:34 AM. Odometer Reading: 9133
:tab I hear “Snoopster” snooping through the house. Yeppi, it’s time to get started. We are on the road by 4:09AM. This being south East Texas it was hot and humid even this early in the morning. I’m keeping the pace nice and slow, the fog, plus an occasional fuzzy animal in the road keeps me alert.
:tab While entering Nacogdoches I have a problem reading the poor man’s GPS (the map) and we end up cutting through on business 59. Hey, there is breakfast. We stop for breakfast at IHOP. Back on the road by 7:09AM and headed up toward Texarkana.
:tab With another gas stop in Marshall Deb and I switch bikes. It is really fun riding the little GS500 and the different riding position helps break up the miles. Deb is off in no time on the Trinity.

:tab We cruise along at moderate pace with Deb leading the way when Bambi runs out. Deb, being the calm and collected rider she is, braked, let the deer cross, looked for its relatives, and then took off. We come upon a long straight and I wave her by and she is gone like a missile. Wow, that bike is fast. :shock: Especially, with less than 100 pounds to carry. Shortly after that we stopped in a small town and switched back to our rides. To me the R1 is much more comfortable.  Deb comments that I look funny on the GS b/c it's so little.
:tab It feels like we hit the morning rush hour in Texarkana, but besides the occasional annoying cager :shooter, we make it onto 59/71 north without any delays. “Arkansas” here we come.
:tab We cross into Arkansas at 10:15AM. A quick stop at the visitor station, I grab a couple maps from the really nice lady and we are on our way. After a small break in Ashdown and some banana taffy we are on the road again.
:tab We follow 71 up through Waldron and “Y” city. I notice the roads are getting a little more “interesting”. In an attempting to quit the voice in my head I keep the pace slow. Soon I see the exit for 23. :evil: After a quick stop for fuel and lunch we head north on 23 toward Booneville, then to Caulksville. It is just a matter of seconds and we are in Ozark. Then, we come to the intersection of 23 and 40. Is this the beginning of the Pig Trail? :-D
The clouds are looking a little ominous. Deb, “Snoopster” suggests we stop to put on the rain gear; my response is, “Stop being a little wimp”. We stop to put on rain gear about a mile later & yes we do get rained on.
:tab The little voice in my head is getting louder, and won’t stop yelling. I manage to calm him by sliding around a small wet curve. By the time we get to Huntsville, Arkansas the rain has cleared. It is 4:15 and we have 31 more miles to Eureka Springs.
:tab We check into our rooms at the Comfort Inn, clean up and we are off to the Historic district for some sight seeing and beer. Well beer for me, water for the tiny one. :chug: By midnight I’m exhausted and crash.

13hrs 530 miles on an R1 and GS500

Thursday Sept 16th 09:00AM.
:tab After a slow start we decide to hit the local pancake house for some breakfast.
We hit the road by 10:15AM and head south on 23 towards Huntsville?? Then, east on 16 then 7south towards Cowell. The weather is great, and the roads are clear. We come to the intersection of 123S/16East, and I realize I have to make a choice!! :scratch 123 is an awesome road. I miss it so…..  After a quick run south on 123. I stop park my bike on the little one lane bridge to take pictures. 10minutes later Deb comes screaming down the hill. She immediately is concerned what will we do if a car comes.

I’ll probably move, because jumping off the bridge seems a little drastic. After a quick swim in the river (the name of I don’t know) & Deb just getting her feet wet, we hit the road again. We keep heading south on 123 until we come to Hagarville. We break for water and Snickers. But, first Deb needs a potty. The lady behind the counter is nice enough to actually take Deb out back to her home, seeing that the gas station didn’t have a restroom. So while I’m wondering if Deb has been abducted I snap a few pictures. :lol:

A local warns us about construction ahead, so we take a detour & put on our rain gear just in time for the flood gates to open, again.
:tab Skipping lunch and deciding to head back to town via 21north. We arrive back at the hotel around 5ish, clean up and head to town for a bite and sight seeing. When leaving the little Irish restaurant at the entrance of town we bump into Kevin, Kevin, Jonathan, and Danny. They have made the trek from the Dallas area to join us for the weekend.  Here you go Rebecca, some new faces.

FRIDAY Sept 17th 07:30AM.
:tab I get up slowly and meet the gang for breakfast at the local pancake house. We are all back at the hotel by 8:30. After some socializing and deciding which groups we are riding in, I lead the long group and we make our way east on 62. Immediately I am lost and must pull the group over while I look at the map. Turns out I’m not lost, just impatient. :oops:
:tab We make our way across a long one lane wooden bridge and soon after we are in Missouri. Lucky for us Missouri has some great roads also. We make our way up to 90east and then to Noel where we catch up with Scott, Danny, and Rebecca. How did they get here first? :shrug: The benefit of knowing your way around is that you also know short cuts.
:tab Scott, Rebecca, and Danny pull out before us, in an attempt to stay ahead. Shortly after we mount and backtrack on 90. Before we get to highway E, I’m leaned over in a curve watching the appearing line when, a local sheriff comes around the curve. Being already leaned over and not willing to change or interrupt my bike I just keep going. In a slight glimpse in my mirror I see his brake lights. I slow and he never comes up behind me.
:tab I wait at the intersection of E and 90 when Bill “Wasabi” pulls up with a smile ear to ear. He knew he had just escaped an autograph session with the local Sheriff. We carry on to Cape Fair where we were to meet up with the rest of the gang for lunch. What!! It’s closed!! :shock:

We are all hungry seeing that it is 2:00 so we head up the road and find Scott, Danny and Rebecca. We socialize, eat, and generally annoy the local patrons.
:tab We leave out via 7613 248 and 160 where we come to the intersection at 65 and my GPS malfunctions, again. I have to turn the group around. A quick stop for fuel, then south on 65 to highway ‘H’. This road is familiar to me because last time I was here it was nothing but pea gravel.  This time it is white pavement with gravel near the edges. We stick to the car tracks and we are off.
:tab We soon arrive at the first section of 125. 125 is just an absolute fantastic road that has to be experience to really be appreciated. The curves are one after another, with great pavement and banking on everyone. We take off and I’m just not feeling 100% so I attempt to take it easy. We stop in Bradleyville to regroup. While waiting for the group I walk over to Bill ‘Wasabi’ and tell him I’m just not feeling it. His response of, “I can tell” woke me up. Immediately I started thinking what is not getting done, what am I not doing. Then it hit me. I’m not breathing properly. I relax, breath and everything is good. This road is just a total blast. If I wasn’t worried about our time and fuel, I would have loved to do that section of 125, 3 or 4 more times.
:tab We regroup before heading back toward Arkansas and across the ferry. I wait for the group to board when I board I signal to crewman that I’m the last one and we depart. While on board Jonathon informs us that the other group was back in Bradleyville at the gas station. Woops, should we of waited for them to get on the ferry? :lol: When exiting the ferry we notice the other group pulling up on the other side of the lake. We decide to head on out to the nearest water and fuel station. Some folks don’t have camel packs others have small gas tanks.
:tab I manage to loose a couple riders while determining the best route to get to 62 back to Eureka Springs. (Another poor man’s GPS malfunction). We decide they know the way home and head on out.
:tab We make it back to Eureka Spring in decent time, clean up, and grab a ‘couple’ beers. While we are waiting Chris (MS1150GS) shows up. We gather everyone together and head out to dinner at The Bavarian Inn. Chris' brother Randy joins us at the restaurant. Good food, Great conversation and cold beer!!
SATURDAY Sept 18th 07:00AM.
:tab I awake slowly with a slight headache. I pop a couple Advil & I’m good to go. I get ready and head downstairs. As I walk to the stairs I see Dyno Sport lying next to his bike. Did he pass out there, or is he taking a nap with his bike? Where is my camera?
:tab The weather is perfect with a slight chill in the air. Today we are doing the southern route, backwards. Doing the route backwards will help insure everyone is alert for the good stuff. We make our way out of town on 62. This morning we are making our way to 123.
:tab We arrive at the intersection of 74/123. Deb & I switch bikes but then I remember that this road has some gravel hazards so we switch back. We head up the mountain; after the 10mph switch backs with randomly placed gravel the road becomes absolutely perfect. In my short time riding I haven’t had the opportunity to do a lot of roads, but I imagine this as being one of the best. I get to the top of the mountain and the group is stopped, relaxing, and everyone just looks like they have found motorcycle nirvana. Rebecca arrives and informs us that Scott is setting up for some video footage.
:tab Stuart & Deb come across a couple of fellows who are loading wood into the back of their truck & they aren't very accurate as pieces go into the road making a mess. They both stop & quickly help move the debris before Rebecca comes upon it. Bill's chain comes loose & Deb is having a problem w/ her bike stalling while holding in the clutch. :-? We get our pictures taken, regrouped and headed out for lunch.
:tab Today we are headed to the Cliff House Restaurant. All I want to say is … :eek: What a view!!!

:tab After lunch we are on our way to run the other south end of 123. This road also ROCKS!!
The surface is a little rough in places but you just have to drive around those spots. Unless you’re on a GS Dualsport in which case you just tractor over it, and everything else in your way. We stop to regroup in Hagarville and decide our next course of action.
:tab We decide to run back up 123. Needless to say, I’m game for that. Leadwolf takes off and I follow. Larry really enjoys the sound of his peg feelers grinding. I make an extra conscious effort not to watch him through the corners. I don’t want to run up on him while he is busy grinding. We get back to the top of the hill and examine his pegs. He has been busy, really busy; he has managed to also grind his exhaust pipe on his VFR. :shame:
:tab Bill pulls up behind us and notices that his engine guard is loose. While he is removing it, he also notices he has an oil leak. :-? Scott and Deb arrive and we socialize a bit before heading back. It seems the little GS is running low on oil, again. Everyone is getting tired by now so we decide to make our way back home.
:tab The group is getting a bit worried b/c there has not been a gas station in site. I pull over in a small town w/ no such luck. Deb & Larry pull in behind me. As I pull away, Larry gets in the road to wait for Deb to leave. She is waving at Larry to get out of the road b/c the truck we just past is coming up fast. Larry not able to read sign language just sits there as the truck blows his horn & he scurries out of the way. He knocks himself in the head (doh!!!) We stop in Huntsville to fuel up, which was a perfectly timed stop because I only had .2 of a gallon left.
:tab Scott and I decide to switch bikes. I’m excited because the GS is a blast. Forget shifting just pick a gear and go. Well I was a little too excited. I stopped on the slopped gas station parking lot and ended up dropping it. It is a little heavier than I thought and I am a little shorter than I thought too. :-( No real damage, just cosmetic. How embarrassing!! Oh well, live and learn. How did no one get out the camera: Rebecca, Deb what’s up?
:tab We make our way back to the hotel, stopping along the way to get some pictures of the sunset. Later that night we make our way over to Sparky’s for dinner and beer. Scott and I get to meet Matt’s parents. He seems a little embarrassed.

SUNDAY Sept 19th 07:20AM. Odometer Reading: 10242
Here’s all I remember:
• Deb’s bike died, may it R.I.P.
• Stuart rescues the GS500 & takes Squeaky back in his truck while Deb gets a 600 mile test ride on Ally
• One oh sh*t moment on the pig trail. I was watching Scott through the trees after he had completed a 10mph switchback. Just thinking, wow that would be a great video. Then I remembered that I need to make the same 10mph switchback. LOOK and LEAN is all I remember thinking. How I made that turn I have no idea.
• Stop for lunch, grilled cheese with bacon
• Scott’s GS does scream give me a ticket.
• Stop for dinner, roasted chicken
• Highway 19 SUCKS
• Highway 45 SUCKS even worse.
• 606 miles
Dyna Sport: Here are your pics as a slide show: clicky

dower: nice write-up and pics.

Snoopster: how'd you like the R1? ;-)

Excuse me, I have to go kick myself again for not coming along...

Re: Finally decided to post this trip report.

dower said:
...125 is just an absolute fantastic road that has to be experience to really be appreciated. The curves are one after another, with great pavement and banking on everyone...This road is just a total blast. If I wasn’t worried about our time and fuel, I would have loved to do that section of 125, 3 or 4 more times.

We did that during the October Arkansas trip. 8-) Doc and I switched bikes for a couple of the runs, which made it just that much more fun. MO 125 is, without a doubt, my all-time favorite road anywhere! :bow:

Nice write-up, Will (and Deb).