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Pie Run Report - Sam's in Fairfield

Here are some pictures I took of the bikes and the folks gathered around them chatting:










Great pics of the arrivals, Scott! Thanks for doing that.

Left Flower Mound about 7:30 on the Sprint, headed through Mabank and Gun Barrel City. Plenty of wind damage going on there. One nice benefit of being on the bike was on 198 between Payne Springs and Malakoff they they had brought a machine out for working on the trees in the road and were turning the cars back around to find a detour. Guy figured the bike could squeeze by so he let me go on through!

Went back through Whitney and Glen Rose and got in about 5:15. So 382 miles on the day and just over 7 hours in the saddle. Wildflowers were outstanding.

Thanks Brian and Bill for the lunch conversation. Happy to meet both of you.
I had a nice time visiting and also had a great ride.

I enjoyed the ride up and I amazed how clear the weather was after the forecast calling for severe AM thunderstorms. Our crew of 5 bikes narrowed to 3 for an extended ride after lunch which led us over to Frankston, Crockett, and back to Huntsville. I am still kicking myself for not stopping and taking a pic of what could be the biggest field of clover in bloom I have ever seen.

Hope everyone's day was as good as mine and that you arrived safely home.

I am planning a RTE for the 2nd or 3rd weekend in May, hope some of you can ride out for lunch. I'll post it soon in the upcoming rides section.
Thanks Scott, that the first picture anyone has taken of me riding my FJR!

This picture links to the photos I took today:


I had a great time, I can't wait for the next one!
it was a good day to ride.

S.O. and I started from Friendswood at the crack of 0800 and came up to Huntsville and then went west and parallel I-45 for the trip to Sam's.

When we arrived at 1135 everyone was already inside and eating so we missed out on the pics of arrival.

We took a circuitous route east and south of Fairfield to come back through Crockett and Livingstone on some very nice back roads to HW 59 south to Houston.

Arrived home at 5:30 pm with round trip of 425 miles - and just in time for the S.O., who is an R.N., to get called into work.

It was another good day of riding on the FJR.
Good to be back in the saddle and eating pie, even if it'll be my last pie run for a while (schedule changes at work, moving to Saturdays). It was windy but I'll take that for the rest of the wonderful weather we had. Trees and grass were bright green and the wildflowers were out in full force. Thanks to the "Scooter Trash" for letting the obnoxious loud wimpy gas guzzling Bandit 400 along. I had a blast.

P.S. Just because she's a grandmother and on a scooter, don't even think your going to dust her in the corners!

Roughly 330 miles today, and my bum did NOT like that much time in the Bandit seat.

Also, can anyone explain how the fuel tank is connected to the bladder? As my fuel tank gets lower, my bladder gets fuller. There has to be a connection there somewhere.
Watching the news last night I found out why we saw so many tree limbs down around Malakoff on the ride down. They had a E1 tornado go through there Friday night. :eek2:

I also found out why we had to work our way around a tree down in the road southwest of Corsicana on the ride back home. They had 87 mph winds go through there. :giveup:
The photos are great, guys and gals (though not as good as being there).

I had a prior committment, but I made sure I had pie:


(Okay, cobbler -- but it was hand made).

And the service was friendly:


And it was free! (Except for the $8.00 parking at Reliant).

All in all, I think the 74th Annual Sam Houston Area Council Scout Fair was a hit!

good ride, nice and cool a bit windy in the afternoon but not as windy as it was the night before. we saw lots of tree's and limbs down going both ways.


on the return back north we diverted west so I could show Kelly, Dan, and Collin where the SSC main campus is, and where it all was suppose to fire off from at the Linear Accelerator Building where we got the dime tour from the current resident, a builder of fancy attic stairs. http://www.rainbowatticstair.com/


the Linear accelerator building is 20 feet wide and 800 feet long and sits above the 1000 foot long tunnel that the main weapon/gun/ death ray thing whatever they called it, that was to inject the particles into three small rings and build up the speed before injecting the particle into the main 54 mile ring.

only 14 miles of tunnel were dug before the plug was pulled.

the main tunnel is 200 feet below ground but the the injector tunnel is pretty shallow and currently full of water.


Leaving Sam's I headed down the interstate to Buffalo to pick up highway 79 to return to Austin. I pulled off in a rest area to adjust some equipment.

When I pulled out I fell in behind a group of about six bikes lead by a Goldwing. All but one of this group turned north in Buffalo, but I followed a rider on what I think was a black Vstrom on 79 all the way to Hearn. It was fun following you my friend, I think we have similar riding styles.

Shortly before Hearn I hit a swarm of big bugs and had to stop at the Hearn Sonic to clean my visor and rehydrate. .
Great pictures M38A1

This is me. I think I am the grandmother Jasen was referring to lol. It was great having him with us

Hey Rasz, I think that comment came from when he followed Robin up FM 813 from Rockett to Palmer. I hung back with Kevin and let those two have a little fun.
Sorry Rasz, but you are not the one I referred to. However, you should have stuck with us for the corner shredding that Robin did toward the end of the ride. Craig was no slouch either. :mrgreen:
Hey M38A1,

Great pictures and thanks for the new avatar! :-P
good ride, nice and cool a bit windy in the afternoon but not as windy as it was the night before. we saw lots of tree's and limbs down going both ways.

Tried to catch you guys at Venus, but got a bit of a late start. Looked like they had some pretty severe wind in Hubbard, tornado maybe? Lots of broken trees and wadded up metal.
I think it was around Round Rock on the way out, the locomotive pulling the train was 95% covered up in fresh tree branches. Very strange to see a camo-loco, but I'm guessing a big tree fell across the tracks and they just go over whatever is in the way stripping all the branches off and affixing themselves to the lead engine.
I got a text from Jack "jackntexas" this morning saying that our ride was on. :sun: Along w/ Jack, I met up with Phillip "Pkiser", James Cain & Dave from Huntsville (not sure about his user name) and we headed out around 9:10. We did a nice loop and arrived about 2 hours later. It turned out to be a great day but once in Fairfield I realized why I should always take my allergy meds. :doh: Thank goodness the gift shop had some. It was nice to meet some new people & also see some familiar faces.:mrgreen:

After lunch Jack, James & I headed out for some more great riding. Jack got the "Squeaky u-turn" out of the way quickly at the Fairfield Reservior. :rofl: James got separated for a moment while day dreaming :zen: but I know that we both enjoyed the roads that Jack chose. :rider: Thank you Jack :thumb: for leading the way. I logged in about 310 miles and can't believe I didn't take a single :photo:

Deb, it was good seeing you. We need to do another girls only. And maybe add overnight camping
Tried to catch you guys at Venus, but got a bit of a late start. Looked like they had some pretty severe wind in Hubbard, tornado maybe? Lots of broken trees and wadded up metal.

I looked back up 67 as far as I could see before we pulled out was worried you would pull in the exxon right as we went out of sight.
in Coolidge met Mike? (wonderdog) from Wichita Falls on a newish KLR amd Wayne? and Effram? from Dal-Ftw area so we ran as an eclectic group: cruiser, sportbike ninja, KLR and Tiger to Fairfield

one county road had tons of trees blown over, and they said Hubbard was a mess, but nothing like the Mississippi tornado disaster

on the way back road with Reggie and his FJR, Fairfield was about 60-70 mile from Waco, so it was a nice shorter ride; it was nice talking to some of the TWT folks
Looks like lots of folks showed up. It would have been a great day for a ride, but I was humiliating myself on the sporting clays course at Glen Rose. I saw a lot of bikes, and I really wish I'd just strapped the shotgun to the back and ridden down there insteand of taking the truck.
I had a great time Saturday. Got to meet a few folks and see a lot of neat machines. This was my first Pie Run, and I was happy to see such a diverse group of bikes, and good folks.

JBay- We did have a good mix of bikes in our little group, didn't we? Ephraim and Wayne were some good folks.

I thought the going would be easier going home since I was under the impression I had a slight tailwind on the way down. Was I wrong about that! KLR front fenders act like sails in high crosswinds!:eek2:

Still, about 520 miles altogether. A good way to finish the break in on my new bike! Cant wait for the next one.:rider:
Scott & all, thanks for sharing the wonderful pictures. My wife works most weekends so it was a treat that she was able to join me for this Pie Run. We had a nice 153 mile ride up from Austin and a leisurely ride home with a stop at DQ as the day heated up a bit. The days total of a little over 300 miles. Between my wife and I we were able to snap a few pictures to share as well. Enjoy.
























Was that you back there? :-P That was me on my brand new Versys. :rider:

Leaving Sam's I headed down the interstate to Buffalo to pick up highway 79 to return to Austin. I pulled off in a rest area to adjust some equipment.

When I pulled out I fell in behind a group of about six bikes lead by a Goldwing. All but one of this group turned north in Buffalo, but I followed a rider on what I think was a black Vstrom on 79 all the way to Hearn. It was fun following you my friend, I think we have similar riding styles.

Shortly before Hearn I hit a swarm of big bugs and had to stop at the Hearn Sonic to clean my visor and rehydrate. .