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Ride Red
Aug 15, 2006
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What happened to the "other" guy! What did I miss.
Same guy? lol

Yes that's me. No more gore-tx. I've been cabanza on other forums for many years. You'll see I started a lot of threads on ADV Rider before I got banned 4 years ago. Now I'm active on other bike forums too.

I'm very happy talking about bikes. Once in a while I visit other areas of the forum but for the most part, I'd rather talk about bikes. I have a (younger) colleague who just got his motorcycle endorsement. He's started looking at what he would like to buy and ride. How exciting! His first bike. You can never duplicate that feeling.
I like your bike findings! Bring interesting bikes up.
Looks like an early model of Ryan F9's clones... Must've had an issue with the faces in the early days, as you never see his!

You'll see I started a lot of threads on ADV Rider before I got banned 4 years ago. Now I'm active on other bike forums too.

How does one get banned from adv? We've had a couple good contributors in the DR650 thread get the boot as well. Y'all been misbehaving in the basement it something?
Looks like an early model of Ryan F9's clones... Must've had an issue with the faces in the early days, as you never see his!

How does one get banned from adv? We've had a couple good contributors in the DR650 thread get the boot as well. Y'all been misbehaving in the basement it something?
We moved to Hawaii at the beginning of the pandemic (March 2020) and I had a total meltdown. I needed an outlet and found it in the basement of ADV Rider. I angered a lot of people and eventually got perma banned. I had been on ADV Rider almost 20 years. I took it hard especially since I contributed so much in the bikes section. While I deserved to go to banned camp, I think the perma ban is too much and does not serve any purpose. This is online after all and people need to take a step back and see the nuance in posts.

I have been back on ADV Rider but was found out every time. My other usernames were furygan which is my original username from 2001 then Whatev Kev and Pssst. I guess there is no forgiveness. :lol2:
We moved to Hawaii at the beginning of the pandemic (March 2020) and I had a total meltdown. I needed an outlet and found it in the basement of ADV Rider. I angered a lot of people and eventually got perma banned. I had been on ADV Rider almost 20 years. I took it hard especially since I contributed so much in the bikes section. While I deserved to go to banned camp, I think the perma ban is too much and does not serve any purpose. This is online after all and people need to take a step back and see the nuance in posts.

I have been back on ADV Rider but was found out every time. My other usernames were furygan which is my original username from 2001 then Whatev Kev and Pssst. I guess there is no forgiveness. :lol2:
ADV Rider is not the same place it used to be. It is easy to get banned or perma-banned now for almost anything. Some think that the current mods have been instructed to clean it up by the now corporate owners.
I have been back on ADV Rider but was found out every time. My other usernames were furygan which is my original username from 2001 then Whatev Kev and Pssst. I guess there is no forgiveness. :lol2:

One of ours from the DR thread tried recently. Didn't last but a couple of days. He was formerly Cyberdos and tried something Whooleeoh on his return. We miss him and Schmokel. They were cool, but couldn't stay out of the basement.

ADV Rider is not the same place it used to be. It is easy to get banned or perma-banned now for almost anything. Some think that the current mods have been instructed to clean it up by the now corporate owners.

No kidding! It's a real loss. Used to be an awesome place. I only visit the DR thread now, rarely something else interesting that pops up in thumpers.
ADV Rider is not the same place it used to be. It is easy to get banned or perma-banned now for almost anything. Some think that the current mods have been instructed to clean it up by the now corporate owners.

Well to be honest, back when I was active on ADV Rider it was a little out of control especially in the KTM sections. I remember a group of guys who constantly attacked people for their choices of accessories such as a center stand. They would tell them how having a center stand was stupid and you should just buy another bike and not the KTM and blah, blah, blah............ The users who were attacked were often either afraid to defend themselves or just didn't have the energy. Many of those users who were attacked were older gentlemen and were being attacked by younger school yard bullies. None of the mods said anything, I suspect because they were friends with the bullies. I bit my tongue (or finger in this case) until the day one of them decided to attack me and then I unleashed. I told him he better summon his backup immediately because he was going to need them and I was NOT the one of the users he was used to attacking. Amazingly the other bullies remained silent on this one and left the lead bully hanging out to dry on his own! The bully quickly realized he'd bitten off more than he could chew and disengaged.

The fact that the whole situation was allowed to exist by the mods was frustrating. I think it's common on a forum surrounding motorcycles for us users to occasionally go a little too far and it's nice to have good moderators to reign us back in. I feel that TWT is one of the best when it comes to this.
I joined adv in 2004 and discovered what a bunch of idiots the orange crush was in very short order . The dealer I bought my 950 from wanted to know what I had done to it after I took it to him for some warranty work a few months after I brought it home . I told him after looking it over there was a whole bunch of crap that couldnt help with the performance so it got **** canned , a year or so latter the orange crush guys started talking about it . Tuned my carbs so it hit from 3,000 up and mine had a centerstand and cans installed before I picked it up and bark busters as soon as I got it home and no blackdog crap or motion pro garbage and factory filters from the start and at 80,000 miles the motor is as tight as the day it was new . my last water pump has 50,000 miles on it too and still tight .
ADV Rider is not the same place it used to be. It is easy to get banned or perma-banned now for almost anything. Some think that the current mods have been instructed to clean it up by the now corporate owners.
Even I, yes, lil ol’ me, had a post deleted from its thread and moved to the basement.
New member Elguapo sure reminds of another member here?? Any ideas who?
He had to start fresh as his original profile was on too many ignore lists. Hence his posts were not being seen by enough people to get someone to argue with him.
Nope, you too need to head over to the Israel war thread. Look how polite I was to cabana despite him formally being gore-tx. You are right about one thing, Texas T doesn't have me on ignore now. Feel free to put me on ignore.
Dude, nope. Signed off of off-topic. To toxic in there. RB drives me crazy, wonder if she even has a bike, lol.
I've totally dropped toxic online spaces. Won't even look at them anymore. I've ignored the OT section on here for something like a year now. Huge quality of life improvement.

Separately, I've also switched to a low information diet. I don't read and rarely watch the news. It's amazing how little any of that has to do with your day to day life. If it's important you'll hear about it anyway. I highly recommend it.
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