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Lost job - prayers appreciated


post tenebras lux
Forum Supporter
Dec 25, 2005
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Rowdylett, TX
First Name
Odd place to be at this stage of life - 58. Never been laid off or fired. :giveup:

God is BIG, no doubts (today). What He has in store, I don't know, but He has never failed us. Please pray for my wife and I; she will struggle with loss of "security" from not having a job and the fear of the cost of health insurance and just the whole insurance mess. My struggle will be self-doubt and wavering faith. I need to hear God's voice as He did with Joshua, "Be strong and courageous" 5x, God told Joshua that in the first chapter of Joshua, to a guy that had been Moses right hand guy, led many a battle and seen many a miracle. God doesn't waste His breath; I believe Joshua needed to hear that and hear it repeatedly, as will I. Old age is definitely not for sissies.

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Re: Losing/lost job

Hang in there. It's true that we can't always see the path ahead. One step at a time, friend.
Re: Losing/lost job

When I turned 50 I quit my job of 15 years due to burn-out. Well, that and a year earlier my employer had basically told me to choose between riding motorcycles and keeping my job.

I had no plan...just knew that I needed a break and some rest. Right away I decided to volunteer with the local Habitat for Humanity and served on their Board of Directors until I found employment eleven months later. While serving, the Board found out I had a background in IT so they asked if I would build a website for them.

My background is in writing code for business applications on a mainframe, not building websites. However, they needed me so I took on the challenge. I spent a month learning the basics of website hosting, design, building, etc. Then spent a month building a website for them. And I ended up building websites for two local businesses a few months later. Five months after building my first website, a job opening came up in my home town for a Webmaster. I applied, but didn't hear back. During the tenth month of my self-induced unemployment, I had three other job interviews...and never heard back from any of them. During the eleventh month, I reached out again for the Webmaster position and talked my way into an interview. I was hired the same day.

As I said, when I left my former employer, I didn't have a plan. After two months I was ready to sell the house and everything in it and just ride my bike around the country until the money ran out. But my sister called right after I had reached out to a realtor and said she and her husband were moving to Texas and needed to stay at my house. So I stayed put, kept the house and somehow kept up with the mortgage payments. It is surprising how far you can stretch and dollar when pressed.

Yes, I was very fortunate with how things worked out. However, all the while I heard the words “Be strong and courageous”. Prayers.
Re: Losing/lost job

Will do. That's a rough lick, for sure. Hey, if it had to happen...The economy is at full steam, businesses are hiring all over and one of them would love to add your skills and years of experience to their crew. You know, sometimes (OK, most times) blessings come in ways we don't easily recognize for a while.
Re: Losing/lost job

Will do. I've been there all too often.
Re: Losing/lost job

we've been jobless a few times through the years, and He's always seen us through to a new and better for us adventure. He Is Faithful.
Re: Losing/lost job

Math. 6:25-34..(consider the lilies of the field). God is never failing, always faithful. I know what you mean about doubting yourself. I find myself there all to often. Praying for you and yours......Dave
Re: Losing/lost job

On it, sir! :sun:
Re: Losing/lost job

Praying for you Gary!!

It is hard to be patient but God is in control. Stay busy! It tends to open doors.
Re: Losing/lost job

Thanks, all. Even though I don't get around y'all's parts these days, it is a great encouragement. I'll probably work there for the next 1-2 months in transition, as I am the Service Director and they'll need to hire a replacement. We'll see; one day at a time.
Re: Losing/lost job

Been there, done that. My wife doesnt believe me when I tell her they don't hire old guys. When you hit the five oh, they corps have a tendency not to. The good news id that the best opportunities are in services for the baby boomers that are retiring. Wait, thats us!
Re: Losing/lost job

My one and only lay off, so far, was in my mid forties. Kind of a shock. Took 10 months to get back to work in something similar to what I did. Belt tightening, soul searching, self doubt, all of that I understand. You will come out fine, you have to trust God in that. Prayer will help, be open to changes because they may be what pops up. I ended up taking a few steps back in what I was doing, but ended up enjoying it more than what I had been doing.
Re: Losing/lost job

I was laid off the 1st time when I was 29 and my wife was 8 months pregnant. Actually, it turned out to be the best thing, career wise, that ever happened to me, because it pushed me out of what I already knew was a dead-end low-pay job, and got me out looking for my 1st IT job - and my career for the next 28 years.

Layoff #2 was when I was your age - nearing 57 y/o. The company was having 2 layoffs a year like clockwork, I had already been pushed out of management, and my graying hair put a target on my back. I took a voluntary layoff which included a slight bonus over the normal package, and on my 57th birthday, rode into the sunset. It was a tight couple of years because that was 2008 - when the economy nearly collapsed and my 401K took a massive hit. But it was also the year my parents, no longer able to properly care for themselves, finally moved from San Antonio to be near me. I quickly found out I couldn't have managed a full time job and my parents' needs at the same time, so having retired prematurely ended up being a huge blessing. And somehow, even though money was tight, money was always there until my 401K recovered and Social Security kicked in. And that's how I finally figured out what Philippians 4:6-7 was all about.
Re: Losing/lost job

Sorry for all the stress at this point of your life. I have several friends 59-60 who have been laid off. Seems to be tough to finish at 65 anymore. I know you to be an early riser and hard worker and that puts you ahead of many. Maybe you can target early morning jobs, ones that most will avoid to get a little more pillow time.

A lot happens from just before 4am.
Re: Losing/lost job

Tracker, I'm praying for you. I am 58 also and have had that fear. I've been a manager for 30 years and I hate to say it, but I like the work ethic of a 58 year old better than most of the younger group. So I feel there is a place/plan waiting for you.
Re: Losing/lost job

Will be praying for you.

“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”
**Jeremiah‬ *17:7-8‬ *NIV‬‬
Re: Losing/lost job

this twtex crew allways amazing so much care and heartfelt consern for our fellow man .best of luck on the job hunt like rg said lots of jobs out there god bless. td
Re: Losing/lost job

thanks, all, for the kind, encouraging words and prayers. I found out today, I get 6 weeks to "wrap it up, hand it off", with pay and benefits.
Re: Losing/lost job

Tracker, where are you located and what kind of work do you have solid background in?

I'm hiring if you're a skilled machinist in the north Austin area. I also have an entry level opening in finishing work if you don't mind using your hands and some dust...

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
Re: Losing/lost job

If your a Veteran be sure to check with the Veterans Services people at Texas Workforce. I found people there who went to the wall to help me when I got dumped after a battle with my employer after hurting my back. The Veterans people pretty much led me by the hand through learning to build a great resume that employers will actually read rather than dumping it in the trash can. I can give you some great names if you live in the Cedar Park or Round Rock area. Hope it works out for you, don't give up.
Re: Losing/lost job

Tracker, where are you located and what kind of work do you have solid background in?

I'm hiring if you're a skilled machinist in the north Austin area. I also have an entry level opening in finishing work if you don't mind using your hands and some dust...

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

I would love to look at something like that, but I'm pretty well entrenched in NC at this point. I'm an IT geek, but like working with my hands.

If your a Veteran be sure to check with the Veterans Services people at Texas Workforce. I found people there who went to the wall to help me when I got dumped after a battle with my employer after hurting my back. The Veterans people pretty much led me by the hand through learning to build a great resume that employers will actually read rather than dumping it in the trash can. I can give you some great names if you live in the Cedar Park or Round Rock area. Hope it works out for you, don't give up.

Not a Vet, but glad someone had your six.

Resumes and online are good to pursue, but my experience is it's usually who you know and who will open a door for you. I'll purse the online job applying hard as I can, but in something like 88% of the cases, it's networking that gets the job. Of course, I only need one, which is good, and God owns the cattle on a thousand hills and spoke the Universe into existence, so I'll be good. It's just a matter of doing my best and seeing what He has in store for us.
Re: Losing/lost job

Tracker, as a 57 year old professional in the computer industry I can related to your situation, even though I am employed. You have the right positive frame of mind to carry you through this. You're right that your network is going to be the best way to land a new position quickly, but using the online job searching technologies is a close second if you've got skills. There are many jobs out there! I am sure you already know this, but getting a contract job until a more permanent opportunity becomes available is a good way to get some cash flow.

Glad to hear you have 6 months with full pay and benefits to prepare - that's a great thing - can help you get ready and make the most out of this change.

As they say, behind each change there is a good opportunity waiting if we are open to seizing it. Best luck!