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Wyoming BDR

The dronemeister at work.

A 1090 and an 1190. Great to see the big bikes out doing what they were made to do. Seeing the "not legal" flashing on the 1090's display warmed my heart. :)
What causes that?
He's got the KTM Dongle. It allows you to keep your Offroad ABS and MTC settings the way you left them when you shut off the ignition. Otherwise it will default back to ABS on, and TC on when you restart the bike. It was the first thing I bought for my 1090. Once installed, it flashes "not legal" on your left display until you press any button to clear it.
Took a short cut up to the BDR Trail and rode around 40 miles of section 7 today , FR 17 from alkali road to paint rock lake then 344 to cool springs road and back down . Pulled up on the 348 overlook and there were 25 bikes parked up there and probably met a dozen more on the trails . Riding it backwards was much more fun . Some roads are torn up a lot more than I remember and others are much better than a couple years ago . It’s wet up there and atv mud holes galore . The bike we saw were mudded out . Our little bikes are much easier to go around mud holes . Heavy rain up there again this evening but no dust .
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Reading on the wybdr Facebook page that sec 7 is mud pit right now and folks aren't making it.
Don’t know about the south end but from cold springs rd to 17 had mud puddles but none that couldn’t be skirted , I took the wrong approach line at one and had to cross to the other side but Tim stayed on the left side and after 80 miles his wheels were clean with a few specs under the fenders and mud on the front down tube , I skirted all of the mud on 344 down from the 348 overlook going north and there were Boggs up on top but no trees and bypasses at all the Boggs most rain is in the afternoon so don’t get in a hurry to hit the trail and on a sunny day the wet ground is gone by 10 or so , only the standing water is an issue . I saw bikes compleatly mudded out but had no problem skirting puddles on the same trail . I was riding my 450 Beta so tiptoeing through the tulips was very easy to do . Climbing some long rocky sections going up the unmaintained trail we took to get up on top was kinda fun and one we got to the road sections it was 35 mph except in the tight corners or faster .


maybe some of the bikes we saw were being ridden by atv riders , they like mud . I don’t .
There have been several days of rain in the afternoon lately and again today up high . The north end got it today . I’ll keep track of the weather and keep it posted here . That was a group of 20+ bikes from the north west on Friday , and most looked like they had ridden over here , fully loaded . Traveling light and a small bike is defiantly the preferred choice .
The north wind blew in yesterday evening with a vengeance and temps dropped. This is normal Fall weather here in Co. I've heard September in Wyoming is kinda like October in Texas...don't travel without a coat. The weather forecast here in the Colorado mountains is little more than an educated guess. I don't know about Wyoming but I'm thinking that's how this wind got here. Ya'll take care.
The Wyoming BDR. All eight sections represented. Composite of the few videos I brought back. Blaming it on fumbly fingers and riding gloves abusing an otherwise innocent GOPRO camera. Enjoy!

Nice pics and report. Thanks for taking the time to share it.
I skimmed a lot but is the state bird of WY still the mosquito?
Low 60s and mid 90s in the low lands through Labor Day , 20 to 30 degrees cooler in the high country and no rain in the forecast . The mud should be dried up by now . Lots of open range sheep in the high country of section 8 and dogs , they like hearding motorcycles
Thought of one other caveat to share last night. Not far into the journey I had to dodge what looked like a big post hole in the middle of the road. Looked just like somebody had used a tractor auger to drill down. Sneaks up on you quick. What the heck??? Prairie dogs. That was only one of several along the way. Once you know what to look for you'll see them early enough.
I came across a couple while we were out there. I was thinking they were Badger holes.
I’ve seen some in the woods but not in the trail but all of section 7 ive been on is forest service roads or trails and as of last year all sort of improved roads at one point , just not lately .